Franklin P. Adams - His Monument lyrics


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Franklin P. Adams - His Monument lyrics

Horace: Book III, Ode 30 "Exegi monumentum aere perennius---" The monument that I have built is durable as bra**, And loftier than the Pyramids which mock the years that pa**. No blizzard can destroy it, nor furious rain corrode-- Remember, I'm the bard who built the first Horatian Ode. I shall not altogether die; a part of me's immortal. A part of me shall never pa** the mortuary portal; And when I die my fame shall stand the nitric test of time-- The fame of me of lowly birth, who built the lofty rhyme! Ay, fame shall be my portion when no trace there is of me, For I first madeÆolian songs the songs of Italy. Accept I pray, Melpomene, my modest meed of praise, And crowm my thinning, graying locks with wreathes of Delphic bays!