Francis Ford Coppola - The Godfather Scene 10 lyrics


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Francis Ford Coppola - The Godfather Scene 10 lyrics

CUT TO: Clemenza walks to his car carrying a large package. He pauses to wipe his car. CUT TO: THE CHURCH [Priest dips his hand into oil jar, and sprinkle's the baby's lip and chin.] PRIEST: Something in Latin . (While the priest continues off screen:) CUT TO: BARBERSHOP [Barber is patting lather on a Willie Cicci's face for a shave.] CUT TO: HOTEL ROOM [Neri takes his old policeman uniform out of a suitcase.] CUT TO: CHURCH [Priest dips his hand in more oil, signs the cross on the baby's forehead.] CUT TO: HOTEL ROOM [Neri, dressed in uniform, dumps a bag containing badges and a gun.] CUT TO: HOTEL [Clemenza, carrying his package, ascends the stairs.] CUT TO: CHURCH [Priest makes the sign of the cross over the baby. The ceremony continues.] PRIEST (something in Latin) (in English): Michael, do you believe in God, the Father Almighty. Creator of Heaven and Earth? MICHAEL: I do. CUT TO: BUILDING LOBBY [Barzini walking, stepping out a cigarette.] PRIEST'S VOICE: Do you believe in Jesus Christ, His only Son our Lord? MICHAEL: I do. PRIEST'S VOICE: Do you believe in the Holy Ghost...the Holy Catholic Church? MICHAEL: I do. [While the priest continues off screen:] [CUT TO: COURTHOUSE] [Barzini's car is parked. Neri motions to the chauffeur to move the car.] CUT TO: HOTEL STAIRWAY [Clemenza continues to ascend the stairs with his package.] CUT TO: HOTEL ROOM [Rocco is greeted by a man who gets a gun. They descend steps.] CUT TO: BARBERSHOP [Cicci exits.] CUT TO: CHURCH [The ceremony continues.] [CUT TO: COURTHOUSE] [Barzini and bodyguards descend the steps as Neri writes a ticket.] CUT TO: HOTEL [Cicci is ascending the steps. Pauses to lean on railing as he smokes. Clemenza makes it to the 5th floor elevator, and presses the bu*ton.] CUT TO: MASSAGE ROOM [Moe Greene is lying on his stomach getting a ma**age.] CUT TO: CHURCH [The ceremony continues.] PRIEST'S VOICE: Michael Francis Rizzi do you renounce Satan? [While the church music continues:] CUT TO: HOTEL ELEVATOR [Revealing Strachi, a Don, and the elevator operator. The door opens and Clemenza fires two shots.] CUT TO: CHURCH MICHAEL CORLEONE: I do renounce him. *While the church music continues* CUT TO: MASSAGE ROOM [Gunman opens the door, Moe puts gla**es on, gets shot in one eye.] CUT TO: CHURCH PRIEST'S VOICE: And all his works? CUT TO: HOTEL [Cicci ascending steps. Then follows Don Cuneo into a revolving door, locks it, then shoots four times through the gla**.] CUT TO: CHURCH MICHAEL: I do renounce them. CUT TO: MOTEL ROOM [Rocco kicks open the door and he and another gunman fire. The girl screams "Oh God! Oh God!" as she and Tattaglia are riddled by bullets while in bed.] CUT TO: CHURCH PRIEST'S VOICE: And all his pomps? MICHAEL *nodding*: I do renounce them. CUT TO: COURTHOUSE [Neri shoots Barzini's bodyguard twice, and his chauffeur once, as Barzini turns to run. Neri drops to one knee and carefully fires at Barzini, who topples after two shots. Neri gets picked up.] CUT TO: CHURCH PRIEST'S VOICE: Michael Rizzi will you be baptized? MICHAEL CORLEONE: I will. PRIEST'S VOICE *as he pours holy water on baby's forehead*: In nomine Patris... et Fili... CUT TO: MOTEL ROOM [Tattaglia's dead body on the bed.] CUT TO: REVOLVING DOOR [Don Cuneo's dead body.] PRIEST'S VOICE (V.O.):... et Spiritus Sancti... CUT TO: COURTHOUSE [Dead bodies of Barzini, bodyguard, and chauffeur.] PRIEST'S VOICE: Michael Rizzi... CUT TO CHURCH [A candle is held before Michael.] PRIEST'S VOICE: Go in peace, and may the Lord be with you. Amen. [DISSOLVE TO: EXT. CHURCH – DAY] [The family is outside, congratulating Connie and Carlo.] MICHAEL: Kay... CONNIE *to the infant Michael Francis, holding the baby towards Michael*: Come on, kiss your Godfather... [Michael kisses the baby. Kay carries Anthony out. Rocco drives up and goes to Michael, whispering in his ear. Michael responds inaudibly. Rocco pats him then exits.] MICHAEL: Carlo can't go to Vegas. Something's come up. Everybody's going to leave without us. CONNIE: Oh, Mike it's our first vacation together. CARLO: Hey Connie, please. *to Michael* What do you want? MICHAEL: Go back to the house. Wait for my call. It's important. CARLO *nodding and exiting*: All right. MICHAEL *to Kay*: I'll only be a couple of days... [Michael kisses Kay, pats Anthony's head, and kisses Mama.] MAMA: Statta bene... statta bene [The family and guests dissipate as the priest and monsignor ascend the steps.] CUT TO: THE DON'S KITCHEN – DAY TESSIO *into the phone*: We're on our way to Brooklyn *to Tom, after hanging up* I hope Mike can get us a good deal tonight. TOM: I'm sure he will... [DISSOLVE TO: CORLEONE GATE] [Tessio and Tom leave the house. Willie Cicci stops them.] CICCI: Sal...Tom...the Boss says he'll come in a separate car. He says for you two to go on ahead... TESSIO: Hell, he can't do that. It screws up all my arrangements! CICCI: Well, that's what he said. TOM *as another bu*tonman steps up*: I can't go either, Sal. TESSIO (as he sees a third bu*tonman step up): Tell Mike it was only business. I always liked him. TOM: He understands that. CICCI *frisking Sal, taking his gun*: Excuse me, Sal... TESSIO: Huh? *then* Tom can you get me off the hook? For Ol' Times' sake? TOM: Can't do it, Sally. *Tom nods to bu*tonmen who take Sal to the car. Tom walks inside and pauses to look out the window.* CUT TO: CONNIE AND CARLO'S HOUSE – DAY [Tom, Michael, Neri and Rocco enter. Carlo hangs up the phone that he was dialing.] MICHAEL: You have to answer for Santino, Carlo. CARLO: Mike, you got it all wrong... MICHAEL: You fingered Sonny for the Barzini people. Ahhh that little farce you played with my sister. You think that could fool a Corleone? CARLO: Mike, I'm innocent. I swear on the kids, Mike. Please, Mike, don't do this to me. MICHAEL *as he pulls up his own chair*: Sit down. CARLO *sitting*: Mike, don't do this to me, please... MICHAEL: Barzini's dead. So is Phillip Tattaglia, Moe Greene, Strachi, Cuneo. Today I settle all Family business, so don't tell me you're innocent, Carlo. Admit what you did. *to Neri* Get him a drink. *to Carlo, as Michael shifts in his chair* Come on. Don't be afraid, Carlo. Come on, you think I'd make my sister a widow? I'm Godfather to your son, Carlo. *after Neri hands Carlo a gla** of wine* Go ahead, drink it...drink *after Carlo drinks* No Carlo you're out of the Family business, that's your punishment. You're finished. I'm putting you on a plane to Vegas. *to Tom, as he reaches out his hand* Tom? *more* MICHAEL *Cont'd* *after Tom hands Michael a plane ticket, which he hands to Carlo*: I want you to stay there. Understand? *quietly, after Carlo nods and hmmms* Only don't tell me you're innocent. Because it insults my intelligence and makes me very angry...*then* Now who approached you? Tattaglia or Barzini? CARLO *after hesitating*: It was Barzini MICHAEL: Good. *after standing* There's a car waiting for you outside to take you to the airport. I'll call your wife, to tell her what flight you're on. CARLO *as he rises, starts to protest*: Mike, please... MICHAEL: Come on. Get outta my sight. *Carlo turns. Rocco helps him put on his coat.* CUT TO: CORLEONE GATE – DAY [bu*tonman is putting luggage into the rear of the car. Carlo gets into the front seat.] CUT TO: INT. CAR – DAY [Clemenza is seen behind Carlo, in the back seat.] CLEMENZA: Hello, Carlo... CUT TO: CARLO'S HOUSE – DAY [Michael, Neri and Hagen emerge as Rocco locks the door.] CUT TO: INT. CAR – DAY [Clemenza garrotes Carlo, who gets pulled back and kicks his feet at the windshield, which breaks as the car takes off. Michael, Tom, and Rocco watch. After the car pulls away, we hear the Title Theme music as they walk through the mall.] [DISSOLVE TO: THE CORLEONE MALL] [Moving men load a truck labeled "John J. Bartek Moving." We see a sign on the wall that says "Future Commercial Development - Genco Land Co. – 5.6 Acres" with a small "sold" sign underneath it. A limousine drives through the gate stopping besides the moving truck. Connie gets out, arguing with her mother who's seated in the car.] CONNIE *yelling from car: Whattaya tryin' to tell me! MAMA *yelling from car*: Look I'm trying to tell you you're wrong! CONNIE *yelling, while getting out of the car*:Aw Mama, please *running into the house crying* Michael! Michael! KAY: What is it? CONNIE: Where is he? Michael! [Connie and Kay run out. Connie opens the door to the Don's office. Michael's sitting at his desk with Neri behind him. Kay follows] CONNIE: Michael! You lousy ba*tard you k**ed my husband! You waited until Papa died so nobody could stop you, and then you k**ed him. You blamed him for Sonny. You always did. Everybody did. But you never thought about me. You never gave a damn about me. Now what am I going to do? KAY: Connie... CONNIE *to Kay, after Kay puts her arms around her*: Why do you think he kept Carlo at the mall? All the time he knew he was gonna k** 'im. *to Michael* And you stood Godfather to our baby you lousy cold-hearted ba*tard. Want to know how many men he had k**ed with Carlo? Read the papers – read the papers! *after she picks up and slams down a newspaper* That's your husband! That's your husband! [Connie goes toward Michael. Neri holds her back until Michael motions it's okay.] MICHAEL *taking Connie's arms as she cries*: Come on... CONNIE *struggling out of Michael's arms*: No! No! No! MICHAEL *to Neri*: Get her upstairs. Get her a doctor. [Neri takes Connie out of the room. Michael sighs, then lights a cigarette.] MICHAEL *to Kay*: She's hysterical. Hysterical. KAY: Michael, is it true? MICHAEL: Don't ask me about my business, Kay... KAY: Is it true? MICHAEL: Don't ask me about my business... KAY: No. MICHAEL *as he slams his hand on the desk*: Enough! *then* Alright. This one time Michael points his finger...this one time I'll let you ask me about my affairs... KAY *whispering*: Is it true? Is it? MICHAEL *quietly, shaking his head*: No. KAY *after a sigh of relief and Michael kisses and hugs her*: I guess we both need a drink, huh? [Kay leaves the room to fix Michael a drink. At the same time, Rocco, Clemenza, and Neri enter the office. Clemenza shakes Michael's hand. Kay turns her head to watch them. They embrace Michael, then kiss his hand.] CLEMENZA *kissing Michael's hand*: Don Corleone... *Rocco kisses Michael's hand as Neri shuts the door blocking Kay's view.* FADE OUT THE END