The little interludes! ) Vearsa 1 Chorus Vearsa 2 (direach mar an gceanna le vearsa 1) Chorus 2 (direach mar an gceanna le chorus 1) Choir aaah’s Floated like a dream outro • (Véarsa 1) Built a boat yesterday In one early morning half dream Tú féin ag cabhrú liom Craobhacha a bhaint de chrann Ghreamamar le chéile iad Le drúcht ó na ribà féir Is báidÃn gleoite à Lán de dhóchas ó mo chroà (Curfá) And it floated like a dream On those waves just you and me Is it a sign of things to come Lets just sail and have some fun Agus sheol sé le gaoth Ar bhruach na brionglóidà An dea-thuar é seo tá romham Ragham ag spraoi ar bharr na dtonn (Véarsa 2) And the time it had come Our little boat of dreams Would it sink or would it swim Would it sail down the stream Is diompar don trá é Idir uisce agus agus spéir Cá dtabharfadh an sruth à I had doubt but he believed... agus cuirfeá arÃs