Bar-Hebraeus, tr. E.A.W. Budge - The Laughable Stories of Bar-Hebraeus - Ch. 3 lyrics


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Bar-Hebraeus, tr. E.A.W. Budge - The Laughable Stories of Bar-Hebraeus - Ch. 3 lyrics

PROFITABLE SAYINGS OF THE INDIAN SAGES. CVIII. It is said that when any man belonging to the Indians is dying, his friends arm themselves and go to his door, and say unto [the door-keeper], "Shew us who hath slain thy friend that we may k** him." And when he replies, "He that slayeth him is invincible and invisible,", they say, "Grieve not then overmuch about that which neither thou nor we are able to withstand;" and thus are they wont to comfort the mourners. CIX. A certain Indian sage used to say, "The wound of a sharp weapon may be quickly healed, but the wound caused by words is incurable." CX. Another Indian sage said, "The lusts of this world are like unto the waters of the sea, for however much a man drinketh thereof, his thirst increaseth." CXI. Another Indian sage said, "Learning addeth unto the wisdom of the wise man, and folly [addeth unto the folly] of the fool, even as the sun addeth sight unto healthy eyes, and doeth harm unto those which are diseased." CXII. Another Indian sage said, "Put not thy confidence in thine enemy, even though he shew himself exceedingly gracious unto thee; for, behold, even p. 29 though the water which is poured upon the fire is heated thereby, it nevertheless extinguisheth it." CXIII. Another Indian sage said, "Wine maketh those who drink it to have four peculiarities. First of all it maketh a man like a peaco*k, that is to say he is pleased with his manner and movements; next he is like unto the ape, that is to say he beginneth to chatter with every one; next he is like a lion which relieth upon his strength and is puffed up; next he is like the swine, for having drunk immoderately he walloweth in the mire, and finally he vomiteth and rejoiceth after the manner of the beast." CXIV. Another Indian sage said, "Wise men are those who suffer in their souls, but the fools are those who suffer in their bodies." CXV. Another Indian sage was asked, "Which is the worst country?" And he replied, "That in which there is neither plenty nor peace." CXVI. Another Indian sage said, "It is good for a man to approach his friend in a moderate spirit. For, behold, when a pillar is set in the sun, being partially in the shadow, its shadow is increased, but when it is too much in the shade its shadow is diminished." CXVII. Another Indian said, "There are six things which abide not:—The shadow of a cloud, the friend-ship of fools, the love of women, overflowing wealth, the king who oppresseth, and lying praise." CXVIII. Another Indian sage said, "There are five cla**es of men who weary their own souls and those of their neighbours:—The ignorant man who devoteth himself to the teaching of others; the man who desireth that which cometh not to him; the governor p. 30 who taketh not counsel with his friends; the man who undertaketh a work which is too great for him; and the man who serveth the king deceitfully." CXIX. Another Indian sage said, "Mixed wine is the preserver of the body even as the pillar is that of the house, which remaineth unmoved by reason of its sound condition." CXX. Another Indian sage said, "There are two cla**es of men whose fraudulent pretensions are very evident. One is that of the hunter who boasts that he hath behaved with great valour in the fray, although no sign of a blow is seen upon him, and the other is that of the man who feigneth to lead a life of asceticism, although his neck is thick and his body strong." CXXI. Another Indian sage was asked, "Which man is the most foolish?" And he replied, "He who having married a beautiful maiden leaveth her and departeth into a far country." CXXII. Another Indian sage was asked, "What loss is that to which no advantage whatsoever cleaveth? And he replied, The loss of the raiment which is laid with a corpse in the grave." CXXIII. Another Indian sage was asked, "Unto what is a woman who hath no husband like?" And he replied, "A river [bed] wherein there is no water." CXXIV. Another Indian sage was asked, "Why is a fool like unto a blind man?" And he replied, "As a blind man cannot distinguish between light and darkness even so the fool cannot distinguish between wisdom and folly." CXXV. Another Indian sage was asked, "What man is the strongest?" And he replied, "He that guardeth himself from a wanton gaze and from harlotry."