Green up! Green up! Green up! Green up! That's what we have to do To save the world we live in Green up! Let's find a way To make pollution disappear Green up! We can't keep takin' From the Earth and never givin' Green up! Let's start right now Sing out so everyone can hear Let's make a difference Join together hand in hand Let's do our part To save the Earth Let's take a stand Green up! Green up! Green up! Green up! Oh Keep it green Keep it clean Cherish the trees And living things Oh Keep it green Keep it clean The Earth is our only home Green up! Green up! Recycling talk is cheap The time has come for action Green up! Get solar, hydro, agro Be an eco friend Green up! There's so much trash The Earth can't get no satisfaction Green up! Green up the planet Is the message that we send Let's make a difference Join together hand in hand Let's do our part To save the Earth Let's take a stand Green up! Green up! Green up! Green up! Oh Keep it green Keep it clean Cherish the trees And living things Oh Keep it green Keep it clean The Earth is our only home Keep it green Keep it clean Cherish the trees And living things Oh Keep it green Keep it clean The Earth is our only home Keep it green Keep it clean Cherish the trees And living things Oh Keep it green Keep it clean The Earth is our only home Keep it green Keep it clean Cherish the trees And living things Oh Keep it green Keep it clean The Earth is our only home