Ben Jonson - Sejanus His Fall Act 2. Scene 1 lyrics


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Ben Jonson - Sejanus His Fall Act 2. Scene 1 lyrics

The Garden of EUDEMUS. Enter SEJan*s, LIVIA, and EUDEMUS. Sej. Physician, thou art worthy of a province. For the great favours done unto our loves; And, but that greatest Livia bears a part In the requital of thy services, I should alone despair of aught, like means, To give them worthy satisfaction. Liv. Eudemus, I will see it, shall receive A fit and full reward for his large merit.—— But for this potion we intend to Drusus, No more our husband now, whom shall we choose As the most apt and able instrument, To minister it to him? Eud. I say, Lygdus. Sej. Lygdus what's he? Liv. An eunuch Drusus loves. Eud. Ay, and his cup-bearer. Sej. Name not a second. If Drusus love him, and he have that place, We cannot think a fitter. Eud. True, my lord. For free access and trust are two main aids. Sej. Skilful physician! Liv. But he must be wrought To the undertaking, with some labour'd art. Sej. Is he ambitious? Liv. No. Sej. Or covetous? Liv. Neither. Eud. Yet, gold is a good general charm. Sej. What is he, then? Liv. Faith, only wanton, light. Sej. How! is he young and fair? Eud. A delicate youth. Sej. Send him to me, I'll work him.——Royal lady, Though I have loved you long, and with that height Of zeal and duty, like the fire, which more It mounts it trembles, thinking nought could add Unto the fervour which your eye had kindled; Yet, now I see your wisdom, judgment, strength, Quickness, and will, to apprehend the means To your own good and greatness, I protest Myself through rarified, and turn'd all flame In your affection: such a spirit as yours, Was not created for the idle second To a poor flash, as Drusus; but to shine Bright as the moon among the lesser lights, And share the sov'reignty of all the world. Then Livia triumphs in her proper sphere, When she and her Sejan*s shall divide The name of Caesar, and Augusta' s star Be dimm'd with glory of a brighter beam: When Agrippina's fires are quite extinct, And the scarce-soon Tiberius borrows all His little light from us, whose folded arms Shall make one perfect orb. [Knocking within.] Who's that! Eudemus, Look. [Exit Eudemus.] 'Tis not Drusus, lady, do not fear. Liv. Not I, my lord: my fear and love of him Left me at once. Sej. Illustrious lady, stay—— Eud. [within.] I'll tell his lordship. [Re-enter EUDEMUS. Sej. Who is it, Eudemus? Eud. One of your lordship's servants brings you word The emperor hath sent for you. Sej. O! where is he? With your fair leave, dear princess, I'll but ask A question and return. [Exit. Eud. Fortunate princess! How are you blest in the fruition Of this unequall'd man, the soul of Rome, The empire's life, and voice of Caesar's world! Liv. So blessed, my Eudemus, as to know The bliss I have, with what I ought to owe The means that wrought it. How do I look to-day? Eud. Excellent clear, believe it. This same fucus Was well laid on. Liv. Methinks 'tis here not white. Eud. Lend me your scarlet, lady. 'Tis the sun, Hath giv'n some little taint unto the ceruse; You should have used of the white oil I gave you. Sejan*s, for your love! his very name Commandeth above Cupid or his shafts—— [Paints her cheeks. Liv. Nay, now you've made it worse. Eud. I'll help it straight—— And but pronounced, is a sufficient charm Against all rumour; and of absolute power To satisfy for any lady's honour. Liv. What do you now, Eudemus? Eud. Make a light fucus, To touch you o'er withal.——Honour'd Sejan*s! What act, though ne'er so strange and insolent, But that addition will at least bear out, If't do not expiate? Liv. Here, good physician. Eud. I like this study to preserve the love Of such a man, that comes not every hour To greet the world.-'Tis now well, lady, you should Use of the dentifrice I prescribed you too, To clear your teeth, and the prepared pomatum, To smooth the skin:——A lady cannot be Too curious of her form, that still would hold The heart of such a person, made her captive, As you have his: who, to endear him more In your clear eye, hath put away his wife, The trouble of his bed, and your delights, Fair Apicata, and made spacious room To your new pleasures. Liv. Have not we return'd That with our hate to Drusus, and discovery Of all his counsels? Eud. Yes, and wisely, lady. The ages that succeed, and stand far off To gaze at your high prudence, shall admire, And reckon it an act without your s**: It hath that rare appearance. Some will think Your fortune could not yield a deeper sound, Than mix'd with Drusus; but, when they shall hear That, and the thunder of Sejan*s meet, Sejan*s, whose high name doth strike the stars, And rings about the concave; great Sejan*s, Whose glories, style, and titles are himself, The often iterating of Sejan*s: They then will lose their thoughts, and be ashamed To take acquaintance of them. Be-enter SEJan*s. Sej. I must make A rude departure, lady: Caesar sends With all his haste both of command and prayer. Be resolute in our plot; you have my soul, As certain yours as it is my body's. And, wise physician, so prepare the poison, As you may lay the subtile operation Upon some natural disease of his: Your eunuch send to me. I kiss your hands, Glory of ladies, and commend my love To your best faith and memory. Liv. My lord, I shall but change your words. Farewell. Yet, this Remember for your heed, he loves you not; You know what I have told you: his designs Are full of grudge and danger; we must use More than a common speed. Sej. Excellent lady, How you do fire my blood! Liv. Well, you must go? The thoughts be best, are least set forth to shew. [Exit Sejan*s. Eud. When will you take some physic, lady? Liv. When I shall, Eudemus: but let Drusus' drug Be first prepared. Eud. Were Lygdus made, that's done; I have it ready. And to-morrow morning I'll send you a perfume, first to resolve And procure sweat, and then prepare a bath To cleanse and clear the cutis; against when I'll have an excellent new fucus made, Resistive 'gainst the sun, the rain, or wind, Which you shall lay on with a breath, or oil, As you best like, and last some fourteen hours. This change came timely, lady, for your health, And the restoring your complexion, Which Drusus' choler had almost burnt up! Wherein your fortune hath prescribed you better Than art could do. Liv. Thanks, good physician, I'll use my fortune, you shall see, with reverence. Is my coach ready? Eud. It attends your highness. [Exeunt