With love we turn you spot If you know what you want opne your mind With that they cut you a slice If you don't know what you want then shut your mouth Seak your destiny, wait to, better prepare for the world To act the sotrm fallow lied in your life thorugh the dark I fallow ...i fight for it to get to feel this thing Falling in love, I look how you can drive somwhere far If you know what you wnat stay where you want take the advice If you don't know what you want Shut your mouth Seak your destiny, wait to, better prepare for the world To act the sotrm fallow lied in your life thorugh the dark I fallow ...i fight for it to get to feel this thing sponsored links Falling in love, Seak your destiny, wait to, better prepare for the world To act the sotrm fallow lied in your life thorugh the dark I fallow ...i fight for it to get to feel this thing Falling in love