Ayreon - Phase 2: Symmetry lyrics


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Ayreon - Phase 2: Symmetry lyrics

"The Mother takes the Prodigy to a Psychiatrist for a**essment. He performs a diagnostic interview and battery of tests on the Prodigy." Psychiatrist: I know it's hard to find the words But tell me all about your world Do you struggle to adapt? Do you feel detached? Prodigy: It seems I'm always out of place Like some alien machine I never know how I should be Or what to feel, or what is real Mother: Can you help us reach our son? Can we put our faith in you? Can you help him overcome? There is brilliance shining through Do you see it too? Psychiatrist: Let's talk about your dreams Can you tell me what you see? Can you describe the way you feel? Do you feel anything at all… Prodigy: I see things that don't belong In this four-dimensional world There is so much more beyond More to unveil, more to reveal Mother: Can you help us reach our son? Can we put our faith in you? Can you help him overcome There is magic shining through Can you help us reach our son? Prodigy: I, I need a future I can build Mother: Can you tell us what to do? Prodigy: Give me a role that I can fulfil Mother: Can we help him rise above? Prodigy: I know I've got something to give Mother and Prodigy: A reason to live! "The Psychiatrist informs the Mother and Father of his findings. But will they accept the unconventional course of treatment he suggests?" Flute and ba** flute: Jeroen Goossens Psychiatrist: Yes, I'm afraid I see signs of impairment But there is something more He's an exceptional savant, one in a million His mind is ablaze with distraction But maybe I can help I'm testing a new drug that can help him focus Father: Please tell us more, that sounds intriguing Can he join your clinical trial? If he could concentrate he could help me He might even be of some use! Center the mind, cut straight to the core Brighten the flame, break open the cage Shatter the wall, shut down the noise Soften the pain, sharpen the brain Psychiatrist: I have to confess it's experimental I'm still running through the tests The side effects could include extreme delusions Mother: No! Not on my life, I'll never allow it! No matter what we could win I won't let you endanger my child I refuse to play dice with his life Father: Center the mind, cut straight to the core Brighten the flame, break open the cage Shatter the wall, shut down the noise Soften the pain, sharpen the brain Mini Moog solo: Rick Wakeman "Is the Psychiatrist's experimental drug worth the risk? The Mother and Father have vastly different views - and motivations." Mother: How could you even contemplate Experimenting on our child? Were you only thinking of yourself again? Father: No! Why shouldn't I want to help him You make it sound like it's a crime I'm not giving up, this isn't over! "The Rival appears to have his own agenda" High Whistle: Troy Donockley Cello: Maaike Peterse Flute: Jeroen Goossens Rival: So... what if they are right And he's so remarkable How does that affect me? Ever since I was a child It all came so easy I never had to try If he's as brilliant as they say How will I be noticed Now I'm not so special… anymore I'm not sure why I'm afraid No, he won't beat me Not without a fight, no! One day I'll show them I am the genius One day the whole world will know One day I'll show them who he really is One day they'll know Mini Moog solo: Rick Wakeman Instrumental Teacher: Let's find him a future to build He'll give me a role to fulfil I know he's got something to give We all need a reason to live Girl: A future to build A role to fulfil Something to give A reason to live "The Teacher and the Girl each have their own reasons for supporting the Prodigy" Cello: Maaike Peterse Violin: Ben Mathot Flute: Jeroen Goossens Teacher: Where am I going? How did this happen? My life has unfolded Depressingly average But if I support him Help him reach his potential He'll be my contribution I can still make my mark My name will live on Girl: His shyness is charming I wish I could reach him He's strangely disarming I hope I can free him Teacher: I know I can help him Girl: He needs someone like me Teacher: To reach his potential Girl: To learn how to feel Teacher: He'll be my contribution Girl: I wish he'd let me in Teacher: They'll remember my name Girl: Let me help him to live Teacher: My claim to fame "4 years ago As the Prodigy gradually disappears into a chaotic world of patterns and equations, the Father can't stop wondering if the Psychiatrist's drug might help." Instrumental "The Father meets with the Psychiatrist, this time... alone." Psychiatrist: I know why you're here You're a fellow man of science Our point of view is very much alike Father: The choice is clear I don't need to be convinced Denying him this chance just isn't right Psychiatrist: Give him one a day That's the safest place to start At such a tiny dose, the risks are low Father: Keep it between you and me Oh, they would never understand Let's both agree that no one needs to know "The Father has been secretly putting the drug in the Prodigy's food. The Results are almost immediate... and stunning." Cello: Maaike Prodigy: Patterns are forming Breaking through the noise A beautiful symmetry Slowly falling into place Inspiration is flowing Filling up the void A perfect harmony Full of elegance and grace I've come alive The road is so much clearer now I'm finally awake Destiny waits Father: Oh, am I getting through to you Can you hear me, son? I never doubted you I always knew you'd win this fight I am reaching out to you Can you help me, son? I'm so close to the answer But I need your brilliant mind We've come alive Our goal is so much closer now Now it's time to turn the page Destiny waits Now we will fulfill our fate Destiny waits! "The Mother rejoices at the Prodigy's remarkable progress, unaware that it's all due to the drug she was so violently opposed to." Mother: And soon you'll show them you're a genius And soon the whole world will know And soon you'll show them what life really is One day they'll know!