Final Fantasy - Final Fantasy 9 Script: Disc 1 - Part 3 lyrics


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Final Fantasy - Final Fantasy 9 Script: Disc 1 - Part 3 lyrics

[After exiting Evil Forest, you're on the World Map. The words "Mist Continent" cover the screen. Eventually, you run for a bit and come to the Ice Cavern. Zidane walks up to the entrance, as a cold breeze & mist exits the entrance] (Zidane) "This must be the cavern..." (Vivi) "U-Um..." (Zidane) "What's up, Vivi?" (Vivi) "Have you ever heard of the Ice Cavern?" (Zidane) "Sure... Is this the place?" (Vivi) "I think so... It's supposed to be near Evil Forest." (Garnet ) "...I've heard of it." "It's supposed to be a beautiful place, covered in ice." (Vivi) "My grandpa told me about this place." "He said the cavern takes travelers to the top of the Mist." (Steiner) "Bravo! Master Vivi's grandfather must be quite a scholar!" "We must thank him upon escaping the Mist!" (Vivi) "My grandpa used to teach me lots of things, but he pa**ed away..." (Steiner) "Oh... Forgive my indiscretion." (Vivi) "Don't worry about it." (Zidane) "Well...why don't we go inside?" [The group walks into the entrance, as the words "Ice Cavern" appear on the screen in large letters. In the next screen, Garnet enters first] (Garnet) "Oh...! What a beautiful place!" "Seeing the actual cavern is so much better than reading about it!" "Oh, how pretty... I wonder what kind of flower this is?" (Steiner) "Princess! Please, don't touch anything!" (Zidane) "Can we get moving? I'm freezin' here." [The group makes its way through the caverns. At one screen, Zidane comes to a wall] (Zidane) "Hmm? What's this?" "What a strange wall..." "There's gotta be something behind it." "Hey, Vivi!" (Vivi) "Y-Yes?" (Zidane) "Can you break this wall down with your magic?" (Vivi) "I...I'm coming." [Vivi uses his fire spell to break the wall down] (Zidane) "I knew it! See?" "There might be other walls like this..." "I'm counting on you, Vivi!" (Vivi) "S-Sure!" [The group presses forward. At one screen, they come to a moogle, encased in ice] (Zidane) "Huh? What's this...?" [Vivi uses his fire spell to destroy the ice] (Moogle) "Hot Hot Hot!" "You ba*tards!!!" "Oh, I can move again! Thanks, Kupo!" (ATE - "Teach me, Mogster!" Lesson 2) [Back at the swamp, same setting as Lesson 1] (Moggy) "Hey, Bro. What are you gonna teach me today?" (Mogster) "Lots of neat stuff." "I'm gonna give another interesting lecture today!" "What do you wanna go over?" [In addition to the choices you could choose between from Lesson 1, you now have the option for "Status Effects", "Elemental Properties", and "Card Game"] (Moggy) "Gosh, Bro. You sure know a lot." (Mogster) "Yeah, I know..." [Your team gets to a screen where there's a fiere wind and blowing snow. Everyone appears to be rather chilled] (Zidane) "Vivi, hurry up, or you'll be left behind!" (Vivi) "I...I'm coming." [Vivi walks foward slowly, but not in the right direction] (Garnet) "Huh?" [Vivi falls off the edge of the path, down about 6 feet] (Steiner) "Master Vivi! Are you okay?" [Steiner suddenly falls down too, landing beside Vivi] (Zidane) "Yo, Rusty! You're...not alright, are you?" "What happened to you guys?" [Zidane jumps down and kicks Steiner] (Zidane) "Hey, Rusty! Move it or lose it!" "Get up!" "'s no use..." [Garnet falls asleep] (Zidane) "Oh no! Garnet! Not you, too?" "Garnet? She's out cold..." "Shoot... I'm falling asleep..." [Screen fades to black. A small bell can be heard ringing, and then, the screen fades back in. Zidane wakes up] (Zidane) "What's that sound...?" [Stands up] "It came from over there... Is somebody there...?" [Zidane walks off the screen, to a new one, where there's a fierce blizzard-type wind. A voice speaks, and instantly, he gets into a battle-ready stance] (Black Waltz No. 1) "Why didn't you fall asleep?" "You should be dead by now..." (Zidane) "Are you the one causing this blizzard? [Black Waltz No. 1 jumps down, landing in front of Zidane] (Black Waltz No. 1) "Hee-hee-hee... That's right!" [Boss Battle: Zidane vs. Black Waltz No. 1 and Sea Lion] "You defeated No.1, but No.2 and No.3 will reclaim the princess!" (Zidane) "W-Who's there?" "Oh, whatever..." "I've gotta go back and check on them!" [Zidane runs off the screen, as the screen moves upwards and shows Zorn and Thorn were behind it all. Zidane returns to the screen with the three pa**ed-out characters, who all wake up and stand up] (Garnet) "Zidane!" (Zidane) "Hey, there. Everybody okay?" (Steiner) "You! What just happened?" (Zidane) "It was no big deal." (Steiner) "You're hiding something!" (Zidane) "Hey, nothing happened. You heard me." (Steiner) "You...didn't touch the princess, did you?" (Zidane) "Just what are you accusing me of?" (Garnet) "Steiner, he said nothing happened. Why are you being so rude?" (Steiner) "...My apologies, Princess." (Garnet) "Well, I'm glad everyone is safe. Shall we move on?" [Zidane turns around, his back facing the 3 characters] (Garnet) "Zidane? Is something bothering you?" (Zidane) [Faces the group] "'s nothing." [You take control of Zidane again and exit the Ice Caverns. The group is above the mist again, and, the sun is shining] (Garnet) "We made it through the Mist!" "Oh, the sun feels great!" (Zidane) "Look, there's a village!" "I think I've been there before..." (Garnet) "It sounds like you've been everywhere, Zidane." "The only other worlds I've visited are in books." "You may have been to that village. Let's go visit." [Garnet starts to walk down the path to the village] (Zidane) "Wait. Hold it." "You're a princess! You can just go rushing in there." "People are looking for you. You need a new identity." (Steiner) "Insolent fool! The princess need not sneak around!" "Besides, we're heading back to the castle. You leave her alone." "And you will address her as 'Princess' from now on, you silly peasant." (Zidane) "Dammit, Rusty! Why don't you just shut up?" "Who do you think you are? I don't take orders from a stuck-up jerk like you!" (Vivi) "You guys!" (Garnet) "Stop it, you two!" "...Steiner, I do not intend to return to the castle." "And I do see Zidane's point...I need a new name..." [Garnet picks up and holds a dagger, looking and marvelling it] "Zidane... What is this called?" (Zidane) "That? That's a dagger." "All knives of that length are called daggers." "Short swords are a bit longer. The big sword you hold with both hands is called a broadsword. And..." (Garnet) "Oh, okay... I understand now." "So this is called a ‘dagger'..." (Steiner) "Princess! It's a weapon! Please be careful." (Garnet) "I've decided! From now on, my name is..." [Name the character "Dagger"] (Garnet) "I will be called Dagger from now on. What do you think, Zidane?" (Zidane) "Is that okay with you?" [Choose either "Yes" or "No". You have to pick Yes eventually] "Great, Dagger. Now, let's work on your speech..." "Try to sound more casual. Like me." (Dagger) "I shall try." (Zidane) "No, no, no..." "(What would Vivi say...?)" (Vivi) "?" (Zidane) "Just say... ‘Alrighty.'" (Dagger) "A-Alrighty!" (Zidane) "You're getting the hang of it!" "Well...Let's go." [The group of four descends the path, and, you're back on the World Map]