Ben Jonson - The Devil Is an Ass Act 2 Scene 4 lyrics


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Ben Jonson - The Devil Is an Ass Act 2 Scene 4 lyrics

Merecraft, Fitz-dottrell, Ingine. Where are you, Sir? Fit. I see thou hast no Talent This way, VVife. Up to thy Gallery; do Chuck, Leave us to talk of it, who understand it. Mer. I think we ha' found a Place to fit you, now, Sir. Glocester. Fit. O, no, I'll none! Mer. VVhy, Sir? Fit. 'Tis fatal. Mer. That you say right in. Spenser, I think the younger. Had his last Honour thence. But, he was but Earl. Fit. I know not that, Sir. But Thomas of Woodstock, I'm sure, was Duke, and he was made away At Calice, as Duke Humphery was at Bury: And Richard the Third, you know what end he came too. Mer. By m' faith you are cunning i' the Chronicle, Sir. Fit. No, I confess I ha't from the Play books, And think they'are more Authentick. Ing. That's sure, Sir. Mer. VVhat say you (to this then) [He whispers him of a Place. Fit. No, a noble House. Pretends to that. I will do no Man wrong. Mer. Then take one Proposition more, and hear it As past exception. Fit. What's that? Mer. To be Duke of those Lands, you shall recover: take Your Title thence, Sir, Duke of the Drown'd Lands, Or Drown'd-land. Fit. Ha? that last has a good sound! I like it well. The Duke of Drown'd-land? Ing. Yes; It goes like Groen-land, Sir, if you mark it. Mer. I, And drawing thus your honour from the work, You make the Reputation of that, greater; And stay't the longer i' your Name. Fit. 'Tis true. Drown'd-lands will live in Drown'd-land! Mer. Yes, when you Ha' no foot left; as that must be, Sir, one day. And, though it tarry in your Heirs, some Forty, Fifty Descents, the longer liver, at last, y et, Must thrust 'em out on't: if no Quirk in Law, Or odd Vice o' their own not do it first. We see those changes, daily: the fair Lands, That were the Clyents, are the Lawyers, now: And those rich Mannors, there, of Good-man Taylors, Had once more Wood upon 'em, then the Yard, By which th' were measur'd out for the last Purchase. Nature hath these vicissitudes. She makes No man a state of Perpetuety, Sir. Fit. Yo' are i' the right. Let's in then, and conclude. [He spies Devil. I my sight, again? I'll talk with you anon.