Francis Ford Coppola - The Godfather Scene 6 lyrics


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Francis Ford Coppola - The Godfather Scene 6 lyrics

[DISSOLVE TO: Piano player's hands.] [DISSOLVE TO: bu*tonman standing with back to camera. He's smoking as he exits left.] [DISSOLVE TO: Newspaper headline: "Third Month of Gangland Violence"] [DISSOLVE TO: Pot of spaghetti being dumped into an outside trash can.] [DISSOLVE TO: Clemenza sleeping on cot.] [DISSOLVE TO: Newspaper with Vito Corleone's picture, with the headline: "Syndicate Big Shot Vito Corleone Returns Home"] [DISSOLVE TO: EXT. HOSPITAL – DAY] [Ambulance, police, reporters around, and photographers taking pictures.] VOICE *among other mumblings*: Hey, come on, let's go... get in the car Clemenza and four bu*tonmen get in the first car and drive off, followed by the ambulance, and then another Corleone car.. CUT TO: CORLEONE FAMILY GATHERING AT THE MALL'S GATE [Ambulance driving down the causeway. Corleone family continuing to gather at the mall's gate. Don Corleone's foyer filled with relatives including a crying baby.] ORDERLY: Okay, you take over...Tom starts up steps. An attendant and a bu*tonman carry the Don on his stretcher up the stairs as the family watches. At the bottom of the steps we see Sonny holding his son, Frankie. FRANKIE *as he play-punches Clemenza in the belly*: Ow! CLEMENZA: Very nice...! CUT TO: THE DON'S BEDROOM – DAY [Vito Corleone is being visited by family members.] LITTLE GIRL: I love you, Grandpa. SANDRA *carrying a crying baby*: I'm sorry, Pa...he doesn't know you yet. SONNY: All right. *to his son Frankie, whom he's still holding* Here you are, big guy...give it to Grandpa. FRANK: Okay. *reading from his handmade card* I hope you get well, Grandpa, and I wish I would see you soon. Love, your grand son, Frank. [Frank kisses the Don.] MAMA: Ooohh... SONNY *to Frank*: Go with your mother *to Sandra* Go ahead...take 'em downstairs...come on... *after the women and children leave* Go on, Carlo – you, too. Go on... CUT TO: KITCHEN – DAY [Mama and others prepares dinner.] SANDRA *background*: You want all of that chicken cacciatore for your... sweetheart? *to Connie, who's cutting bread* Oh, hey, that's enough bread! CONNIE *background*: But I like bread! CUT TO: THE CORLEONE MAIN GATE – DAY [Children are playing ball, and the ball bounces toward the gate. A bu*tonman picks it up and tosses it back.] [CUT TO: THE DON'S DINING ROOM – DAY] CONNIE *laughingly, while putting the bread on the table*: What's the matter with you, Carlo? CARLO: Shut up and set the table... CUT TO: THE DON'S BEDROOM – DAY [Vito is in bed, holding cards and presents given to him. Clemenza, Tessio, Tom, Fredo and Sonny are standing around the bed.] TOM *sighs*: Since McCluskey's k**ing, the police have been cracking down on most of our operations – and also the other Families. There's been a lot of bad blood. SONNY: They hit us so...we hit 'em back. TOM: Through our contacts in the newspapers, we've been able to put out a lot of material about McCluskey being linked with Sollozzo in the drug rackets. See – things are starting to loosen up. SONNY: And I'm ah sending Fredo to Las Vegas, under the protection of... uh... Don Francesco of L.A...I want him to rest. FREDO: I'm going to learn... the... casino business... SONNY: Yeah.. VITO CORLEONE *whispering*: Where's Michael? *a little louder, after Tom doesn't answer* Where's Michael? TOM *after looking off toward Sonny, bends his head toward the Don*: It was Michael who k**ed Sollozzo. But he's safe and we're starting to work to bring him back now. *The Don, markedly upset and angry, gestures that they leave him alone. They exit.* CUT TO: HALLWAY AND STAIRS AS SONNY AND TOM DESCEND – DAY SONNY: I want you to find out where that ol' pimp Tattaglia is hiding. I want his as snow right now! TOM *after he stops Sonny*: Hey Sonny... SONNY: What? TOM: Things are starting to loosen up a little bit. If you go after Tattaglia all hell's gonna break... SONNY *background*: Oh, Tom... TOM *continuing*:... loose. Let...let the smoke clear. Pop can negotiate. SONNY: No, Pop can't do nothin' til he's better! I'm going to decide what's going to be done. TOM: All right, but your war is costing us a lot of money; nothing's coming in! SONNY *background*: Whattsa matter? TOM *continuing*: We can't do business. SONNY: Well neither can they! Don't worry about it. TOM: They don't have our over-head! SONNY: Please, don't worry about it! TOM: We can't afford a stalemate! SONNY: Well, then, there ain't no more stalemate. I'm gonna end it by k**in' that old ba*tard! I'm gonna... k**... TOM: Yeah, well you're getting a great reputation! I hope you're enjoying it... SONNY: Well you just do what I tell you to do! Goddamn it! If I had a wartime consiglieri ...a Sicilian...I wouldn't be in this shape! Pop had Genco look what I got. *after exhaling* I'm sorry, I didn't mean that. Ma made a little dinner – it's Sunday... TOM *walking away*: It's alright... CUT TO: DINING ROOM – EVENING [The family is eating at the table.] SONNY *to Tom*: You know n******gs are havin' a good time with uh...our policy banks up there in Harlem...drivin' them new Cadillacs...payin' fifty percent on a bet. CARLO *to Sonny*: I knew that was gonna happen soon as they started makin' big money. SONNY *background, to Carlo*: Yeah... CONNIE: Well Papa never talked business at the table, and in front of the kids. CARLO: Hey shut up, Connie, when Sonny's talking... SONNY: Hey, don't you ever tell her to shut up. You got that? CHILD *background*:... cake. MAMA *to Sonny*: Santino... don't interfere. CARLO: Hey look, Sonny, Tom I'd like to talk to you maybe after dinner. I could be doing a lot more for the Family. SONNY: We don't discuss business at the table. CUT TO: DON'S BEDROOM [Fredo sitting in the window seat.] [DISSOLVE TO: SICILIAN COUNTRYSIDE] [During the day. "The Love Theme". Michael is walking with his bodyguards, Fabrizio and Calo. A car drives up to them and stops. Fabrizio opens the door for Tommasino.] FABRIZIO *in Italian*: I kiss your hand, Don Tommasino. TOMMASINO *in Italian*: Michele, Why are you so far from the house? You know I'm responsible to your father for your life. MICHAEL *in Italian*: I'm with Calo and Fabrizio... TOMMASINO *in Italian*: It's still dangerous. We've heard from Santino in New York. Your enemies know you're here. MICHAEL *in Italian*: Did Santino say when I can go back? TOMMASINO *in Italian*: Not yet. It's out of the question. MICHAEL *as he starts to walk away*: Grazie. TOMMASINO *in Italian*: Where are you going now? MICHAEL: Corleone. TOMMASINO *in Italian*: Take my car... MICHAEL *in Italian*: No. I want to walk. TOMMASINO: Accura! Be careful! [MICHAEL, FABRIZIO AND CALO RESTING UNDER A TREE] [Michael and Fabrizio are snacking, while Calo tans himself.] FABRIZIO *in Italian*: Tell us something about New York. MICHAEL *in Italian*: How do you know I'm from New York? FABRIZIO *in Italian*: We heard. MICHAEL *in Italian*: Where? FABRIZIO *in Italian*: Somebody told us you were a real do you say...a pezzonovante. A big shot. MICHAEL *in Italian*: I'm the son of a pezzonovante. FABRIZIO *in Italian*: Ah...Is America as rich as they say? CALO *sunbathing; in Italian*: Stop bothering me with this rich America stuff! FABRIZIO *to Calo; in Italian*: Eh, shut up... *to Michael, in English* Eh, take me to America. If you need a good lupara in America, take me...I'd be the best man you can get. *he sings The National Anthem in broken English* Oh, say can you see? By the dawn's early light? Ah? MICHAEL *as Fabrizio laughs*: Bravo! [DISSOLVE TO: ANOTHER SECTION OF THE SICILIAN COUNTRYSIDE – DAY] [Michael, Calo, and Fabrizio are walking. They walk on a terraced hillside. Calo, pointing to a town on a hilltop as we hear church bells.] CALO: Corleone. [DISSOLVE TO: EMPTY STREETS IN CORLEONE, SICILY] MICHAEL *in Italian*: Where have all the men gone? CALO *in Italian*: They're dead from vendettas. *pointing to a plaque on a wall* There are the names of the dead. [DISSOLVE TO: COUNTRY ROAD – DAY] FABRIZIO *as an American Army jeep dives past*: Hey, hey, take me to the America, G.I.! *more* FABRISIO *Cont'd*: Hey! *to another jeep* Hey, hey, hey, take me to the America, G.I.! Clark Gable! Eh! *as a third jeep drives by* America, America, va! take me to the America, G.I.! Clark Gable! *mutters in Italian* [DISSOLVE TO: SICILIAN COUNTRYSIDE – DAY] [Young village girls pick flowers and sing. Unaware of Michael, Fabrizio and Calo watching them. One of the girls, Appolonia, is startled when she sees Michael. After an exchange of looks, Appolonia turns and walks away, saying something in Italian.] FABRIZIO *in Italian*: Mama mia what a beauty. APPOLONIA: *something in Sicilian* FABRIZIO *to Michael, who can't keep his eyes off of Appolonia*: Oh...I think you got hit by the thunderbolt. CALO *poking Michael's shoulder; in Italian*: Michele. In Sicily, women are more dangerous than shotguns. Apollonia turns to look at Michael. [DISSOLVE TO: A SMALL VILLAGE CAFE – DAY] [We hear "Sicilian Pastorale." The owner, Vitelli, after yelling something into the kitchen, welcomes the guests, who are seating themselves at a table.] VITELLI *in Italian*: Did you have a good hunt? FABRIZIO *in Italian*: You know all the girls around here? We saw *more* FABRISIO *Cont'd*: some real beauties. *after Vitelli smiles* One of them struck our friend like a thunderbolt. She would tempt the devil himself. CALO *in Italian*:... tempt the devil... VITELLI *gesturing "put together" with his fingers; in Italian*: Ah, I understand...really put together... FABRIZIO *in Italian*: Really put together, eh Calo? CALO *in Italian*:... together FABRIZIO *in Italian*: Such hair...such mouth! CALO: A bocca... VITELLI *in Italian*: Ah, the girls around here are beautiful but virtuous, ah? FABRIZIO *in Italian*: This one had a purple dress and a purple ribbon in her hair. CALO *in Italian*:... a purple ribbon... FABRIZIO *in Italian*:... a type more Greek than Italian. CALO: Piu Greca d'Italiana FABRIZIO *in Italian*: Do you know her? VITELLI *curtly; in Italian*: NO! There's no girl like that in this town! *Vitelli turns and enters the cafe, yelling.* FABRIZIO *gets up to look into cafe; in Italian*: My God, I understand! MICHAEL *to Calo; in Italian*: What's wrong? FABRIZIO *returns, after Calo shrugs, to collect his things; in Italian*: Let's go. It's his daughter. MICHAEL *in Italian*: Tell him to come here. FABRIZIO *in Italian*: You don't understand. It's his daughter! MICHAEL *in Italian*: No, no, no, no. Call him. [Fabrizio dons his lupara before going in to get Vitelli. Fabrizio, Vitelli, and other men emerge from the cafe. Vitelli looks irate.] MICHAEL: Fabrizio...traducce per me. FABRIZIO: Si, Signor. MICHAEL: I apologize if I offended you... [Fabrizio translates into Italian.] MICHAEL: I am a stranger in this country...Fabrizio translates.