Fleurette Elaine Harris - Count your blessings lyrics


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Fleurette Elaine Harris - Count your blessings lyrics

Are you blind? No you can see And the hundred million receptors in your eyes Enable you to enjoy the magic of nature The flowers, the sun, the sea And the birds in the tree Are you deaf? No you can hear And the twenty four thousand fibers in your ears Vibrate to the wind on your cheeks The splashing of the ocean And buzzing of the bees Are you dumb? No you can speak You have dominion over all other creatures Your words can calm the angry Uplift the despondent Cheer the unhappy And praise the worthy Are you paralyzed? No you can move Designed within your body Are five hundred muscles Two hundred bones And seven miles of nerve fiber All synchronized to do your biding Are you unloved and unloving? No because you know love's secret That to receive it you must give it That it is never lost And if it is unreciprocated It will flow back to you to soften and purify your heart Is your heart stricken? No it is strong Feel its rhythm pulsating Hour after hour Day after day Pumping your blood through more than 60,000 miles of vein, arteries venticles. Pumping more than 6000 gallons away Are you diseased of skin? No your skin is clean and clear a marvel to creation Are your lungs befouled No you can breathe feely and easily Is your blood poisoned? Is it diluted with water and puss No within five quarts of blood are 2 trillion blood cells Within each cell are millions of molecules Within each molecule is one atom oscillating at more than 10.000.000 times per second Within each second 2,000,000 blood cells die to be replaced by 2,000,000 new ones Are you feeble of mind? Can you not grasp this? You see, your brain is the most complex structure in the universe Within its three pounds are 13 billion cells More than three times the number of people on earth Are you poor? How can you be poor? Use your brain Count your blessings Count them again And again And again And again