Dom McLennon - The Lyrical Dissection of Dom McLennon's Metamorphosis: UNTLTD FLX lyrics


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Dom McLennon - The Lyrical Dissection of Dom McLennon's Metamorphosis: UNTLTD FLX lyrics

The Lyrical Dissection of Dom McLennon's Metamorphosis Line by line I will take you through the journey which is Dom's personal metamorphosis within UNTLTD FLX Watching my life change in front of my eyelids: Dom is experiencing his life changing right in front of him, regardless if he wants it to happen or not Saint without a God, I represent for the hybrids: This line could be best explained as Dom identifying himself as a hybrid when it comes to spirituality. A Saint by definition has one of the highest levels of internal spirituality, and also believes in a higher power. For Dom, he possesses the internal level of spirituality as a saint, but does not acknowledge the idea of a higher power; therefore embracing the moniker of a hybrid Driving out thru the city when something hit me, Just to do it and say f** anybody not coming with me: Dom was taking a drive through the city when an idea or an "aha" moment came about. He has convinced himself that this is the path that he must take and anyone who chooses not to follow is at their own loss Cause there's only one of me, without y'all there would be fifty: Dom's words verbatim, "With whatever you choose to do in life, talent in said field will be a dime a dozen. There's a million Michael Jordans who never made it to college and 300 more Kendrick Lamars who never got the support of their hometown. But at the end of the day, the true visionaries, the select few who have crafted their own brain child and made something truly different are the ones who make impact. Even if your talent does break through into that select field of the elite for whatever you want to do, if you don't have a vision you have a shelf life. This is the reality of our society and this is how they have chosen to look at people in the artistic field, especially if they have ambitions of being in a spotlight. To be more direct in regards to with what I'm doing right now, it's easy to be the best rapper, but a lot harder to set a new standard for at least trying to do something different and creative." n***as really must be silly I can break it down so simply, To a point where you would think you're an idiot for not getting, What I say what can I say I guess I'm just a RapGenius: People have put forth a lackluster amount of effort towards trying to comprehend what Dom is illustrating with his words, but Dom is capable of breaking it down to their level, making them feel dumb for not catching it the first time; Dom is a RapGenius aka a wordsmith King flow; only accepting queens on my penis: Dom has identified himself as having the same status as a King and it's evident in his flow. Upon realizing his newly found status he is only accepting an equal counterpart of the same status on his dick Iceman; you could see frost on every inklet: Iceman is a Marvel character from X-Men who is entirely made up of ice, duh, but in reference to the line, Dom is saying his flow is so cold that when he writes he leaves frost on the inklet's he writes with Rolling up the greenest, I've seen sh** you couldn't dreaming: Dom is rolling up the purest form of weed, and he has witnessed strains of weed that fellow weed users can only dream of. // The second half of this line is also a precursor to the story I begin telling in the next few stanzas. -D.M Saw my life upon the floor began to go pick up the pieces and they melted in my hands; then flowed together on the ground into a visual of water, trees, a sky and clouds, From a place I've never been before: A new sensation. I was visualizing all the art of my imagination: His life was falling apart in front of him but he began to pick up the pieces which led to an epiphany. His imagination began to illustrate all the ideas which resided within his mind that he had yet to unlock My reality is forward thinking with some concentration, Dealing with pa**ive aggressive constant hate and confrontation. Maybe that's something that you wouldn't grasp though, part of life beyond a 9-5 and shallow cash flow: Dom's words verbatim, "Right here, what I mean is that the life of a creative, and the things that a creative individual must do to succeed and deal with are of a completely different caliber of somebody living a normal life. This whole verse is just small insight into my thought process for the past year while I've been making this, and these lines correlate to the nay sayer's who tell us that we're living in fantasy world and don't want to believe what we're doing is important; because the things they're doing aren't important. In an interview artist Alex Grey said, 'What we do is trash all our heroes. We make them as low as possible so that you we are left with no hope about human character. And I think that is a shame.' They may not be his words verbatim but that's what I can recall. I agree. There's a whole world out there, and that "9-5 and shallow cash flow" lifestyle doesn't fit with it. Do more than just enough, because otherwise somebody else will do it for you." You're walking through a house of cards to find a deal. No matter if you get a hand, just know it isn't real: In reference to the previous lines which discussed the idea of being a cog in the machine of the corporate world, this person is trying to look for a deal (a job) in the house of cards (corporate world) hoping that he is dealt a good hand (a decent job), but Dom identifies that this hand can be pulled and trumped over at any given time at the hands of the true card dealer, the corporate world. // what i'm also saying here is meant to be a sign to fellow artists. Take it as you like. -D.M I built my whole foundation off if something I can feel: Dom built his foundation off of things in which he can feel, whether it is physical, mental, or emotional, this is what has shaped him into the person he is today. Such as things in which are tangible, like a book for the lesson it taught him, a person in which evoked an emotion from him, or an idea which was provoked as a result of something he witnessed. His foundation is the culmination of everything he has felt throughout his odyssey So the glue for what I do resembles concrete mixed with steel: The foundation in which he has constructed is held together by the very fibers of his pa**ion for creating which are as strong as titanium alloy It's the strength of all this sh**, that'll help us make a meal: It's the power of creating and the hunger for success which will give the people what they need to eat Wanna tell my n***as feast in ways they thought they never will: Dom aspires to educate his peers on the variety of ways on how to make it in this world that were previously marked as impossible whether it be by their race, or socio-economic status, or by people they've had encounters with. Dom wants to provide hope and a multitude of viable means to his people to ensure that they do succeed in their aspirations, and open their eyes to that fact that there is more to life, than to be just another statistic For my state? I'm out to open up the floodgates, facilitate the sound that we create til' we illuminate. I'm sitting on my city, but the city is a time bomb: Dom is preparing to open the hypothetical gates in which are holding back all the hidden talent in the CT area. He will always stay true to his CT roots within his music and will continue to create until everyone he knows is given the attention they deserve. Dom is aware of all the talent within CT and it is only a matter of time before it makes itself known Driving through the barriers I used to have my mind on, I gotta pa** it, it's helping me build a habit of exceeding expectations of what they consider cla**ic: Dom had personally created mental impediments which prevented him from progressing as an artist, but through his personal metamorphosis he has deconstructed these barriers and now uses these previous impediments as a sense of inspiration to exceed expectations in which were only comprehensible by previous legends, aka Rakim, Jay-Z, LL Cool J, Biggie, etc UNTLTD FLX is Dom McLennon's personal metamorphosis which comprised of a spiritual journey, identification of his purpose here on Earth, the realization of his pa**ion as well as his vocation, the construction of his own identity, and the recognition of his own self-worth. It is in the human nature to search for our purpose here on Earth, some put forth the effort to come to this conclusion, while some, never put forth the effort; remaining in a comatose state for the rest of their time here on Earth. They become complacent and take life as nothing more than a daily routine, yet, for Dom, he aspires for more. To delve deep beneath the surface in which we all see, to discover and make notice of all the unknown talent which exists in CT. He knows that his pa**ion is to create, and his vocation is to serve as a leader in a society where we are taught to simply follow. From the ashes of his past rises a newly birthed Phoenix, ready to give the world what it needs, the truth By: Abdullah Emilio Colón