Author Unknown - Prose Merlin - The Banishment of Bertelak; and King Arthur and King Lot lyrics


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Author Unknown - Prose Merlin - The Banishment of Bertelak; and King Arthur and King Lot lyrics

Whan the Kynge Leodogan hadde comaunded his stiwarde to bringe his stepdoughter oute of the reame, he and Merlin departed from Ulfin and Bretell and com into the halle hande in hande, where thei fonde the barouns alle redy. And oon hadde ronge to ma**e, and so thei wente to the mynster; and whan ma**e was seide, thei com agein into the halle. And than com the kyn of the deed knyght that Bertelak hadde slain for to make theire complainte to the kynge. And the Kynge Leodogan sente for to seche hym at his hostell, and he com anoon withoute daunger, well armed undir his robes, and brought with hym grete plenté of knyghtes, for he was full of feire courtesie and a feire speker. And anoon the kynge hym asked why he hadde the knyght slain in treson. And he seide that of treson he sholde hym wele diffende agein alle tho that wolde hym apele. "And I sey no nay but that I slough the knyght; but firste I dide hym deffie; and it was not withoute grete cause, for moche peple knowe wele that he slough my cosin germain for his wif that he diffouled. And me semeth that in alle maners that oon may, oweth he to greve his mortall enmye after that he hath hym diffied." And the kynge seide that that was not inough. "But yef ye hadde yow complayneth to me and I wolde not have it redressed, than myght ye have take vengaunce; but ye ne spake therof to me never worde." "Sir," quod he, "ye sey your volunté. But ageins yow mysdide I never, ne never ne shall, yef God will." Quod the kynge, "I will that right be hadde." "Sir," seide Bertelak le Rous, "I se well that I moste be at youre volunté." And than comaunded the Kynge Leodogan that jugement sholde be yoven be the rede of his barouns. At this jugement was the Kynge Arthur and the Kynge Ban and the Kynge Bohors and Sir Gawein and Sir Ewein and Gala**hin and Nascien and Adragain and Hervy de Rivel and Guyomar. These ten were at the jugement, and spake togeder of oon thinge and other; and thei acorded in the ende that he sholde be disherited and voyde the londe of the Kynge Leodogan forever more. And the Kynge Ban, that was of feire eloquense, tolde the tale as he was charged; and he spake so high that he myght wele be herde bothe of nygh and fer. "Sirs," quod he, "these barouns that beth here awarded that Bertelais le Rous shall be disherited of all his londe that he holdeth in youre powere, and shall forswhere the contré forever more, for that he toke the justice upon hymself of the knyght that he slough, and namly by nyght, for the justice longed not to hym. And on that other side, ye holde court open and myghty that oweth to condite alle saf goynge and saf comynge to alle tho that come at this high feste." And with that sat down the Kynge Ban that no more seide at that tyme. And whan Bertelays saugh he was forjuged and that he ne myght noon other wise do, he returned withoute moo wordes; for he durste not the jugement withsey, for the highest lordes of the worlde and the moste puyssaunt hadde it don. But yef eny other hadde it don, anoon he wolde the jugement have falsed. And thus wente Bertelais le Rous; but many a knyght hadde he hym to conveye to whom he hadde yoven many feire yeftes, for he hadde be a noble knyght and a vigerouse. And so he past forth on his journeyes that he com to the same abbey whereas was the false Gonnore; and ther he abode and sojourned longe tyme, and was in grete thought as he that cowde moche evell, how that he myght be avenged of the Kynge Leodogan and the Kynge Arthur that hadde hym thus forejuged. And for that fill to Arthur grete trouble and so grete discorde betwene hym and his wif that he lefte her longe tyme, as ye shull here in the seconde book of this processe, yef God will vouchsaf to graunte me so longe space to writen it. But now we must cesse of this mater and speke of the goode Kynge Arthur that is at Toraise in Carmelide with the Kynge Leodogan, and with the grete companye. Full myry lif ledde the Kynge Arthur with his wif eight dayes. And the neynthe day after that he was spoused, he cleped his barouns and badde hem make hem redy to ride, for he was in talent for to repeire into the reame of Logres; and thei seide that thei were all redy to ride. And than the kynge toke Gawein in counseile and seide, "Feire nevew, take with yow as many of youre companye that ther leve here but five hundred, for I will come ride after stilleche and esely. And ye shall go to Logres, my chief citee, and ordeyne redy alle thinges that is nessessarie, and of vitaile and of deynteis as ye may, so that nothinge ne faute. And sendith fer and nygh that I will holde court this mydde August, the richest that I may." "Sir," seide Gawein, "I have drede lest ye be encombred be the wey of some maner peple." "Of that have ye no drede," quod the kynge, "but go ye in all haste." Than departed Sir Gawein from his uncle and com to his felowes, and bad hem to make hem redy for to ride. And thei wente to theire hostelles and hem armed; but firste thei toke leve of the Kynge Leodogan and of the barouns of Carmelide; and thus departed Gawein fro the courte, he and his companye. And the Kynge Arthur abode with five hundred men, whereof two hundre and fifty were Knyghts of the Rounde Table. And Gawein and his companye com to Logres. But Gawein was ever pensif for his uncle that he hadde lefte in Carmelide, that hym sholde eny thinge myshappe upon the wey, for he hadde fer contrey to ride that marched into his enmyes er he com into his londe in safté. And he hym hasted to do the kynges comaundement, and sente to alle hem that the kynge loved that thei sholde come to his court at the myddell of August. And eche made hym redy to come to court as strongely as thei myght. And Gawein ordeyned that vitaile com on alle parties with cartes and chariettis, that he stuffed so well the citee as longed to soche a feste, as he that full well coude hym entermete that nothinge ne failed. For as the storye seith, he was oon of the beste knyghtes and wiseste of the worlde, and therto the leste mys- speker and noon avauntor, and the beste taught of alle thinges that longeth to worship or curtesie. And whan he hadde made all redy, he toke his wey toward his uncle, for grete drede he hadde of that he sholde be distrobeled on the wey of some peple. But now we shull a while cesse of hym and his companye and speke of the Kynge Arthur. The thridde day after that Gawein was departed from the Kynge Arthur his uncle, the kynge toke his wey towarde the Castell of Bredigan, he and his wif, and in her companye was the Kynge Ban of Benoyk and the Kynge Bohors of Gannes that was his brother and the beste knyght that eny man neded to seche; and so ther were two hundred fifty Knyghtes of the Rounde Table that alle were feed men with the Kynge Leodogan. And the queene hadde so praied Sir Amnistian, that was chapelein with the Kynge Leodogan hir fader, that he com with hir and was sithen hir chapelein longe tyme. And so ledde Gonnore hir cosin, that was feire and debonaire and amyable to alle peple, and Sadoyne hir brother, that was elther than she and castelein of Daneblaise the noble citee. And as soone as the Kynge Arthur was departed oute of the reame of Carmelide, the Kynge Loot hadde knowinge by his a**pies. And he and his knyghtes rode agein hym and hem enbusshed in the Foreste of Sapernye. And [he] seide that ther sholde he abide the Kynge Arthur and take from hym his wif, yef he myght. But of hym we shull now cesse, and speke of the Kynge Arthur that was departed oute of Carmelide. And the storie seith how the Kynge Leodogan conveyed hem thre dayes hole, and the fourthe day he returned into his reame. And than com Merlin to the Kynge Arthur and toke leve and seide that he sholde go to his maister Blaase, for longe hadde he hym not seyn; and the kynge hadde well spedde of that he hadde for to done. Than seide the kynge, "Merlin, feire frende, shull ye not be at my court at Logres?" "Yesse," seide Merlin, "I shall be ther er it departe"; and therwith eche of hem comaunded other to God. But he was but litill wey thens whan no man wiste where that he was becomen. And Merlin wente to Blaase the same nyght, and he hym resceyved with grete joye whan that he hym saugh. And Merlin tolde hym alle the aventures that were falle seth that he departed; and he tolde hym how the Kynge Loot was enbusshed in the Foreste of Sapernye, and tolde hym other thinges inowghe that after befill in the reame of Logres. And Blaase hem wrote as he tolde, and by his booke have we the knowinge. But now cesseth to speke of Merlin and Blase, and speke of Arthur. Whan the Kynge Arthur was departed from the Kynge Leodogan, and Merlin also, as ye have herde, he rode with five hundre men of armes, and ledde with hym his wif Gonnore the queene. And he rode smale journeyes till he com into the Foreste of Sapernye, whereas the Kynge Loot was enbusshed with seven hundre men of armes. And the gromes that ledde the somers wiste never worde till that thei were fallen even amonge hem. And as soone as thei saugh thei were men of armes, thei wiste well thei were not well come. Than thei abode and wente no ferther, and sente to the Kynge Arthur that thei hadde founde men iarmed. Whan the kynge saugh that he was aspied, he alight on foote and made his peple come aboute hym and ordeyned for bataile; and comaunded forty knyghtes to kepe the queene and bad hem lede hir to garison yef thei saugh nede. And than thei ride forth, her heedes bowed down undir theire helmes redy hem to diffende, yef thei founde eny peple to stoppe hem the wey. And so thei ride till thei dide falle upon the wacche; and the Kynge Arthur was before in the firste frounte, and the Kynge Ban and the Kynge Bohors and the Knyghtes of the Rounde Table. And the Kynge Looth spronge oute with seven hundre men of armes and com hem ageins theire spers, agein the a**els of the sadeles, and the sheldes be -fore theire breste, as faste as horse myght renne. And hem ascride so high that all the foreste resounded; and these other com upon hem boldely with sharpe trenchaunte speres, and mette togeder upon sheldes that many of hem perced and slitte. Many were throwe to grounde on bothe sides, and many ther were that brake theire speres and pa**ed forth withoute fallinge. And whan the spers were spente, thei drowgh oute theire swerdes and begonne the bateile right grete, that never of so fewe peple ne saugh no man so fierce bateile, for thei were full noble knyghtes upon bothe parties. And so longe it lasted that the Kynge Arthur and the Kynge Looth mette togeder with speres in hande, and lett renne that oon agein that other so harde as horse myght renne, and mette so harde togeder with speres upon sheldes that the spere poyntes stynte at the hauberkes. And thei theron shof with all theire force, and the Kynge Loot brake his spere, and the Kynge Arthur smote hym so harde that he bar hym to grounde over his horse croupe; but soone was he lepte upon foote as he that was of grete prowesse, and drowh his swerde and covered hym with his shelde and was so doelfull that nygh he yede oute of witte for that he was overthrowe be the myght of a knyght alone, for he was not acustomed for to falle often. And the Kynge Arthur hadde made his returne and com toward the Kynge Loot gripinge his spere, for he coveited to take hym quyk. And whan the Kynge Looth saugh hym come, he glenched aside and Arthur failed of hym and past forth; and in the pa**inge the Kynge Loot smote Arthurs horse in the bely thourgh the guttes. And Arthur fill to grounde, and his horse upon his body that his thigh was betwene the horse and the grounde so that he myght not arise. And the Kynge Loot sterte to and caught hym by the helme and drough and pulled all that he myght, and sore hym peyned for to smyten of his heede. And soone ther sholde have be so grete damage that never myght it have be restored, but as the Kynge Ban and the Kynge Bohors and the Knyghtes of the Rounde Table com fiercely upon the peple of Kynge Loot, and began sore bateile and harde so that ther was noon but that he hadde inough to done. And so thei peyned hem on both parties that the two kynges be remounted, and begonne the stour grete and merveillouse. But at grete myschef were the peple of Kynge Arthur, for the Kynge Loot hadde two hundre knyghtes moo than hadde Kynge Arthur. With that com Sir Gawein with foure score felowes well armed, and Kay the Stiwarde bar the baner. And Arthur behielde and saugh Gawein come and knewe hym well by his armes, and also Kay the Stiwarde be the baner that he bar in his handes that sore desired the a**emble, as he that was hardy and enterpendaunt and right sure, ne hadde ben oon tecche that he hadde, for that he was copiouse of langage in his disporte for the jolynesse that was in hym and the myrthe; for he was ever bourdinge and japinge in game, and was the beste felowe in companye that eny man knewe. And for that ever he wolde of custome borde of the sothe, hym hated many a knyght for the shame that thei hadde of his wordes; and therfore he myshapped in many a place, for the knyghtes that he had scorned in myrthe didde hym after grete annoye. But a trewe knyght was he ever agein his lorde, and agein the queene, ever into the ende of his deth. Ne never in all his live dide he treson saf oon, and that was of Lohoot, the sone of Kynge Arthur, that he slough for envye in the Foreste Perilouse; and for that Percevale ly Galoys was accused with grete wronge for the deth of the same Hoot, like as an ermyte hit tolde after, that hadde seyn all the dede. Whan the Kynge Arthur saugh Gawein his nevew come so fiercely, his herte aroos for grete joye that he hadde. Than he com to the Kynge Ban and seide, "Sir, se how riche socour to us cometh! Knowe ye not hym that rideth before upon the blakke stede that gripeth the grete spere under the shelde of goolde and azur, ther- ynne a lyon rampaunt?" And the Kynge Ban beheilde and seide, "Who is it? Telle me, for I knowe hym not, saf that me semeth it sholde be Gawein youre nevew." "Certes," quod Arthur, "he it is, and now may I me avaunten that in evell tyme come these us for to a**ailen; for yef thei were yet as many moo, thei myght not agein us endure, yef God hym diffende from evell, he and his companye." "Trewly," seide the Kynge Ban, "thei be not wise yef thei hym abide till that he be amonge hem medled." And while thei spake thus togeder com Gawein all before gripinge his grete spere. And whan he com nygh, he knewe well his uncle and saugh that he hadde grete myster of socour; and than he spronge in amonge hem rudely as tempest of thunder. And [it] fill that he mette with his fader the Kynge Loot that newliche was sette on horse and heilde a stronge spere. And [he] com agein hym as moche as the horse myght renne, and [thei] mette togeder upon the sheldes with all theire forces. And the kynge brake his spere upon Gaweins shelde, and Gawein smote hym agein so harde that he perced shelde and hauberke and wounded hym somwhat in the lifte side that the blode folowed after. And the kynge fill so harde to grounde that he wiste not wheder it was day or nyght. And Gawein paste forth rudely withoute arestinge; and whan he was returned agein, he fonde his fader lyinge on the erthe upright; and he rode over hym on horsebak thre or foure tymes, and broused hym sore and foule that nygh he was therwith slayn. And than Gawein alight and pight his spere in the grounde and drough oute Calibourne his goode swerde that shone bright and clier. And [he] com to the Kynge Loot that yet lay upright, and plukked hym by the helme and raced it of his heede so harde that on his nose and his browes it was well seene, for he was hurte right sore. And than he avaled the coyf of his hauberke benethe his shuldres, and seide that he was but deed but yef he wolde yelde hym to prison. And he was so anguysshous that litill he hym ansuerde; nevertheless, he dide hymself enforce so that he seide with grete sorowe at his herte, "Ha, sir gentilman, ne sle me nought! For never dide I forfet agein thee wherfore that thow sholdest me sleen." "Yesse," quod Gawein, "that haste thow, and alle thi companye that have a**ailed myn uncle for to distrouble him his weye." "How so?" quod Kynge Loot. "Who be ye that calle hym youre uncle?" "What is that to thee what I am? Me liste nothinge thee to telle. But do anoon that as I thee sey, or thow art deed. And alle these other that ben in thi companye shull dye, and shull curse the tyme that ever thei were of moder born." "Telle me," quod the Kynge Loot, "who ye ben, for the love of that ye love moste in this worlde." "But what art thow," quod Gawein, "that this doste me demaunde?" Quod he, "Myn name is Looth, a caitife kynge of Orcanye and of Leonoys, to whom nothinge doth falle but myschef, ne not hath don longe tyme. Now telle me youre name what ye be." And whan Gawein undirstode verily that it was his fader, anoon he nempned his name and seide his name was Gawein, the nevew of Kynge Arthur. And whan the Kynge Loot herde that, anoon he lepte up and wolde have clypt him in his armes and seide, "Feire sone, ye be welcome; and I am the sorowfull caitif youre fader that ye have thus viliche overthrowen." And Gawein bad hym drawe hym ferther arome, for his fader sholde he not be ne his goode frende till that he were acorded with the kynge his uncle, and hadde cried hym mercy for his forfet, and than do to hym homage seynge alle his barouns. "For othirwise, loke never to truste in me, for elles shull ye leve noon other wedde saf youre heed." And than the Kynge Looth sowowned and fill down to the grounde; and whan he awoke of swownynge, he cride hym mercy and seide, "Feire sone, I will do all that yow may plese; and holde here my swerde, for I yelde it to yow." And Sir Gawein, that therof hadde grete pité, hit toke with gladde chere and myri, and wepte right tendirly water with his iyen undir his helme, for sore he repente in his herte of that he hadde so hurte his fader. But as moche as he myght, he kepte hym so that he was not aperceyved. Than thei com bothe to theire horse, and lept up and com to theire peple, and hem departed. But fowlé were the Kynge Loothis men overleide, for the Knyghtes of the Rounde Table and the Felowes of Sir Gawein hadde hem so evyll beseyn at the first metynge that moo than forty thei hadde felde to grounde that thei hadde no power to remounte. And Sir Gawein com and hem departed; and than wente Gawein to Arthur his uncle. And as soone as the kynge saugh hym come, he com hym ageins and seide, "Feire nevew, ye be welcome. Wherefore be ye come into this parties? Wiste ye eny thinge of this awayte?" And Gawein seide that he douted hit sore, "For I myght never be in hertes ese till I hadde yow seyn; and oure Lorde God," quod he, "now be thanked and honoured of this a**emble; for it is the Kynge Looth my fader with whom that ye were in medlé. And now hit is so befallen that he is come to crye yow mercy as to his liege lorde erthly, for the trespa**e that he hath done agein yow. And therfore resceyveth his homage like as ye owe for to do, for he is here all redy hit to performe and do." Whan the Kynge Arthur that herde, he joyned his handes toward hevene and thanked God of the worship that He hadde hym shewed. And with that com the Kynge Loot and his knyghtes down the medowes alle on foote, and hadde don of theire helmes from theire heedes and valed theire coiffes of mayle upon theire sholderes and com full symple. And whan Gawein saugh his fader come before, he seide to his uncle, "Sir, lo here my fader cometh to yow for to do homage." And anoon the Kynge Arthur sette foot to the grounde and alle the other barouns after. And the Kynge Loot com before Arthur and sette hym on his knee, and hielde his swerde be the poynte as he that hadde forfeted; and seide, "Sir, I yelde me here to youre mercy as he that hath often agein yow forfeted, and dide yow never but grevaunce and annoye. Now do yowre plesire of me and of my londe." And ther becom the Kynge Loot liegeman to the Kynge Arthur before alle his barouns; and a**ured his feith to do hym servyse whan that he hym comaunded. Than Arthur toke hym be the right hande and made hym to arise on his feet and seide, "Sir, stondeth up, for longe inough have ye kneled, for I ought it yow to pardon for that ye be so worthi a man. And a gretter forfet than this is, for thowgh that I have hated yow never so dedly, ye have here soche children that have do me soche servise that I may have no will to do yow noon evell. And therfore I offre here to yow all thinge that is myn at youre volunté, for the love of Gawein youre sone that I love beste of eny knyght that is in the worlde. And ther be here two knyghtes that I owe to love as wele, and bothe ben thei kynges that moche have me socoured in grete nede." And he stode up and seide, "Sire, gramercy." Thus was made pees betwene Kynge Loot and the Kynge Arthur. And than thei lepe to theire horse gladde and joyfull of this aventure, and riden so by here journeyes till thei com to Logres, where thei were resceyved with the grettest joye of the worlde. And every day the peple dide encrese, for the dwellers of the contrey com thider for drede of the Saisnes that hem distroyed and the londe. And ther was so grete prees of peple that many behoved to loigge in the medowes. And whan the Kynge Arthur saugh so grete plenté of peple, he was gladde and myry and seide that he wolde holde court open and enforced, and sente by his messangers that alle sholde come to his court roiall. And on the morowe the Kynge Loot dide his homage to the Kynge Arthur, and made his oth in the chief mynster, seinge alle the peple, that was right grete and huge. And the Kynge Arthur refeffed hym agein in his londe that he hadde before, to hym and to hys heires forever more; and who that dide hym eny wronge he sholde hym supporte to his power. And [he] resceyved hym gladde and jocunde as a noble man; and fro that day forth were thei goode frendes all her lif. And whan the ma**e was seide, thei com agein to the paleyse and yede to mete; and thei were well served and richely. And after mete wente the knyghtes to se the medowes and the river and the tentes and the pavilouns that were pight withoute the town, for ther were many full feire and riche. And [in] this disporte and solace were thei eight dayes hool. And the peple dide sore encrece, for the kynge dide hit comaunde for that he wolde holde court roiall and plentevouse, and bere crowne he and his wif at the mydde of August. And whan it com to the evene that the feeste sholde begynne on the morowe, Arthur yaf his yeftes soche as to hym apertened, of horse and palfreyes and armour and money as golde and silver, for he hadde plenté. And the queene yaf hem robes fressh and newe, as she that well hadde therfore ordeyned and moche cowde of honour and all curteysie, that alle peple hadde hir in so grete love that hem thought thei hadde recovered the lady of alle ladyes. And yef the knyghtes hadde riche presentes, the ladyes and dameselles hadden also, and maydenes bothe fer and nygh. And so spradde the renoun thourgh every contrey of Arthur, that the princes that weren with hym wroth wisten of the pees that the Kynge Loot hadde made with the Kynge Arthur, and how he sholde holde his court roiall at the myddill of August, and that alle peple were thider somowned. And some of hem seiden se -cretly to theire counseile that thei wolde gladly have spedde in the same manere as the Kynge Loot hadde done. And some ther were of hem that thoughten in theire hertis and praied to God that thei sholde never dye on no deth er thei were acorded with the Kynge Arthur, "For all this trouble and myschef that is fallen unto us is com thourgh the synne that we have don agein God and forfet to hym." Thus seide oon to another. And the Kynge Arthur was in his maister citee in joye and solace, as ye have iherde. And whan it com to the day of the myddill August, thider com alle the knyghtes to the courte clothed and araied in the richest robes that thei hadden. And the queene was appareiled, she and hir ladyes and maidenys and dameseles, richely as longeth to soche an high feeste. And whan thei hadde ronge to high ma**e, thei wente alle to the mynster and herde the servise that the archebisshop dide singe. And that day bar Arthur crowne, and the Queene Gonnore his wif. And the Kynge Ban and the Kynge Bohors were crowned also for the love of hem. And after ma**e thei com to the halle where the clothes were leyde; and the lordes were sette thourgh the halle as thei owe for to be. That day served Gawein at the high deyse theras the foure kynges seten. And Kay the Stiward, and Lucas the Boteller, and Sir Ewein le Graunt the sone of Kynge Urien, and Gifflet, and Ewein Avoutres, and Segramor, and Dodinell le Savage, and Kay Destranx, and Kehedins ly Bens, and Kehedins le Petit, and Ayglyns des Vaux that was his brother, and Galegantius the Walsh, and Blyoberis, and Galescowde, and Colegrevaunt, and Lanval, and Aglovall, and Ewein Esclains, and Ewein de Lionell, and Ewein White Hande, and Guyomar, and Synados, and Gosevain Hardy Body, and Agravain the Prowde, and Gueheret, and Gaheries, and Acon de Bemonde - and alle these twenty-one served at the high deyse. And forty other yonge bachelers served at other tables therynne. And thei were so well served of alle maner thinges that never peple were better. And whan alle the meesse were served in, than spake the Kynge Arthur so lowde that alle that were in the halle myght it heren, and he seide: "Now lordinges, alle ye that ben come here into my courte me for to gladen and counforte, I yelde yow graces and thonkinge for the honour and the joye that ye have me don, and that ye be come for to do. And I do yow to wite that I will stablissh to my courte alle the tymes that I shall bere crowne, that never from hensforth shall I not sitte to mete into the tyme that I here some straunge tydinge or elles some aventure, be soche forwarde, that yef it be myster, I shall do it to be redressed by the knyghtes of my court, whiche for prise and honour hiderto repeire, and ben my frendes and my felowes and my peres." And whan the Knyghtes of the Rounde Table herde this avow that the kynge hadde imade, thei spake togeder and seiden, "Seeth that the kynge hath made avow in his courte, hit behoveth that we make oure avow." And thei acorded alle to oon thinge, and therwith thei charged Nascien to reherse it before the kynge. Than wente alle the Knyghtes of the Rounde Table; and Nascien began to speke before the kynge so high that thei alle myght here that were in the halle. "Sir," seide Nascien, "the Kynghtes of the Rounde Table be come here to God and in youre audyence and to alle the barouns that here ben. Inasmoche as ye have made avow, thei make here another that shall ever endure while her life lasteth, that yef eny maiden have eny nede, or come to youre courte for to seche helpe or socour by so that it may be acheved by the body of oon knyght agein another, thei will with goode will go into what contrey she will hem leden hir for to delyver, and make alle the wronges to be redressed that to hir hath be done." And whan the kynge this undirstode, he asked of the Knyghtes of the Rounde Table yef thei dide graunte to that as Nascien hadde seide. And thei seiden, "Ye." And to this thei wolde be sworn hit for to mayntene, and not to spare for lif ne for deth. And than began the joye gretter than it hadde byfore. And whan Gawein undirstode the joye that thei maden for the avowes that were ther istablisshed, he seide to his felowes, as he that cowde all norture and curtesie, "Sirs," seide Gawein, "yef eche of yow will acorde to that I shall seyn, I shall ofre soche avow wherof shall come to yow and to me grete honour alle the dayes of oure lif." And thei ansuerde and seide that thei wolde graunte and a**ente to alle that ever he wolde speke with his mowthe. "Than," quod he, "a**ureth me youre feith to holde me companye." And anoon thei hym a**ured, and were twenty-four be counte. Whan that Sir Gawein hadde take the feith of his felowes, he come before the Queene and seide: "Madame, I and my felowes be come to yow and praye yow and requere that ye will withholde us to be youre knyghtes and youre meyné. That whan thei come in eny strange contrey to seche loos and pris, yef eny man hem aske with whom thei be and of what londe, than thei may seyn of the reame of Logres and be the Knyghtes of Queene Gonnore, the wif of Kynge Arthur." Whan the queene undirstode this, she dressed hir upstondinge and seide, "Feire nevew, gramercy to yow and to hem alle, for I yow resceyve with gladde chere as lordes and my frendes; and as ye offre yow to me, so I offre me to yow with trewe herte. And I pray God, lete me so long lyve that I may yow guerdon of the worship and the curtesie that ye promyse me for to do." "Madame," seide Gawein, "we be alle youre knyghtes. And ye have us withholde, God it yow quyte. Now shull we make avow: that what man or woman cometh to yow for to seche socour or helpe ageyn the body of oon knyght, he shall not faile to have oon of us to delyver hym body for body, and go with hem into what contrey thei will us bringe. And whiche of us so it be that take eny soche journey on hande, and hit happe that he come not agein withynne a moneth, eche oon of us shall go for to seche hym sool by hymself a yere and a day withoute repeire to courte, but yef withynne that terme he can bringe trewe tydinges of his felowe. And whan thei be come to court, everyche shall telle his aventures that hym befalleth in the tyme, whatsoever thei be, gode or evell; and thei shull be sworn to sey the trouthe of all, bothe in the goynge and in the comynge." Whan the queene undirstode the avow that Gawein hadde made, she was the gladdest woman in the worlde, and the kynge was glader than eny other that was in the courte. And for the kynge wolde comforte the queene he seide, "Dame, seth God hath ordeyned yow this honour to have so feire a companye, some curtesie moste I do for the love of hem, and also for the love of youre self. And wite ye wherof I putte in youre governaunce my tresour in soche maner that ye be lady and partyner of all at youre plesier." And whan the queene this herde, she kneled before the kynge and seide, "Sir, gramercy." And than the queene called Sir Gawein and seide, "Feire nevew, I will that foure clerkes be stablisshed hereynne that shull do nothinge elles but write the aventures that falle to yow and youre felowes, so that after youre deth it may be remembred the high prowesse of the worthi men hereynne." "Madame," seide Gawein, "I graunte." And than were ther chosen foure clerkes to write the aventures as thei fill into the courte fro thensforth. And than seide Gawein that he sholde not here speke of noon aventure but he sholde go to seche it; and he and his felowes sholde do so moche that thei sholde bringe therof trewe tidinges to courte. And so seiden the Knyghtes of the Rounde Table in the same manere. And allwey fro thensforth was Sir Gawein and his felowes called the Queenes Knyghtes. With that were the clothes taken up, and than began the joye right grete of oon and other therynne. But over alle other that were therynne was iherde Dagenet of Clarion, for he made gret myrthe amonge hem so that alle thei beheilde hym for merveile. But a fooll he was of nature, and the moste coward pece of flessh that was in the worlde. This Dagenet began to trippe and daunce and cried so lowde with high voyse and seide, "Tomorow shall I so seche these aventures," and seide to Gawein, "Will ye come? And ye, Sir Ewein and Segramor, will ye come thider that be so feire and moche? And ye lordinges of the Rounde Table? Certes, I trowe not that ye have the herte ne the hardynesse me for to sewen ther I shall go tomorowe." Thus seide Dagenet the Coward, and the knyghtes therat lowen and hadde grete game. And withoute faile, he hym armed many tymes and wente into the forestes and henge his shelde on an oke and smote it so that alle the colours were faded and the shelde tohakked in many places. And than wolde he seyn that he hadde slayn a knyght or tweyne; and whan he mette eny knyght armed, he turned to flight as fer as he myght here hym speke at the leeste. And many tymes fill yef he mette eny knyght erraunt that were pensif that spake no worde, he wolde take hym by the bridell and lede hym forth as he hadde hym taken. Of soche maners was Dagenet, and yet he was right a feire knyght and of high lynage, and yet it semed not by his countenaunce that he was soche a fooll.