Frankie Shaw - Eps.1.2_d3bug.mkv lyrics


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Frankie Shaw - Eps.1.2_d3bug.mkv lyrics

(The episode begins with a “previously on” segment. It opens on Tyrell in his meeting with Elliot and a series of E-Corp lawyers) TYRELL I will be the youngest executive this company has ever seen. (Ollie is taking a CD from Cisco on the street. As that conversation plays out, the screen cuts to Cisco having access to Ollie's laptop via hacking) OLLIE All right, you know, I'll take it if you leave us alone. All right? CISCO Thank you. Check track two out. OLLIE I will, track two. CISCO All right, man. (Gideon is talking to Elliot at work) GIDEON Why didn't you tell me about the DAT file? (Elliot and Mr Robot sit on the edge of a pier.) ELLIOT Worked at Evil Corp his whole life. Then out of the blue, he got fired. No one knew why. He had leukemia. Made me swear to never tell anyone. Finally, I got so worried, told my mom. And when he found out, he got pissed. MR ROBOT You ever think you deserved it? ELLIOT I was eight years old. (Mr Robot pushes Elliot off the edge of a pier) MR ROBOT You didn't commit to the sacred pact you had formed. (The “previously on” segment ends as the episode begins with Tyrell. The episode features a series of cuts between Tyrell in front of a mirror and him preparing for the meeting by running through the city and doing pushups. He is tying his tie and practicing his speech for the CEO of Evil Corp, Phillip Price. Near the end of the speech, be begins hitting himself repeatedly) TYRELL My approach within our business units, is to first invest in new technologies and develop prototypes in order to understand the technology potential. Because despite the recent success of our cybersecurity team, our company currently still has seventy-two potential hacker vulnerabilities in our primary and second No, wait a second You stupid piece of sh**. Again. Our company currently still has 73 potential hacker vulnerabilities in our primary and secondary data centers. Now is not the time to be encumbered by the company's tragic and shameful loss of our chief tech-- Too formal, God damn it! Warm it up, don't be a cold robot. Again! Now is not the time to be encumbered by the company's tragic and shameful loss of our Chief Technology Officer. We have to be swift in naming a replacement CTO. And, sir, I would like to suggest it be me. For the sake of our company that we make our decision today. My promotion... My internal promotion shows not only our confidence as a company, but strength in our boldness to the public. Thank you for your time. You will be the next CTO of this company. You will be the next CTO of this company. You will be the next CTO of this company. (The scene fades to Tyrell sitting in the waiting area near Price's office. Anwar, Price's secretary, watches Tyrell anxiously sit with some hard to place interest) ANWAR You sure you don't want anything? Pellegrino? Tea? (Phillip Price leaves his office. Tyrol stands and approaches him) TYRELL Sir, thank you again for seeing me. PRICE Tyrell, I'm gonna have to reschedule this. Anwar, set up another time. TYRELL Sir, it's just that I think that— PRICE I get it, I get it. We'll get another meeting on the books right away. We've got a really good CTO candidate the board is very excited about. They're not ready to discuss it yet. We'll loop you in. Just give us a couple of weeks. Hmm? Uh, put Wellick back on the books. Two weeks. Oh, nice tie. Let me guess. Brioni? Great taste, as always. Be well. (Price exits, as Tyrell leans over the reception deskl) ANWAR I'll email your a**istant the details. TYRELL If you could, just email it to me directly. This is too important for me to miss. (The scene shifts to Tyrell's SUV. Mr Sutherland, who was driving, stops the car under a bridge. Mr Sutherland opens the car door for Tyrell, who exits the car, takes off his jacket, and puts on blue rubber gloves. A homeless man approaches. Tyrol picks up a stack of money) MR SUTHERLAND Mr. Wellick, we're here. HOMELESS MAN Do you think I could have 300 this time? TYRELL Spoken like a true capitalist. (Tyrell hands the man some money) HOMELESS MAN Bad day at the office? No kicking. (Tyrell proceeds to beat the man up.) Argh. Please. Enough. (Tyrol doesn't stop) No more. (After one last hit, Tyrell stops, takes the gloves off and put them in a ziplock bag. He puts his jacket on, and gets back into his car. Mr. Sutherland drives away as the homeless man lies in pain on the ground.) (The scene shifts to Elliot in a hospital room. He is bruised and bloodied. As his vision clears, he sees Shayla and Krista in his room) ELLIOT (V.O.) Most coders think debugging software is about fixing a mistake, but that's bullsh**. Debugging's actually all about finding the bug. About understanding why the bug was there to begin with. About knowing that its existence was no accident. It came to you to deliver a message, like an unconscious bubble floating to the surface, popping with a revelation you've secretly known all along. I don't know why I'm saying all of this. Maybe it's because I'm pumped up on whatever smack legal drug dealers like Eli Lilly make money off nowadays. But usually it's because there's a sense it's coming. A bug buzzing its way towards me to gum up the works until it forces me to make a call. "k** me or embrace me." Or maybe I'm just freaking out because I never thought I'd wake up to find these two women staring back at me. SHAYLA Are you awake? ELLIOT I don't know. What are you doing here? SHAYLA We talked, maybe a few hours ago when I first got here. You don't remember? They said I was your emergency contact. ELLIOT Um, all right. SHAYLA Um You told them to call your psychiatrist. You can't leave until you talk to one. So I'm gonna wait outside. (Shayla steps outside the hospital room, leaving Krista and Elliot alone to talk) ELLIOT Hey. KRISTA Do you remember requesting me from the staff? You requested me because ELLIOT The police said that I got jumped by a bunch of kids. KRISTA It's not the end of the world. They wanted to do a full drug panel and you refused. May I ask why? Elliot, if we can't have a conversation about this— ELLIOT I've been taking morphine. KRISTA Why? ELLIOT I don't have a good enough reason to give you. I Wish I did, but I don't. KRISTA Maybe we should consider rehab. ELLIOT I'm not a junkie. KRISTA Then you'll need to prove it to me. Submit to a bimonthly drug test. Voluntarily. That's the only way that I'll recommend your release. (As Elliot goes into voice over, the scene briefly goes to Elliot at his computer, hacking the hospital's records, to turn his positive drug test to a negative) ELLIOT (V.O.) Hospitals, a heavily networked one like this are almost too easy to hack. This is William Highsmith. He's not only the head of the IT department here, he is the IT department. He's also an idiot. Not that I blame him because the people that hire him are also idiots. The poor guy only gets a budget of about $7,000 bucks a year. And he's supposed to protect their network from people like me? He never stood a chance. He uses useless virus scans, dated servers, and security software that runs on Windows 98. It's one of the reasons why I made this place my primary care facility. I can make my health records look like every other obedient zombie out there. (The scene goes back to Elliot and Krista in his hospital room) ELLIOT Okay. You don't have to worry. I'm not going to do morphine again. ELLIOT (V.O.) Like I said, the most difficult thing about debugging isn't fixing the bug, it's all about finding the bug. For Evil Corp, Mr. Robot found that bug in me. I was the mistake that led to all of this. (The scene shifts to Elliot and Shayla at their building. They are on their flat, going into his apartment) SHAYLA I have to ask you one thing. Did you have something to do with Vera getting busted? sh**, Elliot. You said you weren't gonna do anything. He's on murder charges, do you know that? His whole crew bounced. I mean, I I don't know what I'm gonna do for money now. Just tell me, Elliot. And don't lie. Did you do something? ELLIOT No. Hmm. SHAYLA Hey. ELLIOT Hey. SHAYLA Are you okay? - I mean with everything that happened to-- ELLIOT I'm fine. (Shayla notices that Elliot's door is ajar. They enter his apartment, and see Darlene is there) SHAYLA What happened to your door? ELLIOT You're not supposed to be here, okay? I changed the locks for a reason. DARLENE Mmm. Interesting toy, but you may want to spend a little more scratch if you actually want it to, you know, work. Check it, Jessica Alba says she wants to join fsociety. Jesus, what happened to your face? ELLIOT What's going on? DARLENE Well, I'm not the princess of social graces, but typically it goes something like, "Hi, this is Darlene” ELLIOT Stop. You need to leave. DARLENE Babe, seriously, we have a lot of sh** to discuss, so if you wouldn't mind Get out. I suggest you get a grip. I mean... ELLIOT (V.O.) What was she talking about? ELLIOT I gotta get to work. DARLENE Work? Are you serious? You can't go to work. You have to call in sick. ELLIOT I have to go. ELLIOT (V.O.) A bug is never just a mistake. It represents something bigger. An error of thinking that makes you who you are. (Scene shifts to Angela jogging outside. A man runs past her, dropping a wallet. She picks up the wallet and chases him down the street, handing him the wallet) ANGELA Sir! Sir! Sir, you dropped your wallet! MAN Thanks. ANGELA Sure. (The man sprints away as a woman runs by. She approaches Angela, clearly in pursuit of the man who just ran by) WOMAN Stop! Stop! He stole my purse! That was your wallet? Yes, that was my wallet you just gave him. (Angela stands there, perplexed.) (The scene shifts to Ollie on the phone with Stella, his mistress. They are clearly mid-argument) OLLIE Stop! He got into my system. And he wants me to put the CD on one of the computers at work. STELLA (VOICE THROUGH PHONE) Why does he wanna do that? ANGELA I don't know, Stella, he didn't give me a full explanation. STELLA (VOICE THROUGH PHONE) So, he's got naked pics of me? OLLIE Is that the only thing you're seriously taking away from this conversation? (Angela enters their apartment post-workout. She's still shaken from the earlier incident. Ollie hangs up quickly) OLLIE Hey, babe. ANGELA Hey. OLLIE How was your run? ANGELA Strange. Someone dropped their wallet. And I picked it up to give it to them, but then this— OLLIE Nothing strange about that, just shows how good of a person you are. Always have been. Almost to a fault. ANGELA What does that mean? OLLIE Just that you... You're too good for the world. That's probably why I love you. ANGELA I'm gonna hop in the shower. (Angela goes into the bathroom and running water is heard. Ollie gets a call on the computer from a distorted voice) OLLIE I told you I can't talk. VOICE You have 100 hours precisely. After that, everything we own will be released. (The scene shifts to Gideon's office at AllSafe. He is having a meeting with Lloyd, Ollie, Angela, and Elliot. Elliot's mind is elsewhere). GIDEON And it's not enough just to focus your attention on the logs. We should also monitor social-media traffic, as well as IRC, Pastebin. And set up scripts to keep going 24/7. We might get lucky, we might get sloppy, make a mistake, you know, catch some ELLIOT (V.O.) This is the world we live in, people relying on each other's mistakes to manipulate one another, use one another, even relate to one another. The warm, messy circle of humanity. GIDEON Elliot? I'm inviting you guys, uh, to dinner tonight. Morton's notwithstanding, I cook a mean steak. What? Can't a boss invite his favorite employees to dinner? ELLIOT No, that's cool, but I got plans. GIDEON Can you guys give us a minute? LLOYD, ANGELA, AND OLLIE Yeah. (Lloyd, Angela, and Ollie all leave Gideon's office) GIDEON You wanna tell me what's going on? ELLIOT Not really. GIDEON Well You're missing work, you come in looking like that, and you expect me not to ask questions? Look, I don't know how much you want me asking about your personal life. But— ELLIOT Not at all, actually. I mean, I don't mean to be rude, just I'm just being honest. (Elliot leaves Gideon's office and walks over to his cubicle) ELLIOT (V.O.) Mr. Robot may have found Evil Corp's bug, but he didn't find mine. That's the only way to protect myself, never show them my source code. Close myself off. Create my cold, perfect maze where no one can ever find me. (Someone in a chair in a cubicle next to him turns around. It's Mr. Robot) MR ROBOT Elliot! I cannot believe you work here. This place is a sh**hole! Look, I thought I'd swing by, take you to lunch. (A pretty red head walks by and smiles at Elliot. When Mr Robot begins to talk to her, she glares at him and walks away) Oh, that's nice. I think she likes you, bud. All right, fine, I'll take her. But let the record show, I was trying to be a good wing man. Oh, calm down! sh**. I'm not that into redheads anyway. The whole nation of Ireland makes my dick soft. ELLIOT Leave. MR ROBOT Darlene said we need to talk. ELLIOT Leave, now. MR ROBOT You're right, probably shouldn't talk here. Let's go to that bar next door. ELLIOT I'm not going anywhere with you. MR ROBOT I'm not going anywhere until you do. So, I can hang out here and create a scene, or you can give me five minutes in the bar next door. Either way, I'm gonna have fun. (The scene changes to Mr Robot and Elliot sitting at a bar. Mr Robot sips an appletini) MR ROBOT Dealer's choice. ELLIOT Mmm. MR ROBOT What? It's an appletini. ELLIOT I should kick your a**. MR ROBOT If that'll make us square, you have my blessing. ELLIOT Nah, man, I want nothing to do with you. You're a maniac. (A bar tender approaches Elliot and Mr Robot) BAR TENDER What can I get for you? ELLIOT Uh, nothing. MR ROBOT Uh, you should probably order something. I'd recommend this. ELLIOT Fine. I'll, I'll have a Appletini. (The bar tender gives them a strange look before leaving to make the drink) MR ROBOT You should it as a compliment, guy, these things are goddamn delicious. I get it, compliments make me uncomfortable, too. ELLIOT You know, I find that hard to believe. MR ROBOT Yeah, who am I kidding? I love compliments. (The bar tender returns with Elliot's appletini) BAR TENDER $12. (Elliot, bemused at the price, pays, then downs the drink) MR ROBOT I really don't think you enjoyed that. I suggest sipping it ELLIOT Last chance. What do you want? MR ROBOT I'm sorry for what I did. ELLIOT I don't buy it. More importantly, I don't give a sh**. MR ROBOT Hey, I never wanted to hurt you. People who get violent, get that way because they can't communicate. Your dad I bet he felt sh**ty for doing what he did. I'm sure he wanted to apologize, too. Sometimes pushing your kid away is just easier. Don't stay mad at him too long, kiddo. (Mr Robot begins to leave the bar) ELLIOT You're leaving? MR ROBOT That's what you want, isn't it? ELLIOT What about your plan? MR ROBOT Plan? You're the key to the whole thing. Without you, there is no plan. ELLIOT That's it? It's over? You expect me to believe that? MR ROBOT See you in another life. (Mr Robot leaves.) (The scene shifts to Elliot walking the streets. He is smiling. The screen is much brighter than before, with lots of colors and intense saturation. Peppy music plays as Elliot drinks a large Starbucks drink. This scene of Elliot walking to work is inter spliced with happy people doing the things he references) ELLIOT (V.O.) Did you hear that? I can't believe it. Is that really happening? Fsociety's finally over. The recent glitch in the otherwise neat reality I created over the years, I'll never slip up like that again. I'm gonna be more normal now. Maybe Shayla could even be my girlfriend. I'll go see those stupid Marvel movies with her. I'll join a gym. I'll heart things on Instagram. I'll drink vanilla lattes. I'm gonna lead a bug-free life from now on. Anything to protect my perfect maze. (When the voice over ends, Elliot has arrived at Gideon's office with his Starbucks. He takes out his ear buds as the music abruptly stops. He enters the office) ELLIOT Hey, Gideon. Is that dinner still on for tonight? GIDEON Um, yeah, sure. Uh, uh, you want You want to come? ELLIOT Yeah. GIDEON Great. ELLIOT Can I bring my girlfriend? GIDEON You have a girlfriend? ELLIOT Well, I haven't asked her yet, but I will. Hopefully she'll say “yes.” GIDEON Uh, yeah, sure. ELLIOT Perfect. Thanks. (Elliot leaves the office. Once he's gone, Gideon motions to his secretary, who is outside his door. She opens the door and leans in, just as shocked by the change in Elliot as Gideon is) GIDEON Was he drinking Starbucks? (The scene shifts to Ollie at his computer at work. He is about to put the CD in the server, but still not sure if he should. Angela approaches before he can) ANGELA Are you still trying to rip that CD? OLLIE Yeah, it's all scratched up. Let's get outta here. (The scene shifts to Tyrell at home. He is changing in his walk in closet and looking at his smart phone, on which Anwar's instagram is open. He pulls up a picture of Anwar and some friends at a gay bar. He changes from his formal dress shirt, tie, and jacket, and puts on a fitted sweater. Joanna, his wife enters. She is a beautiful woman, with long brown hair. She is very pregnant, and the same height as her husband in flats. There is something chilling and unsettling about this woman. She speaks to him in Danish, as he speaks to her in Swedish. She questions where he is going, and he says its for work, which he is doing “for us”. She wonders if its really for them or just for himself. He aggressively grabs her face, pulls it near his, and a**ures her that his self-interest is in their best interest. He leaves.) (The scene shifts to Elliot and Shayla sitting on a couch in Shayla's apartment.) ELLIOT My boss invited me to a dinner party at his place tonight. Thought you could come as my girlfriend. SHAYLA What? Are you actually asking me to be your girlfriend right now? ELLIOT Yeah. Anyway, I need you. I'm not good in social situations like that. SHAYLA There is something seriously wrong with you. I'm-- I'm not gonna be used anymore. Why don't you ask the girl from this morning, okay? She seems like she might wanna go to some stupid, stuffy dinner party. You don't actually know me. All you know is that I'm-- ELLIOT (V.O.) Of course I know Shayla. I hacked her email as soon as she moved in next door. With a simple phishing scam, I owned her pa**word pretty easily-- SHAYLA I'm not talking about the stuff you can find online. I'm talking about the real me. ELLIOT Tell me then. SHAYLA No. Forget it. ELLIOT I wanna know. (Shayla walks over to a chest, and carefully pulls out some rolls of fabric. When she unrolls them, we see lovely collages.) ELLIOT (V.O.) What is this? ELLIOT It's beautiful. ELLIOT (V.O.) I've never seen this before, she must never posted online. SHAYLA Um, I mean, a lot of 'ems not They're not done. ELLIOT (V.O.) She's got her own private maze, too. SHAYLA Took a lot of different pieces, um, from different things. From my photographs or drawings. And Like, there's this one. Um, it's really f**ing corny. But it's like Has everything. The kids and the--- ELLIOT (V.O.) Shayla 's bug was always elusive to me. Maybe this was it, wanting normalcy, but stuck in the outer fringes. Not knowing how to participate. Just like me. ELLIOT Can I kiss you? (Shayla kisses Elliot.) SHAYLA Next time, don't ask. It's lame. ELLIOT (V.O.) Bugs usually get a bad rep. But sometimes... SHAYLA Don't let me down, okay? ELLIOT (V.O.) When a bug finally makes itself known, it can be exhilarating. Like you just unlocked something. A grand opportunity waiting to be taken advantage of. (The scene shifts to outside of a gay bar. Tyrell's SUV drives up and he gets out. Anwar leaves with a group of friends. Tyrell stops him) ANWAR Mr. Wellick? Hey. TYRELL What was your name again? ANWAR Anwar. I didn't know you came to places like this. TYRELL I don't. ANWAR What do you mean? You're here now. TYRELL I'm here because you are. ANWAR What? I'm sorry, I don't get it. TYRELL I think you're beautiful. I wanna take you home. ANWAR Wait, I thought you were married. (Tyrell kisses Anwar) ELLIOT (V.O.) Because, after all, a bug's only purpose, its only reason for existence, is to be a mistake that needs fixing. To help you right a wrong. And what feels better than that? (The scene shifts to outside Gideon's door. Elliot and Shayla arrive to find Angela and Ollie waiting) OLLIE So, Elliot, do you think you should introduce us? ELLIOT Oh, um, Shayla, Angela and Ollie. OLLIE You, uh You look lovely this evening. (Lloyd arrives) LLOYD What up guys? You just get here? OLLIE Nice suit. LLOYD Thanks, dude. ANGELA What is up with you? You've been fidgeting all night. OLLIE Maybe we should try the doorbell again. (Harry, Gideon's husband, a friendly, heavier blond man, opens the door) HARRY Hey guys! How have you been standing out here? The doorbell is broken. I should have warned you. Come in! I'm Harry, by the way. (Angela, Ollie, Shayla, Elliot, and Lloyd all hesitantly enter) ANGELA Angela. Nice to meet you. HARRY Nice to meet you. OLLIE Hey. HARRY Always nice to put a face with an employee badge number. OLLIE Right? HARRY Ollie, how long have you guys been together? ANGELA Uh, two and a half years. OLLIE Two years. HARRY Okay. Elliot, how long have you and Shayla been together? ELLIOT Well, uh Um, just Just today. (Gideon enters) GIDEON Okay, enough grilling of the guests. Let's check on the real grill, shall we? Elliot, I could use your help. (Gideon and Elliot leave for Gideon's deck, where the grill is. Gideon begins cooking while Elliot awkwardly stands there) So, I have a confession. I had the sys admins of the data center in Dulles check that server again. ELLIOT (V.O.) Gideon, what did you do? GIDEON Of course, there was nothing. I have no idea what there was to even be suspicious about. I mean, what possible motivation would you have to do anything? ELLIOT (V.O.) Gideon has to let this go. If he comes near this hornet's nest, I'm not sure I can save him from it. I have to k** any suspicion left. GIDEON You've been nothing, but a hard worker for Allsafe. So, I apologize. ELLIOT After the conversation on the plane, I knew what was at stake. The whole company. I was worried that the DAT file I found wasn't the right one, and I just didn't want to get your hopes up in case I was wrong. That's why I didn't tell you before the meeting. ELLIOT (V.O.) sh**, I'm gonna have to let him hug me, aren't I? (Gideon hugs Elliot, who has no idea what to do. He hates this) GIDEON You're such a brilliant engineer, Elliot. You should never doubt your sk**s, no matter how much pressure I put on you. And you certainly don't have to keep anything from me. I care about you. (The scene shifts back to Gideon and Harry's apartment, later that same evening. Ollie, Shayla, Lloyd, Gideon, and Harry are all chatting pleasantly, showing photos, sharing stories, laughing, etc… Angela and Elliot sit in the window together) ANGELA From the Mixed-Up Files of Basil E. Frankweiler. That's where I got the idea, remember? I wanted to be Claudia Kincaid so bad. Even her name was cool. Remember, we thought we were going to the Met, somehow we ended up at the Queens Museum instead. ELLIOT No Google Maps back then. ANGELA I loved running away with you. Somehow, when you're eight, running away can be fun. ELLIOT (V.O.) The normal life. Smiles, dinner parties, childhood stories. I could get used to this, maybe even like it. (The tv, which had been on the news lightly in the background, is turned up. Everyone walks over to stand in front of it) ELLIOT What's wrong? NEWS ANCHOR Evil Corp's hacking scandal continues with the release of these latest emails. Information stemming from the latest dump reveals that Terry Colby was one of three high-level executives involved in the cover-up of the widely publicized Washington Township Toxic Waste Scandal. If these reports are true, Colby may be facing more indictments. In the ensuing 24 months after the alleged toxic waste leak in 1993, 26 employees died from similar types of leukemia. Evil Corp, however, managed to get the cla** action lawsuit filed against it by the surviving victims dismissed, claiming there was no direct evidence linking their factories to the diagnoses. Now, these emails indicate that Colby was in fact aware of the dangerous levels of toxicity and kept it a secret, as it quote, "Would not be cost-effective "to retool the current systems in place, even if there are potential lawsuits." End quote. Mr. Colby was unavailable for comment, but his lawyers… ELLIOT (V.O.) My perfect maze crumbling before my eyes. NEWS ANCHOR data dump are further proof Colby was set up. But they didn't indicate by whom. ELLIOT (V.O.) There's nothing to hide behind. I didn't think it existed, but there it was, is. Mr. Robot finally found my bug. NEWS ANCHOR linking the waste levels in Washington Township to the victim's illnesses. Legal an*lysts support the claim that there is not enough evidence to... ELLIOT What's going on? ANGELA That's how my mom, um, and Elliot's dad... I have to go. OLLIE Well, wait Wait, let me come with you. ANGELA No, I'd rather you didn't. NEWS ANCHOR Evidence in the Washington Township scandal. Terry Colby remains under investigation for his alleged involvement with the Evil Corp executives because there was no evidence linking the waste dump to leukemia. Evil Corp... (The scene shifts to Elliot fleeing the party, walking the streets of New York. As a buss pulls away from a stop, young Elliot and his mother are revealed sitting on a bench in flashback. Elliot is crying, but his mother is coldly smoking her cigarette. They are both dressed formally and all in black - clearly coming from a funeral) ELLIOT'S MOTHER Don't look so sad. He did this to himself. He gave in. He was a coward. He was weak and pathetic, and, in the end, that's what k**ed your father. Why are you crying? Don't ask so many questions. YOUNG ELLIOT I miss him. ELLIOT'S MOTHER There's no point to that. YOUNG ELLIOT But I do. ELLIOT'S MOTHER Then you're just as weak as him. YOUNG ELLIOT You're not sad? ELLIOT'S MOTHER Why should I be? It's a beautiful night. The weather is nice. And I'm enjoying my cigarette. ELLIOT (V.O.) The bug forces the software to adapt, evolving something new because of it. Work around it or work through it No matter what, it changes, it becomes something new, the next version, the inevitable upgrade. (The scene shifts to a wall in an apartment. Noises indicate that people are having s** in the other room. As the camera pans to the open door, it is revealed to be Tyrell and Anwar, nearing the finish of the encounter initiated earlier. As Anwar flops down onto the bed, Tyrell stays standing on his knees and checks his heart rate. He grabs a towel and hands it to Anwar) ANWAR You're a strange creature. TYRELL I'm just a businessman. ANWAR And that's about as clean as I'm gonna get it. TYRELL You have to do the rest in the shower ANWAR I don't mind being a little dirty. TYRELL I do. (Anwar stands and leaves for the bathroom. The running water can be heard from the other room.) ANWAR You should join me! TYRELL Yeah, I'll be there in a minute. (Tyrell begins to dress again, and grabs Anwar's phone. He places the hack he intended to on the phone, and sneaks out of the apartment.) (The scene shifts to Ollie and Angela's apartment. Ollie is sitting in the apartment as Angela enters) OLLIE Hey. ANGELA I'm sorry that I ran off like that. OLLIE Did you talk to him? ANGELA Nope. He wasn't home. OLLIE Well, I'm here. ANGELA I want to talk to you about everything, just not tonight, okay? OLLIE So, you'd talk to him, but not your own boyfriend? ANGELA It's different, Ollie. Both of our parents died because-- That's how we know each other. I really don't wanna talk about this right now. OLLIE Well, what if I do? ANGELA What if you do what? OLLIE Wanna talk! About Something. ANGELA What the hell are you talking about? OLLIE I have to tell you something. (The scene cuts to later that evening. Angela is holding their computer and going through all of the information Cisco has, staying a while on the chats with Stella. She has been looking at this for a while) OLLIE I don't know why you're-- You're putting yourself through this, you don't have to keep looking at it. All right? It meant nothing. Okay, I know I sound like a broken record, but I love you, and I wanna be with you. ANGELA Stop speaking. OLLIE Just tell me what you need in order for me to fix this, and I'll do it. ANGELA We need to break up. OLLIE Angela, come on. ANGELA What choice did you give me, Ollie? OLLIE Look, I know I have a problem, I'm not denying that. ANGELA Well maybe my problem is I can't be with a guy with your problem. Where's the CD? OLLIE It's in my In my bag. Why? ANGELA He has my bank account, Ollie. And my dad's bank account. OLLIE How did they— ANGELA Our accounts are linked because of my student loans. I used your laptop to access it. He has my dad's social security, his credit card numbers, everything. OLLIE Okay. Okay, that is bad, but I'm But I'm sure the cops will figure out a way— ANGELA If we don't do what this guy says and we go to the cops, then he's just gonna sell our information to the highest bidder, and me and my dad are completely screwed. Do you have any idea how difficult it is to come back from ma**ive identity theft like this? OLLIE What are you saying? Angela? Are you crazy? No. We cannot just infect Allsafe's network because of this. I'll lose my job! ANGELA And there it is. OLLIE You'll lose your job too, if that matters. Besides, even if we put the CD in, who says this guy won't just do all of this anyway? Hey. Hey, hey. Come here. Look at me. We are going to figure this out. Okay? ANGELA You're right. You're right. I'm sorry. I'm just scared. I don't wanna break up with you. I'm sorry that I said that. OLLIE I love you so much. (The scene shifts to Gideon at AllSafe. He is looking at a computer and on the phone.) VOICE OF DULLES This is Edmond Dulles. GIDEON Yeah, hi. This, um, Gideon Goddard at Allsafe Security. I need to talk to Sean Skyler about server CS30 again. VIOCE OF DULLES Hold please. I'll transfer you. GIDEON Mmm-hmm. (The scene shifts to Tyrell entering his home right after leaving Anwar's apartment. Opera music is playing. His wife is lying on their bed in lingerie and a blindfold. As the two converse - he speaks in Swedish and she in Danish. [If someone who speaks the language(s) could write in the dialogue, that'd be fantastic], as she instructs him to grab the ties from their closet. He is hesitant, tired from his evening and worried about what the S&M she is proposing would do to their baby. She says she doesn't care. She wants him to detail his evening, and the next day, wants him to set up a dinner with Scott Knowles. She then makes him put a ball gag in her mouth)