[Kensington Palace Hotel 1st script reading of "200 Motels" January 18, 1971] Howard: It's him, he's watching us! Mark: You think he heard us? Ian: I've been in the band for years, and . . . you can bet that he hears everything Jeff: Let's go over and pretend to be nice to him Howard: Let's go over and pretend we don't know he's watching Mark: And ripping off all our good material Howard: Hi, man Ian: Hi, Frank Mark: Hi, man Jeff: Hi, Frank Aynsley: Hi, man George: Hi, Frank Mark: Well, that's a great new comic song you wrote, that one about the penis and everything, I was laughing a lot while I was learning it Howard: Yeah, Frank, uh, it was a little hard to get into it first, but, uh, once we got the drift . . . Jeff: That's a real great part you got in there for the chorus when they go ran-tan-toon ran-ta-tan, while I steal the room and everything, I don't mind he's ripping it off so long I get paid . . . Mark: Me too, I won't even care 'bout the part where it goes "what can I say about this elixir?" so long as me and Howard and Jeff get credit for special material, there's some bad ground acid . . . Aynsley, you can take it with a grain of salt, ha ha ha . . . Aynsley: I don't mean to upset you, lads . . . I don't mean to upset you, lads, but the reason my retorts were so snappy is because he's making me do this, I should imagine he's making you do yours too, isn't he? Howard: Get out of here, you creep, you used to live in his house! Aynsley: See you later, lads