Astrid Van Wieren - Welcome to the Rock lyrics


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Astrid Van Wieren - Welcome to the Rock lyrics

[Claude] (Spoken) On the North-East tip of North America, On an island called Newfoundland, There's an airport. It used to be one of the biggest airports in the world, And next to it is a town called Gander. (Sung) Welcome to the Rock if you come from away (Huh!) You probably understand about a half of what we say (Huh!) They say no man's an island, but an island makes a man [Claude & Beulah] 'Specially when one comes from one like Newfoundland [Company] Welcome to the Rock! [Beulah] (Spoken) That mornin' I'm in the cla**room It's our first day back and the school buses are on strike! So, I'm covering for Annette who's running late. [Annette] (Spoken) Sorry, Beulah! How's the kids? [Beulah] (Spoken) Not exactly thrilled to be inside on such a gorgeous day. So, I told 'em we'd only have a half day this mornin' And they were quite pleased Until I told 'em we'd have the other half in the afternoon! [Ganderian 1] Welcome to the wildest weather that you ever heard of! [Doug] Where everyone is nice, but it's never nice above [Annette] Welcome to the farthest place you'll get from Disneyland [Claude] Fish 'n chips and shipwrecks [Female Company] This is Newfoundland [Company] Welcome to the Rock! An Islander. I am an Islander. I'm an Islander. I am an Islander. I'm an Islander. I am an Islander. I'm an Islander. I am an Islander. [Oz](Spoken) That mornin' I'm in my car. The kids cross airport boulevard to get to school, And that time of day people are in a little bit of a rush To get to work and stuff, So, normally I sit there and run my radar (Whoop! Whoop!) And if they're speeding I'll stop 'em And write out a warning ticket I'll write S-T-F-D Slow the f** down! [Ganderian 2] Welcome to the land where the winters tried to k** us And we said: [Company] We will not be k**ed! [Ganderian 3] Welcome to the land where the waters tried to drown us And we said: [Company] We will not be drowned! [Janice] Welcome to the land where we lost our loved ones And we said: [Company] We will still go on! [Ganderian 4] Welcome to the land where the wind tried to blow! [Company] And we said no! [Bonnie] (Spoken) That mornin' I drop my kids off at school and head to the SPCA Where I'm greeted by my other kids All barkin' and meowin' for breakfast and a belly rub Not that I'm complaining, I loves them But by the time feeding's done I got to get back to pick up my human kids So I take just one second for myself and I'm sitting in my car [Annette](Spoken) I'm in the library [Beulah](Spoken) I'm in the staff room [Bonnie, Annette, & Beulah](Spoken) And I turn on the radio [Company] You are here At the start of a moment On the edge of the world Where the river meets the sea Here On the edge of the Atlantic On an island in between There and here [Oz](Spoken)/{Company} I'm running my radar {I'm an Islander} when Bonnie comes by {I am an Islander} She pulls up {I'm an Islander} And she is waving at me like mad {I am an Islander} So, I roll down my window {I'm an Islander} And she says: [Bonnie}(Spoken)/{Company} Oz, turn on the radio! {I am an Islander} [Oz}(Spoken)/{Company} Slow it down, Bonnie - {I'm an Islander} [Bonnie](Spoken) Jesus H, Oz! Turn on your radio. [Company] Where our story starts [Janice](Spoken) It's my first day at the station [Company] Where we'll end the night [Bus Driver](Spoken) I'm gettin' coffee for the picket line. [Company] Where we know by heart [Ganderian 5](Spoken) Five minutes 'til my smoke break [Company] Every single flight [Ganderian 6] I'm off to work at the airport [Male Company] Welcome to the fog Welcome to the trees To the ocean and the sky And whatever's in between To the one's who've left You're never truly gone A candle's in the window And a kettle's always on [Company] When the sun is coming up And the world has come ashore If you're hoping for a harbour Then you'll find an open door In the winter, from the water Through whatever's in the way To the one's who have come from away Welcome to the Rock!