Forty six seconds in your company Or ninety four tears in a frozen wasteland Thirty eight minutes in a chicken's nightmare Or sixty two welcome homes in a dream Hurry up and get some juice for the juice man No big heads or the big man will loose your head bu*ton up and lock your heart on the way out Tell your friends last night was the perfect fit Real men hunt in packs Yeah - lets' be responsible For the bad bad bad bad blood (And the good blood) Eighty six impressions of a talented man Or ninety nine gut-wrenching minutes of misery Seven pica-seconds of letting you go Then twenty five different homes in a year (Twenty five different homes in a calender year) Loosen up and tie your legs to the handrail Grin that grin and pretend your were given in Chew it up and spit back at the waitress Leave your bra, I could do with material Real men hunt in packs Yes - they expect it of us We are still operating We are still operating