Fish - Black Canal lyrics


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Fish - Black Canal lyrics

They'll always find a place for you in the sidewalk cafes No one ventures into the streets these days Except strangers and those like me, looking for work I noticed the smell when i got off the bus And traced it down to a can*l that ran Right through the heart of the city Like an open vein full of black rotten blood A mirror surface broken only by the bubbles of gas Escaping from the stagnating mess that lay on the bottom Fuelled by the chemicals and effluent of the city Which was fed, in turn, by the barges and the ships That followed that line and created the waves across that Surface to the dockside where they unloaded their holds, The swarms of people clambering over them I sat down in a cafe and i was holding my own And minding my own business And a voice spoke in my ears as if it recognized That i was questioning the source of the smell Have another beer boy, take it with a pinch of snuff And my eyes were bedazzled, by the j**els in his silken cuff And a voice rolled out from an ashen cloud from behind a long cigar Son, you'll never need to smell the black can*l It was as if he'd read my mind, as if he expected it And, as the afternoon was wasted, i became aware I was becoming wrapped up in his world I became aware of the smell from the bouquet in his bu*tonhole It was taking me away from the can*l And away from my questions I was aware that the perfumes were all around us And he sold me the city, well at least he tried to with all his stories All the silks out of china And all the satins out of spain All the powders for your noses Will keep the stench at bay Have another beer boy, take it with a pinch of snuff Your eyes will be bedazzled, by the j**els in my scented cuff And a voice rolled out from an ashen cloud from behind a long cigar Son, you'll never need to smell this black can*l And my world was spinnin', my head was awash With this promises and his beer And i looked up as he reached down And snorted the flower in his bu*tonhole He smiled and his eyes lied I was staring at a suit with no soul No matter how you wash them How you scrub and bleach and boil You'll never get rid of the smell of the black can*l Of the black can*l Black can*l The black can*l The black can*l The black can*l (derek dick/foss paterson)