Ben Jonson - The Sad Shepherd. Act 3. Scene 2. lyrics


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Ben Jonson - The Sad Shepherd. Act 3. Scene 2. lyrics

Karol, Douce, to them AEglamour. Kar. sure, you are very like her! I conceiv'd You had been she, seeing you run afore me: For such a suit she made her 'gainst this Feast; In all resemblence, or the very same; I saw her in it; had she liv'd enjoy it She had been there an acceptable Guest To Marian, and the gentle Robin-hood, Who are the Crown, and Garland of the Wood. Dou. I cannot tell, my Mother gave it to me, And bad me wear it. Kar. Who, the wise good Woman? Old Maud, of Pappelwick? Dou. Yes, this sullen Man. I cannot like him, I must take my leave. [AEglamour enters, and Douce goes out. AEg. What said she to you? Kar. Who? AEg. Earine. I saw her talking with you, or her Ghost; For she indeed is drown'd in old Trent's bottom. Did she not tell who would ha' pull'd her in? And had her Maiden-head upon the place? The Rivers brim, the margin of the Flood? No Ground is Holy enough. (you know my meaning) Lust is commited in Kings Palaces, And yet their Majesties not violated! No words! Kar. How sad and wild his thoughts are! gone? [AEglamour goes out, but comes in again. AEg. But she, as chaste, as was her name, Earine, Di'd underflowr;d: and now her sweet Soul hovers, Here, in the Air, above us; and doth haste To get up to the Moon, and Mercury; And whisper Venus in her Orb; then spring Up to old Saturn, and come down by Mars, Consulting Jupiter, and seat her self Just in the midst with phoebus, temp'ring all The jarring Spheres, and giving to the World Again, his first and tuneful planetting! O' what an age will here be of new Concords! Delightful harmony! to rock old Sages, Twice infants, in the Cradle o'speculation, And throw a silence upon all the Creatures! [He goes out again, but returns as soon as before. Kar. A Cogitation of the highest rapture! AEg. The loudest Seas, and most enraged Winds Shall lose their clangor; Tempest shall grow hoarse; Lou thunder dumb; and every speece of Storm Laid in the lap of list'ning Nature husht, To hear the changed chime of his eighth Sphere, Take tent, and hearken for it, lose it not. [AEglamour departs.