diE! diE! dIe for ME! dIe! DIe! diE fOr mE! What the helL Is GoiNg on try to run, i'vE got BloOd on MY tonguE ALl your FIlth And alL YOUr mEss will cOlLaPSe and bury Your excesSiVenesS PUt THe fiNgEr on ThE TriGgeR I'll Blow yOu up MAKiNG Me bigger A HAtCHeT yOuR hEad MY rage A fissUrE My Loss iS yOuR PleAsuRe i'm GOnna FiND YoU I'M GOnNA FIgHt YOU i'M gonNa Slit YOU i'M Gonna k** You tAke my Life, take my sOul But i will Never let yOu go taKe my lOvE, taKe my hope but I wiLl i CAN't ExpEct to SEe yoU iN chains causE you'll Never feEl What it meAnS To me all my angER i'm seTtING free tO deaL with tHis f**ing vacUity pYromanIAC I'm bUrnING dowN your LIFe WAtch thE butcHEr, wHO IS wHetting His knifes i lEAn bAck aNd eNjoY The show SpiTting On thE rEst, tHen I'll let you go my epiLEPtic EYes WaNna fix WanNa Hurt sOmeonE All they can sEe Is the breath in the Air in panic sHakINg hands trY tO CatCh try To cHOkE sOmeoNe hate THAt I Feel causE i know you Are neAr DIE! DIe! DIe FOr ME! Take my prIde, dig A hoLe TaKe everytHing I hAve EVer known teaR Me Down, bReAk it aLl but I Will ...