Ben Jonson - The Case is Altered Act 3. Scene 2 lyrics


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Ben Jonson - The Case is Altered Act 3. Scene 2 lyrics

Jaques, Christophero. Jaq. Mischief and hell, what is this man a spirit? Haunts he, my house's ghost? still at my door? He has been at my door, he has been in, In my dear door: pray god my gold be safe. Enter Christophero. God's pity, here's another. Rachel! ho, Rachel! Chr. God save you, honest father. Jaq. Rachel! God's light come to me; Rachel! Rachel! [ Exit. Chr. Now in god's name what ails he? this is strange! He loves his daughter so, I'll lay my life That he's afraid, having been now abroad, I come to seek her love unlawfully. Enter Jaques. Jaq. 'Tis safe, 'tis safe, they have not robb'd my treasure. Chr. Let it not seem offensive to you, sir. 2Jaq. Sir! God's my life, sir! sir! call me sir! Chr. Good father hear me. Jaq. You are most welcome, sir; I meant almost: and would your worship speak? Would you abase yourself to speak to me? Chr. 'Tis no abusing, father: my intent Is to do further honour to you, sir, Than only speak; which is to be your son. Jaq. My gold is in his nostrils, he has smelt it; Break breast, break heart, fall on the earth my entrails, With this same bursting admiration! He knows my gold, he knows of all my trea- sure. How do you know, sir? whereby do you guess? Chr. At what, sir? what is't you mean? Jaq. I ask, an't please your gentle wor- ship, how you know? I mean, how I should make your worship know That I have nothing ———— To give with my poor daughter? I have nothing: The very air, bounteous to every man, Is scant to me, sir. Chr. I do think, good father, you are but poor. Jaq. He thinks so; harke! but thinks so: He thinks not so, he knows of all my trea- sure. [ Exit. Chr. Poor man, he is so overjoy'd to hear His daughter may be past his hopes be- stow'd, That betwixt fear and hope, (if I mean simply) He is thus pa**ionate. Enter Jaques. Jaq. Yet all is safe within, is none without? Nobody break my walls? Chr. What say you, father, shall I have your daughter? Jaq. I have no dowry to bestow upon her. Chr. I do expect none, father. Jaq. That is well. Then I beseech your worship make no ques- tion Of that you wish: 'tis too much favour to me. Chr. I'll leave him now to give his pas- sions breath, Which being settled I will fetch his daughter; I shall but move too much, to speak now to him. [ Exit Christopher. Jaq. So, he is gone; would all were dead and gone, That I might live with my dear gold alone. 2Jaq. Sir! God's my life, sir! sir! call me sir!] The character of Jaques is formed upon that of Euclio in the Aulularia of Plautus: and is drawn with that masterly expression which distinguisheth the works of Jonson. The scene here between Christophero and Jaques, and what follows between the count and him, is copied from what pa**es between Euclio and Megadorus; but with so high an improvement, as determines the palm of applause in favour of our author. The original here is, Non temerarium est, ubi dives blandè appellat pauperem.