Ben Jonson - Bartholomew Fayre Act 3. Scene 3 lyrics


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Ben Jonson - Bartholomew Fayre Act 3. Scene 3 lyrics

Justice, Win-wife, Quarlous. I Will make no more Orations, shall draw on these tragical Conclusions. And I begin now to think, that by a spice of collateral Justice, Adam Overdoo de- serv'd this beating; for I the said Adam was one Cause (a By-cause) why the Purse was lost: and my Wives Brothers Purse too, which they know not of yet. But I shall make very good mirth with it at Supper, (that will be the sport) and put my little Friend, Mr. Humphrey Wasp's Choler quite out of countenance. When, sitting at the upper end o' my Table, as I use, and drinking to my Brother Cokes, and Mrs. Alice Overdoo, as I will, my Wife, for their good affection to old Bradley, I deli- ver to 'em, it was I that was cudgell'd, and shew 'em the Marks. To see what bad Events may peep out o' the Tail of good Purposes! the Care I had of that ci- vil young Man, I took fancy to this Morning, (and have not left it yet) drew me to that exhortation, which drew the Company indeed; which drew the Cut-purse; which drew the Money; which drew my Brother Cokes his loss: which drew on Wasp's anger; which drew on my beating: a pretty gradation! And they shall ha' it i' their Dish i' faith at night for Fruit; I love to be mer- ry at my Table. I had thought once, at one special blow he ga' me, to have revealed my self; but then (I thank thee fortitude) I remembred that a wise Man (and who is ever so great a part o' the Common-wealth in himself) for no particular disaster ought to abandon a publick good Design. The Husband-man ought not for one unthankful Year, to forsake the Plough; the Shepherd ought not for one scab'd Sheep to throw by his Tar-box; the Pilot ought not for one Leak i' the Poop to quit the Helm; nor the Alderman ought not for one Custard more at a Meal to give up his Cloak; the Con- stable ought not to break his Staff, and forswear the Watch for one roaring Night; nor the Piper o' the Pa- rish (Ut parvis componere magna solebam) to put up his Pipes for one rainy Sunday. These are certain knock- ing Conclusions; out of which, I am resolv'd, come what come can, come Beating, come Imprisonment, come Infamy, come Banishment; nay, come the Rack, come the Hurdle, (welcom all) I will not discover who I am, till my due time; and yet still, all shall be, as I said ever, in Justice name, and the King's, and for the Common-wealth. Win. What does he talk to himself, and act so seri- ously? poor Fool! Quar. No matter what. Here's fresher Argument, in- tend that.