Ben Jonson - The Magnetick Lady. Act 1. Scene 6. lyrics


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Ben Jonson - The Magnetick Lady. Act 1. Scene 6. lyrics

To them.]Sir Diaphanous, Practice. Com. No, here they come! the prime Magnetick Guests Our Lady Loadstone so respects: the Artick! And th' Antartick! Sir Diaphanous Silk-worm! A Courtier extraordinary; who by diet Of Meats and Drinks, his temperate Exercise, Choice Musickm frequent Baths, his horary shifts Of Shirts and Waste-coats, means to immortalize Mortality it self, and makes the essence Of his whole happiness the trim of Court. Dia. I thank you, Mr. Compa**, for your short Encomiastick. Rut. It is much in little, Sir. Pal. Concise, and quick: the true stile of an Orator. Com. But Mr. Practice here, my Ladies Lawyer, Or Man of Law: (for that's the true writing) A Man so dedicate to his proffesion, And the preferments go along with it; As scarce the thund'ring brute of an Invasion, Another eighty eight, threat'ning his Country With ruin, would no more work upon him, Than Syracusa'Sack, on Archimede: So much he loves that Night-cap! the Bench-gown! With the broad Guard o' th' back! These shew A Man betroth'd unto the study of our Laws! Pra. Which you but think the crafty impositions, Of subtle Clerks, feats of fine understanding. To abuse Clots, and Clowns with, Mr. Compa**, Having no ground in nature to sustain it, Or ight, from those clear causes; to the inquiry And search of which, your Mathematical Head Hath so devow'd it self. Com. Tut, all Men are Philosophers, to their inches. There's within, Sir Interest, as able a Philosopher, In buying and selling! has reduc'd his thrift, To certain principles, and i'that method! As he will tell you instantly, by Logorythms, The utmost profit of a stock imployed: (Be the commodity what it will) the place, Or time, but causing very, very little, Or, I may say, no paralax at all, In his pecuniary observations! He has brought you Nieces Portion with him, Madam; At least, the Man that must receive it: Here They come negotiating the affair; You may perceive the Contract in their Faces, And read th'Indenture. If you'll sign'em: So.