Brenden lewis - Reading journal week 11 lyrics


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Brenden lewis - Reading journal week 11 lyrics

10/21/13 today i read the titans curse its the beginning of the book and percy anabeth and thalia got a destress call from graver so they went all the way up in the mountans and met the two head princeables and continued to the school dance kobe and mj are mostly the same when it comes to making play and defense the only difference is how they execute them Kobe does more shake and bake and mj does heaad moves and pump fakes. larry and calvin are both exalent wide recivers but larry doesnt have the strength that Calvin does but he makes up for that with his speed the first and last rappers were good but the last one didn't rap as much bars einstine and steven both had good bars but i think instine won because hawking was saying obvious things 10/22/13 today in the titans cures Percy and the group find out that the principals are ferries and that why Grover called them up to the mountains kobe and labron are probably the top two nba players right now and they both have a high sk** level that is mostly the same but kobe has a better mid rang jump shot and labron has a better drive in the first rapper i think is niki minaj and the last rapper asap rocky they both started as good rapers and became famous but asap kept making the same music and niki change every thing even to her look white people dance to gutar black people dance to drums Latinos dance to electric pianos both both groups like music