Final Fantasy - Final Fantasy 9 Script: Disc 1 - Part 2 lyrics


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Final Fantasy - Final Fantasy 9 Script: Disc 1 - Part 2 lyrics

2. Evil Forest [FMV. Zidane gets up in the middle of a forest, as the wind howls. He steps forward and sees the crashed Theater Ship] (Baku) " back's k**ing me..." "Are you alright?" (Cinna) "Yeah, but the Prima Vista's wasted." (Baku) "Just our luck to crash in this forest... it's gonna get interesting..." (Cinna) "What do you mean, 'interesting,' Boss? I hear no one's ever made it outta here alive." [Blank runs into the room] (Blank) "Boss! There's fire everywhere! It's outta control!" (Baku) "Quit yer whinin' and get it under control!" "And get the wounded outta here!" (Blank) "Alright!" [Blank runs out of the room] (Baku) "Get our goods outta here, too: weapons, items, anything we can use!" "There's no way we can survive if all our stuff is toast." (Cinna) "I'm on it!" [Cinna runs out of the room, as the screen fades to black. Meanwhile, outside the Prima Vista, Cinna is standing around] (Cinna) "Phew...I'm beat..." "Hurry up and put out the fire! I can't carry ‘em all by myself!" [Zenero walks out of the ship and throws a wounded person on the ground] (Cinna) "What the hell are they doin'!? The whole ship's gonna burn up!" (Zenero) "They're lookin' for Garnet... Can't find her anywhere." "Maybe she fell off... Got squashed under the ship." (Cinna) "This is great. First we kidnap her, then we k** her. We'll hang for sure." [Zidane runs onto the screen and up to Cinna] (Cinna) "Zidane, I'm surprised you made it!" "I can't believe you jumped off! You're nuts, you know that?" (Zidane) "I didn't jump off. I got thrown out from the impact. So, is everyone okay?" (Cinna) "Yeah. We've all got the devil's luck." "But if we don't find Princess Garnet, we're all dead meat." [A moogle floats over to Zidane] "ATE, kupo!" "Active Time Event is a system that lets you see other events that are happening at the same time elsewhere, kupo!" "Press the SELECT bu*ton when you see the icon flashing below." "You can press the bu*ton anytime while the icon is flashing." "Try pressing SELECT, kupo!" [ATE - The Forest Keeper] [Vivi and Garnet are climbing up a hill. Vivi slips and falls, exclaiming "WHOOA!". Garnet runs over to him] (Garnet) "Are you alright?" [Vivi stands up and backs away] (Vivi) "I-Is is still coming?" [A large shadow pa**es over Vivi and goes above Garnet, as Vivi yells "Watch Out!" [The screen returns to Zidane, who enters the next screen, as the words "EVIL FOREST" present themselves on the screen. He runs to where Vivi and Garnet were attacked by the monster] (Vivi) "Sh-She's in trouble..." (Zidane) "...What the hell is that?" [Zidane runs forward to see the monster, holding Garnet within itself, and Steiner in front of it] (Steiner) "Release the princess at once!!!" (Zidane) "Yeah, like it's gonna really listen to you." "Come on!" [Battle: Zidane and Steiner vs. the creature holding Garnet prisoner. The battle starts with Zidane going into Trance mode. The creature runs away after being defeated, taking Garnet along with it] (Steiner) "Princess? PRINCESS!!!" (Zidane) "What the heck? Where did they go?" (Vivi) "She's gone..." "I was too scared to cast any spells... That monster's probably gonna eat her..." (Steiner) "How could I let this happen!?" (Zidane) "Don't worry. She's not dead yet." "That monster was only a minion. He's probably gonna take her to his master." (Steiner) "That means the princess might still be - Come! We must go find her at once!" (Vivi) "WHOA!" [The monster jumps down and traps Vivi, much like he trapped Garnet. Battle begins; Throughout the fight, Vivi, trapped, casts Fire spells which hurt the monster greatly. This time, instead of escaping, the monster is destroyed and Vivi is set free] (Vivi) "Phew... Th-Thanks..." (Zidane) "Are you alright?" (Vivi) "Y-yeah.." [The monster lets loose some sort of green steam attack, which catches everyone off guard. It hits Vivi and Steiner, who respond with surprised statements. Vivi is knocked out, and Steiner proclaims "P-Prin-cess." The scene returns to the Prima Vista, as Blank tends to Vivi in one of the rooms] (Blank) "You guys are lucky. If it weren't for Zidane, you'd both be dead." "Some of the monsters in this forest reproduce by planting seeds in other animals." "And when the seeds sprout, it's hasta la vista: you become beef jerky." (Vivi) "Um... A-Am I gonna die?" (Blank) "No. You're gonna be fine. Here, drink this. It'll remove all the seeds from your body." (Vivi) "Ugh...eeyuck..." [Screen changes to a different room, where an extremely-weakened Steiner walks towards the exit of the Prima Vista, with Zenero following behind him] (Steiner) "Princess... I'm coming right now..." [Benero gets in his way] "...Stand aside!" (Benero) "Room behind you. Go." (Steiner) "The princess... is in grave danger!" "Do you intend to ABANDON HER!?" (Benero) "You're in no condition." (Zenero) "Don't worry about the princess. The boss'll think of something." [Steiner is pushed into the room] (Steiner) "Hey!" (Zenero) "Get some rest." (Benero) "Yeah, and take that medicine I gave you." [Inside Steiner's room] (Steiner) "Dammit... I can't just stand here..." "The princess' life rests in my hands. What can their boss possibly accomplish!?" "This medicine... it smells terrible. And the color... This is obviously poison!" "" "Ugh... I can't take it anymore..." "God help me!" [Drinks the medicine] "Hey...not bad..." [Elsewhere, at the Prima Vista's bridge, Zidane and Baku are talking] (Baku) "Forget it." "Monsters born out of the Mist are crawlin' everywhere." (Zidane) "So what? There's nothing out there we can't handle." (Baku) "Yeah, but what are we gonna do about the wounded?" (Zidane) "We can take ‘em with us." (Baku) "How are we gonna carry all of them? Trust me. We go out now, and we'll all get wasted." "My boys come before the princess, you know. It's too bad..." (Zidane) "!!!" (Baku) "We're gonna stay put ‘til everyone recovers." "You better not set one foot outside this ship. You got that!?" (Zidane) "I can't believe you're abandoning her! You're nothing but a big coward!" [Zidane leaves the room] (ATE - Time to Escape) [Steiner is in his room, plotting out what to do] (Steiner) "Hmm..." "The structure is in poor condition." "Perhaps I can break out by ramming into the wall." "............" "FIRE! FIRE!!! LET ME OUT!!!" "UGH!" "Huff-Huff." "I'm still not feeling well..." (Steiner walks over to a table and sits down) "What's this?" [Picks up a doll] "What an ugly doll... ‘Princess Garnet, age 15'!?" "H-How dare they write the princess' name on such a ragged doll!?" "Besides, the princess is not 15! She's 16!" "...Princess..." (ATE - My Little Baby) [Cinna is outside the Prima Vista, searching frantically] (Cinna) "It should be here somewhere." "Huh...?" "Damn!" "Where is it!?" "What happened to my Garnet doll!?" "Man. How am I supposed to sleep now...?" [Falls backwards and lies down] "Geez..." "Poor little doll... The fire probably caught it." (ATE - Girl Who Was Left Behind) [Ruby is standing in a bar in Alexandria] (Ruby) "Where'd everbuddy go?" "And whut am I supposed to do now?" [Zidane heads down to Vivi's room. Vivi, lying down on the bed, wakes up] (Vivi) "Oh..." "Th-Thank you for helping me." (Zidane) "Ah, don't mention it." "Besides, it was your black magic that saved the day." "You know, you got some major power for such a little guy." (Vivi) "......" (Zidane) "What's wrong...? Are you peeved at me because I called you little?" "Hey, you're a great mage with great powers, alright?" "To hell with looks. It's what's inside that counts." (Vivi) "I'm sorry. When that monster caught her, I couldn't do anything." (Zidane) "Hey, don't worry about the princess. I'll get her back. I promise." (Vivi) "Thank you, Mr. Zidane." (Zidane) "Whoa, that's the first time anyone's called me 'Mr.' Just call me Zidane, alright?" (Vivi) "Okay...Zidane." [Zidane walks out of the room, closing the door behind him] (Zidane) "Geez... He was pretty down..." "Maybe I shouldn't have made that promise. I don't even know if I'll be able to find her..." [Screen turns white, than fades in for a Zidane-flashback episode. He recalls the moment he first ran into Garnet in Alexandria Castle] "Man..." "I never felt so strange..." "Maybe fate brought us together..." "I can't explain it..." [Screen returns to Zidane in the Prima Vista, outside Vivi's room] (Zidane) "Man, I can't stop thinking about her..." "What am I gonna do...?" [Choose either "Go look for her" or "Forget it". Take the first choice.] "Yeah! What's there to think about!? She's cute...and she's in trouble. That's all that matters." "...There you are." [Blank walks in, Zidane runs up to him] (Blank) "Why do you look so serious? Uh-oh... What are you up to this time?" (Zidane) "I'm gonna take that knight and the black mage to find the princess." (Blank) "You're crazy! Man, you don't even know what's out there." "Besides, there's no way the boss'll allow that." (Zidane) "I know..." (Blank) "Sheez... Why do you always gotta go play hero? The boss is gonna k** you." "Well, what are you waiting for? Go talk to the boss." [Zidane goes to meet with Baku, who is in the room where you planned out the kidnapping of Garnet] (Baku) "AAH" "AAAHHH" "AACHOOO!!!" "Took you long enough... I fell asleep, darn it." "So, you're leaving, eh?" (Zidane) "Yeah...I promised Garnet I'd kidnap her." (Baku) "Gwahaha! I didn't ask why!" "I can't blame you, though. She's damn beautiful." "I guess that's reason enough!" "Well, I hope you're ready!" "‘Cause I'm gonna bust you up for breakin' the rules." Zidane "...Alright." (Baku) "Okay, get your bu*t over to the cargo room. We got more room there." [You and Baku both leave for the other room, which has much more space] (Baku) "You ready!?" [Choose either "Anytime!" or "Hold on". Gotta choose "Anytime!"] "I ain't holdin' back." [Battle begins, Baku vs. Zidane. After the battle, Baku and Zidane are in the room, along with Blank] (Baku) "I'll be damned..." "Bravo!" [Hits Zidane] "Go find your princess!" "Gwahahahaha...." [Leaves the room] (Zidane) "Damn, that hurt! He pulled his punches ‘til that last one." [Zidane heads over to Steiner's room] (Steiner "..............." (Zidane) "Come on. You're too old to be playing with a doll." (Steiner) "Silence! A scoundrel like you could never understand!" "I'm just overwhelmed with concern for the princess!" "If only you rogues hadn't kidnapped her... This is all your fault!" "If anything should happen to the princess, I will have your head!" (Zidane) "Take it easy. Geez..." "I'm gonna go look for her now." "I'll let you come with me if you promise to be good." "What do you say, Rusty?" (Steiner) "RR...RUSTY!!!? I am Adelbert Steiner, Captain of the Knights of Pluto, and I will never work with you conniving thieves!" (Zidane) "Captain? I figured you were a private, what with that cheap, rusty armor..." "Look, this has nothing to do with Tantalus. It's something I decided to do on my own." "I just wanna save Garnet." (Steiner) "Hmph...! You had better not be lying!" "Because if you are, I won't hesitate to k** you!" (Zidane) "Yeah, yeah. I'm counting on you, Rusty." (Steiner) "Make no mistake. I'm not only going with you to rescue the princess! I will deal with you personally when this is over!" (Zidane) "...Whatever." (Steiner) "It may be difficult with just the two of us. We should seek Master Vivi's help as well." (Zidane) "Why are you calling him 'Master'?" (Steiner) "You fool. That black mage has unimaginable powers..." "I don't want to get him involved, but alas, it can't be helped." "We need Master Vivi's powers to rescue the princess." (Zidane) "Alright, let's go talk to Vivi." [Zidane and Steiner leave the room, and go to Vivi's room] (Zidane) "Well, Vivi, we're ready to go look for the princess." (Vivi ) "Really!? That's great! Be careful, okay?" (Zidane) "Actually, we want you to come with us, too." (Vivi) "Huh!?" "B-But I can't do anything." (Steiner) "Hardly, Master Vivi. Your magic was highly effective against that monster." "In all honesty, I hold your power in greater esteem than I do this scoundrel's." (Vivi) "B-But...I'm scared. I couldn't even move last time." (Steiner) "Please, Master Vivi." "For the sake of Princess Garnet, and all of Alexandria, I humbly request your a**istance!" (Zidane) "Come on! You're a black mage, for crying out loud! Show us what you've got!" "Alright, let's get going." (Vivi) "...Okay." "I'll... try my best." (Steiner) "Thank you, Master Vivi." [Zidane walks out of the room. Vivi heads towards the door, but Steiner stops him] (Steiner) "Master Vivi..." (Vivi) "Yeah?" (Steiner) "It's about your black magic. I wish to try an experiment." "(I was wondering if...)" "" (Vivi) "Magic sword...? Okay. I'll give it a try." [You head towards the exit of the Prima Vista, at the bottom of the room where you fought Baku. Zidane and Blank have a little chat] (Blank) "Sheez... you really dig her, huh?" (Zidane) "I can't sit around knowing a girl's in trouble. Goes against my nature." (Blank) "Whatever. You're full of crap." (Zidane) "Ohhh.... I get it." "You're jealous that I'm gonna get me a sweetie pie." (Blank) "Pshhh... She's not even my type." "I came down here to give you this." (Zidane) "You're always thinking about me...but I won't need a love potion to reel this one in." (Blank) "Why don't you get your mind off girls for a second?" "This is medicine I gave to that black mage and the knight. It's sort of like a seed remover." (Zidane) "Cool. This'll really come in handy." (Blank) "Why am I always helping you...?" [Received Blank's Medicine!] "Oh yeah. Here's a little tip from the boss." Don't forget to set your abilities. Leaving the band is your business, but you better keep training! Learning more abilities is gonna make you even stronger. Good luck, Baku. (Zidane) "Hey, Blank, how do you set abilities again?" (Blank) "Man, how can you forget? It's so basic." "Open the Menu, select Ability, select Equip, and choose the abilities you wanna set." (Zidane) "Thanks, Blank. I'll see you when I see you." [Zidane walks out] (Blank) "How about never?" [Zidane, Vivi, and Steiner leave the Prima Vista and journey into the Evil Forest] [ATE - Orchestra in the Forest] [In the Prima Vista, several band members are playing a song, which FF7-fans will recognize as "Rufus' Welcoming Ceremony" from the FF7 OST] (Conductor) "Okay, let's really liven up this place!" (Violinist) "Yeah, let our music do the fighting against those monsters!" (Cymbalist) "This oughta boost morale." (Drummer) "This is great!" (Trumpeter) "Brrum, brrrum, brrrruuum!" [Baku walks down the stairs, into the room] (Baku) "Hey, not bad!" "I'm gonna go take a look around." "Stay on your toes. We'll be leaving soon." (Drummer, Cymbalist, and Violinist) "Okay, Boss!" (Conductor) "Alright!" (Trumpeter) "Brrruuuum!" [Zidane comes upon a moogle drinking from a small spring] (Zidane) "Hmm... No sign of any monsters here." [Walks over to the spring] (Zidane) "A spring..." [ATE - Do As I Say, Not As I Do.] [Blank and Baku are talking in the Prima Vista] (Blank) "Are you sure about this?" (Baku) "Yeah, don't worry. We'll be outta here soon, too." "Here, take this map. It's gonna be a long trip back to Lindblum..." (Blank) "Alright. I'll see you later." (Baku) "I'm countin' on you!" [Scene returns to Zidane at the spring. On the next screen, after running off it, a short FMV takes place, focusing in on a portion of the forest across a lake, glowing bright red light, filled with vines and some sort of huge flower] [Finally, you run to the screen with the forest's boss: the huge flower/plant thing you saw in the FMV. Tied to a wall behind it is Garnet] (Vivi) "There she is!" (Zidane) "So, this is the master." (Steiner) "Princess!!!" "You stay out of this!" "Alexandria would be disgraced if a mere bandit should rescue the princess." (Zidane) "You think you can handle him on your own?" (Steiner) "......" (Zidane) "Let's get him, Vivi!" [Boss Battle vs. "Plant Brain" occurs, with Steiner, Vivi, and Zidane. A little bit into the match, Blank joins the fight as well, stating "Whew, I made it just in time." and "Step aside. I'll take care of this." After it gets defeated, you free Garnet, and Steiner holds her in his arms] (Steiner) "Princess!!! Please get a hold of yourself!" (Blank) "Zidane, give her the stuff." [Zidane walks over and gives her the medicine] (Garnet) "Hack-hack..." (Steiner) "Princess, please try to drink all of it." (Vivi) "Is she gonna be okay?" [The ground shakes for a split second] (Blank) "Oh, man! What now!?" [A big hole opens up in the ground, and two small bug creatures climb out. A third one enters the room from the doorway that they entered] (Blank) "Sheez! We're gonna be surrounded!" (Zidane) "Let's get out of here!" (Blank) "GO!" [Steiner, still holding Garnet, and Zidane run towards an exit. Vivi and Blank stay still] (Blank) "What are you waitin' for!?" [Vivi and Blank soon run out] [In the next scene, the four of them are running away from a legion of bug monsters chasing after them: Vivi in front, followed by Steiner & Garnet, Blank, and Zidane in the back. All of a sudden, Zidane stops running; so does Blank] (Blank) "What are you doin'!?" (Zidane) "Something's wrong..." (Blank) "What?" (Zidane) "The entire forest is coming after us." "Blank... Take care of everyone." [Zidane begins to run] (Blank) (What did he mean by that?) [Blank runs off the screen] [FMV. The four are running, and behind them, dozens upon dozens, possibly hundreds, of bug creatures. The entire forest is getting petrified, as well. Zidane, at the back of the ground, is about to get caught in the grasp of a bug, is pushed aside by Blank, who gets caught in the bug's grasp. As the wave of petrification reaches the bugs, making them immobile, Blank launches the map which Baku gave him to Zidane who, still running, picks it up and makes the final sprint for the exit. A series of the forests vines attempt to stab, jab, and hit Zidane in any way possible, but he outmanoeuvres them all, taking one final leap out of the forest. Steiner, Vivi and Zidane look upon it as the entrance becomes completely petrified, and a final shot of inside the forest, with a petrified Blank, is shown] (Zidane) "Dammit!!! That idiot! "Blank..." [Screen fades to black. Fades back in on an impromptu camp site, with a fire burning and a small tent, outside the forest. Steiner is watching over the sleeping Garnet, while Vivi is sitting in front of the fire and Zidane is working on the tent] (Vivi) "I hope she gets well soon..." (Steiner) "This is all his fault!" "Have you nothing to say, you filth!?" (Garnet) "...Oh..." (Steiner) "P-Princess!!!" (Garnet) "...Steiner?" "...How did I survive...? You brought me here?" (Steiner) "It is my sworn duty to protect you at any cost." (Zidane) "What are you talking about? It was Vivi's magic and my dagger that got you out of there, Princess." (Garnet) "I thank you both." (Steiner) "That monkey derserves no praise!" "None of this would've happened if you and your band hadn't abducted the princess!" "And how dare you claim that you have rescued her!?" "When we get back to Alexandria, I will-" (Garnet) "Steiner..." "I left the castle of my own will." (Zidane) "What a coincidence, eh? We went to snatch her, and she wanted to be snatched." (Steiner) "Impossible!" (Garnet) "It's true." (Zidane) "So what do you say, Rusty? Friends? Come on, let's just enjoy this camping trip while it lasts." (Steiner) "Camping - you imbecile! Surely even you must know something about the Mist." "The vicious monsters it spawns! The abnormalities it stirs in the mind and body!" "Princess, we must leave this dangerous place at once." (Zidane) "You've gotta be kidding." "She hasn't even fully recovered yet." (Steiner) "Silence! Who asked for your opinion!?" (Zidane) "Alright, tell me... How do you plan to get out of here?" "We're standing in a valley surrounded by tall cliffs." "And last I heard, North Gate and South Gate were sealed off." (Steiner) "........." (Zidane) "Yeah. That's what I thought." (Steiner) "Grrrrr..." (Zidane) "The princess can barely walk right now. You went through this. You should know." "I think we should rest here for now." (Steiner) "I will never follow - " (Zidane) "Steiner!!!" "State your sworn duty!" (Steiner) "What else? To protect Princess Garnet Til Alexandros!" "...Very well." "Until the princess recovers, I will guard this place with my life." (Zidane) "Sounds good to me." "Vivi, let's get some rest." [Everyone, except Steiner, goes to sleep. The next scene shows Zidane at the petrified entrance to Evil Forest; Garnet walks up to him] (Zidane) "How are you feeling?" (Garnet) "Good...thanks to that medicine you gave me." "Could this be...?" (Zidane) "Yeah, I was surprised, too. After we beat that big plant-guy, the forest got completely petrified." (Garnet) "Vivi told me that we were able to escape because of your friend." (Zidane) "...His name is Blank." (Garnet) "We must go help him." (Zidane) "We can't do anything for him right now." (Garnet) "But...I can't - " (Zidane) "We'll come back for him. I'm sure there's a way to cure him." "Let's get going." "According to the map that Blank gave me, there's a cavern to the south of us." "Maybe we can get above the Mist through that cavern." [Zidane walks and stops beside Garnet] (Zidane) "Are you alright?" [Garnet turns to face him and nods] "Everything's gonna be fine. Trust me." [Screen changes back to the campsite, where all four people are gathered. A small moogle emerges from the forest] (Vivi) "Look! There's something coming!" (Monty) "Wait! Kupo!" "I'm impressed, kupo! First time I've seen anyone escape from Evil Forest." "You all must be strong, kupo!" "But don't get co*ky, kupo. Lots of stronger monsters ahead." "Before you go out to the world, Mogster will teach you a few things." [ACTIVE TIME EVENT - "Teach me, Mogster!" Lesson 1] [The screen shows two moogles in a swamp environment, with crickets chirping and frogs ribbiting all around] (Moggy) "Hey, Bro. What are you gonna teach me today?" (Mogster) "Lots of neat stuff." "You're gonna love this lecture." "What do you wanna go over?" [Choose between "Help Menu", "Battles", "Abilities", "Trance", "Icon that appears over the head", "Save Moogles", or "Nothing". No matter which ones you choose, you have to pick "Nothing" eventually] (Moggy) "Gosh, Bro. You sure know a lot." (Mogster) "Yeah, I know..." [Screen returns to the campsite with the four characters and Monty the moogle] (Monty) "I have a gift for you, kupo. Take this flute." [Received Moogle's Flute!] "With this flute, you can call us anywhere in the world, kupo." "Press the Square bu*ton to play it." "Happy trails! Kupo!" (Garnet) "Thank you." (Monty) "Kupopo!" (Vivi) "Bye." (Monty) "Kupopo!" [Garnet and Vivi walk off the screen. As Zidane walks by, he slaps Steiner, who was sleeping, and startles him] (Steiner) "Who goes there!?" (Monty) "Your friends already left, kupo." (Steiner) "Princess, wait for me!" [Steiner runs off the screen]