Daniel Michael - Tutorial #1: The Art of Rhyming Single Syllable Words lyrics


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Daniel Michael - Tutorial #1: The Art of Rhyming Single Syllable Words lyrics

Before any attempts are made towards writing a verse it is important to understand how to rhyme.However before understanding how to rhyme you must ask yourself a few question about what a single syllable word actually is. to do this you must first ask yourself... what is a syllable? A syllable is made up of 3 parts -Initializing Consonant (IK) -Vowel Sound (VS) -Terminating Consonant. (TK) The vowel sound is the nucleus of all syllables All words require a vowel sound The Consonants that Initialize and Terminate this sound are not required in the creation of a word Knowing this allows us to come to the conclusion that a word will be made up of 1 of 4 possible syllable types Before showing you what they are however you must understand something. There is a total of 18 possible types of Vowel sounds, one of these will be found in every syllable you come across. It is important to familiarize yourself With all 19 possible vowel sounds or at least have the list of vowel sounds handy until you remember them all --------------- Vowel Phonemes| --------------- ------------------------------------ Ir --f.ir.m Or --f.or Ar --f.ar Ear --f.ear Air --f.air ------------------------------------ Ir, or, ar, ear, air ------------------------------------ Ih --b.i.t Eh --b.e.t Ah --b.a.t Uh --b.u.t Oh --b.oa.t ------------------------------------ Ih, eh, ah, uh, oh ------------------------------------ Aw --b.augh.t Ow --p.ou.t Oy --b.oy ------------------------------------ Aw, ow, oy ------------------------------------ Ay --b.ay Ee --b.ee.t Y --b.y.te ------------------------------------ Ay, ee, y ------------------------------------ Ew --b.oo.t Oo --b.oo.k Ea --b.a.nd ------------------------------------ Ew, oo, ea ------------------------------------ ------------------------------------ The 4 types of syllables I = |Y| -Only a Vowel Sound Exist I'm = |Y M| -Vowel + TK My = |M Y | -Vowel + IK Mime = |M Y M| -Vowel + IK & TK ------------ Now moving onto the actual creation of rhymes. This is very simple due to the fact that there is a Limited number of initializing Consonants just as there are vowel sounds. To find the rhyme for any syllable Simply swap the initializing Consonant of the word your rhyming with 1 in the list of initializing Consonants If an actual word is created then it is an acceptable rhyme. If a word isn't created then simply move onto the next Consonant in the list. Do this for all Consonants and when finished you will have a list of all possible rhymes IK List ___________________________________ | Singles | |_________________________________| T, D, S, Z, N, B, P, M, J, CH, SH, F, V, K, G, L, TH, R, W, Y, Y, H T.alk D.iss S.ip Z.ip N.ap B.um P.iss M.onth J.ump Ch.ip Sh.iP F.uss V.an K.ing G.ap L.ap Th.ick R.ap W.ack Y.up H.at ___________________________________ | Doubles | |_________________________________| MY PY BY -muse, puke, beautiful VY FY -view, few KY -cue HY -Hue PR BR FR GR KR JR SHR CHR THR SL, PL, KL, BL, GL, FL SW, DW, TW, KW SK, SF, ST, SP, SM, SN ___________________________________ | Triples | |_________________________________| S P L -split S P R -spring S CH R -strength S K W -squint S K R -screw ------------------------------------------------------------- K I'm tired of typing this up so I'ma stop here for now This should be enough information to allow people to rhyme any single syllable word Any questions just ask I'll get to it in the comments Btw here is a perfect rhyme for orange for the hell of it -This bag of weed got more seeds than you'd find in a sac of oranges or in jizz-