Final Fantasy - Final Fantasy Script - Part 4 lyrics


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Final Fantasy - Final Fantasy Script - Part 4 lyrics

PART IV - FATE OF ALL? Chapter 9: The Sky's the Limit Chapter10: Ancient Future EPILOGUE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | Chapter 9 - *The Sky's the Limit* | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ EXTERIOR: OVERWORLD -- WATERFALL NORTHWEST OF ONRAC Utterly trampling KRAKEN, and reviving the Water ORB, not to mention saving the Mermaids ta boot, the LIGHT WARRIORS succumb to the enchanting mysterious behind the waterfall..eluded to by the Onracian citizens. Here we go again! =) Penatrating the eluminant mists falling down from above the LW discover a pa**age/cavern that leads to somewhere. The search begins. Bats! (Remember ALL bats say the same thing.) Deeper and deeper, darker and darker... The LW finally reach a room with something shiny inside. What..a robot!? ROBOT: Take this CUBE. With it, you can transfer to the FLOATING CASTLE. ROBOT: Please---- * * * EXTERIOR: LEFEIN -- NEAR ENTRANCE Merely possessing the CUBE is not enough to gain entrance to the Mirage Tower.. the LW decide to put their language sk**s to the test and try to speak with the people of Lefein. (Note: gender of townsfolf unknown - they appear androgenous, at least to me..) PERSON: We are the Lefeinish. Only our bravest become SKY WARRIORS. Your AIRSHIP was theirs. EXTERIOR: LEFEIN -- NARROW CAUSEWAY GUARD: At the time of destruction a legend was born---- In 400 years, WARRIORS with ORBS will appear to save our people . Are you?---- GUARD: Oh, the LIGHT WARRIORS!! The legend is true! EXTERIOR: LEFEIN -- WEST END -- OUTSIDE RESIDENTIAL AREA PERSON: Until 400 years ago we controlled the Power of the Wind. This enabled us to suspend the castle in the air. PERSON: 400 years ago, we had an advanced civilization. Our interest was the universe!! EXTERIOR: LEFEIN -- WEST END -- BRIDGED WALKWAY PERSON: We have pa**ed on the legends from generation to generation. But 400 years have caused our memories to fade. PERSON: The FLOATING CASTLE floats high in the sky, seemingly among the stars. PERSON: I wonder if the robots made by our ancestors are still moving? EXTERIOR: LEFEIN -- EAST END -- NEAR RESIDENTIAL AREAS PERSON: The FLOATING CASTLE---- Our ancestors lived there. The Mirage Tower is the entrance. EXTERIOR: LEFEIN -- EAST END -- BRIDGED WALKWAY PERSON: The power of Wind was taken by TIAMAT. CITIZEN: We knew that a great power controlled the FIENDS. Our five bravest warriors left, never to return. CITIZEN: We fought with TIAMAT, but were unsuccessful. The FIEND now inhabits our FLOATING CASTLE. CITIZEN: (s) With this CHIME you can enter the Mirage Tower. The Mirage Tower was the gateway to our home in the sky. EXTERIOR: LEFEIN -- NORTHEAST END -- SECRET PATH CITIZEN: Our last five warriors left to find the cause of the world's decay. We know they live, but, as bats. * * * EXTERIOR: MIRAGE TOWER And so, the LIGHT WARRIORS merge closer with destiny as they approach the fourth and final FIEND--the FIEND of Wind! The Mirage Tower ominously suspends in the horizon, brooding in the burning desert, as if to call out to the LW ... they must heed it's call if they are to save the world from evil---- INTERIOR: MIRAGE TOWER -- FIRST FLOOR -- BACK OF ROOM What looks like highly futuristic computer systems and gadgetry lines the walls of the robots' proximity. This civilization was indeed advanced. ROBOT: Are you the master? INTERIOR: MIRAGE TOWER -- SECOND FLOOR -- TOP ROBOT: One of us escaped with a CUBE. He floated far to the west. INTERIOR: MIRAGE TOWER -- SECOND FLOOR -- CENTER ROOM More and more advanced looking, the interior of the room is formed of almost completly computerized machines. INTERIOR: MIRAGE TOWER -- THIRD FLOOR -- INSIDE ROOM A lone robot stands before a large computerized device frozen in time. The LW boldly step forward to where few have gone before... As if scooped up by a great force the LW are magically taken to a place high above the clouds ... above the planet. * * * EXTERIOR: SPACE -- SKY CASTLE Resting against a sea of stars, far above the blue-green surface of the planet. The Sky Castle is an ancient piece of the past, containing a tremendous evil. INTERIOR: SKY CASTLE -- TRANSPORTER The LW are in awe in their surroundings. Where they are, is unlike nowhere else they have been or seen. Completely constructed of unknown materials and systems, the Sky Castle truly is advanced as the Lefeinish had hinted to. It exudes advanced technology and the LW are quite uncertain to what it all represents. Nevertheless, they seek out TIAMAT and try to illuminate the final ORB. ------- Note: After aquiring the ADAMANT on floor two it is suggested that you return to the Dwarf's Cave to speak with Smith again. Why? He'll make you a little ol' sword called..Xcalber. It happens to be the most powerful sword in the game -- AFTER Masmune, of course. INTERIOR: DWARF'S CAVE -- SMITH'S ROOM SMITH: ADAMANT!! Now let me make the sword for you---- Here, the best work I've ever done. It is my gift. ------- INTERIOR: SKY CASTLE -- THIRD FLOOR -- WINDOW ROBOT: You can look out over the world from this window. Awestruck, the LIGHT WARRIORS peer out of the Sky Castle's window to look upon the world they live on. The power residing here is monumental! From this window one can see the entire world. The Four Forces are flowing together, into the center of the Four Altars. Into the Temple of FIENDS. INTERIOR: SKY CASTLE -- THIRD FLOOR -- SOUTH OF ENTRANCE -- SMALL ROOM A computerized system of sorts glows and beeps oddly. The leader of the party touches one of the glowing indicators and---- COMPUTER: TIAMAT is the FIEND of the WIND---- A larger room to the south even proves to be a control room of sorts. Chairs indicate that operators are still needed and that it's not fully automated. Explaining the existance of the scattered robots?? INTERIOR: SKY CASTLE -- FIFTH FLOOR -- WIND ORB'S ALTAR ROOM Much more 'evolved' than the three before--this FIEND is clearly the strongest and toughest of the bunch. TIAMAT means business and HER quarters emitt an haunting state even in her abscence. The LW exam the FIEND's ORB closely--sparks jolt throughout the room everywhere and suddenly the beast empowered with the element of Wind..comes to life. Lightning, erupts from the FIEND's ball---- TIAMAT: So, you have come this far---- I, TIAMAT the FIEND of the Wind will now put an end to your adventure!! Soon, even TIAMAT falls to the hands of the mighty LIGHT WARRIORS! YOU DID IT! YOU'VE REVIVED ALL FOUR ORBS!!! ^_^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | Chapter10 - *Ancient Future* | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (Note: As always, once you complete a significant task/obstacle--talk to the townsfolk again. More often than not, the occasional NPC will muse something new for you.) Lets start back in Coneria shall we?... EXTERIOR: CONERIA -- BEHIND MAGIC CENTERS OLD MAN: (s) As legend foretold, once again the ORBS shine!! Quickly, to fulfill the legend, take them to the Temple north of here, and stand in the center. * * * EXTERIOR: CRESCENT LAKE -- SECLUDED GROVE (CIRCLE OF SAGES) SAGE: The Temple of FIENDS is in the center of the Four Altars. The time has come to destroy the source of evil. SAGE: With the four ORBS shining again the Time Gate can be broken. The true enemy is 2000 years in the past. SAGE: The world was suddenly thrown into disorder. You must restore it. SAGE: Time is repeating. In order to break the Time-Loop you must eliminate the enemy who controls from 2000 years in the past. SAGE: Someone travelled 2000 years to the past. The four FIENDS were sent forward in time. Those FIENDS threaten to destroy the world today. SAGE: I see now, someone who travelled back 2000 years is the cause of the world's destruction. After 2000 years he will travel back again---- Then again---- Then again---- SAGE: Time will repeat itself every 2000 years. Break the time-loop! * * * EXTERIOR: TEMPLE OF FIENDS The LIGHT WARRIORS moment of truth! What will be the Final enemy?? Let's go! INTERIOR: TEMPLE OF FIENDS -- INNER SANCTUM/GARLAND'S ROOM The LIGHT WARRIORS take out the four ORBS and magically they hover and glow in the air---- Then, supernatuarally, via a great force, they become one and engulf the Black(evil) ORB. The four ORBS now cover the black ORB---- To take a step forward is to go back 2000 years in time. (Oops! Forget what I said earlier. All bats don't always say the same thing. The bats in the Temple of Fiends are the *only* exception though--due to the fact that in the past they were once human and were transformed by Garland.) BAT: You must travel back in time 2000 years. Now, with the ORBS shining, stand in the Time Gate. BAT: Help! The FIEND's curse turned us into bats. With the ORBS shining anew, once again we can speak. BAT: We are the five lost SKY WARRIORS. 400 years ago we battled against the cause of the world's destruction. BAT: The Four FIENDS power is rooted 2000 years ago. The real enemy is in that time. BAT: When the 4 ORBS cover the black ORB in the center of the palace, the Time Gate can open. INTERIOR: TEMPLE OF FIENDS -- CENTER ROOM -- TIME GATE The LIGHT WARRIORS enter.... ////////////////////////////////// \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ******************************** ************2000 YEARS IN THE PAST ********************************* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ /////////////////////////////////// INTERIOR: TEMPLE OF FIENDS The LIGHT WARRIORS stand--unknown is their future..or their past. What ever they do here though will decide the very fate of the world in both time periods. This is where hero's are made---- INTERIOR: TEMPLE OF FIENDS -- THIRD FLOOR -- CENTER ROOM The LIGHT WARRIORS discover a plate, like that of which was encountered in the Earth Cave in the future. There is a stone plate on the floor---- You sense something---- Evil?---- The LW use the LUTE. The tune plays, revealing a stairway. INTERIOR: TEMPLE OF FIENDS -- FIRST BASEMENT FLOOR LICH is met again, and he now has the ability to utilize NUKE--ouch! Watch out - sometimes he can surprise ya! INTERIOR: TEMPLE OF FIENDS -- SECOND BASEMENT FLOOR KARY is still quite the ill-tempered lady--although the LW bust 'er up with ease. INTERIOR: TEMPLE OF FIENDS -- THIRD BASEMENT FLOOR KRAKEN is still his arrogant self. Show 'em what yer made of and wup his slimy arse. =) Ultros would even be embara**ed to say he's in the same species as ol' KRAKEN. INTERIOR: TEMPLE OF FIENDS -- FOURTH BASEMENT FLOOR TIAMAT, eh? She could still prove an intresting challenge even this late in the game. Be on yer toes. She's sneaky that way. (Note: Don't forget to pick up Masmune on this floor.) ? . . o O( Hey, stupo! It's a \ (O~) script..not a FAQ!) C( )> oo INTERIOR: TEMPLE OF FIENDS -- FIFTH BASEMENT LEVEL The Final Battle awaits the LW here. Deep in the Temple stirs an ignoble evil schemeing to plague the world with torment--it must be put to an end..once and for all. Now the LIGHT WARRIORS face the TRUE enemy--and the fate of the entire world hangs in the balance. INTERIOR: TEMPLE OF FIENDS -- FIFTH BASEMENT LEVEL -- CENTRAL ROOM The LIGHT WARRIORS enter to view a man standing in a dimly lit room. Behind him seems to be a tablet surrounded by the 4 elements of the world: Earth, Water, Wind, and Fire. GARLAND: Remember me, Garland? Your puny lot thought it had defeated me. But, the four FIENDS sent me back 2000 years into the past. From here I sent the FOUR FIENDS to the future. The FIENDS will send me back to here, and the Time-Loop will go on. After 2000 years, I will be forgotten, and the Time-Loop will close. I will live forever, and you shall meet doom!! elemental powers of the world, battle ensues> The final battle w/CHAOS took everything the LW had but they fought valiantly and destroyed the evil at it's source. Forever will Garland's wickedness be silenced. The LIGHT WARRIORS triumph and save the world!!! ;D Peace shall reign forevermore---- EPILOGUE The Time-Loop is now broken! The 2000 year long battle is over. Peace prevails. Control of the four elements, the Earth, the Wind, the Fire, and the Water, again belongs to the earth. Garland's hatred burned for 2000 years. That hatred led the Four Powers to this world. CHAOS was created from those Four. Evil dominated the world and covered it in darkness. But, it is over now, wrong has been set right!! The LIGHT WARRIORS are returning---- As they travel in time, the world returns to normal. Sara and Jane wait for them---- Of course, Garland does too. But, when did it ever happen?---- Everything went mad in a day. The reason lies in the 2000 year Time-Loop. The Four chose to become one force, and fight against the four evil forces that set darkness upon the world. When the Four return, it will be to their past. All signs of the battle with the Forces will be erased. But the legend will live on. Pa**ed down by the Dwarves, the Elves, and the Dragons---- Pa**ed on by peoples unsure where the story came from. The LIGHT WARRIORS return from their journey back in time 2000 years. The memories stored deep in their hearts will protect the world. Never forget the good and true---- Never turn the Four Powers to the dark side---- And truth will always live in the hearts of the people. The Warrior who broke the 2000 year Time-Loop is truly a LIGHT WARRIOR---- That warrior was YOU! May the ORBS always shine!!---- The End