O the sower sows the word But who is the one who is heard And from faith to deed Brings a crop from the seed When the sower sows the word? Like seed scattered wide on a sidewalk With no place for the roots to dig in That's the gospel to those who've been hardened By the world and its doubt and its sin To the sound of the truth of the kingdom They are deaf and just don't understand And the enemy comes and he steals away The abundance the Father had planned O the sower sows the word But who is the one who is heard And from faith to deed Brings a crop from the seed When the sower sows the word? Like seed in thin soil over bedrock With no depth for the roots to go down The shoots appear green in the morning But they're scorched when the sun heats the ground So some hear the gospel with gladness When trouble and testing arise In the heat of the battle they wither And retreat to a refuge of lies O the sower sows the word But who is the one who is heard And from faith to deed Brings a crop from the seed When the sower sows the word? When the seed falls in weeds, thorns and thistles Struggles for water and light Weeds grow up faster and larger And the harvest gets lost in the fight That's the word in a heart that's distracted By the world and its worries and prides By money and thrills of the senses While the real life just shrivels and dies But the one who brings sowing to reaping In this one, the Father delights When the word's understood and accepted Watered and kept in the light When the plough has dug deep down the furroughs And the stones have been thrown from the field Producing some thirty, some sixty, sometimes a hundredfold yield For the sower sows the word Who is the one who is heard And from faith to deed Brings a crop from the seed When the sower sows the word When the sower sows the word When the sower sows the word When the sower sows the word?