Final Fantasy - Final Fantasy 9 Script: Disc 1 - Part 1 lyrics


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Final Fantasy - Final Fantasy 9 Script: Disc 1 - Part 1 lyrics

1. Introduction in Alexandria [FMV. A big storm at sea, a boat among crashing waves and harsh winds. The boat is being tossed around by the storm. Two people, faces unseen, are on the boat. A huge wave tosses the ship in the air, before crashing it down. A closeup of the faces shows someone who looks like Princess Garnet. Instantly, the scene shifts towards a scene with Garnet, sitting outside a window, waking up. Rubbing the fatigue from her eyes, she looks out the window. We see a large overview of Alexandria, followed by birds flying in the sky, and the Lindblum Theater Ship, flying in the air. Inside the ship, a rat-tailed boy jumps down, walks forward, opens a door, and enters a dark room.] "Sure is dark..." "Guess nobody's here yet..." [He lights a match, then lights a candle.] "Who's there?" [Name the character "Zidane"] (Zidane) "It's me, Zidane!" [Three characters - Blank, Cinna, and Marcus - open another door and run in] (Blank) "Hey, Zidane! You sure are late!" (Zidane) "Sorry. So, where's the boss?" (Cinna) "Ain't here yet." [Someone jumps down, with the head of a dragon. Battle ensues. By the end of the battle, it's revealed that the one you were fighting was Baku, leader of Tantalus, a.k.a. "Boss"] (Baku) "Hey, fools!" "You're lookin' a lot better!" "Gwahahaha!" "Alright! Let's start this meeting already!" [The four of them follow Baku into an adjacent room. In there, the 5 of them surround a table, with a construct of the Castle of Alexandria on the table] (Baku) "Here's the plan!" "Tantalus, the infamous band of daring thieves (that's us), is headin' to the Kingdom of Alexandria..." "Our mission: to kidnap the heir to the throne, Princess Garnet!" (Cinna) "I'll take it from here, so listen up!" "Our ship's about to dock at Alexandria..." "And when it does, we're gonna put on our costumes..." "...and perform 'I Want to Be Your Canary,' the most popular play in Alexandria!" "Break a leg, Marcus! ‘Cause you're playin' the lead!" (Marcus) "Leave the actin' to me! Of course, the real kidnappers'll be Blank and Zidane." (Blank) "I'll distract the audience from backstage with these little buggers." "I can't stand oglops..." "But I'll manage, so don't worry about me." "And that'll be your cue, Zidane!" (Zidane) "Okay!" [Choose between "That's when I kidnap Queen Brahne, right?" or "That's when I kidnap Princess Garnet, right?". Choose the latter choice] (Baku) "You bet! You're gonna kidnap the most babe-ilicious beauty in all of Alexandria, Princess Garnet!" [FMV. An orange-yellowish sky is above Alexandria. A small black mage, walking and stumbling, looks up to see the ma**ive Theater Ship pa** overhead, casting a shadow over him. The ship moves into place, near Alexandria castle. The crystal, in the center of the castle, is focused upon, as the words "FINAL FANTASY IX" appear on the screen] Alexandria [Action resumes in Alexandria. The black mage stumbles and falls down, dropping his ticket. The word "ALEXANDRIA" appears on the screen. A small person walks up to him] "You awright?" "Here! You dwopped your ticket." "Bye-bye!" [You can now take control of the black mage, whose name is simply "??????" at the moment. After a bit of walking, a Rat Kid bumps into the black mage, and both fall down] (Rat Kid) "Oww!" "Why you--get outta my way!!!" [Next screen...] (Herald) "Honorable nobles of Treno... Castle Alexandria is this way!" [Honks his horn, as a group of nobles walks off the screen. The black mage walks to the next screen and approaches the Ticket Booth] (Ticketmaster) "Can I help you, son?" (Pointy-Hat Boy) "Uh... Umm..." [Choose between "Show Ticket", "What's showing today?", "Tell me about Alexandria!", or "Leave". Choose "Show Ticket".] (Ticketmaster) "What's this? There's something odd about this ticket..." "Why, it's another fake! I've seen so many today." (Pointy-Hat Boy) "Nooooo!" (Ticketmaster) "Now, now. Don't cry. I know how you must feel." "Here, I'll give you these. Do try to cheer up now, hmm?" [Received Goblin Card, Fang Card, Skeleton Card] "Talk to Alleyway Jack to learn most about cards. Good luck, lad!" [The black mage walks into a nearbye alley, where someone is hammering away at a sign. He trips and falls.] (Dante the Signmaker) "Blast it!" "Hey! You made me miss, you little klutz!" "Whew. That should do it." "Well, it's been a long day." [Walks away, leaving the ladder he was using behind] (Rat Kid) "Hey, you! Shrimp! You're the one with the phony ticket, ain'tcha?" "I saw the guy tell you it was fake!" [Choose between "Y-Yeah, it's fake", "N-No, it's not fake", or "Are you Alleyway Jack?". Pick the first choice.] "I'll let you see the show if you become my slave!" "Well, whaddya say?" [Choose between "Alright" or "N-No, I don't want to". Pick the first choice.] "Awesome! Now for your first a**ignment!" "You go stand over there and see if anyone's comin'!" [The Pointy-Hat Boy runs to the entrance of the alley and keeps a lookout. On the opposite side of the alley is the Rat Kid] (Rat Kid) "All clear?" [Choose between "Yeah, it's clear" or "I think someone's coming". Pick the first choice.] "Awesome! Engage according to mission parameters!" [The rat kid runs up to the ladder, grabs it over his head, and runs off the screen] (Rat Kid) "Over here!" "Don't fall behind!" "Into the steeple!" [The Pointy Hat Boy follows him into the steeple] (Rat Kid) "Now we're gonna climb up this tower!" "It's very dangerous. You go first." [The black mage walks up to the ladder going up the steeple. He looks up, only to have a moogle fall down on him] "Oww!" (Rat Kid) "Ahahaha! What the heck was that!?" "Sorry ‘bout that, Kupo!" (Rat Kid) "That's Kupo. He's a moogle." "Kupo!" (Rat Kid) "And this is slave number one!" "Try to get along, okay?" "Kupo! Pleased to meet you!" (Kupo) "I sorry. I enter you in Moogle Diary!" "If you want to save game onto MEMORY CARD, just ask us moogles, Kupo!" "And you can regain health if you have a Tent , Kupo!" "You understand?" [Choose between "I understand" or "Once more...". Pick the first choice] "Glad I can help, Kupo!" (Rat Kid) "Alright, time for some upward mobility!" [Rat Kid climbs up the steeple ladder, with his ladder in hand] "Okay, come on up, slave!" [A different-looking moogle walks onto the screen] "Kupo! You here?" (Kupo) "Kupo! Stiltzkin! Why that getup?" "You leaving, Kupo?" (Stiltzkin) "Yeah, and this time I might be away for a long time." (Kupo) "I'll miss you, Kupo." (Stiltzkin) "Now, don't you worry. I'll write." (Kupo) "Okay, Kupo!" (Stiltzkin) "Well, I'm off. Take care!" "Oh, and say hi to Mosh in the castle for me." [Stiltzkin walks off screen the same way he walked on] (Pointy-Hat Boy) "Was that a friend of yours?" (Kupo) "Yes, Kupo. A very special one, Kupo!!!" (Rat Kid) "Hey, slave! I thought I ordered you up here!!!" [The Pointy-Hay Boy climbs up the ladder, coming face-to-face with the ladder-holding Rat Kid] (Rat Kid) "Alright, the play's gonna start if we don't hurry!" [Next screen, Rat Kid is walking over rooftops. The black mage, afraid of heights, hesitates] (Rat Kid) "Come on! Get over here!" "Lemme guess... You're afraid of heights, aren't you?" "It's okay! Just pretend you're on the ground!" [The Pointy-Hat Boy walks across a piece of wood to another rooftop] "Come on, already! We're runnin' outta time!" [The Pointy-Hat Boy comes to another piece of wood connecting two rooftops] (Rat Kid) "Not again..." "Don't worry! It won't fall!" [As the Pointy-Hat Boy crosses the wood, it breaks and he jumps off at the last moment] "Hahaha... I guess it fell." "No point in worrying now, right?" [He follows the Rat Kid, and comes to another piece of wood) (Rat Kid) "Oh yeah, I almost forgot!" "I don't even know your name!" [Name the character "Vivi"] (Rat Kid) "So your name's Vivi, huh?" "Kinda funny name..." "My name's Puck! Pleased to meetcha!" [You run across the rest of the rooftops, until you finally arrive at the outside of the castle's roof] (Puck) "Whew... We finally made it!" [He uses the ladder he was carrying to get from the last rooftop to a wooden platform right beside the castle] "After this wall, we'll be inside the castle!" "C'mon, let's go!" [Vivi runs up the ladder and follows him] [FMV. Night Time, and Alexandria castle, with the theater ship stationed inside, is shown. The band is playing, and the audience is watching. Vivi and Puck run up, and start to clap. The face of Queen Brahne, fanning herself, is shown, followed by Garnet and a knight. Garnet looks a tad drowsy; the knight looks at her and smiles. He moves his sword forward, as the play starts. Fireworks and rambunctious music fill the air. Vivi and Puck look at it all with amazement. The knight looks at Garnet again, and his mouth opens with shock, as he sees Garnet practically falling asleep, eyes struggling to stay open. As the fireworks and music continue, the Queen is dancing around, out of her seat.] [Baku, dressed in a big robe, is in the center of the stage] "Ladies and Gentlemen!" "Tonight's performance is a story that takes place long, long ago." "Our h**ne, Princess Cornelia, is torn from her lover, Marcus." "She attempts to flee the castle, only to be captured by her father, King Leo." "When our story begins, Marcus, having heard this, crosses swords with the King." "And now, Your Royal Majesty, Queen Brahne, Your Highness, Princess Garnet..." "...noble ladies and lords, and our rooftop viewers, Tantalus proudly presents ‘I Want to Be Your Canary'!" [Scene changes to a backstage area, where Cinna, Zidane, and Blank are rehearsing their lines] (Blank) "Bereft of father! Bereft of mother!" "Marcus! Thou hast lost even they love!" (Cinna) "Fortune hath escap'd thee!" "For what end shalt thou live?" (Zidane) "For the sake of our friend..." "Let us bury our steel in the heart of the wretched King Leo!" (Cinna & Blank) "Aye!" [The three of them run forward. On the stage, lightning is flashing, and the three of them join Marcus; standing in front of him is King Leo (Baku) flanked on either side by two soldiers] (Blank) "We shall back thee, Kinsman!" (Marcus) "Pray, sheathe thy swords! This villain is mine alone!" (Cinna) "Nay, Kinsman!" "For I, too, have lost a brother to this fiend!" (King Leo) "What ho? Out, vermin! Away!" "Thou darest bare thy sword before the King!?" "All who stand in my way will be crush'd!" (Zidane) "Treacherous Leo, my Kinsman's suffering shall not be in vain!" "For I shall instruct thee in his incomparable pain!" [Battle ensues: King Leo and his two soldiers vs. Zidane, Cinna, Marcus and Blank] (King Leo) "Arrg... Grrr..." "Thou hast not seen the last of me, Marcus!" (Zidane) "Come back!" [Tries to follow him, but Blank blocks the way] (Zidane) "Out of my way, Blank!" (Blank) "Consider this, Zidane! If Prince Schneider were to marry Princess Cornelia, peace would reign over both their kingdoms!" (Zidane) "‘Tis foolishness! If all were so easy, why, none would suffer in this world!" [A short swordfight ensues. Zidane says "Aha!", Blank goes "Mph!", and it continues on a seperate screen] (Blank) "En garde!" (Zidane) "Expect no quarter from me!" [Swordfight, where you control Zidane's moves] (Zidane) "Come back here!" (Blank) "We shall finish this later!" [Both run off screen] [The screen fades to black, as sounds of punches, along with "Doof!" and "Ungha!"-type exclamations are seen. When the screen fades into color, Zidane and Blank are wearing the armor of two knights, who are lying down on the floor] (Blank) "Hehehe!" "Finished changing, Zidane?" (Zidane) "Yeah, but this helmet..." "It kinda smells..." (Blank) "What are you talkin' about!? My helmet totally reeks!" "My armor's way too big..." "And my back's real itchy..." "The boots are wet..." "My gloves are all slimy..." "There's cookie crumbs in my pocket..." (Zidane) "Okay, I get the picture..." "You still have the package, right?" (Blank) "Don't worry! I won't screw up!" (Zidane) "Alright! First, I'll go pour some sleep potion into Princess Garnet's teacup!" (Blank) "And I've got a special something for the lovely queen!" [Walks over to the lying-down armor-stripped guards] "Hehehe. They're sleeping so soundly!" [The words "ALEXANDRIA CASTLE" appear on the screen, as Zidane follows Blank out of the room. In the next scene, they're in the castle, outside of the room they just left] (Blank) "According to recon..." "...the royal seats should be right above these stairs!" (Zidane) "Got it!" [A quick crowd-cheer is heard] (Blank) "Uh-oh! The scene where Marcus sneaks into Cornelia's chamber is about to start!" "Let's get this over with before the finale, okay?" [Zidane runs up a set of stairs, as someone else, face hidden, opens a set of doors and runs forward. The two of them stop, avoiding a collision] (Zidane) (Hmm? She sure is dressed funny...) (Hooded Girl) "Umm... Would you please let me pa**?" (Zidane) "Hmm..." [Choose between "Let her pa**" or "Examine her face". Neither choice matters, but, choosing the second one makes it more interesting] (Zidane) "Let's see..." (Hooded Girl) "Is there something on my face?" (Zidane) "Oh, no. You see..." "I just thought maybe you were the one I'd been waiting for all this time." (Hooded Girl) "Excuse me? You were waiting for me?" (Zidane) "Yeah! I've dreamt of meeting you here ever since I was born!" (Hooded Girl) "Do you mock me?" (Zidane) "No, of course not..." (Hooded Girl) "Then, I shall take my leave of you!" [She tries to walk by, but Zidane blocks her way] (Zidane) "Just a sec!" "Haven't we met before?" (Hooded Girl) "No, I do not know you..." (Zidane) "Hmm..." "Maybe you're right... I'd never let someone as pretty as you get away." "Say, you wouldn't-" [Blank runs part of the way up the stairs] (Blank) "Hey, what's goin' on, Zidane?" (Hooded Girl) "I..." "I must go!" [She runs past Zidane, spinning him around, then past Blank, down the stairs] (Blank) "Who the heck was that!?" (Zidane) "Get up, Blank! That was Princess Garnet!" (Blank) "Are you serious!?" [The two of them run down the stairs and off the screen. Meanwhile, at the set of stairs near the entrance of the castle are the two Jesters, Zorn and Thorn, clad in blue and red respectively] (Zorn) "We are in trouble!" (Thorn) "Trouble are we in!" (Zorn) "This is terrible!" (Thorn) "Our heads, Queen Brahne will have!" (Zorn) "We must hurry!" (Thorn) "Hurry, we must!" [They run up some stairs] (Zorn) "We are in trouble! Thorn "Trouble are we in!" [Next screen] (Thorn) "The right way, that is not!" (Zorn) "I know it is not the right way!" (Thorn) "Really, do you?" (Zorn) "I really do!" (Thorn) "Wonder, I sometimes do." (Zorn) "N-Now is not the time to wonder!" (Thorn) "Hurry to Queen Brahne, must we!" (Zorn) "We must hurry to Queen Brahne!" [They run up the stairs which the Hooded Girl, Blank and Zidane ran down. Thorn runs towards the doors which the Hooded Girl exited] (Zorn) "That is not the right way!" (Thorn) "N-Not the right way, I know!" (Zorn) "Do you really?" (Thorn) "Know I really do!!!" (Zorn) "I really wonder sometimes." (Thorn) "Th-The time to wonder, now is not!" "Hurry to see Her Majesty, we must!" (Zorn) "We must hurry and tell Her Majesty!" [They run into the Queen's room, and try to run to her, but the knight gets in the way] (Thorn) "See the queen, we must!" (Captain of the Knights of Pluto) "Her Majesty is busy! Come back later!" (Beatrix) "Is it an emergency?" (Thorn) "An emergency, it is!" (Zorn) "A veritable emergency of terrible urgency!" (Beatrix) "Very well. I'll see what I can do." (Thorn) "Very grateful, we'll be!" (Zorn) "We'll be very grateful!" (Captain of the Knights of Pluto) "Grrr! Curse that Beatrix! Always trying to one-up me!" (Beatrix) "So, what exactly is the problem?" (Zorn) "Her Royal Highness..." (Thorn) "Princess Garnet..." (Thorn & Zorn) " in danger!" (Beatrix) "I see. Wait right there." [Beatrix walks down to the Queen, who is watching the play] (Queen Brahne) "No interruptions! Can't you see I'm watching the show!?" (Beatrix) "Your Majesty, I'm afraid Princess Garnet has-" (Queen Brahne) "Ah, yes... She did leave her seat awhile ago." (Beatrix) "Your Majesty, it seems that Princess Garnet has run off with the Royal Pendant." (Queen Brahne) "Well, of all the... What could she be thinking!?" "General Beatrix!" (Beatrix) "Your Majesty!" (Queen Brahne) "And, Captain...uh..." [Name the character "Steiner"] (Queen Brahne) "Captain Steiner!" (Steiner) "Yes, Your Majesty!" (Queen Brahne) "Go find Garnet!" (Steiner) "Yes, my queen!" (Beatrix) "At once, Your Majesty!" [The screen fades to black. It fades back in on Steiner standing in front of the door to the room which the Hooded Girl ran out of] (Steiner) "Knights of Pluto!" "ASSEMBLE!!!" [Looks around] "Huh?" "Where is everybody!?" [The two knights who were mugged of their armor run out of the room they were sleeping in] (Blutzen, Pluto Knight II) "Captain, sir!" (Kohel, Pluto Knight III) "All present and accounted for, sir!" (Steiner) "What are you talking about!? There's only two of you!" "Where are the other six!?" [Runs down the stairs to confront them] "Why, you useless good-for-nothings!" "I bring orders from the queen!" "Get dressed and go find Princess Garnet!" [You run out of the castle. In front of the castle, a chorus of cheers are heard] (Steiner) "What!?" "The play seems to be a hit!" "But if we fail to find the princess before the curtain falls, Her Majesty will be most displeased..." "And we will be the laughingstock of Beatrix and her retinue!" "I must hurry!" [Steiner then proceeds to run up the tower to the left of the castle] (Steiner) "Whew... Fatigue rears its ugly head." "No! I must perservere!" "The princess must be found!" [On the right tower, across from the left, Zidane is chasing the Hooded Girl] (Steiner) "Wait! Over there!" "It's Princess Garnet!" "Being hounded by brigands! Fear not, Princess! Your knight is coming!" [FMV. The princess climbs on top of the edge and looks at Zidane, then, falls off the edge. Steiner goes ballistic, thinking she's falling to her d**h, when, in fact, she's holding onto a cord of some sort. Zidane holds onto a cord as well, along with Steiner. Garnet and Zidane land comfortably on a mattress of some sort, while Steiner smashes into the side of the Theater Ship. The FMV ends, and Zidane jumps inside the Theater Ship, where a band with several members is playing] (Zidane) "Huh? Where'd the princess go?" (Hooded Girl) "Woo!" [The Hooded Girl jumps down, runs one way, then returns, knocking the band members and Zidane down, then running through the doors. Zidane follows her. In the next room, she runs by a blue-haired girl, spinning her around, before stopping] (Ruby) "Whoa! Whut in tarnation!?" "Hold yer horses, there!" "Whut kinda cattle you chasin', darlin'?" "You should at least say yer sorry!" (Hooded Girl) "Please pardon me. I was in a hurry, you see..." (Ruby) "And here I am, fixin' to get ready fer my big entrance!" [Zidane enters the room and runs up to them] (Ruby) "Hey, Zidane! Did you see the way she hit me!?" "This cowgirl's wilder than a buckin' bronco!" (Zidane) "Just let me talk to her, Ruby!" (Ruby) "Come again, pardner!?" "Did you hear what I just said?" (Zidane) "Ruby! We'll talk later!" [The Hooded Girl runs down a set of stairs behind Ruby. Zidane follows her and finally catches up. They're in the room where he first lit the candle at the start of the game] (Zidane) "Whew... Well, it looks like you've finally made up your mind." (Wow. We really had to improvise. But hey, we got her!) (Hooded Girl) "Do you... do you work on this theater ship?" (Zidane) (Aww... So she figured it out, huh?) (Hooded Girl) "As you have no doubt suspected..." "...the truth is that..." "I am actually..." [Removes her hood] "Princess Garnet Til Alexandros, heir to the throne of Alexandria." (Garnet) "I have a favor I wish to ask of you..." "I wish to be kidnapped... right away." (Zidane) "H-Huh!? I don't... I mean..." [They hear a knock on the door, followed by "Princess! Where are you?". Garnet places her hood back on] (Garnet) "Please... They've come for me!" (Zidane) "Aha... So that's what's going on..." "Alright! Leave them to me!" (Garnet) "Thank you. You have my gratitude." (Zidane) "Alright then, Your Highness!" "I shall hereby do my best to kidnap you!" [Cinna runs in] (Cinna) "What're you two doin'? Come on, this way!" (Zidane) "Don't worry, Princess. It's my friend Cinna!" (Garnet) "Oh, really?" "I am sorry. You startled me." (Zidane) "Well, with a face like his, I'd be pretty shocked, too!" (Cinna) "Man, that hurts! I wash up every morning, you know!" [Another knock on a door and the statement "Princess!" ensues] (Cinna) "This way!" (Zidane) "Alright, we'll follow you!" [Zidane and Garnet follow Cinna into the room where they first held their meeting at the start of the game. Meanwhile, the door which was knocked on twice is opened] (Steiner) "Princess?" [Walks into the room] "Princess..." "Princess!" "Princess...?" "PRINCESS!!!?" "Princess?" [A knight runs into the room] (Steiner) "Where have you been!?" (Knight) "Sir! I'm sorry, sir!" (Steiner) "Princess!" [Meanwhile, in the other room...] (Zidane) "Hey, Cinna! This is a dead end!" (Cinna) "Hehehe. I thought this might happen..." [Cinna exclaims "Open!" followed by "Sesame!", as the table lifts to reveal a pa**ageway leading under the floor] "So I set up this escape hatch!" [Steiner knocks on the door, saying "Princess!"] (Cinna) "C'mon, let's go in the hatch!" [Cinna, Garnet, and Zidane jump hastily into it. Steiner and his knight barge into the room] (Steiner) "The princess must be down there!" (Pluto Knight) "I-I'll go first, sir!" [Jumps in back-first, and, naturally, gets stuck] (Steiner) "Hey!!! What do you think you're doing!?" (Pluto Knight) "Captain, sir! I'm stuck, sir!" (Steiner) "Grrrr! Blast it!!!" [Runs out of the room] (Pluto Knight) "Hehehe. He bought it!" [Scene changes to Zidane and Garnet, with Cinna, underneath the hatch] (Zidane) "Wow, you're really athletic, Princess. I think I'm falling for you!" (Garnet) "This is nothing. I have been training to escape the castle, after all." (Zidane) "What a waste. If only you weren't a princess..." (Garnet) "We have no time for idle banter. Come, let us move on!" [They run off the screen with Cinna, only to meet up with Steiner in the other room] (Steiner) "Aha!" "Princess! I, Steiner, have come to your rescue!" [The Pluto Knight runs into the room the way Zidane and co. ran in] (Pluto Knight) "You needn't worry, Your Highness!" (Steiner) "Good work! This will be remembered as the Pluto Knights' finest hour!" (Pluto Knight) "Hehehe!" "Just relax, Princess. We'll get you outta here!" (Steiner) "WHAT!!!?" "You're not one of my knights!" (Zidane) "You can just..." (Cinna) "...leave the princess..." (Zidane, Cinna, and the Pluto Knight) " us!" [Battle of Steiner vs. Zidane, Cinna, and the Pluto Knight, who is actually Blank, ensues. After defeating Steiner, he does an attack which destroys Blank's armor disguise, but also releases all the oglops. Afterwards, Cinna, Blank, and Steiner run around erratically, yelling "I hate oglops!" and "Oglops are the worst!"] (Zidane) "Now's our chance! Come on!" [Zidane and Garnet run into another room. The scene then changes to King Leo, back on the stage, doing a monologue] (King Leo) "Tonight, I shall finally see my daughter Cornelia betroth'd to Prince Schneider!" "And then Prince Schneider and his kingdom will be mine!" "Gwahahahaha!" [The two guards which fought alongside King Leo before walk onto the stage, holding Marcus' arms] (Zenero) "Your Majesty!" (Benero) "We have caught an intruder!" (King Leo) "Why, my poor Marcus!" "Hark, lad. No matter how much thou dost treasure Cornelia..." " matter how deeply she might believe she doth love thee..." "...never shall I see her marry a peasant such as thee!" [A bell rings once] "When the bell strikes three..." "Under the axe thou shall be!" [The bell strikes a second time] [Meanwhile, in the room where Zidane and Garnet ran into] (Garnet) "What now? We cannot go any further!" (Zidane) "Hmmm..." [Cinna runs into the room] (Cinna) "Zidane! Get on Number Two!" (Zidane) "Okay! Princess Garnet, this way!" [Zidane and Garnet run onto a platform. Steiner runs in the room, proclaiming "Stop!", hitting Cinna, who responds with "Yow!". Steiner walks onto the platform parallel to Zidane and Garnet's. Both platforms begin to rise upwards] [Back on the stage, the bell rings a third time] (King Leo) "Futhermore!" [The two platforms rise up, as Garnet, Zidane, and Steiner join the group of King Leo, Marcus, Benero and Zenero] (Zidane) "(Guys! Just improvise!)" (Steiner) "Ho? What's all this?" [Marcus breaks free from the guards, runs up to Garnet, and proclaims "Cornelia!"] (Garnet) "(Um...)" (Zidane) "(Marcus is Corenlia's lover!)" (Garnet) "Oh, Marcus!" (Zidane) "(Yeah, you're doing great!)" (Garnet) "(Ahaha. I have studied drama, you know.)" (Baku) "(Okay, guys. Let's keep going. Brahne's still watchin', after all!)" (Garnet) "Oh, Marcus! I missed you so!" [Hugs Marcus] "I wish never to leave thy side. Prithee, lead me from this place!" (Zidane) "See, King Leo? Thou shouldst give them thy blessing!" (King Leo) "Never!" "Never leave his side, thou sayest?" "Foolish banter! I'll not allow it!" "Cornelia shall marry none other than this man - Prince Schneider!" "Is that not so, Prince Schneider?" (Steiner) "M-Marry the princess? Me!?" (King Leo) "Aye! And this traitorous crew, I will put to d**h!" [Zidane and Marcus attack the two guards] (Benero) "Too many of them!" (Zenero) "Run away!" [They run off the screen. King Leo approaches Garnet] (King Leo) "Pray, sweet daughter, come home to the castle with me." (Garnet) "Nay, Father! I shan't return!" (King Leo) "Cornelia... Trouble me no more." "This wedding is for thine own welfare. Be mindful of that." (Marcus) "Not if I can help it!!!" "Now is my moment of vengeance! For my parents, and for my love, Cornelia..." [Draws sword] "I shall cut thee down!" [Marcus steps forward to stab Leo. Garnet goes in front of Leo, who steps back, and she gets stabbed by the sword, going "Ngh!" in the process. On the other side of the screen, Steiner begins to breakdown, thinking she was actually stabbed] (Marcus) "No... Cornelia!!!" (Garnet) "Mar...cus, forgive me. I still love my father..." (King Leo) "Cornelia!" (Steiner) "Princess!" (Garnet) "Prithee, forgive my selfishness, Father, and spare my sweet Marcus..." (Marcus) "What have I done!? Am I never to hear her loving voice again!?" "Am I cursed never again to feel her soft touch!?" "O, cruel fate! Thou hast robbed me of all I treasure!" [Marcus stabs himself, exclaiming "Ngah!". Zidane exclaims "Marcus!". The screen changes to a view of Queen Brahne, who is watching the events unfold] (Queen Brahne) "Oh, my!" "This year's show is splendid!" "Waaaaaaa!" "Why did she have to die!? Why!?" (Now, where could Garnet be?) "Boo-hoo-hooo!!!" [Over to Puck and Vivi...] (Puck) "Wow, what a show!" (Vivi) "Yeah, so sad..." (Puck) "I'm glad we climbed all the way over here. How ‘bout you, huh?" "Uh oh! Looks like trouble!" [Puck and Vivi both run away, as two knights chase them] (Haagen, Pluto Knight VIII) "Stop, you!" (Weimar, Pluto Knight VII) "Come back, trespa**ers!" [Vivi trips] (Puck) "Fool! I'm outta here!" [Runs away. Vivi runs away shortly after] (Haagen, Pluto Knight VIII) "Fury!!!" (Weimar, Pluto Knight VII) "Come back here!" [The scene changes back to King Leo and company] (King Leo) "Forgive me!!!" (Steiner) "Princess!!!" [Vivi runs onto the stage] (Vivi) "Leave me alone!" (Haagen, Pluto Knight VIII) "Stop!!!" (Weimar, Pluto Knight VII) "Come back here!" (Vivi) "Don't come any closer!" [Vivi does a fire spell, which hits Garnet's hood. She jumps up, exclaiming "Ow! That's hot!", then throwing off her hood & disguise altogether] (Baku) "Zidane! It's time!" (Zidane) "Princess Garnet! Let's get outta here!" (Steiner) "What... What is going on!?" (Garnet) "Steiner! Don't follow me anymore!" (Haagen, Pluto Knight VIII) "Captain, sir! We await your orders, sir!" (Steiner) "Hmmm... Well... Umm... Errr..." "Princess! I'm afraid I cannot comply!" (Garnet) "Stubborn as always, aren't you?" (Zidane) "Come on, Princess. Let's ditch Sir Rustalot and get outta here!" (Steiner) "Princess, wait!" [Zidane walks over to Vivi] (Zidane) "Hey, kid... You okay!?" (Vivi) "Y-Yeah. I just tripped, that's all..." (Steiner) "Princess, I cannot allow you to go! Seize them at once!" [Battle: Steiner & the two knights versus Zidane, Garnet, Vivi and Marcus. After the battle is done, the scene changes to the Theater Ship's bridge] (Cinna) "Stabilizers configured!" (Baku) "Good!" (Blank) "Engine room is good to go!" (Baku) "Alright!" "We're movin' out! (Blank) "Roger that!" [FMV. The Theater Ship begins to ascend, with Garnet, Zidane, and Vivi on the deck. The Queen notices this and orders for it to be stopped. Several harpoons are fired, all of which connect with the Theater Ship, bring it down and crashing some Alexandrian buildings. The Queen signals for another cannon, which is revealed above where she's sitting, and something is fired out; after a few moments you notice it's a fiery Bomb! Battle ensues: Steiner vs. Garnet, Zidane, Vivi and Marcus. They repeatedly warn him that there's a bomb behind him, and to turn around, but he doesn't pay attention until the end of the battle, when he first sees it. By that time, the Bomb had grown several times during the fight to be alot bigger than when it started out] [Another FMV follows after the fight is over: the bomb explodes, and the Queen cheers, thinking that the Theater Ship was destroyed. But it emerges from the cloud of smoke, in one pieces, but with fire and smoke emanating from everywhere, as it departs Alexandria. The queen, visibly pissed, snaps her fan in half. The theater ship, losing power, barely stays afloat on the cloud of mist] (Cinna) "We're gonna crash!!!" [FMV. The ship descends the mist, where it is much darker than above it; the ship lands smack dab in the middle of a forest area. A large explosion of fire can be seen some ways away] (Queen Brahne) "Garnet..." "I never imagined you would do such a thing. Perhaps you're not such a helpless little girl anymore..." "Zorn!" [Zorn appears on the right side of the screen] "Thorn!" [Thorn appears on the left side] "Is our little experiment ready?" (Zorn) "Yes, Your Majesty. It is combat-ready." (Thorn) "Easily terminate Princess Garnet, it can, Your Majesty." (Queen Brahne) "I need her alive!" "Bring her back at once!"