Francis William Lauderdale Adams - Why He Loves Her lyrics


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Francis William Lauderdale Adams - Why He Loves Her lyrics

YOU ask me why I love her, As I love nought on earth? Why I'll put none above her For sorrow or for mirth? Though there be others fairer; In spirit, richer, rarer; With none will I compare her, Who is to me all worth! I love her for her beauty, Her force, her fire, her youth, For kisses cold as duty Bespeak not love, but ruth. I love her for the treasure Of all the rapturous pleasure Her love gives without measure Of pa**ion and of truth! I love her firm possession Of instincts fair and true; Her hatred of oppression And all the wrong men do; Her fiery, unflawed purity, Her spirit's proud security, Defying all futurity, And fate and fortune too. And O, my love, I love you For where words faint and fall Something in you above you, Some mystery magical; Some spell that's past concealing, Some influence past revealing, Some deeper depth than feeling And life and d**h and all!