Ben Jonson - The Magnetick Lady. Act 1. Scene 1. lyrics


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Ben Jonson - The Magnetick Lady. Act 1. Scene 1. lyrics

Compa**, Ironside. Com. Welcome, good Captain Ironside, and Brother; You shall along with me. I'm lodg'd hard by Here, at a noble Ladies House i'the'street, The Lady Loadstones (one will bid us welcome) Where there are Gentlewomen, and male Guests Of several humours, carriage, constitution, Proffesion too: but so diametral One to another, and so much oppos'd, As if I can but hold them all together, And draw'em to a sufferance of themselves, But till the Dissolution of the Dinner, I shall have just occasion to believe My wit is magisterial; and our selves Take infinite delight i'the success. Iro. Troth, Brother Compa**, you shall pardon me; I love not so to multiply acquaintance At a Meals cost; 'twill take off o'my freedom So much; or bind me to the least observance. Com. Why, ironside, you know I am a Scholar, And part a Soldier; I have been employed By some the greatest States-men o' the Kingdom, These many years: and in my time convers'd With sundry humors, suiting so my self To company, as honest Men, abd Knaves, Good-fellows, Hypocrites, all sorts of People, Though never so divided in themselves, Have studied to agree still in the usage, And handling of me (which hath been fair too.) Iro. Sir I confess you to be one well read In men, and Manners; and that, usually, the most ungovern'd Persons, you being present, Rather subject themselves unto your censure, Than give you least occasion of distaste, By making you the subject of their mirth: But (to deal plainly with you, As a Brother) When ever I distrust i' my own Valour: I'll never bear me on anothers Wit, Or offer to bring off, or save my self On the opinion of your Judgement, Gravity, Discretion, or what else. But (being away) You 'are sure to have les--wit-work, gentle Brother, My humour being as stubborn as the rest, And as unmanageable. Com. you do mistake My Caract of your friendship all this while! Or at what rate I reckon your a**istance, Knowing by long experience, to such Animals, Half-hearted Creatures, as these are , your Fox there, Unkennel'd with a cholerick, ghastly aspect, Or two or three comminatory Terms, Would run their fears to any hole of shelter, Worth a days laughter! I am for the sport; For nothing else. Iro. But, Brother, I ha'seen A Coward, meeting with a Man as valiant As our St. George (not knowing him to be such, Or having at least opinion that he was so) Set to him roundly, I, and swinge, him soundly; And i' the vertue of that error, having Once overcome, resolv'd for ever after To erre; and think no person, nor no creature More valiant than himself. Com. I think that too: But, brother (could I over intreat you) I have some little plot upon the rest If you would be contended, to endure A sliding reprehension at my hands, To hear your self, or your proffesion glanc'd at In a few slighting terms: It would beget Me such a main Authority, o' the bie, And do your self no dis-repute at all! Iro. Compa**, I know that universal Causes In nature produce nothing, but as meeting Particular Causes, to determine those, And specifie their acts. This is a piece Of oxford Science, staies with me ere since I left that place; and I have often found the truth thereof, in my private pa**ions; For I do never fell my self perturb'd With any general words 'gainst my proffesion, Unless by some smart stroke upon my self they do awake, and stir me: else, to wise And well experienc'd Men, words do but signifie; They have no power, save with dull Grammarians, Whose Souls are nought, but a Syntaxis of them. Com. Here comes our Parson, Parson Palate here, A venerable Youth! I must salute him, And a great Clerk! He's going to the Ladies, And though you see him thus, without his Cope, I dare a**ure you, he's our Parish Pope! God save my reverend Clergy, Parson Palate.