Final Fantasy - Final Fantasy 8 Script: Disc 1 - Part 1 lyrics


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Final Fantasy - Final Fantasy 8 Script: Disc 1 - Part 1 lyrics

DISC ONE 01. Post-fight, Infirmary, Cla**room, Main Gate 02. Fire Cavern 03. Balamb Garden & pre-SeeD-Mission Banter 04. The SeeD Mission 05. Balamb Garden, SeeD Inauguration, Training Center 06. The Train to Timber 07. Laguna Sequence I 01. Post-fight, Infirmary, Cla**room, Main Gate ___________________________________________________________ (After the opening FMV, the teen who tasted the blade first lies on his back on a bed in the infirmary. A motherly doctor stands over him, having just patched him up.) [Dr. Kadowaki]: "How are you feeling?" R1 --> (Ok, I guess) R2 --> (My forehead hurts) R1 (Teen): "......Ok." Dr. Kadowaki: "Take it easy next time, you hear?" R2 (Teen): "...My forehead hurts." Dr. Kadowaki: "No kidding." [Dr. Kadowaki]: "Looks like your eyes are focusing. You should be fine. Say your name for me." (The player names the teenager, with the default being Squall.) [Dr. Kadowaki]: "Why don't you take it easy in training? Next time you might not be so lucky." [Squall]: "Tell that to Seifer." [Dr. Kadowaki]: "That Seifer...Won't listen to anyone. Why don't you ignore him?" [Squall]: "I can't just run away." [Dr. Kadowaki]: "You wanna be cool, huh? Well, don't get hurt in the process. Let's see, your instructor is...Quistis! I'll call her now. Just wait here a minute." (The doc walks out of sight and Squall can hear her talking in the other room.) [Dr. Kadowaki]: "Quistis? Come get your student. Yes, yes...His injury's not serious. It'll probably leave a scar. ......Right. Now please come by." (A girl walks into view in one of the windows and looks down at the injured fighter.) [Girl]: " we meet again." (Squall looks over and the girl walks away without saying another word. Squall's instructor, Quistis, then walks into the infirmary.) [Quistis]: "I knew it'd either be you or Seifer! Come on, let's go. Today's the field exam." (Quistis and Squall start down the hallway.) [Quistis]: "Squall. Is there something on your mind?" [Squall]: "Not really." [Quistis]: "Not really. Hahaha!" [Squall]: "What's so funny?" [Quistis]: "Funny? No, no, it's not that! I'm just happy. I feel like I'm finally beginning to understand my student a little. That's all." [Squall]: "I'm more complex than you think." [Quistis]: "Then tell me. Tell me more about yourself." [Squall]: "It's none of your..." [Quistis]: "...Business!" ( The two walk through the ma**ive structure, and it shows other students walking around. The two finally arrive in one of the cla**rooms and the students lounging before the bell walk to their seats.) [Quistis]: "Good morning, cla**. Let's start with today's schedule. There seems to have been some rumors flying around since yesterday... Yes, the field exam for SeeD candidates will begin later this afternoon. Those not participating and those who failed last week's test are to remain here in study hall. Field exam participants will have free time until the exam. Just be sure you're in top condition. Meet in the hall at 1600 hours. I'll announce the team a**ignments there. Any questions? Oh, and Seifer! Do NOT injure your partner while training. Be careful from now on." (Seifer looks over at Squall and slams his hand on his desk.) [Quistis]: "Field exam participants. I will see you all later." (Everyone starts to leave.) [Quistis]: "And Squall. I need to talk to you." (Squall walks over to Quistis.) [Quistis]: "You haven't been to the [Fire Cavern] yet, have you? You won't be able to take part in today's SeeD exam if you don't pa** this prerequisite." [Squall]: (...I was gonna go this morning, but Seifer...) [Quistis]: "Hm? Do you have a good excuse?" [Squall]: "...Not really." [Quistis]: "Then let's get going. If you're not too confident yet, you can review your studies at the [study panel]. I'll be waiting at the [front gate], so come down when you're ready. You can access the [study panel] from [your seat]." (Squall walks out into the large hallway outside. He hears someone yelling from down the way:) [Voice]: "I'm late, I'm late, I'm LATE!!!" (A girl in uniform runs down the hallway and bumps into Squall, knocking her to the ground.) [Girl]: "Waaah!" [Squall]: R1 --> Are you ok? R2 --> ...... R1: "Are you ok?" [Girl]: "There. Tee-hee, I'm fine. Sorry. I was kinda in a hurry. Oh yeah! Hey, did you just come from that cla**? Is......homeroom over?" R2: "......" [Girl]: "There. Sorry. I was kinda in a hurry. Oh yeah! Hey, did you just come from that cla**? Is......homeroom over?" (Squall nods.) [Girl]: "Woo...Oh, nooo...This place is soooo much bigger than my last Garden! Oh, hey, hey. I just transferred here. Do you think you could give me a quick tour of this Garden?" [Squall]: R1 --> Sure R2 --> Don't have the time R1: "Sure." [Girl]: "Whoo-hoo! Alright, let's go!" [Squall]: "We'll take the elevator to the 1F lobby and I'll show you the [directory]." R2: "Don't have the time." [Girl]: "Oh, bummer. That's too bad. Well, see ya." (If Squall doesn't have the time, the girl will walk into the cla**room he just left; if he finds the time, he'll take her down to the lobby directory via the elevator.) [Squall]: "That's the directory." (They walk over.) [Squall]: "Well, this is it. Balamb Garden is pretty big. It's a good idea to check where you want to go, and select it here." [Girl]: "I have a question! How do you use this?" [Squall]: "Move the cursor and press (X) to select. Next, I'll give a quick explanation of the various facilities." [Girl]: "Yes, sir!" [Squall]: "You'll find a dormitory to the north. A majority of the students live in the dorms. There aren't too many students who commute." [Girl]: "Yeah, I'm in the dorms, too!" [Squall]: "You can rest and change in there. West of the North Block is the cafeteria. There's always a big rush for the hot dogs. You better get used to waiting in line." [Girl]: "Got it!" [Squall]: "East of the North Block is the parking lot. We usually take the Garden car when a mission comes up. The front gate is located to the south..." (That's right...I have to go meet Instructor Trepe at the front gate.) [Girl]: "Hm? What's the matter?" [Squall]: "Nothing...Next, we have the quad, located in the West Block. There's an event being planned there..." [Girl]: "I know! I know! It's the Garden Festival! It's going to be great! I'm planning to be on the committee. You wanna help out, too!?" [Squall]: "Let's just continue. South of the West Block is the infirmary. This is where you get treated for your injuries, but a lot of students just come here for advice." [Girl]: "What's the doctor's name?" [Squall]: "Doctor Kadowaki. Now the East Block. This is the training center. It's the only facility open during the night. It's used for training, and they have real monsters running loose here. If you don't take it seriously, you may end up dead. Just be careful." [Girl]: "(gulp)...Okay." [Squall]: "South of the East Block is the library. There's a lot of material you can look up here, but the terminals in the cla**room are a lot more efficient. And you already know about the cla**room on the 2F, right?" Girl]: "Yep, I remember that one." Squall]: "By the way, the headmaster's office is located on the 3F. You need permission to get in." [Girl]: "Another question. What's the headmaster's name?" [Squall]: " Headmaster Cid. That's about it. Anything else?" [Girl]: "Got it! Heeey, um...are you taking today's SeeD exam?" [Squall]: "Yeah." [Girl]: "Then maybe I'll see you again, later. I've already finished my training at my previous Garden. I'm taking the Seed exam today, too. Good luck to both of us, huh! Thanks a lot!" [She walks off.] (Squall arrives at the front gate. If he hasn't checked his desk at all and gotten his GFs, Quistis'll say:) [Quistis]: "Squall, you're forgetting something...your GF." (Squall can name the two, default Quezacotl and Shiva, respectfully. If Squalls already collected his two Guardian Forces, she'll skip right to:) [Quistis]: "I have a few things to explain before we head off. GF gives us strength. The stronger the GF, the stronger we become. ...So, here's a brief explanation of junctioning a GF. (The tutorial screen opens up.] [Narrative]: Junction enables characters to power up and use abilities. This means a GF must be junctioned in order to power up and use abilities. Let's begin by junctioning a GF. Right now, no GF is junctioned. All other commands in gray cannot be selected yet. Once Junction is selected, the GF and Magic commands appear. Since no GF is junctioned, Magic is displayed in gray. Let's junction a GF. By selecting GF, a GF list appears. Press ([]) to see abilities possessed by a GF. The abilities are HP Junction, Vitality Junction, etc. Let's choose a GF. When GF Quezacotl is selected, its abilities, HP-J and Vit-J make the stats HP and Vit appear in white. Magic can now be junctioned to HP and Vit. But, since there is currently no magic, we will move onto setting abilities. There are 3 command abilities and 2 non-command abilities for characters and party. A total of 5 abilities can be set. Depending on the GF's abilities, the maximum is 4 non-command abilities. This means that up to 7 abilities can be set. Let's set some abilities. First, select a slot. The top window is for Command abilities used during battle. The bottom window is for character and party abilities. Selecting the top window displays command abilities, and selecting the bottom window displays character and party abilities. Since there is currently no magic, let's set the command ability, Draw, to get some magic. When an empty slot is chosen, the cursor moves to the right. Select Draw to set the command, Draw. This is how command abilities used during battle are set. Let's add GF and Item to the list of command abilities. Now GF and Item are set. Let's set a non-command ability. By moving the cursor down, a character ability is displayed. Now, to set Mag+20%, select an empty slot, and select Mag+20%. Mag+20% is now set. Abilities have now been set. This concludes the tutorial. Thank you, and good luck. [Quistis]: "Everything ok up till now? You can always check back by accessing [Tutorial] from the [Menu]. Once we get to the [Fire Cavern], I'll explain how to junction magic. Use the command 'Draw' during battle and stock magic from your enemies. Be sure to have some stocked! Ready to go? The [Fire Cavern] used for the test is located [east of here]." ___________________________________________________________ 02. Fire Cavern ___________________________________________________________ (During the party's first battle:) [Quistis]: "Squall, you still remember? The R1 is the trigger. Pull it just as you strike. Same for the Renzokuken!" (Quistis and her student walk to the cavern in question, past a forest and to the west of the Garden. They arrive on a dirt road which leads to the entrance.) [Quistis]: "Ok...Junctioning magic. Now pay attention. I'll be explaining how to utilize the magic you've stocked. (The 'Junctioning Magic' tutorial begins.) [Narrative]: By junctioning magic, you can raise the character's stats. If the GF has learned the ability to junction onto stats, that particular stat will be displayed in white. By selecting Junction here, the GF and Magic commands will appear. You are able to junction magic by selecting Magic. When Magic is selected, a list of magic appears. Use the cursor to select which stat to junction. When Str is selected, choose a magic with the cursor. You can see how the stat value changes with each magic. When a magic is selected, the magic will be displayed next to the stat and the value will change. Only one magic can be a**igned to each stat. However, there is no need to junction magic manually, one by one. Select Auto after junctioning. 'Auto' junctions magic automatically. There are 3 commands to choose from. Atk favors Strength, Mag favors magic, and Def favors raising HP. Thus, magic can be junctioned easily by using Auto. For example, let's select the Atk junction. Magic has been junctioned to favor Strength. This concludes the Magic Junction tutorial. [Quistis:] "When you draw a new magic, try experimenting with it when you junction. This is how you become stronger. Ok, ready to go? Oh! You know how to use your gunblade...?" R1 --> (...I guess I'll review it) R2 --> (...I already know) R1: "It's better to go over it." The Status Screen displays each character's basic data. The first status screen shows stats such as HP, Str, etc. The second screen shows all the status and elemental-related information. The third status screen shows GF-related information. The fourth status screen shows Limit Break information. Squall's gunblade settings can be changed in the Limit Break screen. There are two settings: Gunblade Auto, Renzokuken Indicator. If you select Gunblade Auto to ON, Renzokuken hits automatically without having to press [R1]. However, a 'Perfect' may not be possible with this option. You must select OFF and press [R1] manually at the right time. If the Renzokuken Indicator is turned OFF, the indicator will not be displayed during Renzokuken. If the Gunblade Auto option is turned ON, the Renzokuken Indicator is turned OFF automatically. That's all for Squall's Limit Break. "Alright, let's go!" R2: "Oh, ok. I was just concerned, that's all. Alright, let's go!" (The two walk to the entrance. It's guarded by two men in red robes and yellow caps.) [Robed Man]: "Objective: To obtain a low-level GF. A SeeD member must support. Are you ready?" Squall: R1 --> (Yes) R2 --> (Still need to prepare...) R1: "I'm ready." R2: [Dialogue cancelled; cannot enter Fire Cavern] (After picking R1:) [Quistis]: "I'm his support. Instructor No. 14, Quistis Trepe." [Robed Man]: "Select a time limit. Choose one suited to your abilities. Challenging yet reasonable." R1 --> 10 min R2 --> 20 min R3 --> 30 min R4 --> 40 min (After picking the time setting:) [Robed Man]: "Very well. Good luck." (The two enter, racing against the clock to defeat the Fire Cavern boss.) [Quistis]: "My job is to support you in battle. Everything else is up to you." [Squall]: "Fine." [Quistis]: "You now, the boys often choke on this test when I come with them. I guess my charm makes them nervous." [Squall]: (...Whatever.) [Quistis]: "I'm just kidding! Trying to keep you relaxed, that's all." (Soon, the party's run into a Bomb monster.) [Quistis]: "Bomb...An elemental monster. Use an ice attack for these. Check the monster's weakness with Scan." (They defeat the monsters and run towards the center of the cavern.) [Quistis]: "I guess I was right. You and Seifer are in a cla** of your own. You both have amazing strength and potential." (They finally reach the destination, a fiery hole in the back of the cave.) [Quistis]: "Ok, this is it. Are you ready?" (Squall waves her off.) [Quistis]: "You seem confident enough." (A large demonic creature rises out of the hole and attacks the two. If Shiva should be used on the creature (Ifrit):) [Ifrit]: "They have Shiva!?" (After awhile, Ifrit winds up for a punch.) [Ifrit]: "Impudent humans!" (Soon, the party's laid waste to the boss.) [Ifrit]: "For me to lose to a human...Very well, I will join you." (Squall completes the trial by getting the Ifrit GF.) [Quistis]: "There isn't much time, but let me go over this real quick. Good, you got yourself a GF. If you junction that GF, you'll be able to use the Elem-J ability. Here's an explanation on Elements." (The tutorial screen comes up again.) [Narrative]: Junction can change basic parameters such as Strength and Magic, as well as elemental parameters. By junctioning a GF with elemental junction ability, as magic is junctioned, the El-A/D slot above HP turns white, indicating an elemental junction. When (D-pad left) is selected, the elemental junction screen apears. Elemental junction works like any other junctions. First, select a stat to junction, then choose a magic to finish the junction. However, non-elemental magic like Cure cannot be junctioned. Elemental junction affects attack and defense differently. Junctioning to Elem-Atk links that element to a character's Attack. The % indicates how much of the attack's damage is linked to that element. At the maximum value of 100%, the Attack becomes entirely elemental. In the example, Ice is at 50%; this means that damage only increases by 50%. When junctioned to Elem-Def, the damage from that element is reduced. Reduction of damage is shown in %. At 100%, damage is reduced to 0. In the example, fire damage is reduced to 20%, because Elem-Def is at 80%. (Star) is displayed when the value goes over 100%, indicating that damage is absorbed. In this state, you can absorb the amount of damage indicated in %. In the example, 50% of fire damage is absorbed. Multiple magic types can be junctioned to Elem-Def, depending on the GF's ability. Junction multiple magic types with the same elemental for a cumulative effect. Try junctioning different magic to check the effect. You can also select Auto to automatically junction the most effective elemental magic. This concludes the Elemental Junction tutorial. [Quistis]: "There's a lot of Fire elemental monsters here, so junction Blizzard to your Elem-Atk. You'll have an easier time with Fire elemental enemies." (The party heads back to Balamb Garden once the task's completed.) ___________________________________________________________ 03. Balamb Garden & pre-SeeD-Mission Banter ___________________________________________________________ (At the main gate:) [Quistis]: "Well done. Let's see...I thought there was something else I needed to go over with you before you take the SeeD exam... Oh yes! Taking care of your GF. This is something you have to watch out for." (Yet another tutorial opens.) [Narrative]: A GF will level up as it gains experience (EXP), and learn new abilities by gaining AP (Ability Points). From EXP to AP: EXP gained from battles automatically levels up the GF, while AP gained during battle can be distributed, to learn different abilities. Decide how to distribute the points. Let's go over how a GF can learn different abilities. Select GF from the menu to display the GF acquired. When Shiva is selected, Shiva's stats are shown. This displays its EXP, LV, and compatibility between characters, etc., but by selecting Learn, Shiva's ability list is displayed. Abilities in white, such as Str-J are abilities already learned, while abilities in gray have not been learned yet. The first number in gray shows the AP spent towards learning, and the second number shows the AP required to complete. Vit-J shows that 50 AP are required, of which 0 AP has been spent. In order to learn the ability Elem-Atk-J, move the cursor to Elem-Atk-J and confirm. Elem-Atk-J wil then be displayed to the left, under Learning. From here on, all AP gained will be used for Elem-Atk-J. When all 160 AP are gained, Elem-Atk-J is learned. Once an ability is learned, AP will automatically move on to an ability not yet learned. With each learned ability comes a different set of abilities to learn. The order of learning affects the GF's powers. Therefore, it is recommended to return to this screen to set the next ability. This concludes the tutorial. Thank you, and good luck. [Quistis]: "Now change into your uniform and a**emble at the [1F Lobby]." (Squall goes to his room and returns to the lobby, dressed in his SeeD attire. Quistis is waiting for him.) [Quistis]: "Squall! Over here! I'll be announcing the squad a**ignments for the exam now. Let's see...You'll be with...Zell Dincht. Quite a lively fellow." [Squall]: "Lively? He's just loud. Can't I switch members?" [Quistis]: "I'm afraid that's not possible. Over here, Zell!" (The flamboyant Zell comes over to the two after a quick demonstration of his martial arts sk**s.) [Zell]: "Whoa! I'm with you!?" (He sticks his hand out, but Squall doesn' take up the offer. A tutorial for Zell starts up.) [Narrative]: Zell's Limit Break can also be changed in the Status screen. If Duel-Auto is turned ON, the Limit Break Duel will execute automatically. The Limit Break moves listed on the screen are selected randomly. That's all for Zell's Limit Break." [Zell]: "You don't get along with Seifer, do you? Heard he whooped you pretty bad this morning." [Squall]: "We weren't fighting. We were training." [Zell]: "I bet you he doesn't think so. Look, Seifer's just being a pain in the a**. All you have to do is ignore him." [Squall]: "That's none of your business." [Quistis]: "That's none of your business. Ahem...Excuse me, but...That Seifer you're talking about...He's your squad leader." [Zell]: "SAY WHAT!?" [Quistis]: "It can't be changed. Seifer! Are you here?" (Seifer and two other people walk over.) [Squall]: (Fujin and Raijin tagging along as usual...Guess that makes up the whole disciplinary committee.) [Quistis]: "You're the squad leader. Good luck to you." [Seifer]: "...Instructor. I hate it when people wish me luck. Save those words for a bad student that needs them, eh?" [Quistis]: "Ok then. Good luck, Seifer." (Seifer beckons to Fujin and Raijin.) [Seifer]: "Add Instructor Trepe to the list!" [Squall]: (The list...? What is it?) [Quistis]: "Well then. You're all a**igned to Squad B. I'll be the instructor in charge. Teamwork is of the utmost importance. Let's get through this exam, everyone!" [Seifer]: "Listen up! Teamwork means staying out of my way. It's a Squad B rule. Don't you forget it!" [Headmaster Cid]: "Everyone here?" (The headmaster walks into the screen.) [Headmaster Cid]: "It's been a while, everyone. How's everyone doing? This exam will involve 12 members from Squads A through D...You will be proceeding to a real battlefield. Obviously, the battles are for real. Life and d**h, victory and defeat, honor and disgrace... Each of these go hand in hand. There's only one way or the other. How 'bout it? Are you still up for it? You will be accompanied by 9 SeeD members. Should you fail, these members shall get the job done. They always do. Well, that's one less worry on your mind. The pride of Balamb Garden! The elite mercenary force, SeeD! Learn from them, obey their commands and accomplish the mission. Prove yourselves worth of becoming a member of SeeD. Best of luck." (Squad D heads to the parking lot, where they all hop in a Garden vehicle. Inside:) [Zell]: "Yo, Squall. Show me your gunblade, will ya?" [Squall]: "........." [Zell]: "C'mon, man!" [Squall]: "........." [Zell]: "Just a peek!" [Squall]: "........." [Zell]: "Tch, fine...Yeah, yeah...Why you bein' so selfish!? Scrooooge!" [Squall] : "........." [Zell] "Say somethin', will ya!? W-What's on your mind?" [Squall]: "...Nothing." [Quistis]: "...Nothing." [Zell]: "........." (Zell stands up and starts punching the air.) [Seifer]: "Stop that...It's annoying. ...Chicken-wuss." [Zell]: "WHAT DID YOU CALL ME!?" [Seifer]: "Heheheh..." [Quistis]: "Knock it off!" (Everyone calms down in their seats.) [Squall]: "...Instructor...Who was that girl in the infirmary this morning?" [Quistis]: "Was someone there? I didn't notice anybody. Is there a problem?" [Squall]: "No...not really..." [Seifer]: "This is great...I have a Chicken-wuss and a guy who just reached puberty in my squad..." (The car heads to the Balamb docks, where there are numerous ships stationed for departure. Everyone hops out and heads to the pier.) [Squall]: "So that's the vessel...?" [Seifer] : "Ain't no turning back now. Huh? You scared, too?" (A man yells from the pier.) [Garden Staff]: "Hey! You guys are the last! Hurry up and get in!" [Seifer]: "Don't disappoint me now." [Quistis]: "Come on, move it!" (They all go to the docks.) [Quistis]: "Hurry, Squall!" (Everyone piles into the ship and it speeds across the ocean, with a tiny town on the horizon: the destination. Inside, everyone sits. Quistis stands when another woman walks in.) [Xu]: "Hi, Quistis." [Quistis]: "Well, these are the members of Squad B." [Zell] : "Nice to meet ya!" [Squall]: "Pleased to meet you..." [Xu]: "Seifer, how many times has it been now?" [Seifer]: "Oh, I just love these exams..." [Xu]: "I'll explain the current situation and the mission. Be seated! Our client for this mission is the Dollet Dukedom Parliament. A request for SeeD was made 18 hours ago. Dollet has been under attack by the G-Army since about 72 hours ago. 49 hours into the battle, Dollet abandoned their position in the inner city. Currently, they have retreated into the nearby mountains and are reorganizing their troops. That's the current status. Now onto the mission objective. According to our reports, the G-Army is mopping up the Dollet troops in the mountain region. We're to make a landing at Lapin Beach. We're to eliminate the remaining G-Army within the city and liberate it A.S.A.P. Afterwards, SeeD members will intercept any G-Army forces trying to make their way into the city from the mountain region." [Seifer]: "So, what are WE supposed to do?" [Xu]: "SeeD candidates are to eliminate the G-Army inside the city." [Zell]: "Sounds important!" [Seifer]: "Sounds boring. So what you're saying is, we do all the little, dirty work..." [Xu]: "......... Oh, it hardly needs to be said, but...The order to withdraw takes priority. Do not forget. We're almost there. We anticipate a battle as soon as we disembark. Just be prepared. That's all. Any questions, talk to Quistis." [Xu walks out.] [Squall]: (Hmmm...) R1 --> Talk to Quistis R2 --> Talk to Seifer R3 --> Talk to Zell R4 --> Do nothing R1 (Quistis): "What is it Squall?" R5 --> Explain that again R6 --> It's nothing R2 (Seifer): "Listen up. Our goal for this mission is to mop up all the Galbadian soldiers still left in Dollet. All you boys have to do is take orders from me, the captain." R3 (Zell): "My first real battle...I'm gettin' pretty nervous." [Seifer]: "Better not piss in your pants." [Zell]: "Hah!? You talkin' to me?" [Seifer]: "Heh heh..." [Zell]: "*tard." [Quistis]: "Ok, enough talk. We'll be landing pretty soon. Get ready." [Zell]: "Roger." [Squall]: "Alright." [Seifer]: "Yeah, yeah...Well then, Squall. Go see what's going on outside." [Squall]: "........." R7 --> ......Ok R8 --> No R4: "We'll be landing pretty soon. Get ready." [Squall]: "Alright." [Zell]: "Roger." [Seifer]: "Yeah, yeah...Well then, Squall. Go see what's going on outside." [Squall]: "........." R7 --> ......Ok R8 --> No R5: "Here's a quick explanation. The goal for this mission is to eliminate the Galbadian forces that have entered Dollet. The order to withdraw takes priority. Be sure to make your way back to the shore when you get this order." R6: "We'll be there soon. Be ready for anything, Squall." R7: "......Ok." [Seifer]: "Good. Because it's MY order." R8: "......No." [Seifer]: "This is an order from your captain, Squall. Now go outside." [Squall]: "......Ok." (Squall goes outside and takes out a map in an FMV. The boats sail across the gleam of the moon on the sea's surface, and he looks at the areas where the attack is going to take place. Explosions are already detonating on the beach as the ships arrive for the rescue operation.) ___________________________________________________________ 04. The SeeD Mission ___________________________________________________________ (Everyone piles out of the ship as its back end opens.) [Quistis]: "Ok, you are to secure the [Central Square]! Be sure to equip your GF before you head into battle!" [Seifer]: "Let's move out." (The party runs up the nearby steps and are attacked by G-Army footmen.) [Soldier]: "They're Dollet reinforcements?" (They cut the two men down and continue on until some more G-Army members jump off a branching walkway between streets and attack.) [Soldier]: "Look out, it's Seed!" (They fell the soldiers and continue on into the next section.) [Seifer]: "The [Central Square] is up ahead. Hey! All you Galbadian cowards out there! Come out'n show your faces! Don't leave me hangin' now!" (Seifer runs off ahead.) [Zell]: "...What an idiot." (They run to catch up with Seifer, and are quickly attacked by a stray soldier, who they deal with promptly.) [Squall]: "There may be more..." [Seifer]: "All right, I want you guys to scout the area for enemies." (Near a vehicle blockade, the party finds some more soldiers. They lay them to rest in a quick battle.) [Squall]: "I think that's all of them." [Seifer]: "Well then, we're on standby 'til the enemy comes. Standby... How boring..." (The party hears a loud noise.) [Squall]: "Sounds like it's starting." [Seifer]: "Bring it on." (A dog starts nipping at Seifer's heel.) [Seifer]: "Get outta here! Scram!" (Seifer runs to the other side of the fountain that sits abandoned in the town square.) [Seifer]: "Hey! Galbadian Soldiers! What are you waiting for!? Come show me what you got! [Squall] : "...Nothing." [Seifer]: "Still keeping us waiting...? That's it...! I can't take it anymore! What is this, some kind of dog training!?" (The dog that was annoying Seifer previously runs off and howls. The party ducks down as a Galbadian scout checks around and leads some troops out of town.) [Squall]: "It's the enemy..." [Zell]: "Where the hell they goin'?" (Zell looks at the top of the mountain.) [Zell]: "Hey? What is that up there?" [Seifer]: "Our next destination." [Zell]: "But that's against orders!" [Seifer]: "Weren't you just saying how bored you were?" [Zell]: "Squall!" [Squall]: "I stand by the captain's decision." [Seifer]: "...Captain's decision? You want to wreak some havoc too, don't you?" [Squall]: "It's a good opportunity to test out my training. Thanks to you, I feel like I can take on anyone. Even if they do fight dirty, like you." [Seifer]: "You'll thank me when the time comes." [Zell]: "What the hell...I thought you guys didn't get along? You're like, all buddy-buddy now. Listen. This ain't no ordinary battle. It's an exam, an important one. I'm tellin' ya, we have to stick to orders." [Seifer]: "Then you stay here. I don't need any boy scouts." [Zell]: "What was that!!!?" [Squall]: "Don't take him seriously, Zell. Seifer, if we're gonna go, let's hurry." [Seifer]: "The enemy is headed for the [facility]. We, Squad B, are to secure the summit. Move out!" [Squall]: "Alright." [Zell]: "Tch...Fine." (Seifer's crew heads across the nearby bridge that links to the mountaintop. As they head up one of the stairways, a Dollet soldier crawls into sight out of a bush.) [Dollet Soldier]: "Ahhh! W-W-Who are you!?" [Squall]: "Don't worry. We're SeeD candidates. We've been dispatched by Garden." [Seifer]: "So what's going on up there?" [Dollet Soldier]: "The Galbadian soldiers have entered the [Communication Tower]. On top of that...that place has always been a nesting ground for monsters. If you guys are goin' up, be caref...H-HELP!!!" (An Anaconduar attacks from in its hiding place, and the party starts battle with it.) [Seifer]: "Listen up! The finishing blow determines the EXP. Save it for me!" (The party fends off the Anaconduar.) [Squall]: "Monsters, huh?" [Zell]: "That s**s." [Seifer]: "More fun for us. Come on...." [Zell]: "...Fun? Pu-lease..." (They follow Seifer up the mountain, finding him lying on his stomach watching some soldiers from an outlook above. A soldier runs out of the Communications Tower to the guards near the door.) [Galbadian Soldier]: "The generator is up and running!" [Galbadian Soldier 2]: "No problem with the boosters!" [Seifer]: "...the hell they doing?" [Galbadian Soldier]: "Cable disconnection confirmed! Beginning exchange process!" [Galbadian Soldier 2]: "Roger." [Squall]: "Repairs...?" (The soldiers run inside.) [Seifer]: "Who cares. This must be your first real battle. You scared?" [Squall]: "...I don't know. I try not to think about it." [Seifer]: "I love battles. I fear nothing. The way I look at it, as long as you make it out of a battle alive, you're one step closer to fulfilling your dream." [Squall]: "What!? Your dream?" [Seifer]: "You have one too, don't you?" [Squall]: "...Sorry, but I'm gonna pa** on the subject." [Zell]: "Yo! Let me in on it, too!" [Seifer]: "Mind your own business." (Zell starts punching air at Seifer again.) [Zell]: "Frickin' hell..." [Seifer]: "What's the matter, Zell? Swatting flies?" (Seifer walks away.) [Zell]: "Damn you...!" [Voice]: "There you are!" (A girl stands nearby, coming to talk to the party. She tumbles and lands near everyone. This is also the girl that Squall talked to when she ran into him earlier.) [Girl]: "Are you...Squad B? Wait a minute...You're the guy who showed me around, right!? Thanks! I don't so lost anymore. Oh yeah, I haven't told you my name yet. I'm...a messenger. Name's Selphie, from Squad A. The squad captain's Seifer, right? Where is he?" [[NOTE: If you didn't show her around, she begins at "I'm...a messenger," obviously not recognizing Squall.]] (They see Seifer down at the entrance, and he stops to look up at everyone.) [Seifer]: "One of these days, I'm gonna tell ya 'bout my ROMANTIC dream!" [Selphie]: "(sigh) This sure is tough... Captain! Wait up...!!!" (Selphie jumps down the cliffside and walks to where Seifer just was before he entered the Comm Tower.) [Selphie]: "What are you waiting for!? Come on! Come on!" (If Squall takes the winding road down to where Selphie is:) [Selphie]: "What took you so long? It would've been much quicker if you'd just jumped." [Zell]: "...Much quicker? Pu-lease... ...You wouldn't normally jump off a cliff, OK!? Ain't that right, Squall?" R1 --> Yeah, I guess so R2 --> I don't know about that... R1 (Squall): "...Yeah, I guess so. You wouldn't normally jump that." [Selphie]: "Hmm...I don't know... Well, anyway. Well, let's get goin'. Has everyone equipped a GF? You haven't forgotten... Have you...?" R2 (Squall): "...I don't know about that. Perhaps anyone but the Chicken-wuss can make it." [Zell]: "WHAT DID YOU SAYYYYY!!!?" [Selphie]: "...Hm? Since you're so angry, I guess you're the Chicken-wuss." [Zell]: "What the...!!! WHY IS EVERYONE...? I am not a CHICKEN!!!" [Selphie]: "Well... If you don't like CHICKEN, how 'bout... a PIG! Oh, but you look more like a CHICKEN, anyway." [Zell]: "Chicken, pig, whatever... Call me what you want!!! I don't care anymore!!!" [Squall]: "Don't take it so personally, Zell." [Zell]: "Tch..." [Selphie] : "Well, let's get goin'. Has everyone equipped a GF? You haven't forgotten... Have you...?" (If Squall walks to the cliff to jump off:) [Zell]: "Squall...You're not gonna...It's a cliff, man...You're not gonna jump off...?" R1 --> That's the plan R2 --> No way... R1: [Squall jumps off.] [Zell]: "Are you serious...!? Geronimoooooo!!!" [Selphie]: "Well, let's get goin'. Has everyone equipped a GF? You haven't forgotten... Have you...?" R2: "I didn't think so..." [No one jumps off.] (Once Selphie's finished speaking, they head towards the Communication Tower. Its many layers tower above everyone.) [Zell]: "So this is the [Communication Tower]...?" [Selphie]: "Sure is big..." [Galbadian Soldier]: "Ah...AHHH!" (Two soldiers flee from the tower with Seifer swinging his Hyperion right behind them.) [Seifer]: "Cowards." [Selphie]: "HEEEY!" (Seifer walks back inside.) [Selphie]: "The captain's getting away!" (Inside, the elevator is just coming down and Seifer's nowhere to be seen.) [Squall]: "...Did he go up?" [Selphie]: "Heeey! Squad B captain!!!" [Squall]: "I think we can take this lift up..." [Selphie]: "Wanna go up?" R1 --> Go up R2 --> Stay R1: [They all get on.] [Selphie]: "Wow, this lift is pretty cool!" [Zell]: "Don't get too excited, or you'll fall!" [Selphie]: "Like I'm really going to!" R2: [They don't take the lift.] (Once they take the lift, a cutscene takes place where two Galbadian soldiers are up on the top of the tower. The red one is repairing some circuitry and a normal soldier walks over to him.) [Wedge]: "Major Biggs! There has been a report of a monster-shaped shadow on top of the tower. Major Biggs!" [Biggs]: "Be quiet! I'm busy! This goes like this...and...Geez, what's with these crappy old tools? And...and...Why do I have to make all the repairs!? AHHH!!!" [Wedge]: "Sir, I'll check around while the repairs are being done." [Biggs]: "Let's see...Hmmm...Put this here...and...This goes here... and...There, it's complete!" (Squall's team comes up right as Biggs says its complete. From deep within the bowels of the tower, a large piece of machinery shifts upwards: a gigantic satellite dish. It quickly starts sending out a signal to...somewhere) [Squall]: "What do you think you're doing!?" [Biggs]: "Huhhhh? Likewise, MISTER! What do you think you're doing!? H-HEY! What happened to all the soldiers down below!? WEDGE! Take care of these twerps!!! W...Wedge?" (Wedge is out of sight, still patrolling.) [Biggs]: "I...ah...Well...ah...I seem to be done here, so I'll just be on my...I-I'm leaving...Move! Move! Move! (Seifer arrives and bats Biggs' gun out of his hand.) [Seifer]: "Sorry to crash the party." [Biggs]: "Ah...AHH...AHHHHH! Are you CRAZY!!!" [Seifer]: "Just shut UP!" (Biggs attacks everyone.) [Biggs]: "Prepare for the worst, you brats!" (Soon, Wedge appears in battle, too.) [Wedge]: "Major Biggs...Have you finished the repairs, sir? What is the enemy doing here!?" [Biggs]: "WEDGE! Where were you!? No pay for you this month!" [Wedge]: "...Should've stayed home!" (After awhile, the two Galbadian soldiers take a beating.) [Wedge]: "Major! We're doomed!" [Biggs]: "Stop your whining! (Biggs uses Cure on Wedge. After awhile, a breezy tornado comes down from above and starts whipping the two off the side of the tower.) [Biggs]: "What the...!?" [Wedge]: "Ahhhhh!" (A large monster sinks down from above and takes the place of Biggs and Wedge in battle.) [Zell]: "What the hell is it?" (The party fights Elvoret.) [Selphie]: "Squad B Captain? S'cuse me! I have new orders! All SeeD members and SeeD candidates are to withdraw at 1900 hours. Assemble at the [shore]!" [Seifer]: "Withdraw!? There are still enemies around!" [Selphie]: "I know, but I'm just a messenger." [Squall]: "An order to withdraw takes priority. I don't want to miss the vessel." [Seifer]: "What time d'you say?" [Selphie]: "Like I said...! All SeeD members and SeeD candidates are to withdraw at 1900 hours. Assemble at the [shore]!" [Seifer]: "1900 hours...We only have 30 minutes! You got 30 minutes to get down to the [shore]! Better run!" (Seifer takes the elevator down.) [Selphie]: "Heeey! Wait for us!" [Zell]: "Who the hell does he think he is!" [Squall]: "Why don't you ask him. Let's go." (They take the elevator back down As the party exits, the defeated Biggs crawls to a control panel and gives directions to "something".) [Biggs]: "Those little twerps are the targets. Now GO!!! Go and DESTROY them!!!" (As they leave the tower, a giant spider drops down from the top of the tower. The party fights the X-ATM092.) [Zell]: "Let's get the hell outta here!" [Narrative]: [L2], [R2] bu*tons to escape. (The run from battle and into the next screen. Unfortunately, the spider is following them after a minor defeat.) [Zell]: "I thought we already busted that thing up!?" [Squall]: "Forget it! Let's go!" (The party leads the spider towards the beach in their haste. By the cafe, two SeeD hopefuls run out from their position.) [Squad C Leader]: "Squad C, withdraw!" [SeeD Candidate]: "Roger!" (FMV. On the beach, Squall runs towards the departing SeeD ship that everyone's already hopped on. As the spider draws close, Quistis mans the machine gun atop the boat and dismantles the spider with her quick firing. The ship departs with Squall safely aboard, and the last thing he sees is the spider blowing up on the beach. back at the Balamb docks, Seifer climbs out and the rest of the disciplinary committee' comes to meet him.) [Raijin]: "SEIFER! How'd it go?" [Seifer]: "Man...All they did was get in my way. Being a leader ain't easy." [Fujin]: "SAFE?" (The three walk off together.) [Quistis]: "Good job!" (She looks around.) [Quistis]: "Where's Seifer? Just be back at Garden by sundown. You're free 'til then. Ok, dismissed!" (The party heads back to the car, but Seifer and his crew have commandeered it and drive off without them.) [Zell]: "H-Hey!!! Not again, man! There goes Mr. Ego..." [Squall]: "Might as well walk it." (The party heads back to Balamb Garden without Seifer.) ___________________________________________________________ 05. Balamb Garden, SeeD Inauguration, Training Center ___________________________________________________________ (Zell immediately stretches when he comes to the gate.) [Zell]: "Huuuwahaah! Finally made it back..." [Selphie]: "Seriously..." [Zell]: "Well, I guess we just wait for the test results. 'Til then. See ya, Squall." [Selphie]: "See ya!" (Selphie and Zell depart. At the Directory, Squall sees the headmaster talking with Quistis and Xu.) [Xu]: "Mission complete! I think we did a pretty good job. The candidates are back safely, right?" [Quistis]: "Although we didn't realize the Galbadian Army was after the abandoned communication tower..." [Headmaster Cid]: "We've just received word from the Dollet Dukedom. The Galbadian Army has agreed to withdraw as long as the communication army is repaired and the uplink remains operational." [Xu:] "Well, in any case, Galbadia is out of there. We could've made more money if they'd stayed and caused more ruckus." (Squall heads towards the dormitories when he sees Seifer.) [Seifer]: "Squall! D'you hear about the communication tower in Dollet? We would've been heroes if it weren't for that withdraw order." (Xu and Quistis walk over.) [Quistis]: "You were only looking for a fight." [Seifer]: "My dear instructor, I'm hurt. Those are rather cruel words for an aspiring student. A mediocre instructor like you will never understand." [Xu]: "Seifer, don't be so stuck on yourself. You'll take all responsibility for leaving the designated area." [Seifer]: "Isn't it the captain's duty to take the best possible action?" [Xu]: "Seifer, you'll never be a SeeD. Calling yourself a captain is a joke." (Xu leaves and the headmaster comes over to talk to Quistis, who then leaves also.) [Headmaster Cid]: "Seifer. You will be disciplined for your irresponsible behavior. You must follow orders exactly during combat. But I'm not entirely without sympathy for you. I don't want you all to become machines. I want you all to be able to think and act for yourselves. I am..." (A man in a red robe, like at the Fire Cavern entrance, walks over.) [Garden Faculty]: "Headmaster Cid, you have some business in your office..." [Headmaster Cid]: "There are so many issues at hand here." (As Squall leaves towards his dorms once more, a loudspeaker clicks on.) [Loudspeaker]: "All students who participated in today's field exam, report to the [2nd floor hallway]. I repeat: All students who took the field exam, report to the [2nd floor hallway]." (Squall detours to the second floor. There, everyone who took the test is lounging and waiting around for the test results. Soon a faculty member with a list comes.) [Garden Faculty]: "Dincht...Zell Dincht." [Zell]: "OHHHHH YEAHHHHHH!!! See ya!!! (Zell runs off quickly.) [Garden Faculty]: "Squall...Squall from Squad B. Please step forward." (Squall walks off.) [Garden Faculty]: "That is all. Dismissed." (Up in the headmaster's office, the students who completed the exam stand rank and file in front of Cid.) [Garden Faculty]: "These are the 4 students that pa**ed today's exam." [Headmaster Cid]: "First of all, congratulations. However...From now on, as a member of SeeD, you will be dispatched all over the world. We are proud to introduce SeeD, Balamb Garden's mercenary soldiers. SeeD soldiers are combat specialists. BUT...That is only one aspect of SeeD. When the time comes..." [Garden Faculty]: "Headmaster...It's almost time for the meeting. Please make this short." (The faculty turns to the new SeeD recruits.) [Garden Faculty]: "SeeD is a valuable a**et to Garden. It's reputation is solely dependant on each one of you. Handle your mission with care. Is that what you wanted to say, sir? Here is your SeeD rank report!" )The headmaster takes the reports to Selphie, handing her a SeeD rank report.) [Headmaster Cid]: "Psst...Psst... (I'm looking forward to the Garden Festival.)" (He goes down the line to a yet-unnamed person.) [Headmaster Cid]: "Psst...Psst... (Do your best, even if you don't stand out.)" (He goes over to Zell.) [Headmaster Cid]: "Psst...Psst... (Try to control your emotions a little.)" (He goes over to Squall last.) [Headmaster Cid]: "Psst...Psst... (Finally...A gunblade specialist.)" [Garden Faculty]: "This ends the SeeD inauguration. Dismissed!" (Squall walks back to the hallway he was just at. Seifer approaches... and starts clapping. Embarra**ed, the new SeeDs just stand and scratch their heads. ) [Narrative]: As a SeeD member, you will be paid a salary at regular intervals. The salary is determined by SeeD rank. SeeD rank goes up according to your actions in battle. Some actions will cause your rank to go down. (Later on, Squall walks back to his dorm. Selphie is there already, and dressed in a new uniform.) [Selphie]: "HAH! Found you! Well, well!? What do you think? My SeeD uniform! (Squall gets changed.) [Selphie]: "Heeey! Lookin' good! Alright! Let's hit that PAAH-TAY!" (They go to the inauguration ball. Playing to his loner persona, Squall stands at the back of the ceremony and drinks champagne by himself. Zell walks over.) [Zell]: "Yo! S'up, Squall? Heh-heh, I guess we're both SeeDs now, huh? Put it there, man." (Again, he doesn't shake his hand.) [Zell]: "Hah, even as a SeeD, you're still the same. Well, that's typical of you. See ya." (Zell walks away. Off-screen, Selphie talks to Zell.) [Selphie]: "Oh...hey, Zell. Wanna join the Garden Festival committee and..." [Zell]: "Sorry, I...ahh...Just remembered something! G-Gotta go. See ya!" [Selphie]: "Hmmmm...Squall! Hi!" (Selphie runs over.) [Selphie]: "Wanna join the Garden Festival committee? You can help out whenever you have time. Please?" [Squall]: R1 --> Yeah, I guess so R2 --> ......... R1: "Sure. You seem to be putting a lot of effort into this." [Selphie]: "REALLY!? Whoo-hoo! I know we'll be busy with a lot of SeeD stuff, but let's work hard on the Garden Festival, too. Bye!" R2: [Selphie runs away to someone else.] "S'cuse me! You, right there!" (Cue FMV. Squall and a girl meet eyes from across the room. The girl holds off the conversation she was having and walks over.) [Girl]: "You're the best looking guy here. Dance with me? Let me guess...You'll only dance with someone you like. Ok then... Look into my eyes...You're-going-to-like-me...You're-going-to- like-me...Did it work?" [Squall]: "...I can't dance." [Girl]: "You'll be fine. Come on. I'm looking for someon. I can't be on the dance floor alone." (FMV again. She drags him to the dance floor and he stumbles around like a third-grader. He gets the hang of it after a sec and at the end, the two share a skyline look at some fireworks. She pardons herself afterwards to go talk to someone else. Later on, Squall is standing on the balcony. Quistis walks over.) [Quistis]: "You really are an excellent student. Even that dance was perfect." [Squall]: "Thank you." (Quistis just stands there.) [Squall]: "Yes?" [Quistis]: "So you'll dance with someone you don't even know, but you can't even stand being around me?" [Squall] : "...Whatever. You're an instructor, and I'm your student. It's kind of awkward when you don't say anything." [Quistis]: "That's true. I was like that myself. ...Oh, I completely forgot. I wonder what's to be come of me? I've come to give you an order. You and I are to go to the 'secret area'. It's where students secretly meet up and talk after curfew. It's inside the [training center]." [Squall]: "What do you want to do there? Are we going to tell everyone they're violating curfew? If that's the case, forget it. Leave that for the disciplinary committee." [Quistis]: "Go get changed and meet me in front of the [training center]. This will be my last order." (Squall walks off to get changed.) [Squall]: (Get changed and meet at the training center? What's this all about...?) (Squall finally meets up with Quistis in the hallway to the Garden training center.) [Quistis]: "Squall, I was just wondering...Have you fought T-Rexaur in the training center?" [Squall]: "I'm not sure..." [Quistis]: "You can defeat it quite easily by using [Status-J]. Let's go over the Status changes in the Tutorial!" (Cue the Status Junction Explanation tutorial.) [Narrative]: By junctioning a GF with status junction ability, as magic is junctioned, the ST-A/D slot above HP turns white, indicating a status junction. Press (D-pad left) here twice to see the Status Junction screen. Status junction works the same way as elemental junction. First, select a stat to junction, then select a magic to complete the junction. However, magic with no status change, like Fire, cannot be junctioned. Status junction affects attack and defense differently. Junctioning to ST-Atk gives that status change to Attack. The status change probability is indicated in %. In the example, there is a 90% chance of afflicting an enemy with Darkness. 100% is the maximum value, but there are enemies who may not be affected, even with 100% ST-Atk. Junctioning to ST-Def reduces the probability of a status change. Probability is displayed in %. No status change will occur at 100%. In the example, the effect of Sleep attack is reduced by 80%. However, depending on the enemy attack, status change may still occur at 100%. You can junction multiple magic types to ST-Def, depending on the GF's ability. Some magic, like Esuna, will defend against multiple status changes. Try junctioning different magic to check the effect. Select Auto to junction the most effective status magic automatically. [Quistis]: "Well? Use a Sleep attack against T-Rexaur. Just junction 'Sleep' onto your ST-Atk-J and attack. Come on, let's go to the 'secret area'. It's just inside the training center." (Together, the two go to the after-hours meeting spot and find a few people there.) [Quistis]: "I haven't been here for a while." (They both go stand by the ledge.) [Quistis]: "What time is it?" [Squall]: "It's after midnight." [Quistis]: "Oh well... I, Quistis Trepe, am no longer an instructor as of now! I'm a member of SeeD now, just like you. Who knows, maybe we'll end up working together." [Squall]: "...Oh really?" [Quistis]: "Is that all you're going to say?" [Squall]: "If that's how it was decided, you have to abide by it." [Quistis] : "They told me that I failed as an instructor. Basically, that I lacked leadership qualities. I was a SeeD by the age of 15, got my instructor license at 17...It's only been a year since I got it... I wonder where I went wrong... I did my best... Are you listening?" [Squall]: "Are you done yet...? I don't wanna talk about it. What am I supposed to say about other people's problems?" [Quistis]: "I'm not asking you to say anything. I just want you listen." [Squall]: "Then go talk to a wall." [Quistis]: "Aren't there times when you want to share your feelings with someone?" [Squall]: "Everyone has to take care of themselves. I don't want to carry anyone's burden." (Squall walks away.) [Quistis]: "...No leadership qualities... Failed instructor... Perhaps they're right..." (The two start heading back until:) [Voice]: "Somebody help!!" [Quistis]: "Come on, Squall!" (The two run to the aid of a woman, the same one who visited Squall that morning in the infirmary, who's being attacked by a rather large insect.) [Girl]: "Squall!!! Squall! Quisty?" (Quistis and Squall k** the insect and its cohorts. The girl falls to her knees after the battle's over, just as two men in white jump into the screen.) [Man in White]: "It is not safe here. Please, let's go." [Girl]: "...Alright." (The two men lead her off.) [Quistis]: "Who was that...?" (Squall and Quistis walk to the hallway where they met.) [Quistis]: "Squall. It's not like everyone can get by on their own, you know?" (Quistis departs.) [Squall]: "...Says who?" (Squall walks back to his dorm. Zell finds him in en route.) [Zell]: "Finally! There you are! Where the hell were you? I was lookin' all over the place. We're both now members of SeeD, right? Well, guess what!? We got our own rooms, baby! Your new room's right across the hall from your old one. That's what I was asked to tell you. Man, it took me forever!" (Squall walks to his new room.) [Squall]: "I'll just go to sleep..." ___________________________________________________________ 06. The Train to Timber ___________________________________________________________ [When Squall wakes up, he can hear Selphie outside.] [Selphie] : "Squall, it's our first SeeD mission! Looks like we're going to [Timber]. Meet [by the front gate]. Hurry!" (Squall goes to the gate. Selphie, Cid, and a faculty member are both there, but...not Zell...) [Garden Faculty]: "...One more minute..." (Zell bounds over the turnstiles on a hoverboard-type craft and comes to a stop near everyone.) [Zell]: "Made it!" [Garden Faculty]: "T-Boards are prohibited within Garden. Have you forgotten?" [Zell]: "Oops, sorry! But this is really cool. It may come in handy on a SeeD mission, someday." [Garden Faculty]: "We'll be the judges of that. Confiscate it." (Another faculty member comes over, takes the t-board, and leaves.) [Garden Faculty]: "All of you are members of SeeD, but...nevertheless, you're still students at this Garden. Furthermore, because you are SeeDs, you must set an example to all others and abide by the Garden's rules. Understood!?" (Cid steps forward.) [Headmaster Cid]: "Well, about your first mission...You are to go to Timber. There, you will be supporting a resistance faction. That is your mission. A member of the faction will contact you at Timber Station." [Garden Faculty]: "This person will talk to you and say, 'The forests of Timber sure have changed'. At this time, you must reply, 'But the owls are still around'. That is the pa**word." [Headmaster Cid]: "Just follow the faction's orders." [Zell]: "Uh...Just us 3?" [Garden Faculty]: "Correct. We have agreed to do this mission for very little money. Normally, we would never accept such requests, but..." [Headmaster Cid]: "Enough talk about that. Well then, Squall, you are the squad leader. Use your best judgement based on the situation. Zell and Selphie, you are to support Squall and give your all to carry out the faction's plans." (The three SeeDs go into Balamb and buy their train tickets. Once onboard, the train heads into the underground tunnel connecting the island to the mainland.) [Selphie]: "This train is awesome!" [Zell]: "An intercontinental railroad, baby! It even runs through an underwater tunnel to get to Timber. Pretty cool, huh?" [Squall]: "Sure is..." [Zell]: "Guess you're not interested... By the way, Squall... You have to use the ticket to get inside." (Squall walks over to the monitor on the wall and uses the ticket.) [Squall]: "Ok, we can go inside now." [ID Check]: "Confirming... Access granted..." [Selphie]: "I'm gonna go check out the front. Tee-hee! Thanks!" (Selphie runs into the towards the train cabins.) [Zell]: "Let's go check it out, Squall. (The two men walk after Selphie.) [Zell]: "Yo, check it out! So this is SeeD's private cabin...!" (Zell walks in.) [Zell]: "WHOA! OHHH YEAHHH! AWESOME!" (Squall walks in, finding Zell bouncing around on the couch.) [Zell]: "Heh-heh. This is sooo cool!" [Squall]: "...I'm glad you're so excited." [Zell]: "They even have magazines here." [He gives Squall a 'Pet Pals Vol. 1' magazine.] "This is pretty damn amazing. It pays to be a member of SeeD! Squall, y'know anything about Timber?" R1 --> I don't care R2 --> Not too much R1: "C'mon, Squall. Don't be like that... I wanna tell you!" R3 --> Nah, it's ok R4 --> All right... R2: "Thought so. Well, let me fill you in. Timber used to be a country surrounded by deep forests. But 18 years ago, Galbadia invaded. Timber fell quite easily to Galbadia. So now Timber is under Galbadian occupation. It's said there's a whole bunch of resistance factions, big and small." [Squall]: "...And?" [Zell]: "Nope, that's it." [Squall]: "......... ...Thank you, Mr. Know-It-All-Zell." [Zell]: "Hey, no prob!" (Selphie enters.) R3: "C'MON! I wanna tell you what I know!" R5 --> Just be quiet R6 --> Fine... Talk R4: "Yep, that's what I wanted to hear. Allow me to explain briefly." [Insert R2 here.] R5: [Zell suppresses his frustration and Selphie walks in.] R6: [Same as R4.] (Selphie enters whether or not Zell gets to tell the history of Timber.) [Selphie]: "I'm not...feeling well..." [Squall]: "You should get some rest if you're tired." [Selphie]: "I'm really sleepy..." [Squall]: "You ok?" [Zell]: "Hey...? Huh? What the...!? Somethin's wrong with me, too... I...feel...sleepy..." (Selphie goes to the couch and instantly pa**es out. Zell falls back in his seat, sleeping like a baby .) [Squall]: "What's going on? Ugh!? ...What is this?" (Squall clutches his head as he, too, pa**es out on the floor.) ___________________________________________________________ 07. Laguna Sequence I ___________________________________________________________ [SeeD]: (Hmmm...?) (Off in the jungle, three men dressed in Galbadian uniforms run down a path. This sudden appearance elicits odd responses from the three SeeD members who are nowhere to be seen (they'll be denoted as 'SeeD' because they have no labels in this state of being).) [SeeD]: (What the...!?) [SeeD]: (Huh?) [Man]: "Uhh, Laguna, are you sure this is the right way?" (The three soldiers run into the next screen, a bunch of burning gra** lighting the battle-ready mood.) [SeeD]: (Where am I?) [SeeD]: (Dream?) [SeeD]: (?) (The large man with a harpoon, Ward, speaks up.) [Ward]: "Hoo-boy, not again..." (In the next screen:) [Ward]: "Hey, aren't we here to fight a war? You know, against the almighty Timber army?" [Kiros]: "Yeah, so why are we wasting our time messin' with these animals?" [Laguna]: "Well, you see... It's just that, uhh..." [Kiros]: "Don't tell me we're lost again." [Laguna]: "Anyway... We're goin' home. Deling City, here we come!" [Ward]: "W-Wait! Laguna!" (The three men rush to the truck nearby and drive out of the Timber area. They don't stop 'til they come to a large city setting. Laguna parks in the middle of the street.) [Ward]: "H-Hey! You can't park in the middle of the street!" [Laguna]: "Chill man, it's cool. Alright then! How's about a drink!?" [Kiros]: "Whatever! Like you drink... We already know you're not in it for the drinking. Just admit it already!" [Ward]: "Yeah, just drink some juice like a weenie. And then gawk at the piano lady." [Laguna]: "DON'T CALL HER THE 'PIANO LADY'! That's it, forget it! I'm not going!" [Kiros]: "We know you will..." (The men head down to the Galbadia Hotel bar and find a waitress nearby.) [Waitress]: "Welcome! Your usual table is ready." R1 --> (I'll walk around a bit first.) R2 --> (Alright, I'm there!) R3 --> (Huh? Excuse me?) NOTE: For R3, it's one of the confused SeeDs controlling the men thinking it, not Laguna, Kiros, or Ward. R1 (Laguna): "I'm gonna walk around." R2 (Laguna): "Thanks." R3 (Laguna): "What?" [Kiros]: "What's wrong?" [Laguna]: "I... I dunno. SeeD: (Is this a dream...?) SeeD: (Laguna's pretty cute!) SeeD: (What's goin' on!? W-What's happening to me!?) [Laguna]: "At ease, men." (They all sit down.) [Laguna]: "We're goin' all out tonight, right boys!?" [Waitress]: "May I take your order?" [Laguna]: "The usual!" [Kiros]: "Me, too." [Ward]: "Keep 'em coming!" (The waitress leaves and a girl in a red dress walks down the stairs and takes her seat at the piano.) [Ward]: "So, Laguna... Julia should be making her appearance soon. You goin' for it tonight?" [Kiros]: "Yeah, go for it!" [Laguna]: "What-ever, man! Can't you see she's working?" [Kiros]: "Don't go back on your word. C'mon, go wave to her." [Laguna]: "Give me a break..." [Ward]: "So you say, but we know you'll do it." (Laguna approaches the piano where Julia is set to play.) [Laguna]: (Ah... To be this close to Julia...) SeeD: (Is this guy serious...?) [Laguna] : (...Uh-oh... My leg's cramping up...! Argh...) SeeD: (Sad...) (Laguna limps back to the table with a fairly pitiful wave to Julia.) [Kiros]: "Good work, Laguna." [Ward]: "Mission successful!" [Kiros]: "Here, have a seat." [Ward]: "I didn't think you'd actually do it. Our popularity rating's gone up a point." [Kiros]: "Yeah, but you cut a pretty pitiful figure up there. I'd say you're about a -3 on the manliness scale." [Laguna]: "Say what you want! (sigh...) Julia sure is pretty..." (Ward looks behind Laguna.) [Kiros]: "Aaa..." (Ward looks, too.) [Ward]: "Hunhhh...? Laguna, we're takin' off." [Laguna]: "H-Hey! What's the rush?" [Ward]: "It's on us tonight. Relax and stay awhile, Laguna." (They leave because they saw Julia approaching. So, they bolt and leave Laguna to fend for himself in unfamiliar waters.) [Julia]: "May I?" [Laguna]: "Aaaaa..." (Laguna limps over and opens the way for her.) [Julia]: "Did I interrupt anything?" [Laguna]: "N-N-N-Not at all. P-Please, s-sit down." (Oh man, oh man, it's really HER! What do I do!? Kiros? Ward? HELP! What do I say!? But man, she is pretty...) SeeD: "What's this guy thinking...?" [Julia]: "You ok now?" [Laguna]: "Kind of..." [Julia]: "How's your leg?" [Laguna]: "L-Leg? Oh, this!? Y-Yeah, it's fine. Happens all the time when I get nervous. (cough)" [Julia]: "Were you nervous?" [Laguna]: "Oh, yeah. I'm still kinda..." [Julia]: "You can relax. You don't have to get nervous around me." [Laguna]: "Oh, sorry." [Julia]: "Say... (Would you like to talk somewhere private? I have a room here...)" (Laguna bolts upright.) [Laguna]: "I-In your room!?" [Julia]: "Well... (It's pretty hard to talk freely here. Everyone's listening in.)" (Everyone, including Ward and Kiros, are standing right near the two's table, picking up every word.) [Julia]: "If you'd like to, please come by. I've been wanting to talk to you. You don't want to?" [Laguna]: "Of course I do!" [Julia]: "Then I'll go ahead and wait for you. Ask for my room at the front desk, ok?" (Julia leaves.) [Laguna]: (Am I dreaming?) SeeD: (...This is a dream...This is a dream...) [Laguna]: (No, this can't be a dream!) SeeD: (This is too weird to be a dream...) [Laguna]: (Julia...? Wants to talk to me...?) SeeD: (...He talks to himself too much...) [Laguna]: (And just the two of us! Get it together Laguna...) SeeD: (Whatever.) [Laguna]: (I always screw up by talking about myself too much. It's always been like that. But not tonight! I'm all ears for Julia! Ahh, time to use my manly charm, and help Julia with her problem.) (Laguna goes to the receptionist's booth.) [Receptionist]: "Welcome! Checking in?" R1 --> Which is Julia's room? R2 --> Ahh...nothing R1 (Laguna): "Whi-Whi-Which..." SeeD: (Is he really going?) [Receptionist]: "...Aah, Mr. Laguna Loire? I've been expecting you. Let me show you to Ms. Julia's room." R2 (Laguna): "Aah...Umm...Err...Well...Umm, it's not that..." [Receptionist]: "?" (After picking R1, the receptionist drops Laguna off in Julia's room. She's waiting for him at the door.) [Julia]: "Thanks for coming." [Laguna]: "No... Not at all, uh... Thank you for inviting me." [Julia]: "Have a seat." (Laguna takes a seat around the room, not finding a comfortable place. He walks back over to Julia when he meets this dilemma.) [Julia]: "Going so soon? We haven't even talked yet." [Laguna]: "No, it's not that. It's just that I'm a big fan of yours, so I'm really kinda nervous, y'know?" [Julia]: "So that's why you come to hear me play so often." [Laguna]: "You... You saw me?" (Laguna starts pacing.) [Julia]: "You were always smiling while listening, right? You have beautiful eyes. Though they look a bit scared now. Don't worry, I'm not going to pluck 'em and eat 'em. I just want to talk, gazing into those eyes. Would you like a drink? Wine perhaps?" [Laguna]: "I must be dreamin'..." (Fade out and fade in. Laguna's got his composure this time, which has to be the wine talking.) [Laguna]: "Yeah, I don't like fightin' too much, but you get to travel, y'know? Seeing new places n' stuff. And it's fun, 'cause Kiros and Ward are always with me. Hey, we should all go out drinkin' sometime! Whaddya say? And, uh... What was I talkin' about? Oh yeah, so I want to quit the army and become a journalist! So I can tell people 'bout all the things I've seen on my travels." SeeD: (He's already loosened up...) [Laguna]: "So, like, the other day, one of my articles made the reader's column. Pretty cool, huh? Yeah, that was way cool..." [Julia]: "I'm happy for you." [Laguna]: "Oh yeah, and then..." (Fade out, fade in. Laguna's snoozing on one of Julia's bed as she just watches him.) [Julia]: "I'm sorry. I didn't know wine made you sleepy. You look adorable when you're asleep." [Laguna]: "Argh... How'd I fall asleep?" (Laguna walks over to Julia.) [Julia]: "Yes?" [Laguna]: "I...I must have fallen asleep, talking on like that... Tell me about yourself. dreams for the future." [Julia]: "I...I want to sing. Not just play the piano, but sing, too." [Laguna]: "Oh, I'd really love to hear it." [Julia]: "But I can't. I'm no good at writing lyrics..." [Laguna]: "Hmm... That must be tough." [Julia]: "But, thanks to you, I think I can come up with something." [Laguna]: "Thanks to me...?" [Julia]: "Yes... The many faces you've shown me. Times when you were hurt, worried... Or felt pain deep inside you... Your smile, your face, your eyes... You've shown me something... I think I can come up with a song." [Laguna]: "Wow... I must be dreamin'..." (Julia takes his hand.) [Julia]: "It's not a dream, is it?" (Laguna turns to the door as he hears someone outside.) [Kiros]: "Laguna! New orders! Meet by the Presidential Residence, on the double!" [Julia]: "Can we meet again?" [Laguna]: "Of course! I have to come hear you sing!" (Fade out, end the entire dream sequence. Selphie and Zell wake up, but Squall still snoozes on the floor.) [Train Announcement]: "Next stop, Timber... Timber... Next stop. Timber... Timber..." [Squall picks himself up.] [Squall]: "Were we...all asleep?" [Zell]:\"Maybe someone released some sleeping gas? There's lots of people who resent SeeD." [Squall]: (...Maybe. Better be careful.) [Selphie]: "Am I missing anything? Anyone hurt?" [Squall]: "...I don't think so." [Selphie]: "What a relief! Everything's cool with me! Hee! I had such a nice dream!" [Squall]: (I had a dream, too. It wasn't nice though... I dreamt I was a moron...) [Train Announcement]: "We will be arriving in Timber shortly. For those getting off, please be sure to have all your belongings." [Selphie]: "But seriously, Sir Laguna was sooo cool!" [Zell]: "Hey! There was a Laguna in my dream, too! He's a Galbadian soldier, right!?" [Squall]: "Laguna, Kiros, and Ward..." [Zell]: "Huh!? That's it!" [Squall]: "That's what...?" [Selphie]: "There's no way we can understand this... Let's just concentrate on our first mission!" [Squall]: (...I guess you're right.) "We'll put this incident on hold. I'll report it to the headmaster once we get back to Garden." [Zell]: "We should be there soon, eh? Here we go...Psyche yourself up, baby!" (Zell walks out.) [Selphie]: "Whew...Still sleepy." (Selphie walks out, too.) [Squall]: "........." (Squall follows his subordinates out. The train comes to a halt in the Timber Station, after a lengthy ride underneath the ocean's surface.)