Buck Tick - Rhapsdy lyrics


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Buck Tick - Rhapsdy lyrics

Romaji koko yo no teppen de haneyou adrenalin o funsha sasete kyojitsu, mujun, gensou, zenbou ukeirerunda fumou no daijida odorou ai to yuuki to ke-tai motte umare kawatte mo koko de ikiteikunda seinaru genjitsu no nano mo to de kokoro kara kimi ni chikaou onegai da BABY fureteitekure chikire souda kimi wa soba ni saitekure sou hana ga ii fumou no chide saitekure sou hana ga ii hora kirei darou nurui jidai da tobitatou kaze o kanjite tsubasa ga haeru giragira kagayaku kazekiri hane no kuroi tsubasa ga shinpai suru koto wa nanimo nai seinaru genjitsu no nano mo to de osoreru koto nado nanimo nai kokoro kara kimi ni chikaou onegai da BABY fureteitekure chikire, yabure, koware souda kimi wa soba ni saitekure sou hana ga ii fumou no chide saitekure chiisakute ii hora kirei darou kimi wa soba ni saitekure sou hana ga ii ore wa umaku saketeru ka sou hana ga ii hora kirei darou Kanji 作詩:今井寿 作曲:今井寿 この世のてっぺんで跳ねよう アドレナリンを噴射させて 虚実、矛盾、幻想、全部受け入れるんだ 不毛の大地だ踊ろう 愛と勇気とケータイ持って 生まれ変わっても ここで生きていくんだ 聖なる現実の名のもとで 心から君に誓おう お願いだBABY 触れていてくれ 千切れそうだ 君は側に咲いてくれ そう花がいい 不毛の地に咲いてくれ そう花がいい ほらきれいだろう ぬるい時代だ飛び立とう 風を感じて翼が生える ギラギラ輝く風切り羽の 黒い翼だ 心配することは何もない 聖なる現実の名のもとで 恐れることなど何もない 心から君に誓おう お願いだBABY 触れていてくれ 千切れ、破れ、壊れそうだ 君は側に咲いてくれ そう花がいい 不毛の地に咲いてくれ 小さくていい ほらきれいだろう 君は側に咲いてくれ そう花がいい 俺はうまく咲けてるか そう花がいい ほらきれいだろう English Translation In this world, let's jump high in the sky, jet-propelled by adrenaline Truth or lies, contradictions, illusions—the whole story gets through On this desert land, let's dance! I have love, courage, and a cell phone Even if I'm reborn, I'll continue to live right here Under the sacred name of reality, from my heart, I swear to you Please, baby, touch me—I'm about to be torn to pieces Please, bloom beside me; yes, flowers are good Please bloom in the desert land; yes, flowers are good Look how beautiful they are It's a tepid era, let's take off; feel the wind and grow wings Twinkling and shining, feathers that cut the wind—they're black wings There's nothing to worry about, under the sacred name of reality There's nothing to be afraid of; from my heart, I swear to you Please, baby, touch me—I'm about to be torn, ripped, broken to pieces Please, bloom beside me; yes, flowers are good Please bloom in the desert land; yes, a small one is fine Look how beautiful they are Please, bloom beside me; yes, flowers are good Can I bloom well? Yes, flowers are good Look how beautiful they are