Frances Anne Kemble - I heard youth's silver clarion call to Fate, lyrics


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Frances Anne Kemble - I heard youth's silver clarion call to Fate, lyrics

I heard youth's silver clarion call to Fate, And looking forth beheld his flower-fair face, Framed in his shining helmet as he sat Sheathed in white armour, full of fearless grace, Watching the coming of a threat'ning cloud, Hueless and shapeless, that with stealthy pace Was creeping towards him. 'O dear youth, beware!' But answer made he none save laugh'd aloud. 'Beware,' I cried, 'it hides some hideous snare.' At it he made—and vanished in the shroud, Whence there broke forth, O Christ! so sharp a cry Of dire defeat and mortal agony, That all my blood ran back in every vein; And when th' accursed blackness roll'd away, Prone in the dust my lovely warrior lay, Defiled, not dead; sore wounded—shamed—not slain; His shining armour smirched with many a stain, Filthy and foul, ne'er to be bright again.