Ben Jonson - The Magnetick Lady. Act 4. Scene 1. lyrics


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Ben Jonson - The Magnetick Lady. Act 4. Scene 1. lyrics

Chair, Needle, keep. Cha. Stay, Mr. Needle, you do prick too fast Upo' the Business: I must take some breath: Lend me my stool; you ha' drawn a Stitch upon me, In faith, Son Needle, with your haste. Nee. Good Mother, piece up this Breach: I'll gi' you a new Gown, A new Silk Grogoran Gown. I'll do't, Mother. Kee. What'll you do? You ha' done too much already, With your Prick-seam, and through-stitch, Mr. Needle. I pray you sit not fabling here old Tales, Good Mother Chair, the Midwife, but come up.