F. Scott Fitzgerald - The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (Chapter 4) lyrics


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F. Scott Fitzgerald - The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (Chapter 4) lyrics

Of the life of Benjamin bu*ton between his twelfth and twenty-first year I intend to say little. Suffice to record that they were years of normal ungrowth. When Benjamin was eighteen he was erect as a man of fifty; he had more hair and it was of a dark gray; his step was firm, his voice had lost its cracked quaver and descended to a healthy baritone. So his father sent him up to Connecticut to take examinations for entrance to Yale College. Benjamin pa**ed his examination and became a member of the freshman cla**. On the third day following his matriculation he received a notification from Mr. Hart, the college registrar, to call at his office and arrange his schedule. Benjamin, glancing in the mirror, decided that his hair needed a new application of its brown dye, but an anxious inspection of his bureau drawer disclosed that the dye bottle was not there. Then he remembered—he had emptied it the day before and thrown it away. He was in a dilemma. He was due at the registrar's in five minutes. There seemed to be no help for it—he must go as he was. He did. "Good-morning," said the registrar politely. "You've come to inquire about your son." "Why, as a matter of fact, my name's bu*ton——" began Benjamin, but Mr. Hart cut him off. "I'm very glad to meet you, Mr. bu*ton. I'm expecting your son here any minute." "That's me!" burst out Benjamin. "I'm a freshman." "What!" "I'm a freshman." "Surely you're joking." "Not at all." The registrar frowned and glanced at a card before him. "Why, I have Mr. Benjamin bu*ton's age down here as eighteen." "That's my age," a**erted Benjamin, flushing slightly. The registrar eyed him wearily. "Now surely, Mr. bu*ton, you don't expect me to believe that." Benjamin smiled wearily. "I am eighteen," he repeated. The registrar pointed sternly to the door. "Get out," he said. "Get out of college and get out of town. You are a dangerous lunatic." "I am eighteen." Mr. Hart opened the door. "The idea!" he shouted. "A man of your age trying to enter here as a freshman. Eighteen years old, are you? Well, I'll give you eighteen minutes to get out of town." Benjamin bu*ton walked with dignity from the room, and half a dozen undergraduates, who were waiting in the hall, followed him curiously with their eyes. When he had gone a little way he turned around, faced the infuriated registrar, who was still standing in the door-way, and repeated in a firm voice: "I am eighteen years old." To a chorus of titters which went up from the group of undergraduates, Benjamin walked away. But he was not fated to escape so easily. On his melancholy walk to the railroad station he found that he was being followed by a group, then by a swarm, and finally by a dense ma** of undergraduates. The word had gone around that a lunatic had pa**ed the entrance examinations for Yale and attempted to palm himself off as a youth of eighteen. A fever of excitement permeated the college. Men ran hatless out of cla**es, the football team abandoned its practice and joined the mob, professors' wives with bonnets awry and bustles out of position, ran shouting after the procession, from which proceeded a continual succession of remarks aimed at the tender sensibilities of Benjamin bu*ton. "He must be the wandering Jew!" "He ought to go to prep school at his age!" "Look at the infant prodigy!" "He thought this was the old men's home." "Go up to Harvard!" Benjamin increased his gait, and soon he was running. He would show them! He would go to Harvard, and then they would regret these ill-considered taunts! Safely on board the train for Baltimore, he put his head from the window. "You'll regret this!" he shouted. "Ha-ha!" the undergraduates laughed. "Ha-ha-ha!" It was the biggest mistake that Yale College had ever made….