Arthur Bell - Mankind United - Chapter XVII. Mankind United—And—The International 4-4-8-3-4 Club lyrics


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Arthur Bell - Mankind United - Chapter XVII. Mankind United—And—The International 4-4-8-3-4 Club lyrics

CHAPTER XVII. MANKIND UNITED —&— THE INTERNATIONAL 4-4-8-3-4 CLUB The name "Mankind United," selected as the title for this "Explanatory" bulletin, is also the name of the worldwide organization whose members will comprise the international audience of 200,000,000 men and women, now being formed for the Research Department of The International Institute of Universal Research and Administration, by The International Registration Bureau. Each purchaser of a copy of this volume, thereby simultaneously becomes an honorary member of "Mankind United," and as such, will be duly notified of the date of our Research Department's 30-day program. When said program date is officially announced, full instructions relative to the steps which you will be invited to take, in order to receive the proclamations and reports of the discoveries of The Institute's Research Department, and full instructions together with the necessary ballots containing one hundred (100) separate measures upon which you will be invited to vote at the conclusion of said free 30-day program—will be duly sent to you. YOUR MEMBERSHIP IN "MANKIND UNITED" IS ENTIRELY AN HONORARY ONE, AND THERE ARE NEITHER INITIATION FEES, DUES, NOR OBLIGATIONS OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER ATTACHED THERETO. Only the men and women who order one or more copies of this book, and who thereby become members of the group which will comprise our world-wide audience of 200,000,000 people (known as "Mankind United")—or those to whom a direct invitation is extended by The International Registration Bureau will be allowed to receive our 30-day program, or be permitted to vote upon the various measures pertaining to the formation of The Universal Service Corporation described herein. The world's intelligent clear-thinking people are fully aware of the fact that there is no justifiable reason for further "poverty or wars," and that there are more than enough agricultural and industrial leaders, efficient executives, highly trained and willing workers; more than enough machinery and mechanical inventions—(together with millions upon millions of years of "unused resources")—ready to be co-ordinated for the limitless use of all mankind,—and it is well known that all of these advantages are available just as soon as a sufficient number of "independent," "clear-thinking," "courageous" men and women, "simultaneously demand" that such resources immediately be used for the equal benefit of all. YOUR PURCHASE OF A NUMBER OF COPIES OF THIS BOOK—FOR CIRCULATION AMONG YOUR MANY FRIENDS AND ACQUAINTANCES—WILL CONSTITUTE AN EXPRESSION OF "YOUR" RECOGNITION OF THIS FACT. Those who co-operate with us towards the fulfillment of this program, will have the satisfaction of having helped to bring to pa** a result more vital, more important, and more lasting than the economic accomplishments of any individual or group of individuals—heretofore known—throughout all of human history. Although it may seem to be but a "very little thing" that you are doing, in aiding this volume to circulate through the hands of the world's clear-thinking people, nevertheless the cumulative effect of many millions of men and women granting such cooperation, will inevitably result in the complete fulfillment of each and every one of the promises of freedom described herein. Men and women who may feel that they have had but little opportunity to render any service which might stand as "a lasting monument" to their memories, or be of permanent value to the human race,—or men and women who may feel that they are so far along in years that they have now very nearly "lived their lives"—and therefore that there is but little they could do to aid such an ambitious program as ours—should bear in mind the fact that no human being is "actually" of less importance than another. They should remember that if each "little drop of water" were to depreciate its importance and "linger in the sky"—instead of dropping upon our earth—all of human life would soon perish from our planet;—and so likewise (only to an "infinitely" greater extent) is the value of each of the earth's inhabitants in his or her relative importance to the progress and welfare of the human race. No adult is either "too young" or "too old," to do his full share of making it possible for us to develop an audience large enough to warrant the release of our research department's discoveries, proclamations and recommendations. When 200,000,000 people have each read and purchased a copy of this book, or other publications of The International Registration Bureau,—(as an indication to our research department of not only the interest but also the preparedness of public thought for the discoveries and information which they propose at that time to release to the human race,)—then, "and only then," can the promises described herein be brought to fulfillment by The International Institute of Universal Research and Administration; for only then will there be sufficient "unity of purpose"—evidenced by the world's right-thinking men and women—to warrant the release of our research department's indescribably important discoveries and recommendations. THE INTERNATIONAL 4-4-8-3-4 CLUB When you have purchased five (5) or more copies of this book—and have placed four of them in circulation through the Branch Registration Bureau which first brought our program to your attention, and have established your own bureau—you will be invited to form a branch of our International 4-4-8-3-4 Club. To those who are familiar with our program, this name will be an instant reminder of the goal towards which we are striving, and the benefits—which are partly described herein—relative to the immediate availability of a universal labor schedule of only (4) hours per day, (4) days per week, (8) months each year, with a (3) day per week and (4) months per year vacation period,—to which the numerals, "4-4-8-3-4," appearing in. the Club's name, refer. It will be necessary for us to form not less than eight million (8,000,000) of these Clubs, as avenues of direct contact with those who read and become interested in promulgating the message "Mankind United" contains. These "4-4-8-3-4 Clubs," will also provide an opportunity for men and women of similar interests, desires, and aspirations, to meet on the common ground of their "mutual desire" to aid our program, and to bring about the early formation of our requisite world-wide audience. When you form a branch of The International 4-4-8-3-4 Club, your membership will consist of the men and women who not only have read one of the copies of "Mankind United" which you may have purchased and personally put into circulation, but who also have purchased copies of said book from you, in order that they might thereby a**ist in the further promulgation of our message. No one will be eligible for membership in your branch of this Club, until he has complied with this qualification by purchasing at least one copy of said "Explanatory" bulletin through you, and has thoroughly studied the contents thereof. ALTHOUGH YOU WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO CHARGE EITHER INITIATION FEES OR DUES, NEVERTHELESS THE FORMATION OF ONE OF THESE CLUBS WILL NOT ONLY PROVIDE AN OPPORTUNITY FOR INTERESTING STUDY AND DISCUSSIONS RELATIVE TO OUR PROGRAM, BUT IT WILL ALSO PROVIDE SUITABLE FINANCIAL REMUNERATION IN EXCHANGE FOR YOUR EFFORTS, IF YOU SO DESIRE. FULL INFORMATION PERTAINING TO THE FORMATION OF A BRANCH OF OUR INTERNATIONAL 4-4-8-3-4 CLUB WILL BE FORWARDED TO YOU WITH YOUR FIRST PURCHASE OF A COPY OF "MANKIND UNITED."