Azealia Banks - So How Did We End Up Here Between The Future and The Past lyrics


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Azealia Banks - So How Did We End Up Here Between The Future and The Past lyrics

Once upon a time there was a container, and the container was filled with space. Inside the space was a white light and dark matter. The dark matter was blind, non-reflective and fixed in space, but was otherwise happy and content with HIS existence. The white light was bright, shiny and omnipresent; It was completely aware of itself, the dark matter and the boundaries of the container. As the space began to expand, the container did as well and the light did subsequently. The dark matter stayed the same size, remaining happy and content with his existence, unaware of anything other than himself. As the light grew in size it became more and more aware of itself. The light soon became the most present essence in the space and could see everything. It was all so impressed by it's ability to be everywhere at once, that it soon began to think of Itself as superior to the dark matter. So one day, the light told the dark matter that IT was GOD. The Light said, “Fear Me, Fear Me!!, for i am God! and I am everywhere!” The Dark Matter was confused and asked, “Excuse me, but what is God? and where is everywhere?” The Light responded, “Everywhere, is anywhere i am!, and God is I!” The dark matter, still perplexed replied, “I'm sorry. I do not know what “I” is… What is “I”?” The light says, “ “I” is Me.!” Matter: “What is, “Me?” Light: ME, is YOU. Matter: “What is, “You?” Light: “”You,” is YOURSELF, and I am I, and I am GOD. Matter: So …, I am GOD? Light: No! I am God! and ye shall fear me! Matter: I'm sorry, but if Myself is “You”, and “You” is “Me,” and “Me” is “I,” and “I” is God. that means that I am God! And then it was so… the Dark Matter was now “GOD”! He was so happy and delighted with himself. This was a joyous day in the space. The light soon grew to be very jealous of the dark matter and his happiness. Now annoyed, frustrated and running out of ways to convince the dark matter of It's superiority, it began to tease him for being blind, and unable to move. The light said: “What an unlucky existence, to be such a sightless and stationary God…. for if you cannot see, then you cannot KNOW, and if you cannot KNOW, then you cannot be GOD. For GOD KNOWS and SEES everything.” The dark matter was extremely hurt and perplexed at this point. He never knew he was blind!!! He never knew couldn't move!! He never knew he was dark, and never knew he didn't know!! How could a God be so unlucky? The dark matter began to cry and feel sorry for himself. The light laughed at The Dark Matter's despair with great personal pleasure, for he would never be able to see or know, and he could never be GOD. The Light's evil behavior towards the dark matter angered The Space greatly, for space and matter were the only reasons the Light could have an existence at all! For without space, there would be nowhere for the light to BE and without matter, there would be nothing to see! One day the space devised a great punishment for the Light's nastiness. He felt as though the light did not deserve to know; especially if it was to flaunt its knowledge to mistreat others, and that it did not deserve to see, especially if it couldn't even appreciate the very notion of sight. He decided to switch the likenesses and abilities of the two for eternity as a grand punishment to the light, and as a great consolation to the dark matter. So now there was illuminated matter, and dark space. Now that The Dark Matter could see and know, he gathered himself up into one big ball of white-hot ma** and named himself, “The Sun.” This was the first thing he knew of his new knowledge. The Sun was at first very sad and lonely for all he knew was himself. He did not know what to do with his new sight, as all the space was dark, and there was absolutely nothing else to see! And if he could not see, then he could not know, and if he could not know, then he could not be GOD. All of this new information was very confusing for him. He was much happier when he could not see, much happier before he KNEW. But he figured, that if he found something to see, he would have then found something to know, and then, he could finally be GOD! But he had no idea of where to begin. Since he was always fixed in space he had no idea of how to move, or even of where to go once he figured out how to move! It was scary, lonely and dark, but The Sun was determined to be God. So he did what came to him instinctually. He started with a jerk, a tumble, a spazz, and a swirl, and before he knew it he was tumbling in a circle! **write about how the space owns gravity and rounds him out into a sphere. The same way when a water bottle is opened in space, it will make the water turn into a sphere. He span and span and span, making the space swirl all around him in a counter-clockwise direction, pulling all of the edges of the container towards him and suddenly, SNAP! the edges of the container break! SPACE ONLY ESCAPES THE CONTAINER TO FILL ANOTHER ONE. As this next container was the second dimension and it was completely flat, it too burst immediately and The Sun was now then in the third dimension. This new dimension was full of all sorts weird of sh**! There were an infinite amount of tiny matter forms in this new dimension. Lots of strange sound waves, weird scents, gaseous clouds, swaths of dust, yet no light of it's own. With all that existed here, everything seemed to be dark and still. Dead almost. Nothing could see or move but him… Everything was reflecting his light and he could finally see something! He was so amazed by the sight of everything that he completely forgot about his quest to become God and went out in search of things to see. Before he set out to see more, he gathered up a large amount of tiny matter forms and illuminated them. He then took them and threw them up and away from himself as far as he could. This created the stars and allowed the sun to see into all the corners of this container. He was so delighted with everything in this new dimension. The stars he'd thrown forth organized themselves across the space in seven distinct, differently colored sections which he named as follows: RED, ORANGE, YELLOW, GREEN, BLUE, INDIGO, AND VIOLET. As the stars shined brighter and the colors became more vivid, the most beautiful sound he'd ever heard before began to fill the space. The sound was so enchanting and mesmerizing. He was desperate to find out what it was. He followed the sound until he came upon the most beautiful thing he had ever seen in his life. He had no idea what it was but he immediately knew that it was different from him because of how he felt as he approached it. He had never felt this feeling before! He had no idea of what this feeling was!! It was a violet orb fixed in the space, unable to see or move, but The Sun could see it. And It, was singing loud enough for him to hear the sound wherever he was in the space. As The Sun approached it he politely asked, “Excuse me but, what are you?” It stopped singing for a second and replied, “I, Sir am a Woman!” she immediately continued singing.. A WOMAN… Wow. A Woman… how beautiful, how pretty, violet and petite. What a sight she was to see. If To be God was to know, and to know was to see, then only thing he wanted to see or know in his time as God was Her. He was now delighted with himself and his existence as GOD and rejoiced. After a deep moment of fixation on her and her enchating activities, he once again interrupted her and asked, “Excuse me dear Woman, but what are you doing?” She replied, “I am Singing!” She smiled and then continued singing. He interjected, “I am God!” Woman: “Really?” The Sun: “Yes!” Woman: “Cool!” She giggled and then continued singing. The Sun: “Can you see?” Woman: “Nope,” The Sun: “Well, if you can't see, then how do you KNOW that you are in fact a woman? For if you cannot see, then you cannot know.” Woman: “Ehh……” The Woman was very confused and somewhat offended at this point. She had no idea why this man was calling himself God and asking her if she could see and how she in fact actually knew she was a woman. Who the f** did this guy think he was? The Sun so fixed and entranced on this beautiful woman, noticed that he was beginning to make her very uncomfortable. He immediately stopped questioning her and began to shower her with a series of compliments. The Sun: “You are Beautiful. The very sight of you is nothing I have ever seen before. Your face is sweet and violet colored, your singing is angelic. What a vision you are. I am such a lucky god to have happened upon you.” Woman: “Why thank you sir!,” she squealed. “But, how do you know that I am beautiful?” The Sun: “For I am God, and I can see you.” The woman was astounded yet still very confused. The Sun later said, The Sun: “Such an alluring vision surely deserves to see itself, for to see is to know, and you, Woman, deserve to know what a beauty you are.” And then it was so, The Sun illuminated the Woman and she saw how beautiful she was. Her skin was soft and purple, and her lavender clouds clouded all around her face. Now that she could see herself and knew for sure that she was in fact a beautiful woman, she called herself “Venus.” Venus was amazed to see all the things sight had to offer. She loved all the different color stars, and absolutely loved her bright sweet berry hue that The Sun called violet. Now that she was illuminated, The Sun saw it fit for her to be his wife. The Sun: “Dearest Venus, the violet vision that I adore. The singing angel whose voice rings as bright as she now shines. The alarming voice that delicately reaches the outermost corners of the space, will you be my wife?” Venus was very happy now that she was illuminated. She thought The Sun to be very handsome, and felt some what indebted to him for his kind doing. She would love to be his wife. The only problem was that she was already married to a man … a man who was very rapidly approaching the scene. Man: “Halt, who goes there?… Woman…. Who are you talking to? and Who told you to stop singing?!” Venus: “My name, is VENUS, and I am beautiful, and I am talking to God!” Man: “What?, Who is God? and what hath he said to you to make you disobey me? For I am Man, and I cannot see!! and I really need you to keep singing because it's dark and i'm blind and i don't know where i'm going otherwise!!… ” Venus and this Man had been together forever and she had a great love for him. He was handsome and Red, but their relationship was really co-dependent the Man used her as a sound-anchor of sorts. When Mars would travel out into the space, Venus would sit fixed in the space and sing so he could follow her voice and find his way home. In return he would vow to protect and keep her safe from kidnappers, rapists and fungus. Fungus was a really big problem in the space. Live colonies of fungus often traveled from planetesimal to planetesimal completely inhabiting and then destroying it before floating back into space and moving on to another. Aside from keeping her safe, her husband had never before told her she was beautiful, or described her face as violet. He had never before complimented her angelic voice, and mostly, he would never have the powers to be able to give to her that which God had just bestowed upon her. She found the very thought of going back to the darkness simply impossible to bear. But now that she could see, she saw how attractive her man actually was and was absolutely torn. Venus was so happy now that she was illuminated, and could not possibly go back to being blind, for she now knew how beautiful she was and wouldn't trade her newly found beauty for anything in the world. The Sun invited the Red Man to be illuminated in exchange for Venus. As Venus was going to leave with the Sun regardless of what answer he gave, The Man reluctantly accepted the trade. Now that he could see, he called himself, “Mars” and then it was so. Now that The Sun and Venus were Husband & Wife, they fell deeply in love and had pa**ionate s** under the colorful stars. **Mars looked on in jealousy and defeat as he listened to the sound of his dear Venus orgasming louder than he's ever heard. But was happy to watch as this was one of his first times seeing anything, and seeing was amazing! For to see, was to know! (Just sorta s**s that the first thing he knows is that his wife likes another man's dick more. :( The fruit of this consummation was two small iron balls; Mercury and Baby Earth. Mercury was strong and of solid character. He was very close to his father and very protective of his younger sibling. As a young man of very stealthy character, he had a great memory and an immaculate vocabulary. He took note of everything he saw and in time became an excellent communicator. Baby Earth was the bigger one of the two, but she was not very healthy. As a youngster she was always sick and always had to be looked after by her big brother Mercury. One day, Venus noticed a spot on one of Baby Earth's ears. This worried her greatly as she suspected it was the beginning of fungal growth on Earth's surface. And it was. The Sun and Venus knew nothing of what to do to help their sick child. Desperate and in agony, Venus began to sing a song to invite anyone who knew of how to help her sick child. The first, was a Blue Man. This blue man was considered a great sorcerer as he was the only person in the space who knew how to create water. The Sun and Venus knew nothing of water and certainly weren't in the mood for a science lesson, So the Sun agreed to illuminate this blue man in exchange for his help with Baby Earth. The Blue Man flushed baby earth with water and was then illuminated by the Sun. Now that his blue man could see himself, he called himself “Neptune,” and then it was so. As the water roared about the Earth's surface, the fungal colony was lifted and swept into motion with the water. The Sun, Venus, Mercury, Mars and Neptune watched on as the event unfolded. As the water settled, a large oddly-shaped rust colored ma** emerged as the water swirled around it. Venus turned to her husband and said Venus: “Dearest Sun, for if you are God then surely you can save our dying child. My eyes are weak and my heart is heavy, i cannot bear to watch my child die.” The sun felt weak and helpless as he had no idea of what to do. He thought to himself, What kind of God was he? What kind of god knew not how to save his own child? As the planets all continued to watch, the ma** on Baby Earth began to fragment, and the pieces began moving away from each other. The planets were all puzzled. Surely the child could not be getting better, but he definitely wasn't dead, so Venus took a deep breath and began to sing again hoping that someone else would come and help her sick child. The next to come were three ma**ive men. One orange, one yellow, and one green. These ma**ive men were the largest things anyone had ever seen, and they smelled terrible. They introduced themselves as three wise men from the 5th dimension who have come here to worship Baby Earth, for he was the magic planet. This all seemed very suspicious to the rest of the planets as they had no idea of what the f** these “wise men” were talking about, but were desperate to save their child. The three wise men approached Baby earth one by one. They each placed three large clouds over the planet, joined hands, and began to pray. Soon enough, each of the ma**es on baby earth began turning green and the earth seemed to be getting worse! The Sun asked: “What have you done?, what is that? what is happening to my child?” The three wise men answered: “Life is happening!, This is the beginning of time!” The Sun: “Life? Time? What is Life and what is time?” Wise Men: “Life is Time, and Time is now, and then.” The Sun: “What is now, and what is then?” Wise Men: “Now is here, and then is there.” The Sun: “Where is There?” Wise Men: “There is Everywhere!” The Sun: “So… Life and Time is everywhere?” Wise Men: “Not quite. See, “Time,” is the total measured account of all events that have occurred, are occurring, or are set to occur thus measured by the dominant species' collective ability to rationalize and remember what they see. For it is only through the reception of your light through their eyes, that time exists!” The Sun: “So, Time is Light?” Wise Men: “Precisely!” The Sun: “So if God is Light, and Light is Time, Does that make Time, God? Wise Men: “NO, God is Light, and Light is God. God is Time, but Time is NOT God. Time is Light, but Light is not Time. Time is the dichotomy between Light and the Soul. The division between God and Man. The Sun: “What is The Soul?” Wise Men: “The Soul is light inside of man.” The Sun: “What is Man?” Wise Men: “Man is Life!” The Sun: “So if soul is light, and light is God, does that make the soul, God?” Wise Men: “No. Soul is Light, and Light is God. God is the Soul, but the Soul is NOT God.” The Sun: “And what about Man? Man is Life and Life is Man?” Wise Men: “No, Man is Life, but Life is Not Man. Man is but a facet of Life. Life is Magic. It is a spontaneous occurrence. An unexplainable event that shall serve us all as a sign of God. For Life is Magic, and Magic is God. The Sun: “But I am the Sun! and I am God!” Wise Men: “God is Light and Light is God. The Sun is Light, but the Sun is NOT God. For you are only the center of this domain, and there exists many other domains such as your own.” All the planets shrieked! Was it true that their beloved Sun was in fact, not God? Mars was especially pleased by this news. Wise Men: “See Sir, Suns are made of Light, but Light is only God's Image. GOD is the spark from which the light comes! The grand event, the creation of all that exists. You were created as a symbol of his magnificence! Created in his image to facilitate the Evolution of Life in this domain… You're like God's little helper!” The prideful Sun thought this chatter was all too patronizing. “God's Little Helper?” Who were these heavily scented men, who'd entered his domain and infected it with the notion of “time,”? and who was God to think he could make him his helper? Who did these motherf**ers think they were? Wise Men: “See, Sir, for you are the very reason they are here! These fungal colonies travel far and long through space to find domains with sufficient light, for light is crucial to their survival. Once in the domain, they seek the planet emitting the most positive energy patterns and implant themselves in the surface. Once on the planet the fungi react with their new environment to spontaneously spring forth many different species of Life, of which the most superior and complex is, Man. Whether or not a fungal colony may enter a new domain after the light source in the previous one dies is contingent upon the overall EVOLUTION of Man through Time. A fungal colony is only as apt for intergalactic survival as the total sum of all its Men are intellectually evolved. Man's Intellectual evolution can be best described as an accumulation of light. “Intellect” is the term used to describe man's light collection. Intellect is the by product of Intelligence. Intelligence is Man's capacity to compare events experienced by his SELF, to the total sum of all events thus occurred (Soul). His Intellect serves as a rational of the total sum of all events thus experienced by his SELF, in comparison to the total sum of all events thus occurred (Soul). Time is essential to man's evolution as it his self's own rationalization of light by which he may recall or compare events experienced by him through fate or free-will. His total recollection of events experienced through Time is called his Memory, and Memories are stored in his mind. The Mind is composed of The Conscience, and a microcosm of the macrocosm (which is everything that exists) called, The Sub-Conscience. The Conscience is the “Self” and the sub-conscience is the Soul. One Man's Soul is part of a greater, positive energy group called the collective sub-conscience, which is the total sum of all souls in the system. The self is part of a lesser, negative energy group called the Collective Conscience (this is where ego and free-will exists). Think of the Self as the Soul's employee; the Self is employed by the Soul to harvest light, for when the MAN ceases to exist, the Soul will have enough energy to provide for an addition to the Collective Sub-Conscience. The collective sub-conscience is ultimately the total sum of light energy as harvested by the collective conscience to aid in the survival and evolution of LIFE on Earth and In Space, forever. Unbeknownst to the Man, his ‘Self' is merely an agent in his and every other Man's Soul's eternal quest for intergalatic survival.” The Sun was confused! All his life he'd thought he was already God, to find out that he was just another measly lightbulb that some mold wanted to worship. What a horrible existence. He'd burned his beautiful wife, his child was sick, all to find out that he was not actually God. He hated himself. This was a terrible day and he didn't know what to do. Wise Men: “Time is Man's way of worshipping God. For Time is Light, and Light is God. it is how he The Sun was very confused, he had no clue why the fungus was here to worship him, and no clue what “time,” or “life,” and his daughter had to do with it all. Time seemed to be an evil scheme of sorts but he was greatly intrigued by their talk of worship. Wise Men: “You Sir, are The Sun. the one who illuminates everything in the space. the one who brought to earth the very light by which Man is able to collect himself from. You are a God! You are God of this Domain, bright, loving, and giving. Such a glorious God as thyself should be worshipped! For Light is Time, and Time is Light. The Sun felt great about himself! No one else had really ever given him a pat on the back for all he had created. He never knew that he created time! He agreed that he should be worshipped for all he had done so He illuminated the Three Wise Men. He illuminated them all one by one (orange, one yellow, and one green.) and they named themselves “Jupiter,” “Saturn,” and “Uran*s,” respectively. As the Sun and Mercury continued to watch over Baby Earth, Venus began to grow very depressed over the state of her child. She felt as though The Sun had been tricked into believing the Three Wise Men about the notion of time. For he taught her, that if one could not see, then one could not know, And there was no way to see time. But she had no say over what went on, for he was God and she was not. Venus fell into an emotional slump and began taking lots of d** and drinking alcohol. As Venus was no longer able to look after Baby Earth, the Sun hired a midwife to look after the child while he tried to console his wife's bleeding heart. This mid-wife was the Moon. She was young, stable and responsible. She was also very attractive and was an excellent guardian. She watched over Baby Earth as Venus was ailing and soon enough, the earth began calling the moon “Mommy.” On certain nights when Venus was out drinking and doing d**, the Sun would visit the Moon and the Earth to check up on his daughter's health. The Moon and the Sun got along famously. The Moon was sweet and sober, and such a good woman to his child.Together they spoke about time in great detail, which is something he could not do with Venus. Their rapport eventually developed into an affair, and he started seeing her every night which is why the moon is illuminated in the night time. One day when Venus returned home from one of her drunken rendezvous' The Sun noticed an energy about her that he had never noticed before. She had slept with another man and he knew it. He stopped for a moment and thought of himself as stupid, for one of the very men he gave knowledge and light to had f**ed his wife. The Sun: “Hear me, for I am God, and my wife has been desecrated. I know one of you motherf**ers in here did it…” Everyone, afraid to lose their illuminated status froze in silence. Since no one would answer, the Sun put a curse on Venus, making her red hot and molten. Ruining her Violet color, and disfiguring her beautiful face. The Sun: “Now that you are ugly. No man shall ever want you.” Venus began to cry and beg her husband for mercy. All of the planets were horrified as they looked on. How could such a loving, giving, god, turn his back on his wife and burn her? Now that Venus was ugly, He took the Moon as his new wife and then it was so. As time went on the different species on Earth flourished, with the Human being at the top of the animal kingdom. These humans were of interesting nature. They seemed to know how to adapt to and alter their environments as if they had some ancient knowledge of everything that existed. These humans were in fact magical. Metallurgy, Agriculture, and electricity excited the Planets. Life was amazing. it was so smart. Planets knew at once that Time was real. For Life was Time, and they could see Life.