[Artis the Spoonman spoons] [Moon:] This is all wrong. This is all wrong [FZ:] The pigs run the city, the ponies run the TV station and you wanted to apply for a job [Spider:] Some of them wear these jackets that are made out of polished animal skins. It's called leather [John:] Leather? [Monica:] Oh, and their tight black pants [Spider:] It's sort of like plastic, only it's made out of animals [Larry:] It's sad, ain't it? [Monica:] Yeah [Larry:] Um, you can't win 'em all [Moon:] Oh! [Mike:] Sweetheart . . . [Moon:] What? [Mike:] If we go to the . . . we could probably be alone [Moon:] Yeah [Ali:] Wo? [Moon:] . . . could drink coffee . . . [Ali:] Ja! Kaffe war a scho guat, aba des is a Klavier . . . [Mike:] I want some soul food . . . [Moon:] . . . it's a heartbeat and it feels like a . . . [Mike:] Have you seen "Jungle Fever"? [Moon:] . . . a big . . . [Ali:] Ha, ha gordum once, sinemaya gittim ben . . . [Mike:] "Jungle Fever." The girl with the big bu*t? [Ali:] Bak, bu piyanonun icinde nereden sinema buldun sen? [Moon:] This must have been what the brochure was talking about. They said you'd . . . you'd feel a . . . a kind of a serenity . . . a feeling of peace of . . . of . . . [Mike:] Hey, why, why don't you shut up?! [Ali:] Cocuklar, siz saatlerce kahveden birsey anlatiyorsunuz, ama burada . . . ah, bunlarda acayip sarkilar soyluyorlar . . . acayip, degilmi? Yagmurda basliyor . . . [Moon:] . . . entering into a different realm . . . I can't remember the name of it . . . [Mike:] Hey, yo man . . . I don't like all this waterfall action [Moon:] . . . and I guess that's where most of the part of it's . . . I . . . guess it's all about resolving past crime and everything . . . and . . . also . . . about . . . [Ali:] Bence . . . [Mike:] Hey, yo, hey . . . this ain't the "Blue Lagoon"! What the hell . . . this ain't "I Dream of Jeanie" [Ali:] Bu pianonun icinde bir . . . meyhane gibi birsey yapmak lazim, yani, piano guzel bir sey ama, . . . bende seni hic anlamiyorum abi . . . [Mike:] What? Man, man, I'm gonna close off communications if you don't start speaking the language, Jack!