Baby J - War Trilogy (P.O.W./Projects of War) lyrics


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Baby J - War Trilogy (P.O.W./Projects of War) lyrics

[Shabazz] Mayday mayday... mayday mayday! captain Freestyle come in, you copy? [Freestyle] I copy, I copy seargent Shabazz [Shabazz] Send in the 1st platoon on 31's, I repeat, send in the 1st platoon on 31's I located some police activity going on, you copy? [Freestyle] I copy that seargent Shabazz, sending them in right away [Shabazz] Seal off the whole 100 dwight street perimeter I repeat, make sure all snipers take their positions on 80 dwight, you copy? [Freestyle] Copy, snipers taking their positions right now Perimeter's sealed off seargent Shabazz, copy! [Shabazz] North perimeter moving in! In case of emergency, keep all air communication lines clear!! [Freestyle] I copy that!! We'll be communicating by means of morse code, over and out! [Shabazz] 10-4 [Verse: Freestyle] Estimated time arrival 0300 hours, we need fire power Def-con 5, boats capsized, my g.i's with 3 eyes Dipped in the trenches, chemical disabling weapons authorized Awaiting refueling and supplies Plastique I devise, blend in disguise, mirrored camouflage My tactical advantage, shoot while applying a bandage... arrrggggggghhhhhhhhh! Ahhhh!!!!!!!!!!! ahhhhhhh!!!!!! ahhhh!!!!!! [Shabazz] Freestyle, come in! yo Freestyle come in! Arsonists, come in! Yo! yo Freestyle come in! yo you alright, Freestyle come in! Yo Freestyle come in, you copy? [Freestyle] I copy! ahhhhhhh!!! Shabazz, ahhhhh!!!! ahhhh!!! my leg,ahhh!!! They blew my leg off, mayday for help, ahhhh!!!!!ahhh!! [Shabazz] Yo Free, come back in! [Airwave interception] Section 909, attention headquarters, come in headquarters Phase 1 of the operation is now complete We have captured captain Freestyle And we're taking him down for cryogenic testing, over and out!!