Chris Rock - n***as vs. Black People lyrics


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Chris Rock - n***as vs. Black People lyrics

Now we've got a lot of things, a lot of racism in the world right now, Who's more racist? Black people or white people? Black people, you know why? Because we hate black people too! Everything white people don't like about black people, black people REALLY don't like about black people. There's some sh** going on with black people right now. There's a civil war going on with black people, and there's two sides, there's black people and there's n***as. The n***as have got to go. Every time black people wanna have a good time, ignorant-a** n***a f** it up. Can't do sh**! Can't do sh**, without some ignorant a** n***a f**ing it up, can't do nothing. Can't keep a disco open more than 3 weeks; Grand opening, grand closing.Can't go to a movie the first week it comes out, Why? Cause n***as are shooting at the screen. What kind of ignorant sh** is that? "Hey, this is a good movie, this is so good I gotta bust a cap in here!" Hay I love black people, but I hate n***as. boy, Boy, I hate n***as. Boy I wish they'd let me join the Ku Klux Klan. sh**, I'd do a drive-by from here to Brooklyn. I'm tired of n***as man you cant have sh** when you around n***as. You can't have sh** when you around n***as, you can't have sh**. You can't have no big screen TV! You can have it, but you better move it in at 3 in the morning. Paint it white, hope n***as think it's a ba**inet. Can't have sh** in your house! Why?! Because n***as will break into your house. n***as that live next door to you break into your house, come over the next day and go, "I heard you got robbed." n***a, you know you robbed me. You didn't hear sh** 'cause you was doing sh**! You can't go see a movie, you know why? 'Cause n***as is shooting at the screen, "This movie's so good I gotta bust a cap in here!" You know the worst thing about n***as? n***as always want some credit for some sh** they supposed to do. A n***a will brag about some sh** a normal man just does. A n***a will say some sh** like, "I take care of my kids." You're supposed to, you dumb motherf**er! What are you talking about?" What kind of ignorant sh** is that? "I ain't never been to jail!" What do you want, a cookie?! You're not supposed to go to jail, you low-expectation-having motherf**er! f** man! I'm tired of this sh**! You know what the worst thing about n******gs? n******gs love to NOT know. Nuttin' make a n******g happier than not knowin the answer to your question. Just ask a n******g a question. Any n******g! Hey n***a, what's the capitol of Zaire? I don't know dat sh**! Keepin' it real! n******gs love to keep it real. Real dumb! n******gs hate knowledge. sh**. n******gs break into your house you want to save your money? Put it in your books. Cuz n******gs don't read. Just put the money in the books. sh** books are like Kryptonite to a n******g. Here's a book! AAHHH!!NO!NOT A BOOK! NO!NOOOO! Tired of this sh**!Man your kids can't f**in' play nowhere. Every year the space gets smaller! Okay, you can go from that corner to that corner. Oh, you can go from that gate to that gate. By the time that f**er's 10 he's just hoppin' in a circle like. Tired of this sh** man! Tired. Tired. Tired. Fe. Fi. Fo. Figga. Boy I hate a n******g! Boy. Tired of this sh** man! TIRED man! n******gs just ignorant . Love being, singing 'bout ignorance.I heard some song the other day, ♪ It's the first of the month.♪ n******gs are singing welfare carols! ♪ On the first day of welfare my true love gave to me --♪ ♪ I wish you a Merry Welfare and a Happy Food Stamp!♪ The f** is going on?! What the f** is going on? Now they got some sh** they trying to get rid of welfare.Every time you see welfare in the news they always show black people. Black people don't give a f** about welfare. n******gs are shakin' in they boots.Boy they gonna take our sh**!sh**, a black man that got 2 jobs, going to work everyday hates a n******g on welfare. Like, n******g get a job! I got 2 ya can't get one?! I would give your lazy a** one of mine, but you'd get f**ed up and get laid off they wouldn't hire another n******g for 10 years! sh**, a black woman that got 2 kids, going to work everyday bustin' her a** HATES a b**h with 9 kids gittin' a welfare check. Like, b**h stop f**in'! Stop f**ing! Stop it! Put the dick down! Put it down! Get a job! Yes, you can get a job! Get a job holdin' dicks! Whatever you do, get paid to do it! Tired of this sh** man! I'm tired! Tired. Tired.It ain't all black people on welfare sh**! White people on welfare too!We can't give a f** about them!But we just gotta do our own thing. Can't go, oh they f**ed up, we can be f**ed up!That's ignorant! White people don't care! First of all they try to make it look like, they ain't even that many black people in the country. okay? Black people are 10% of the f**in' population. Black people are New York, D.C., L.A., Chicago, Atlanta. Like 10 places. Okay? Ain't no black people in Minnesota! The only black people in Minnesota is Prince (RIP) and Kirby** the whole rest of the country, the other 40 states is filled up with broke a** white people. Broke a**. Livin' in the trailer home. Eatin' mayonnaise sandwiches. f**in' they sister. Listening to John Cougar Mellencamp records! sh**. Get the f** outta here man! And they need ya help! Naw man! And I see some black people lookin' at me! Man! Why you gotta say that? It ain't us, it's the media. The media has distorted our image to make us look bad! Why must you come down on us like that Brotha'? It ain't us, it's the media. Please cut the f**in' sh**! Okay?! Okay?! Okay?! When I go to the money machine tonight, alright, I ain't lookin' over my back for the media! I'm lookin' for n******gs! sh**! Ted Koppel ain't never took sh** from me! n******gs have! So you think I got 3 guns in my house cuz the media outside? Oh sh**, Mike Wallace! Run! Get the f** outta here man! Tired of this sh**. Tired. Tired. Tired of this sh**!