Foolish Ed - Society lyrics


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Foolish Ed - Society lyrics

*Reporter Talking* Hypocrisy or as you call it democracy k** one man call it justice k** one man for vengeance What happened to independence Are we free or are we prisoners The warden can k** And the prisoners fight back But what happens after the attacks? Who has our backs Run to the cops and be afraid of d**h Or stay on your own and feel your last breath It's the struggle of today's society People battling with the opposite of sobriety But what's morality to a k**er What's immorality to a judge What's dishonesty without a presidential candidate Or the delegates What's truly behind those gates A God or a devil What's behind the bars A cop that's a k**er Or a k**er that's a cop The duality of man Nonstop Criminals of permission What's the difference between a man And a man under oath One has permission the other is doing wrong Who belongs in a society full of bombs k**ing because of race or Do you feel cool k**ing real fools The freezing temperature a pool Filled tears of all the ghouls caused By the man pulling the trigger because the man selling music was a *pause* We return to a place where we wanna be free Break the chains instead of buying them Behind my chain is a young man Not afraid of d**h but afraid of having his last breath knowing he could of done more Remorse Regret Whatever you wanna call it It's all the same When we all die We won't be ready to say goodbye But you need to realize that life ends As it begins We were born alone and we will die alone in our coffins We are mother f**ing toxic We all act like there's something up our coccyx We will die with empty pockets Money won't save you from d**h So don't waste your breath Most guys just wanna see a chicks breasts All I want to see is me becoming a role model And make everyone who hated me be mind boggled by what I've done with my life And when I die I will be ready to say goodbye *Reporter Talking* But I won't stand for any person Pretending to play God And take lives away I sit and watch the news and wonder If people are just getting use to the violence Is history repeating itself or are we creating Something new Are we on our own Sitting on our thrones We are the kings We can change it all Or will we lose it all Will half of us make it to fall Spend all your money at the mall For what an 800 dollar watch People in my country can't afford food No power No water No reason to live I pray to God and ask Who's the man behind the mask Is he a powerful being Or a sense of hope So we won't be scared to die? Is this sh** all a lie Is it worth living in a place Where a leader hides his face As people die and protest Why do we put our fists up Or our hands We are just sitting ducks The people with badges Or the people with bandages We all matter All lives matter I'm not against the cops But I am against them Not speaking out against the ones who do wrong We expect Good from the ones Who are suppose to protect us from the wrong But they are just above the law It's a flaw in the system Big brother watching While we searchin For Pokemon Instead of finding what's broken Words gone unspoken What needs to be spoken People who slept be woken Today's society you need a token By trying not to be racist But what's the difference now with the s**ist and racist Both come from a place of hatred Or is it sacred Religion has caused wars and hate They reel you in using their bait Wonderful afterlife That's what they promise Why Live life worrying about what's next Live in the now Enjoy what you got Don't take things for granted But you forgot You want the new shoes The booze But you confused Mentally abused Books on the shelf unused Unread It's all unsaid We spread the evil of the world Makes me sick makes hurl But pay attention to that girl Who you want uncurl With a pearl necklace She breathless Like the poor souls in a Third world country Stop all that bull sh** news on the TV Pop pills to wake up Pop pills to stay asleep Pop Pills To Dull The Mind Make the people sheep Wake up mother f**ers it's time to let loose The GOP today ain't like the BullMoose The tea party f*ggots All graspin they bullets Hiding In Their Trailers With Their 90's Mullets IRS singlin out the poor souls Obama Getting Paid To Control The Polls The war ain't real It's all for a profit But the government won't tell you Cuz they're part of it We use to this sh** imperialism But in our world of materialism People live and die And no one gives a sh** That's the true grit We all come from the guts of our mothas To the generation with no lovas No knowledge of who Ca**anova is Histoire de ma vie Español? Si Italiano? No Lack of culture no one knows Origins and languages All a thing of the past Now it's pull the trigger And blame the ones who fast The story of the Fool Who never ditched school And never worried if he was cool Never gave up Came from a South American country Where everyone's hungry And moved to a cold place Where no one spoke his native tongue Of course, it stung To be away from his family Who he missed heavily Went from a country With no hope to a country where Guys will give all their money to a stripper But see a homeless man and roll up their windows That's why bimbos have money Cuz they'll drop to their knees And let you call them honey It's sad But it's always sunny in Philly Believe it or not, it ain't Ripleys This is the truth Listen if you choose Now foolish is back on his game Bringin it from golden high school All the people that I knew They're just liars and cowards Afraid to be themselves Everyone was a clone All acting the same dressing the same Talking the same and mother f**ing be lame That's why if you be yourself you're like a trophy on that shelf They look at you weird for being different But Don't realize that they wanna be it Keep it real be yourself that's all I gotta say Be who you wanna be Set your mind free You don't need a degree to succeed But it helps Go out and create some wealth But the government takes most of it away Because you worked your a** off But now you gotta give it to ones who don't get paid Or they give to the brigade But that's just how it is these days But don't let it get to you All we need is people that value lives And don't k** because of race and gender Remember that we all matter Then again who am I to talk I'm just a rapper