Don Francisco - Nehemiah's Song lyrics


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Don Francisco - Nehemiah's Song lyrics

Since ‘way before King David, every city had a wall Built of stone cut carefully, wide and smooth and tall To protect from the invader, the raider and brigand – To keep the people safe at night from the lawless in the land Now the city of Jerusalem had been a joy for all to see But the people turned to evil and to great iniquity And in judgment we were exiled to the land of Babylon And Jerusalem was laid to waste by the army that had won Then when sevn'ty years had ended, thousands went back to our land But there was nothing left of what was once so awesome and so grand And I guess they just lost heart, but no one tried to build again The glory of those former days and how life there once had been So I prayed to God in heaven to remind Him of His word – That if we'd turn our hearts to Him, our prayers would then be heard And He'd rebuild us in the place that He'd chosen for His name And no sooner had I had prayed to Him, than the answer swiftly came Because the king said, “Nehemiah, go and build that city back!” He made me its rulin' governor, and of money I had no lack So with soldiers all around me that were there at my command I left Babylon rejoicing, goin' to see the Promised Land! Chorus Shout! With joy to God everybody Sing hallelujah! Shout! With joy to God everybody Make glorious His praise Shout! With joy to God everybody Sing hallelujah! Shout! With joy to God everybody Make glorious his praise! Say to Him, “How awesome are Your works! How great and irresistible Your power! How beautiful, how glorious is Your Name!” But when I rode into Jerusalem, all the gates and walls were down There was nothing left but piles of stones, just rubble all around No one held their head up high, they lived in constant fear There was nothin' to protect them and the loved ones they held dear So I called ‘em all together, and I told ‘em ‘bout my plan: “We're goin' to work together, now, every woman, child and man You know, I've got the King's endorsement because God is on our side And we're going to build this city back, with a wall that's high and wide!” So everybody got movin', workin', buildin' on that wall Whatever part you lived close to, that's where your lot would fall The people, they had a mind to work, and the wall began to rise In less than just a month it stood up half its finished size But then our enemies, they plotted, “We'd better stop them while we can! You know, once that wall's completed, ain't no way we're gonna rule this land!” So they tried intimidation, and they threatened, schemed and cursed But the more they tried to frighten us, for themselves they made things worse— ‘Cause we all put on our swords by day, then stood a watch at night' And half of us held spears and shields ‘til the stars began their light With th' one hand we'd be workin', with one prepared to fight ‘Til the wall at last was finished, and we danced upon its height Chorus Shout! With joy to God everybody Sing hallelujah! Shout! With joy to God everybody Make glorious His praise Shout! With joy to God everybody Sing hallelujah! Shout! With joy to God everybody Make glorious his praise! Say to Him, “How awesome are Your works! How great and irresistible Your power! How beautiful, how glorious is Your Name!” Now the wall we built was ma**ive, seventeen feet wide and strong Forty feet from top to bottom, and well over two miles long Because the pow'r of God was magnifyin' everything we'd do – The days from start to finish, they were only fifty-two Then the priests and all the singers and musicians from their towns They all came up to Jerusalem to make a loud and joyful sound And two great choirs went marchin' four abreast upon that wall Singin' songs of joy to the Lord of Hosts, givin' glory for it all.