Ben Jonson - The New Inn. Act 2. Scene 4. lyrics


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Ben Jonson - The New Inn. Act 2. Scene 4. lyrics

beaufort, Latimer, Host. Why, here's return enough of both our Venters, If we do make no more discovery. Lat. What? Then o'this Parasite? Bea. O he's a dainty one. The Parasite o' the House. Lat. Here comes mine Host. Host. My Lords you both are welcome to the Heart. Bea. To the light heart we hope. Lat. And merry I swear. We never yet felt such a fit of Laughter, As your glad heart hath offered us sin' we entred. Bea. How came you by this property? Hos. Who! my Fly? Bea. Your Fly, if you call him so. Hos. Nay, he is that; And will be still. Bea. In every Dish and Pot? Hos. In every Cup and Company, my Lords, A Creature of all Liquors, all Complexions, Be the Drink what it will he'll have his sip. Lat. He's fitted with a Name. Hos. And he joys in't. I had him when I came to take the Inn here, Assign'd me over in the Inventory, As an old Implement, a piece of Household-stuff, And so he doth remain. Bea. Just such a thing We thought him. Lat. Is he a Scholar? Hos. Nothing less. But colours for it, as you see: wear's black, And speaks a little tainted, fly-blown Latin, After the School. Bea. Of Straford o' the Bow: For Lillies Latin is to him unknown. Lat. What calling has he? Hos. Only to call in still, Enflame the reckoning, bold to charge a Bill, Bring up the Shot i' the rear, as his own word is. Bea. And do's it in the discipline of the House? As Corporal o' the Field, Maestro del Campo, Hos. And Visiter general of all the Room: He has form'd a fine Militia for the inn too. Bea. And means to publish it? Hos. With all his Titles; Some call him Deacon Fly, some Doctor Fly; Some Captain, some Lieutenant: But my Folks Do call him Quarter-master Fly, which he is.