Arthur Bell - Mankind United - Chapter XIV. Earnings—Hours—Education—Generous Benefits and Ample Vacations lyrics


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Arthur Bell - Mankind United - Chapter XIV. Earnings—Hours—Education—Generous Benefits and Ample Vacations lyrics

CHAPTER XIV. EARNINGS—HOURS—EDUCATION GENEROUS BENEFITS AND AMPLE VACATIONS A "guarantee" of financial independence and security for all can be a**ured by The Research Department of The International Institute of Universal Research and Administration within a period of but a few months after the formation of The Universal Service Corporation, and the fulfillment of this guarantee can start taking place within ninety (90) days from the date of its general worldwide acceptance. Thereafter, no man or woman on the face of this earth need suffer from a lack of this world's resources, nor be required to work over four (4) hours per day, four (4) days per week, or eight (8) months each year, in order to earn a living. Upon the acceptance of our Research Department's program, all adults will be guaranteed not less than three (3) days a week and four (4) entire months each year of vacation time with pay. All men and women will receive a minimum yearly salary of not less than three thousand ($3,000.00) dollars, which will gradually be increased to over ten times this amount as mankind's discoveries and capabilities are fully co-ordinated with efficient methods of production and distribution. Within a matter of months after the public's acceptance of the Corporation Charter of The Universal Service Corporation—(which will constitute the business vehicle of "Mankind United")—we will live in a world where no one will ever again be hungry, cold or homeless; a world in which one hundred million (100,000,000) men and women will spend their full working time planting and caring for gardens, parks and playgrounds, and preparing features of beauty for the enjoyment and happiness of all; a world where none need work more than twenty (20) years of their lives at the rate of four (4) hours per day, four (4) days per week, eight (8) months a year,—or if they prefer to work longer hours "each day,"—they will be required to work only ten (10) years during their lifetime, at the rate of eight (8) hours per day, four (4) days per week, eight (8) months each year. Thereafter, they will be free to travel in any part of the world they may desire to explore, or to develop their talents or further whatever other constructive ambitions they may possess, during the remainder of their lifetime here on our earth. WITHIN TEN (10) YEARS MANKIND CAN LIVE IN A WORLD IN WHICH PEOPLE WILL BE EDUCATED AND TRAINED FOR THE PRIMARY OBJECT OF DEVELOPING THEIR LATENT TALENTS AND CAPABILITIES, AND OF OBTAINING THE GREATEST POSSIBLE ENJOYMENT AND HAPPINESS FROM LIFE OF WHICH THEY ARE CAPABLE. "INDIVIDUAL" AS WELL AS "COLLECTIVE" WELL-BEING AND HAPPINESS, AND THE DEVELOPMENT OF NATURAL TALENTS, WILL BE CONSIDERED AS THE PRIMAL OBJECT IN LIFE. "JOY"—NOT "STRIFE"—WILL BE RECOGNIZED AS THE NATURAL EXPRESSION OF MAN. WE WILL LIVE IN A WORLD WHEREIN MAN WILL WORK PRIMARILY FOR THE PURPOSE OF ADDING TO HIS OWN HAPPINESS AND THE HAPPINESS OF HIS FELLOWMEN. HE WILL NO LONGER BE FORCED TO LIVE FOR THE "SOLE PURPOSE OF WORKING FOR BREAD TO GET THE STRENGTH TO WORK FOR MORE BREAD," UNTIL HE FINALLY TIRES OF THE ENDLESS STRUGGLE AND DIES. "MAN DOES NOT LIVE BY BREAD ALONE," NOR CAN HE EVER FIND HAPPINESS OR SATISFACTION IN A LIFE WHICH FORCES HIM TO CONSIDER ITS PREPARATION AS THE MOST IMPORTANT OBJECTIVE OF HIS EXISTENCE. Again we remind our readers that "right here on our earth" there is over one hundred (100) times as much land—capable of producing food—as mankind now cultivates. But in spite of this fact, over "five hundred million" (500,000,000) people are permitted to remain constantly hungry and over "thirty million" (30,000,000) of them to die of starvation annually. "Hunger and starvation" result solely from "Man's Inhumanity to Man,"—the general "blindness" of the ma** of human beings and the wealthy men's frequently complete ignorance of either the "letter" or the "spirit" implied by The Golden Rule. It has been complacently stated by economists—(who have learned so much, but whose wealthy clients have learned to do so little)—that enough food and enough material for clothes could be produced, stored and preserved, within a ten (10) year period, to feed and clothe the entire human family for the next "one hundred (100) years." Within the following ten (10) years, in order that the human race may guard against droughts, floods or other unforeseen calamities this will be done, upon mankind's acceptance of our Research Department's charter. However, except for some wholly "unheard-of" form of calamity, men need not ever be deprived of the seasonally grown and freshly prepared foods each year. NO FOOD WILL EVER AGAIN BE LEFT TO ROT IN THE FIELDS OR ON THE TREES, NOR BE THROWN INTO THE OCEAN, AFTER "MANKIND UNITED" HAVE FORMED THEIR "UNIVERSAL SERVICE CORPORATION." THOSE OF US WHO HAVE HAD AN ABUNDANCE OF THE GOOD THINGS OF LIFE AND YET HAVE STOOD BY AND WATCHED VAST QUANTITIES OF FOOD BEING DESTROYED WHILE OUR FELLOW BEINGS—IN A HUNDRED DIFFERENT PARTS OF THE EARTH—WERE STARVING TO DEATH, NEED NEVER AGAIN HIDE OUR HEADS IN SHAME OVER SUCH A TRAVESTY ON BROTHERLY LOVE. Mankind's most experienced farmers, ranchers and producers will have the satisfaction and worthy task of "directing" the production and preparation of vast quantities of food and clothing materials, and of seeing to it that every man, woman and child on this "bountifully fruitful earth" of ours has enough—and to spare—of varied and delicious foods to eat, and warm—"modern"—attractive clothes to wear. Over five hundred million (500,000,000) people will be kept busy in these various activities, during their four-hour work periods, producing and distributing the requirements of life for all mankind. There will be no idle architects or builders during the ten (10) year period immediately following the formation of "Mankind United" and "The Universal Service Corporation," nor any idle gardeners, inasmuch as all of the world's architects and over one hundred million (100,000,000) gardeners will be formed into a permanent department of The Service Corporation. Over two hundred million (200,000,000) architects, carpenters, building trade mechanics and furniture makers will be kept busy twenty-four (24) hours per day—in four (4) hour shifts—during the following ten (10) years, in order that, by the end of said period, every family on this earth will be enabled to live in a beautiful home, placed in the midst of a lovely park; a home which—if valued at today's valuation—would cost twenty-five thousand ($25,000.00) dollars or more, in buildings, furnishings and surrounding grounds. * As heretofore mentioned,—in addition to the major languages which the citizens of the various nations may desire to retain,—one universal language will also be taught. Within much less than ten (10) years' time the people of every land will be able to readily converse with one another, and the antagonisms resulting from the inability of people to understand each other's habits and customs will thereby be permanently uprooted. When this one language has been universally learned, most of the instruction in the various branches of human knowledge will be taught by "radio" and "television," and will emanate from one great central department of education. The brilliant scholars and most highly qualified instructors of every nation will meet together and select those most competent of their group to teach us all,—not only the desirable academic subjects of the day,—but also how to live more "intelligently" and "harmoniously" with one another. Such instruction will be amplified with free yearly travel—("during our entire lifetime")—to any part of the world we may either desire to visit, or be required to investigate as a part of the course of study we may individually be pursuing. "FREE" FACILITIES FOR TRAVEL WILL ADD MUCH TO OUR KNOWLEDGE, UNDERSTANDING AND APPRECIATION OF THE HABITS, CUSTOMS AND LIVES OF THE PEOPLES OF THE VARIOUS NATIONS, AND WILL QUICKLY DISPEL THE JEALOUSIES, ENVIES AND ANTAGONISMS WHICH NOW EXIST. "FREE TRAVEL," "AMPLE LEISURE" AND "ADEQUATE INCOME" WITH WHICH TO OBTAIN FULL ENJOYMENT FROM LIFE, WILL BE AVAILABLE TO EVERYONE ON THIS GLOBE, LONG BEFORE OUR TEN (10) YEAR PROGRAM HAS BEEN COMPLETED. Every normal man and woman on earth will be expected to spend an average of not less than one hour each work day studying some subject,—(according to each individual's selection),—either by means of radio broadcast, television, or directly under the personal supervision of qualified instructors. The nature of their instruction will be the best that the world can provide, for all nations will be searched for their most highly talented instructors in order that they may be made available for those who desire self-improvement. The acid tests of "proof and demonstration" will be applied to whatever we sow in the minds of our children, for only that which is constructive and good or true—and thereby "provable"—is worthy to be planted in the fresh clean young intellects of children. Neither war nor warriors,—nor any other kind of "murder" or type of "murderers"—will be glorified, nor those so engaged set up on pedestals for our children to copy as examples in the formation of their qualities of character. "CHRIST JESUS"—NOT "NAPOLEON"—A CHARACTER BUILDER, NOT A WHOLESALE MURDERER, WILL BE THEIR EXEMPLAR. THEY WILL BE TAUGHT TO "BUILD"—NOT TO "DESTROY." Only by "truly constructive thinking," will the superstitions and groundless fears of mankind be ultimately destroyed. It matters not how abundantly we supply man with "material possessions;"—such things are as but a frame to a picture. If men are not taught what constitutes true happiness—(and only truly intelligent thinking will reveal "true" joy to them)—all of our love-inspired efforts to bring peace, joy and progress to the human race would—within a generation or two—be swallowed up by "greed," insanely futile "mad ambition," and a renewed struggle for self-glorification, personal power and self-gain. Men would once more be under the hypnotic spell of self-centered ambitions;—once more they would be thinking that vast wealth, or selfish personal power, constituted the highway to happiness, and would again have forgotten that we all come here on an "equal" footing—"with no possessions"—and leave unable to take any of our accumulation of material objects with us., Once more men might forget that the world and those in it are not here for the purpose of providing pleasures and luxuries to some small handful of its population—or for the pleasure of some one man; but instead, are here that they might—through . their concerted efforts—a**ure joy and happiness to "all mankind," as well as to themselves. UNLESS SUBJECTS OF "TRUE MERIT" ARE TAUGHT, MEN WOULD SOON FORGET THAT IF THEY WOULD FIND HAPPINESS THEMSELVES, THEY MUST SHARE THIS WORLD'S BEAUTY AND BOUNTY EQUALLY WITH ONE ANOTHER. MAN'S ONLY GUARANTEE OF PERMANENT CONTENTMENT A N D JOYOUSNESS, RESTS SOLELY UPON HIS CAPACITY TO LEARN—THROUGH THE HIGHER CONCEPTS O F "BROTHERLY LOVE"—WHAT "TRUE HAPPINESS" REALLY IS; FOR SURELY IT CONSISTS AS MUCH IN "GIVING" AS IT DOES IN "GETTING." To a**ure mankind's permanent progress, every man, woman and child on this earth must be helped to recognize the importance of regularly studying and searching for wisdom, and of doing so a little "each day." Once man stops growing mentally, he starts growing sensually, and when he starts becoming a slave to his physical appetites and desires, he has lost all chance of finding either "peace" or "happiness" until he first destroys such taskmasters. Yes; the educational side of The Universal Service Corporation's program,—in its development and production of those things which will bring stability and happiness to the human race,—is indeed going to be by far the most vital and important of its many activities, and it will be but "barely starting" during the following 10-year period, on its endless journey of service. The name which the Sponsors of this movement selected in designating their organization as "The International Institute of Universal Research and Administration," is intended to convey the "universal" and "endless" nature of the program upon which you will be invited to vote during the 30 days of its final presentation to the public. During the 10-year period in which we have promised that all of the material needs of man will be met and—through the construction of adequate facilities—permanently a**ured to coming generations, The Universal Service Corporation's program of education will have only commenced. Organizing and co-ordinating the efforts of the world's most practical, capable and brilliant research economists, industrialists, agricultural experts, and engineers, is a task which any one of hundreds of outstanding business executives of this age could readily accomplish, once he had received the order and authority to "go ahead" from enough people who had definitely decided that they would give up their "questionable chances" of winning great wealth, power or prestige, in exchange for the a**urance of "guaranteed economic security" for all. Once two hundred million (200,000,000) clear-thinking intelligently industrious men and women have decided to make this exchange and accept, instead, an abundance of everything any "sane" person could desire—and the leisure time in which to live and enjoy life—then the task of bringing this result to pa** is a comparatively simple one, and one which any number of competent executives of today could readily accomplish. TEN YEARS IS AMPLE TIME FOR FULFILLING THE INSTITUTE'S PROMISES, AND ELIMINATING POVERTY, WAR, AND EVERY OTHER ACCURSED EFFECT OF "MAD AMBITION" AND "ANIMAL GREED" FROM THE FACE OF THIS GLORIOUSLY BEAUTIFUL PLANET. BUT WHEN THIS TASK HAS BEEN ACCOMPLISHED, AND THE MATERIAL NEEDS OF MEN ARE PERMANENTLY ASSURED, THEN MANKIND WILL HAVE ONLY BARELY STARTED UPON THE ADVENTURE OF LEARNING WHAT "LIFE" AND WHAT "HAPPINESS" TRULY MEAN. Those who believe that "Mankind United" can obtain a greater degree of security for the individual members of the human race than they could hope to win by their own unaided efforts, are asked to accept the "free gift" of our Research Department's 30-day World-wide Program; during which time they will learn how the establishment of a great Universal Service Corporation can be quickly brought to pa**,—and without "bloodshed," "revolution" or the use of "brute force" of any kind. The people who attend our program, will neither be asked to buy stock nor to make any sacrifices other than to spend a few hours of their time in order that they may thereby obtain sufficient information to vote intelligently upon the Corporation's charter. The undying gratitude of countless generations of human beings will follow the two hundred million (200,000,000) men and women who consent to become equal owners of "The Universal Service Corporation"—(and who will thereby unite as members and supporters of "A True Universal Brotherhood of Man")—for the movement which it will bring to pa**; namely,—"Mankind United"—will be preserved for all time to come, as a monument to the "20th Century Birth of Man" in the image and likeness of the divine qualities of intelligence which are his birthright. The names of these two hundred million (200,000,000) men and women,—and all others who unite with them during this generation,—will be preserved throughout countless thousands of years deeply engraved upon tablets of bronze and placed in a gigantic monument erected on the crest of one of the world's tallest peaks; a monument which will forever point upward to greater and grander monuments to the limitless potentialities of "Unity of Effort," when wedded to "Justice" and "Brotherly Love." In this eternal monument, there will be deposited and sealed within solid blocks of ageless granite—from century to century—each bit of demonstrable Truth or scientific knowledge discovered, tested, and demonstrated by the men and women of each successive generation, in order that their footsteps of progress,—(dating from mankind's first acceptance and "practical application" of Christ Jesus' "Sermon on the Mount" with its "Golden Rules" of human relationship),—may be traced by those of later generations, and may stand forth as an eternal proof to such future generations of the practical value of "Brotherly Love"—"Unity" and "Unselfed Service"—as compared to the "Each-Wolf-For-Himself" Private Profit System of our present generation. As an indisputable proof of the advantages gained when the inhabitants of the world unite as one family—"One for All and All for One,"—(and, although they may be living in separate and differently furnished rooms—or portions of the world—each individual receives the benefit of the efforts of all the others, and in turn shares the fruitage of his own talents with those who comprise the human family),—this monument will evidence to all future generations—and stand as a permanent reminder to them—that only when mankind had combined their talents and efforts for their "mutual welfare," had their progress been "uninterrupted and continuous"—unbroken either by wars, or other similarly destructive forces, or by any weakening of their unselfishly united energies. ALSO WITHIN THIS ETERNAL MONUMENT, WILL BE CONTAINED A HUGE MUSEUM FURNISHED WITH THE PROOFS AND EVIDENCES OF "MAD AMBITION," SELFISHNESS, GREED, JEALOUSY, HATE, REVOLUTIONS, WARS, AND THE COUNTLESS OTHER EXPRESSIONS OF UGLINESS WHICH CONSTITUTE "THE NATURAL FRUITAGE" OF "MAN'S INHUMANITY TO MAN"—(WITH ITS RESULTANT JEALOUSIES, ENVIES AND UNCONTROLLABLE HATREDS)—IN ORDER THAT THE PEOPLE OF ALL FUTURE GENERATIONS MAY THEREBY "TAKE HEED," AND THAT THEY MAY NEVER AGAIN BE TEMPTED BY FEELINGS OF "INDIVIDUAL SUPERIORITY," TO SUBSCRIBE TO THOSE HUMANLY CONCEIVED AND PERPETUATED RULES OF RELATIONSHIP BASED UPON THE "JUNGLE LAW" OF "THE SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST," WHICH THE WORLD NOW CALLS "RUGGED INDIVIDUALISM" AND ITS "PRIVATE PROFIT SYSTEM."