Dizaster - Pat Stay vs Dizaster (Title Match) lyrics


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Dizaster - Pat Stay vs Dizaster (Title Match) lyrics

[Round 1: Dizaster] You guys know what rhymes with ‘I should've been the king in the first place?' Spittin' in Eurgh's face Congratulations Pat, you turned us into holy believers You retrieved the item and came back from war With bullet holes in your t-shirt If life was like football This f*ggot would catch a bullet for me like an open receiver But you didn't have to go and do research I gave you a dead body you owe this to team work So no matter how you look at it you're not my opponent I'm more like your leader So I told Pat, ‘Stay! Now go fetch it for me like a f**in' Golden Retriever' I mean I gave you a dead body Before the battle started it was already done Anybody could've beat Cane that day Mr. Conspiracy could of walked on to the stage and farted on him and won But when you first meet Pat he actually seems cool ‘til you catch him at the club Drunk as f** tellin' Jamaican dudes how much he loves African people huh He's a racist, you can't escape it, your actions are see-through You're destined, being Anglo-Saxon is in your family gene pool You shoot ‘roids in your a** through the same package and needles Hollohan used on his back when he tatted the Eagle Ain't no way on Earth this match up is equal My thought process will completely collapse ya cerebral Dizaster is evil like havin' a Catholic Cathedral attached to the back of a Preschool ‘Yo I'm the man for the throne, the champ gotta go His name's Pat cause he Stay's in the back of his home Cause he's afraid if he leaves he'll get attacked by Charron Attacked by Charron, attacked by Charron' Man if I said you were scared of the dude Then it would be an understatement My bad I almost pushed you, he probably would've punched my face in The same way he tells people at the club How he'll get drunk and crush their frame in Until Charron walks up and he tucks his chain in Why you even wearin' that sh**? Ah, you're not even wearin' that sh** Since you've had it, no one has even seen you with it on No one has seen you at all, zero appearances for King Of The Dot Man you didn't even have the decency in you to give us an at least three minute blog f** it, he doesn't talk to his fans on Twitter cause he thinks Well, on Twitter he's too G to be on But a real man is a real man no matter what social media he's on See these people are drawn to you cause they think that you strong But they don't know you're an insecure little b**h Who sees their comments, keeps readin' along cause he's such an introverted child he won't even respond See we thought you were a Golden Retriever, we're wrong You're just a little seeing eye dog And we were blind to the fact you were leadin' us on But this is the part, I called him Golden Retriever Cause when I said retrieve it was immediately gone So I speak to him like he's my dog It's only right I'm the king and I put it in his ear like Cesar Millan Listen here you co*ks**er I called you out in 2010 and back then you were a lot younger You were like a brand new phone, no contact on you so I called you up You didn't show up like a blocked number Now you in the eye of the storm, witness that raw thunder I'm using the site as your grave as motivation to make up for lost hunger I do a drive by and your godmother hop out of a crop duster With 11 Arabic dudes armed with box cutters f** around and make me have to pa** the Tommy Gun to Marv's brother And you better hope it d-d-d-d-does not stutter I pop s**ers Ya homie on the block tryin' to be the number one block stunner He try to floss then he'll get laser beamed for those flashy gla**es If the f*ggot acts like Scott Summers You and your b**h can die and you'll make the news like Tom Tucker Let me teach you how to actual do a scheme I'll show up to Alexander King's Factory Brewery, packing an automatic tool with me Rasputin clashed with Musolini clappin' an Uzi at everythin' that randomly moves ‘Til I turn the avenue into a Los Santos shootin' spree I'm Franklin with a Kalashnikov at your family eulogy Open fire like Campo del Ghetto on the Halifax community You could be a bear, cat, lion, rhino, Pat that would be cool with me Cause when I rap I act as if I'm pullin' an act of animal cruelty Watch La**ie get neutered and then hand me my j**elry Yeah, I'm a twisted Arab, being a psychopath isn't new to me I move like an Android, I'm an animal fused between A catalyst while pa**in' it through the genes I'm not even an actual human being I'm a walkin' Hannibal movie scene My thoughts form like Inception, walls around me Collapse while I'm strapped to a huge machine Rapidly maneuver the room full of changin' gravity Telepathically movin' things makin' the ground crack beneath me Like Leonardo DiCaprio trapped in a lucid dream And a fact to you it seems I been known to knock whiteheads out like acne removal cream If it wasn't for this battle with you and me No one would give a f** about you like Ca**idy's new CD And people who should've watched my battles online either They could pa** away from actually viewin' me Sit alone in you livin' room, lights go out Then I flash your computer screen You see static then die a week later Like what happens when you view The Ring That's how you do the scheme Yeah, f** around, yeah get rid of that gangsta vibe You ain't from the dark side of the Dartmouth you're from the safer side Where the neighbors are always waving hi And when you walk away they even say ‘Goodbye' Since you out scale me in weight and size I'm someone you're not afraid to try, but that's fake sh**, why? When you were nice with Math like an Asian guy Yeah, I battled Arsonal and violated his space like 180 times But when you battled him you kept complainin' and walkin' away Like this is a waste of time Funny how he's from Grape but he stomped you and made you wine Like a little b**h, you're known to run away from fights You never throw the scrap down Goin' through the security at the airport is the only time you ever see Pat down And this the end, so just go off and deny it Threatened to us all you'll retire and just go do a blog of you cryin' You have the body size of Goliath but what good is havin' body size If you don't have the heart of a lion Even though I'm taller than him, he'll always be smaller than I am This is like Wrestlemania 1, watchin' Hulk Hogan beat the f** out of Andre The Giant [Round 1: Pat Stay] I fell right into his trap ya'll, he got me, I admit it As you can tell I agreed to do long a** rounds and I don't know why I did it So I hope ya'll did ya'll stretches today cause it might be a wise decision We'll probably have full-grown beards by the time we're finished Ain't no thing to me, I just feel bad for the crowd Could be at home watchin' a damn movie relaxin' right now By the time he gets into through about half his round You'll be in the part in Titanic where DiCaprio drowns Wait, wait, I know that's not exactly how he died Just figured I'd save us some time and state that Cause if I didn't he would of rebu*taled it like ‘Actually he froze p**y, and his name's Jack' Aye but this is just a spar, a scrimmage From start to finish I'ma make it hard to live with Like a heart condition for this narcissistic mark this Isn't a smart decision I kick it hard as Mixed martial artists, twist his arm ‘til it's hard to fix him Like a car when the part is missin' When you start the engine with the spark ignition, here's a parkin' ticket Mark a target, I marked my target, I'm a marksman Sharp precision, an artist with the lead, Charles Dickens Pick ‘em from the furthest distance, it's hard to miss ‘em Who startin' sh**? You ain't startin' sh**, you ain't sparkin' sh** You wouldn't spark my interest Get your b**h involved, I even target women When I bust this cap it'll let her/letter like how you start a sentence Capital letter, start a sentence, s** a dick I'm on a whole other level, a stone to a pebble Sell my soul to the devil, I'm a rebel This Nova Scotia no coma toast if I throw a blow in December He'll be gone ‘til November See that tough guy sh** won't work on me dawg, they don't buy it man Like hair that's all over hair you lyin' man Please test me, you'll get these fists of fury ‘til my hands tired Light you up under the chin like a story by the campfire Aye, remember when we was in Sweden and you slapped buddy? Ya'll gotta hear this story, sh** was mad funny Yeah yeah, you got your scuffle threw your little slap Made a big old dramatic scene then said, ‘Pat get my back' I stood beside him and had his back, sh** I still do But I ain't lyin' that sh** you pulled outside was real smooth The lil' dude told him, ‘Well let's take this around the corner on the right' He pulled this one, ‘f** you, f** them.' Translation, ‘I don't wanna fight.' The cops show up from all the commotion he caused Cause he was too scared to fight dude And The Saurus I hate to bring you up in this bro cause I like you But they start talkin' to cops like, ‘He pushed this girl, he did this, he did that' Where I'm from that makes you a couple f**in' squealin' rats We don't talk to police, especially when you start the fight I'm a different breed dawg, you just a b**h who got more bark than bite And if I am a Golden Retriever it's only cause people believed your lies So I am a seeing eye dog cause I'm here to lead the blind So slap me, I'd smack your little f**in' mouth off b**h I'll punch you so damn hard, muthaf**er I'll drop I busted a dudes skull with a f**in' hundred pound rock The noises he made from the brain damage was sickenin' Then the sound stopped I let my emotions get the best of me, sometimes I think I'm emotionless I just stood over my homies open casket crackin' jokes and sh** Laughing, pokin' ‘em Maybe I'm crazy, maybe it's how I cope with it But what's weird is I cried ‘til the tears smeared my rhymes for ‘em when I wrote the sh** But whatever you do never confuse emotional with weak I'll slit ya throat with tears rollin' down my cheek Try to make a joke out of me you better leave both eyes open when you sleep And somethin' close enough to reach Cause the last six months of my life I been f**ed bro You think I'm worried about rap? The next tear that rolls down my face might turn into a permanent tat You're a f**in' fake spoiled rich suburban brat When you spray Febreze you probably turn it like this and squirt it like that And you know what's somethin' weird about you that I never understood? Why do you lie and try to deny that you got it good? As if you're ashamed and that it's cooler to be from the hood You got it f**ed up dawg, oh I get it You just tryin' to fit in with the homies right? In your backyard with your gangster friends bettin' on pony fights Your own friends said it You went from a backpacker to Juggalo to raver to angry gangster Probably got a picture of Project Pat as your f**in' screensaver Must be nice when you have no bills and Drake's your neighbor But that's some sh** I'm gon' save for later Time! [Round 2: Dizaster] You're right, I do have Project Pat as my screensaver That's still way better than havin' a Charron lookin' teenager This muthaf**ers always tryin' to put his hand on his leg Charron's a dope emcee he should get a battle with you without havin' to beg Next time you wanna extend a hand out to him Why don't your f*ggot a** just give him a battle instead? What happened with you and Jeff? I'll tell you He had an agreement with him, yeah this cat is a fraud You had an agreement with him not to spit that But you switched back on your promise with him and you went back on it all You had a big pact with him not have no b**h-a**-ness involved And you said, ‘Please, come on Jeff, no personal bars We don't wanna bring up the past and the things that we saw." And he agreed cause he didn't wanna take advantage of it all And you only did that durin' his biggest match Where you can catch him off guard Cause you weren't man enough to address the topic When the big cameras are off That sh** was so bad even Mike Vick called up Calicoe like ‘Yo I can't believe he did that to his dawg' You learned a lot from Jeff, he helped your b**h a** evolve And you evolved into a Scientologist Absorbed all the knowledge you were fathered with And used it to spit back at God Turned your back on him, left him in the middle of a ma**ive brawl Six months pa**ed couldn't even give him back a call Cause all the juicin' in the gym his nuts started to shrink back they're so small He's walkin' around Scotia with a bag of Tic Tacs for some balls Jeff should've smacked the piss out of you Like he did to Step Easy when they were in the bathroom stall I seen it happen all, sniff that cause it's raw Raw like the impact of a fist against a big cats grill when his chin cracks As a result of being the biggest dude where he lives at So he's never been in a real scrap at all I bet if I tipped ya head over, ya big a** would fall Just a big fat Neanderthal You ain't about action, you haven't been tradin' your jab in Cause you been too busy chasin' the dragon Like Goku when didn't have the Balls I'm serious, listen up Patrick Wah These kids come out the side of their neck They're gettin' their sh** snap like Benoit Yeah serious sh** Pat, you want ripped abs? I could give you a 24-hour fitness membership to a gym cla** tomorrow But I'd rather get rid of ya skin fat when I go across ya six pack With a retractable claw so the next time you have a Big Mac Your big b**h a** will have to sip that through a straw You dumb f**, tried to rebu*tal the Golden Retriever sh** But when I called you Golden Retriever You should've taken it as a compliment Cause all Golden Retriever dogs Were blessed with the logic and the common sense Not to betray the friend that they're bonded with You're not a Golden Retriever you're more like a dishonest Pit A half-breed, a mutt, that was probably mixed And the only doggy tricks it was taught was this And that's backstabbin' a person in the back it was brought up with Eat a doggy dick, eat a f**in' doggy dick f** a body bag, I'll put you in a doggy bag and mop your sh** Talk about I'm the rat when his best friend sh** gets real That's how the pig will squeal Jeff told him ‘Are you sure you're not gonna mention anything in this battle Pat?' He told him, Trust me, lips are sealed." That's why this rat should fry, he's a rapper from Scotia Of course he'll bring up stuff that's cla**ified Who's had your back more than Jeff out of all of these battle guys? Exactly, you can't reply and that is why Pat should die Cause you k**ed your only dog like the screenwriters from Family Guy And if you think about it, Jeff is a lot like Family Guy's dog Brian Cause he's always barkin' and cryin' every time a black guys walks by him I promised you I wouldn't bring up sh** in this battle And I wouldn't cross the line But there's a little thing that I wanted to talk about, that's fine Stop denying, I put this on my Mom's life, I am not lyin' You were at a show in Scotia Got socked while you were on the stage on the spot rhymin' You went outside, started wildin' f** around and got punched and you took off flyin' And left your little homie behind so he could get stomped by them I swear to God all this stuff is true His little f**in' homie got f**ed up and sent to the hospital If he would've died that night, you would've been responsible You pulled a f**in' card and made your younger homie squab for you He thought Pat would Stay but instead you walked away And turned you back on him the same way you did to Arsonal So stop tellin' me you s**a free When you don't even believe it yourself You're big but you got the self-esteem of an elf Time after time you leave your people behind While they're screamin' for help So when I seen you leave Arsonal alone in the ring spittin' schemes by himself All I could think of was, "Damn, history has a strange way of repeatin' itself!" It's over ya gone, ya dead broke, I know you don't have a job You're back livin' at home with your mom Tell them Mr. s**a Free, you don't pay no rent now I can't believe I get to say this to somebody, this all makes sense now Always talkin' about some bullsh**, that's why he's getting' embarra**ed Sharin' a therapist with, shut up b**h you live with your parents Like you're gonna clap whom? He brushes his teeth every mornin' and he comes out of his bathroom With his mom standin' right there at the door like "Okay honey, here's your vacuum." Trust me you've never been s**er free I know for a fact your homies told me you were a paperboy ‘til you were 23 A paperboy, like a boss that's not even part of your nature How are you a boss when you don't got any paper? And if you do it's cause you're drivin' by slow on your little retarded bike And you're about to toss it to your neighbors A f**in' paperboy Pat that's worse than office labor Of course you don't got no job You're back at home in you mama's trailer bottled up all this anger You're an in-the-closet racist with black bodies hangin' from his closet hanger TV paused on Kramer so he can leave, come back and then watch it later You claim you not a racist but both you squares got burned like a waffle maker Do us all a favor, stop lookin' like a f**in' Neo-Nazi Army Ranger Because of you your homies life is in constant danger You're not a Saint, Patrick, you're more like a fallen angel You can't call God your savior you're Judas at the Prophets traitor Yeah, the Prophets Traitor He exposed how you never been in a fight at all you faker You've never seen contact like broads who get optic lasers I'll run a number on your hood like a sponsored racer I'll show up to your block take the white like a chalk eraser I'm like a Boston strangler with the heart of a Toronto hockey player In the ring I'm like Muhammad Ali crossed with Frazier Sock you and knock out your jaw retainer So hard it'll drop you and your boxin' trainer And have him in the background lookin' like a f**in' Harlem shaker And I still didn't use “Doppelganger,” “Martian Crater,” “Coffee Maker” “Condom Flavor,” “Arbitrator,” “modulator” Someone tell Bender, I'm sorry player [Round 2: Pat Stay] Ya'll ready? That was dope, give it up But wait, you got it f**ed up I'm not like you, I don't live with my mom, f*ggot And I wasn't a paperboy, I don't know what the f** he's sayin' But wait let me guess You got a bunch of photocopied copies of my paychecks? That were sent through PayPal Then you're gonna start handing out all the statements? I heard you sent a lot of dick pics to hoes online Aye, I ain't mad at you dawg, so do I Difference is though when they click his they roll their eyes Then open mine and have to use that lil' scroll on the side Straight up don't leave your b**h with me for the night I'm servin' up a log dog I be feedin' her right All girth, his girl wanted to see what it's like She said it was out of this world, you know, a little meatier right? f** I'm cool as sh**, you need to relax, you're too stiff let loose a bit Drop your neck, roll your shoulders, start doin' this You're lookin' like a goddamn lunatic Remember how I beat Hollohan and schooled the kid? Smooth and slick, make it look like the dude was pissed Well I'ma use the same formula I used on him And show you how my style's his diffusal kit Check it, see you wild but I got more style than you I'm so nice my rap name should be “How Are You?” So funky when I spit, every sec I sniff Like check my kicks like I stepped in sh** If this a ball game, I'm Lebron James Bow, from long range, all day Yeah, the white Snoop Dogg's back Invade yo territory and moonwalk back, b**h It's so effortless, no pressure it's nothin' I don't sweat the sh** Clothes fresh, Rolex, gold necklace Sex machine battery sold separate You got the f**in' swag of an old catchers mitt And rap like you think we on the flo' wrestlin' Cold steppin' since '07 been wreckin' it, watch, I'm so dexterous I flip flows just like this, yo check this sh** Murder for hire late night burglarizer I creep the streets and old ladies grip their purses tighter Mark McGwire with the bat, split your wig in half swing it so fast I make fitted caps turn to visors I blackout all I hear is screams and a churches choir Walkin' through a circle of burnin' fire like a circus tiger Tie ya to a furnace emerged in gas Blast the thermostat ‘til the wires and the circuits fried Slide a burnin' match then turn it higher You're playin' checkers on a chessboard Planko with Connect Four Your hype but it takes away from what you write it's a double-edged sword I'm versatility and it's 100% pure form I flip styles, missile, get down, see look what I just did now This round I'ma just smack this b**h round Like Chris Brown, like sit down Like, who's the Golden Retriever in this sh** now? Now watch this how, I spin round, back to that sh** about Chris Brown I make history on this stage Big as hits to Rihanna's face with a fist pound I'm a brick house, with ya b**h whip my dick...out She went like this...wow I went like this she went like this...ouch You get your bang on with the chain on huh? I second-guess it He just talks out his a** like Ace Ventura: Pet Detective You say you f**ed Scarlett Pain? That couldn't be less impressive I'll respect it when you f** Rachel Starr or Alexis Texas Yeah he was givin' her that “Sexual Healing” You know, “Expressin' his feelings” Yeah kissin' all in the hoe's mouth When she just s**ed Lexington Steele's dick Bet she didn't feel sh** Why you don't date Lebanese girls like you, Bashir? It'd be too competitive over who'd have the coolest beard Your mom had so much pubic hair it's her goddamn computer chair And the men are all control freaks Go shoppin' for somethin' new to wear And won't even let their wives leave the house unless they're rockin' f** scuba gear I went to hang at his place, his Pops said, "Come in." Told his wife, "Go make him a steak, don't make a mistake." She said, "What? Do I or do I not make him a steak?" He said, "Did I make a mistake?" Kicked the b**h right in the face Here's the real question Why do all your conversations sound like you're yelling at each other? How is GHAKAGHAKLAGHA telling her you love her? You 12-different-colognes-at-once-smellin' mutha f**er How the hell can you tell which one smells better than the other? Now wait, now I might've just f**ed up my Lebanese connects back home but I don't care From now on if I wanna order a doner i'll just use my neighbors phone and have it go there And to end this off just to f** up his flip so he can't rebu*tal my sh** Diss my moonwalk right now if you ever s**ed a guys dick Time! [Round 3: Dizaster] I thought you were s**a free Why are you askin' who f**in' dissed me? Stop tryin' to be like me You wanna f**in' diss Arabic people you f**in' worthless b**h? You could s** a f**in' Persian dick You wanna make up f**in' Arabic jokes you little worthless b**h? You can s** a f**in' Persian dick You're such a f**in' racist, you ain't even wearing the chain Cause it's not long enough to hang a black person with That's who you are cause you belong in the sewer with the rest of the rats In a room with a plaque on the wall and a gold medal attached That says, 'I exposed Jeff for his tats' This guy, I learned he's the real racist and I learned a lesson from that Everything he said about Jeff in his past was only a reflection of Pat's See he's just a white supremacist trash Methodist stash Yelawolf has incredible tracks redneck with a mask Who tucked in all of his confederate flag so he can get acceptance from blacks How f**in' pathetic is that? Like he f**in' dissed his boy for a f**in' b**h that he s**ed in his past But that's probably from the same b**h Devenue smashed I bet if you got an STD check up right now your test wouldn't pa** Jeff might be the one with the genital rash But you're the one on deck with the crabs So s** with your a** would've been her Deadliest Catch And if I f** on my b**h and you find out and it's mentioned in your raps You better not use your pen and tell her/Pen & Teller Cause if you do I'll put your head and legs in a cast and have ‘em severed in half Bars, compare that to the sh** he says when he raps He attacks quicker than an African Serval Cat, wack First of all it's serval not sever-al, how pathetic is Pat? And second of all if you're gonna beat me you're gonna need an animal better than that Everybody knows that Pat's cool Until you see him and he goes to dap you Extends his hand and then he's like a ho and slaps you Some sh** that only f*gs do He picks up his opponent mid battle and throws his a** Licks his lips then he goes to grab you Sticks his fingers in your ears then flicks your nose and then shoulder taps you And he does that to damn near every opponent that he raps to Unless he goes against a black dude And you already known that the facts true sh** they even felt bad for that line that they won't react to But we can tell you that you've become positive just like a Pastor at a holy chapel If you just scroll back to the verses that you wrote for Matthew He wants to be from America so bad, all the stuff's true He thinks he's from the west coast, what a mark, he's a dumb goof He bumpin' songs from Pac and Kurupt, Snoop Mobbin' down the block bustin' his aerosol Glock from the sun roof With Hollohan ridin' shotgun smokin' black tar through some random light bulb that they unscrewed Dumb & Dumber a** clowns f**in' up the whole spot when they come through They'll never save Gotham Havin' ‘em both on the job is like havin' two Robins in one group You said you wouldn't spit personal bars, I didn't trust you Cause that's the Art Of War and I'm the one that taught him to Sun Tzu So you can be Bruce Lee if you want to Cause if you Bruce Lee then I'm Ip Man the guy that taught him his Kung Fu The guy that taught him his Kung Fu Be cautious I walk as God amongst you, you're my apostle I'll sock you ‘til the words come off you like a crossword puzzle Pop ya thought process bubble so hard you'll see stars like Hubble Which makes sense cause every time your squads in trouble You take off like an Apollo shuttle But that's real life sh** Pat, those are bars you cannot rebu*tal I bet if my animals ran through your house right now you would book it like Jumanji's jungle Always runnin' away from fights, you already know it's your thing All remember from your Arsonal battles you try to run and take cover Standin' there for a f**in' hour saying, "Pat Stay is a s**er, Pat Stay is a s**er." And I know y'all had two rounds and you weren't prepared for another But what made the thing worse is watchin' two grown men in the ring that are scared of each other See most rappers would make excuses And duck out of battles on why they ain't travelin' But Pat's worse than that You'll f**in' duck out of a battle while it's actually happening It's not about a paper agreement Pat, it's a manhood thing You should never back down from someone who's challengin' your manhood If it happens in a scrap you would swing See rappers, we like boxers, it's the same exact f**in' thing As a champion there's a level of command you have to have in the ring You not a true champ if you can walk away and turn your back while a challenger swings And that's exactly why you don't deserve to be Canada's King You had a bunch of funny sh**, I spit real sh** What fans do you actually bring? You don't even have a champion's legacy Five judged battles in his whole career He shouldn't even be standin' here next to me Technically his rap sheet is blank, Canibus memory Yeah, you have fans Pat But you don't know what it's like to have any enemies You don't know what it's like to balance the backstabbers and jealousy And have to walk around in real life like it isn't actually affecting me That's why I use this stage for these fans to connect with me Show him who I am and that's a man of integrity You're nice outside of battles but you always attack people so recklessly But one day the nice guy gon' come out the shadows eventually And until then Fresco is more of a man than you'll ever be You don't even have an identity You're just a big happy angry sad f*ggot That doesn't even make sense to me You're the only dude on the court with no balls You're a basketball referee You have the swagger of Arnold Schwarzenegger when he was havin' a pregnancy Him and Patrick both are bi they like takin' paddle boats and ride That's where they go and tan on the ocean side That's where Patrick opens wide and lets him splash his load inside And that's not being gay at all y'all that's called having Scotian pride You're a murk, what a f**in' weirdo Leavin' all your people behind, just a little f**in' weeny Ripped to make his limbs tear from his feet Beat him with a f**in' big pair of cleats He just a big scary freak with a Ric Flair physique But you been scared of beef Ever since you went there with Jeff and let sh** air in the street You hustled with him for too long to let him sit there and get beat So what I'm tryin' to say is you could've been there at least Instead what you do? Upload footage of you eatin' a sandwich on your toilet as you sit there in ya seat Which doesn't surprise me anymore Pat cause you've been known to sh** where you eat Stop givin' me that mean face, don't be the next emcee that I cremate Lay off the ecstasy, slam on your f**in' E brake You haven't improved at anythin' since the Elements League Just methamphetamines, I'm done messin' with you fiends A combination of multiple drug addicts Living life through the eyes of one f*ggot like Requiem For A Dream Stop f**in' distractin' me, this sh** is not what it seems I'm f**in' up now, I have to end it with somethin' crazy f** it, I don't know what to do, these people are talking during my sh** f**in' it up, f** Catch a f**in' uppercut, your mother is a s*ut f** I don't never even done this before but I have to do it right now I got Buddhist type wisdom You'll walk away from it all if it don't make no sense That's Jewish guy syndrome You try to run away, I lock you down with these 16's like a juvenile prison His crew decide to ride, then his crew can die with him Get crucified with him, the only chances of you survivin' are breathin' through a tube like you were scuba divin' And no one will be there to view you died like suicide victims [unclear]…if I choose to fight with him, it's like gettin' Hadouken'd by Ryu and Ken, I'll buddah ki kick him And every move that I hit him Will leave him with a pupil missin' from his eye Like students in school who try ditchin' It's not a movie script, when I leave this dude with blind vision I'll remove your eye quicker than Uma Thurman When she k**ed the dude who tried switchin' I will k** Bill him and leave him with two of his eyes missin' I hate this sh**! [Round 3: Pat Stay] He said I had a Ric Flair physique...true That's why girls see me walk by they say, "Woo!" See he choked and pulled out his phone to see it That was some pathetic sh** You just proved that you can only beat me with a phone on some Joe Pesci sh** Yo when I see you spinnin' around and swingin' around and runnin' around curlin' I'm thinkin' "Damn, this guy must beat the sh** out of his girlfriend." I mean damn boy, you like a Motorola phone cause you the first one to flip like you on M androids Never stops movin' is like something's wrong with his nervous system And he ruins every picture he's in cause he's always blurry in them Like, why so serious? We was supposed to battle in August but he moved it to the end of January That's how much of a queer he is Clammy palms sweatin' profusely and he just can't stop Every time you give the man props you gotta wipe your hand off I seen him before the battle comin' at me lookin' all happy with his hand like this I tried to avoid it and gave him the hammer fist and he gave me the trailer hitch Aye I bet he's the most intense person to every play video games with Eyebrows bouncin' everywhere makin' the most ridiculous faces All into it bitin' his lips lookin' like a f**in' serial rapist And his whole body turns with the controller when he steers when he's racin' Definite bu*ton masher and your controller he's gettin' carried away with And he beats you every game cause you keep peekin' away from the screen scared that he'll break it You don't know how serious he takes it, you hit the sack now it's only him Tryin' to sleep and all you hear is him on the headset like "Cover me, I'm goin' in." Aye wait, they said "Pat you can't beat him with jokes you gotta match this guys intensity" I said, "Why? What you mean how fast he rhymes and everything? All that rapid fire delivery, how he act all wild and yell and scream?" It just sounds cool, he got the crowd fool they're just distracted by his energy See Organik wasted paper on him, shouldn't be promotin' his a** It's not Fair Trade, cause lately everythin' D composes is trash Now I ain't even gonna run that back But did you find those kind of relatable? I'll break it down quickly His bio's degradable Bro, do you know what I've done for King Of The Dot? You really think you're more valuable than me? You do? Do you understand the impact that me versus Hollohan had on this league? Goin' on about how much you care about the chain just beggin' for people's attention But when we needed you the most, you treated it like a joke and couldn't even defend it But you know what? There is a little bit of truth behind some of the sh** Dizaster's been sayin' I have lost my love for this sh** Cause now it's just oversaturated and fabricated They ask you to make a blog before the battle To make the match entertainin' and act like you hate him Then after the battle we're laughin' and hangin' See that's what I'm saying, it's wack I hate it You know from the microphones to the battles on stages So now everyone can rap about guns now as long as the lines half creative And this social media sh** makes these battle rappers act like they're famous, man I don't know I guess I'm just havin' trouble tryin' to adapt to the changes I used Instagram maybe once in my life, never really used Twitter much You tell me how many views you have I'll probably tell you I don't give a f** I don't even watch battles these days I lost the interest They used to make me feel like I had the globe in my palm just spinnin' it on my index But sh** changes doesn't it? Maybe I'm buggin' One day I love it, next day I'm sayin' f** it ‘Til I step on stage, see the fans that crazy rush hits And a little voice in my head whispers, "Aye you got this." Look, see I don't do this for the chain Diz, I do it for these guys I do it for my fans who knew I was losin' my pa**ion but stayed by my side I do this sh** for the dude who wrote me and said my song about alcoholism saved his life Cause just to know his role model survived the same struggle helped push him and gave him drive I do this sh** for the kid with cancer I used to talk to on the phone Any day he could've died but he said the laughter and excitement he got from my battles and talkin' to me every day just made him feel alive Man I'll never forget the day he called me and told me His Doc said he's been gettin' better and his tumor had shrank in size Then his mom's told me she believes me being there for him helped him And she thanked me crying, now that's what the f** I do this for dawg You just crave the attention you're like a little college girl Congrats on your 70,000 Twitter followers Mr. Popular, who gives a f**? Who would you be if it wasn't for this? Ask yourself And you wouldn't even be who you are if it wasn't for mommy and daddy's help You see anyone could've been you Diz, just had to follow the man*script Stress free, rent free Never had to pay a goddamn bill in his life cause his family's rich So while we were all bustin' our a**es to pay the bill You know bein' a grown man and sh** He had all those years of free time to write rhymes and practice his battle sk**s in his family's crib You see anyone here could've been you Diz With the funds and proper management So many opportunities the average man would just never have a chance to get Like for example his battle with Canibus costed a fortune How did he manage it? Organik couldn't come up with all of the funds So Diz got his daddy to handle it [Dizaster] Bullsh**. That's a f**ing lie [Pat Stay] See anyone of us could've been you Diz Anyone of us could've been you Diz But none of us had these advantages I mean come on, you were practically handed it He just took the pa** and he ran with it But I would never wanna be you Diz Cause if this whole thing magically vanishes At least I could say that I actually landed this sh** on my own And go out as a chamption who wasn't handed sh** Look, he mad right now Gonna wire some Western Union from his dad right now Heads up, he's bout to throw another beer in the crowd right now And he was callin' me a paperboy, I just gotta laugh right now Cause they're writin' his obituary right now in the back right now Aye and to end this battle off, you're right This title don't really matter to me bro If I lose tonight I'll just get my freedom back and my album on the go Battle who I want, when I want, traveling the globe And you'll be practicing at home for your battle with Charron I almost planned to let him win, you were just my sacrificial goat I was gonna f** up on purpose and just act as if I choked But I just couldn't let my people down cause the fans is all I know Ayo Canada! Your champion is home And since he was talkin' about it so much I guess I gotta address you Charron I know you're still mad that I molested you bro And the whole battle community hasn't left you alone Ever since Arsonal showed that pic of me rubbin' your leg on the couch But you been dissin' me for three years, it's like you're obsessed with me though And I haven't paid him any attention and that's what affects him the most Bro, don't be delusional, I wasn't duckin' you, I was just lettin' you grow So once you finish potty trainin' you can step to the throne