Callie Trundle - Week 8 reading journal period 4 lyrics


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Callie Trundle - Week 8 reading journal period 4 lyrics

9/30/13: Today, in Catching Fire, I read the part where all of the tributes have to be interviewed. When It was Katniss' turn she came out wearing a wedding dress, but when she twirled in it, it turned into a mocking-jay bird kind of dress, to symbolize her rebellion. Then when it was Peeta's turn to go out there, he lied and said that Katniss was pregnant. That caused a bunch of commotion and they had to cancel the show. 10/1/13: Today, in Catching Fire, I read the part where Katniss and Peeta finally go back to the arena for their second Hunger Games. The arena is pretty much just large bodies of saltwater and jungles with mutated animals. They end up getting away from the water area and into the jungle, only 8 people died in the beginning. 10/2/13: Today, in Catching Fire, I read the part where Katniss finds out the secret to the arena. She finds out that the arena is designed like a clock, it has twelve sections, and each one has something new in it. Her and the other tributes she's with go through a poisonous fog, mutated monkeys, bad lightning storms, and blood rain before they notice something is up with the arena. 10/3/13: today, in Catching Fire, I read the part where Katniss and her allies come up with an idea to k** the other tributes.They come up with a plan to use the wire they got from sponsors to conduct electricity from the lightning that strikes in one of the areas in the clock arena. They will pick a tree that is right on the border of the lightning section and is close to the water. They do this, and when the lightning strikes the tree it will electrocute the water in hopes of k**ing the other tributes. 10/4/13: Today, in Catching Fire, I read the part where they decide to go through with the plan. The plan ends up working and instead of just k**ing the tributes Katniss ends up finding a little chink in the force field that surrounds the arena. When she does that, with the help of the lightning, the force field along with the arena, blows up. Katniss and Finnick end up okay and are taken back to the capitol, but Peeta and Johanna end up being taken hostage somewhere in the capitol.