Arthur Bell - Mankind United - Chapter IX. Mankind's Self-Appointed Gods and the Monster Called “Greed” lyrics


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Arthur Bell - Mankind United - Chapter IX. Mankind's Self-Appointed Gods and the Monster Called “Greed” lyrics

CHAPTER IX. MANKIND'S SELF-APPOINTED GODS AND THE MONSTER CALLED "GREED" Is it not a fact that after we arrive here on earth, we are forced within a few short years to leave without ever having actually seen it, or viewed even a small part of its limitless attractions? It is not because of any lack of desire, or of facilities for travel; nor is it lack of appreciation or ingratitude on our part, which prevents us from growing acquainted with and enjoying all of the gloriously beautiful parts of our world home. NO, IT IS SOLELY THE INFLUENCES OF GREED AND SELFISHNESS WHICH WITHHOLD FROM US THE PRIVILEGE OF ENJOYING THE WORLD AND ITS LOVELINESS, FOR THEY SURELY BELONG AS MUCH TO ONE AS TO ANOTHER. To illustrate the practical importance of Christ Jesus' "Golden Rule," suppose someone were to give you, in common with a number of others, the free use of a palace surrounded with all manner of beautiful gardens, and possessing ample facilities for supplying you with whatever might add to your happiness; a**ume for the moment that the condition of your occupancy, and the use of this lovely estate, depended upon each of those to whom it had been offered, abiding in strict obedience by the rules of conduct implied by "Moses' Ten Commandments," and "Christ Jesus' Sermon on the Mount." Knowing that no one would be allowed to enjoy this estate who had not at first agreed to these rules of action—and realizing that the palace with its surrounding attractions belonged to another and was freely offered to you for your use,—subject however, to your acceptance of the rules of conduct governing those who occupied it, you would surely be most anxious to not misuse this gift nor be barred from its benefits by your failure to abide by the established laws of conduct. However, suppose you happened by chance occurrence, quite beyond your control, to make your first entrance into the palace by way of the kitchen door. You are met by one who has also been given the privilege of occupancy,—subject to the established rules of conduct and with no greater or lesser privileges than you,—and yet he meets you at the kitchen door with a ball and chain in his hands, which he fastens on your ankle. After fastening the other end of the chain at a point in the room where he knows that it will prevent you from getting out of the kitchen, he hands you a dish rag and tells you that the kitchen is now your home, and that it is the only part of the palace you are supposed to occupy. Knowing that you have been given the "equal use" of everything the estate contains,—and any rooms in the palace you might desire to enjoy,—you rebel at your confinement and gradually grow filled with bitterness, yet no ways of escape or means of breaking your chain present themselves. Under such circumstances, do you think that you could ever grow to really appreciate or know and truly love this beautiful home? Instead, wouldn't you after a time grow to almost hate your life, and also the one who had offered you the use of his lovely estate, feeling that somehow it got been offered to you in good faith at all? However, if your friend happened to be traveling in a far-off country and you did not know how to communicate with him, wouldn't you finally welcome even d**h itself as a means of escape? If, after a time, there were ten people chained up in the kitchen, and only "one" free to come and go throughout the palace, while the rest of you did the work, how long, do you suppose, would the ten of you "smilingly" take "his" statement and a**urances that the home was just as much yours as his, and that you should be very grateful for it, and should sing praises all the day long to the owner—your mutual friend—who had so graciously granted you the use of his great estate? If each day the one who was free would come into the kitchen,—(and after telling you how fortunate you were to have the use of the palace, he would then steal even the few particles of food you had been able to gather—and would torture and beat you for objecting to his cruelty)—aren't you inclined to think that you would spend your every waking hour in an attempt to figure out some way of breaking your chains? Knowing that the one who was free could not possibly bind you all at one time, and that once free you would never again be chained to the drudgery you had experienced, DO YOU THINK THAT YOU WOULD HESITATE TO AGREE WITH EACH OF THE OTHER TEN CHAINED IN THE KITCHEN WITH YOU, THAT WHEN YOU ALL HAD GAINED YOUR FREEDOM, YOU WOULD "EQUALLY" SHARE THE NECESSARY DUTIES OF MAINTAINING THE ESTATE, PROVIDED YOU ALSO WERE ASSURED BY EACH OF THE TEN THAT YOU WOULD BE ALLOWED TO ENJOY ALL OF ITS ATTRACTIONS LIKEWISE EQUALLY? You surely wouldn't fear the one unchained and free tenant, "once 'you all' had won your freedom and broken your chains,"—but—knowing his selfishness, greed and brutality, "you would wait until you all had broken your chains," before attempting to insist that he either do his share of the work or leave the palace to those who were willing to do so. Once you all were free, he wouldn't be a problem for your entire group, but if you tried to attack him singly he might. Being more familiar with the arrangement of the rooms in the palace, he could easily arrange a surprise attack and tie each of you up again, one by one, if you became separated from your group. Therefore, while you were chained up in the kitchen together, "and with ample day by day proofs of the free tenant's selfishness and cruelty," you would of course agree when free, to stay together in "one group," so that when you finally located him you would have no trouble in forcing him to either abide by the rules of conduct established for those who had been given the equal use of the palace, or insist that he go off to some corner of the grounds and live by himself. HOWEVER, EVEN HIS FORMER CRUELTIES WOULD NOT WARRANT YOU IN MAKING A SLAVE OF HIM, NOR IN DISOBEYING THE ESTATE'S "GOLDEN RULES" OF CONDUCT,—EVEN THOUGH REVENGE MIGHT ALMOST SEEM TO BE JUSTIFIED. This little illustration describes the experiences of the human race today, and indicates the steps mankind must take, if they are ever to gain their freedom from the bondage and slavery forced upon them by the small handful of the world's citizens who have succeeded in enslaving all of the rest of the earth's inhabitants, and limiting their use of the world and its infinitely varied resources by shackles of poverty and the menial tasks of life. There is no use in our attempting to attack the small group of fabulously wealthy and powerful citizens who have the rest of us in bondage, if we are going to do so singly or without organization. They can never be forced to obey the rules of life established by the wisdom of our Creator, until those of us who are willing to abide by such rules, are sufficiently large in number to insist upon obedience by all, and an equal sharing of the world's resources and benefits as well as its duties. Until such a time, there is little use in our expecting any privileges other than the duties of the kitchen. SHALL WE CONTINUE, CENTURY AFTER CENTURY, FEEDING THE MONSTER CALLED "GREED;"—A MONSTER WHICH IS FED WITH THE FIRST BORN OF OUR EVERY EFFORT, AND YET WHICH WE ARE NEVER ABLE TO SATISFY? The lust for power, wealth and flattery can never be satisfied, nor can you chain it up and k** an occasional one of its offspring, hoping thereby to put it under control. The causes of greed and their malignant family,—"Selfishness and Self-glorification,"—must be stricken from off the face of this globe and never be allowed to return. Laws must be pa**ed which will effectually prevent the production of any food upon which such monsters can feed. Constant rotation in office—equal distribution of the products of mankind's labor, and no individual ever again allowed to gain power, wealth, or an insane sense of superiority, constitute the only cure for greed and mad ambition. RECOGNIZING THAT MEN ARE STILL BUT CHANGEABLE LITTLE CHILDREN IN THEIR CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT, IT IS IMPERATIVE THAT AN ECONOMIC SYSTEM BE ESTABLISHED WHICH WILL FOR ALL TIME TO COME PREVENT THE WEAKNESSES OF HUMAN CHARACTER FROM WARPING AND DISTORTING THE LIVES OF THE BILLIONS UPON BILLIONS OF HUMAN BEINGS, TO WHOM THE USE OF OUR GLORIOUSLY BEAUTIFUL WORLD HOME IS EQUALLY GRANTED. Our arrow is not aimed at the heart of any individual or any group of individuals upon this globe,—for there is already far too great a variety of "cla** antagonism" and "hate,"—but it is drawn, and straining to be released, that it may pierce and destroy the vital spot of that worldwide parent of man's age-old woes,—that monster with the many names called "Greed"—"Self-glorification"—"Depraved Appetites"—"Jealousy"—"Envy"—"Hate"—"Murder"—"Power" and "Wasteful Wealth;"—in short, THE WORLD'S "GOLD AND SILVER"—"PRIVATE PROFIT" MONETARY SYSTEM. We do not live our lives for the purpose of self-glorification, for the Bible has truly stated that—"Ye shall have no other Gods before Me." Naught else should be glorified—for there is nothing worthy of glorification that is less in stature than the Creator of the entire universe, and it is God and His complete Creation which we should glorify,—not ourselves or some group of human beings. Possibly we will have earned a little credit or honor, when,—through united world efforts,—mankind have destroyed the swamps of filthy environment, the bondage and slavery to those indescribably cruel taskmasters—"Poverty and War"—which warp the souls of men and make them abhorrent. When we have destroyed those forces which make life so needlessly confused and hopeless, and cause men to either fear or hate their lives so greatly that suicide seems the only solution to their problems, and when thousands of suicides no longer occur each day in this country and other so-called civilized nations—and when peace and security—trust—confidence—gratitude and appreciation of each other's efforts have uprooted the causes of mankind's broken dreams and broken hearts—possibly then, there might be some slight justification for a "little" self-glorification. Millions of tons of food are thrown away daily in order that prices may be held up to a level where manipulators in the world's food supplies can gain a speculative profit, while not only in the foreign so-called uncivilized nations of the world, but also in our own country, people are going hungry each day. YES! WE CERTAINLY ARE AN ENLIGHTENED PEOPLE, AND OUR PRECIOUS PRIVATE PROFIT SYSTEM A GREAT BOON TO MAN. THE WORLD HAS HAD THOUSANDS OF YEARS TO BRING ABOUT SECURITY AND PROTECTION OF THE RIGHTS OF MEN, THROUGH THE APPLICATION OF THE SO-CALLED "PROFIT" SYSTEM, UNDER THE "EACH WOLF-FOR-HIMSELF PLAN,"—AND YET IT IS NO CLOSER TO THAT RESULT THAN IT WAS 10,000 YEARS AGO, NOR WILL IT BE 10,000 YEARS FROM NOW, UNLESS MANKIND EVOLVE A SYSTEM CAPABLE OF PREVENTING GREED AND SELFISHNESS FROM LOCKING THE DOORS OF OPPORTUNITY AGAINST THOSE WHO OCCUPY OUR WORLD. "MANKIND UNITED"—ONE SINGLE BROTHERHOOD OF MAN—"ONE FOR ALL AND ALL FOR ONE," WITH "ACTIONS" AS WELL AS "WORDS," AND THE WORLD NO LONGER A HOUSE DIVIDED AGAINST ITSELF,—AND BUILT UPON THE SHIFTING SANDS OF CHANGEABLE HUMAN CHARACTER,—BUT FINALLY ERECTED UPON A SYSTEM OF "EQUALITY" AND "GUARANTEED SAFEGUARDS" AGAINST THE FRAILTIES OF FALLIBLE HUMAN BEINGS, COMPRISES THE ONLY PLAN WHICH WILL EVER END EITHER WARS OR POVERTY. "SUCH IS THE PROGRAM OF THE INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF UNIVERSAL RESEARCH AND ADMINISTRATION." What is wrong with our "so-called leaders" throughout the world,—with our executives and powerful men of wealth? Have they become so coarsened through the development of their dissipated and depraved senses, that they can no longer see or hear the suffering going on around about them? Do they no longer either "see" or "hear," or does the maintenance of their luxurious physical ease mean more to them than the pitiable cries of hundreds of millions of helpless hungry human beings? Billions of men, women and little children who inhabit this planet century after century—barely existing—living utterly hopeless lives,—wretchedly oblivious to the gorgeous beauties of this infinitely glorious universe—solely because of their under-nourished souls, and starved little bodies,—and yet we sing the praises of leaders who order us to destroy food right before the eyes of these hunger tortured human beings. There is not "one" of the thousands of this world's competent executives, but who would be justifiably insulted if his ability to produce food, clothes and homes for the entire human family, and distribute them fairly and justly to mankind, were questioned,—provided he could be given absolute control of the production and distribution of the world's sources of supply, and ample facilities for distributing them,—and was allowed to do so "at actual cost figures" without "profit" or "speculative returns" to any one, but instead, for the "equal benefit" of all. Then if the world admittedly has sufficient executive talent, and recognized inexhaustibly abundant resources, why don't the world's executives use their talents for the accomplishment of such a result, and why have they failed to do so throughout the centuries? Mankind can only blame their suffering upon the falsities of an economic system which encourages insane human desires for personal glory, power or wealth, in those who would otherwise possess the talents and ability with which to meet the world's problem of production and distribution, and its educational and cultural development. "There is no other reason!" MORTAL MAN WAS NEVER INTENDED TO BECOME AN INDIVIDUAL PERSONALIZED "GOD OR RULER," WITH THE POWER OF SLAVERY OR FREEDOM, LIFE OR DEATH, OVER HIS FELLOW BEINGS. We have throughout all of our earthly history made the fatal mistake of permitting a sense of "self-importance" and "superiority" to be developed in men and women, and after cultivating such a sense, we have placed in the hands of such depraved, abnormal types of mentality, almost "unlimited power" and authority. This mistake has cost mankind the loss of countless generations of painful progress out of poverty and filth, and as the result of it, one civilization after another has been destroyed, during a period of thousands of years, by those who become insane with the lust for more, and ever more wealth and power.''! Mankind's division into tribes and nations with their consequent development of armaments, machines and powers of destruction, created under the lying guise of "self-preservation,"—(THOUGH ALWAYS ACTUALLY MACHINES OF CONQUEST, THAT THE WEALTHY MIGHT GAIN MORE WEALTH AND "INSANE MORAL IDIOTS" MORE POWER),—has, throughout the centuries, created mountains of "dynamite," with fuses scattered over the face of our planet. Anyone, (for the moment feeling a bit like a Napoleon),—by igniting these fuses, could succeed in blowing up a civilization. UP TO THIS PRESENT DATE IN HUMAN HISTORY THERE HAS NEVER BEEN A CIVILIZATION CAPABLE OF PREVENTING ITS OWN SELF-DESTRUCTION, AND THERE NEVER WILL BE, UNTIL ARMIES AND MACHINES OF DESTRUCTION ARE NO LONGER PERMITTED TO EXIST,—nor until mankind is finally united into one unselfish brotherhood, willing to live "One for All and All for One"—with each inhabitant of our planet desiring the security, independence and happiness of every other inhabitant—and willing to do his part of the task of bringing about this universal result; no one desiring nor striving for dominion over another, nor any form of self-glorification; each one joyously free, having an abundance of every good thing; and glad to be alive and to live and let live, with no desire for self-aggrandizement; each one striving to exceed his own former accomplishments, and not attempting merely to surpa** those round about him;—not seeking to prove his superiority "over others," but only his superiority over his own former attainments. A mad scramble, like so many "wolves,"—to see who can accumulate the greatest number and variety of possessions, eat the most food, wear the most clothes, have the most money,—does not constitute a type of ambition worthy of "intelligent creatures," nor would man be motivated by such false and unsatisfying goals were it not for the limitations and forms of bondage forced upon him by our existing economic system. THE ONLY AMBITION WORTHY OF MAN, IS TO CEASELESSLY STRIVE TO UNDERSTAND FROM WHENCE HE CAME, WHY HE IS HERE, AND THE ULTIMATE DESTINY AND PURPOSE OF LIFE; IN OTHER WORDS, WHERE HE IS GOING. Recognizing that all of human progress has come "first in the form of an idea" appearing to the consciousness of some individual,—either as a mechanical invention, a new design for homes, or the vision of harmony gained by way of a musical composition, a poem, or a beautiful painting,—men should strive to understand more about the source from whence ideas emanate. ALWAYS HAS THE AVENUE,—THROUGH WHICH EVERY DESIRABLE OBJECT OF LIFE HAS REACHED MANKIND,—CONSISTED OF "MEN'S THOUGHT PROCESSES"—THE NATURE OF THEIR THINKING. THE MOTIVES INSPIRING THOUGHT—THE VISIONS WHICH PROMPT MEN TO STRIVE UNCEASINGLY TOWARDS THE ATTAINMENT OF SOME HIGH AND WORTHY GOAL—HAVE ALL COME BY WAY OF THOUGHT. IS IT NOT TRUE THEN, THAT THE ONLY AMBITION TRULY WORTHY OF MAN, CONSISTS IN LEARNING HOW TO "THINK" MORE CONSTRUCTIVELY, MORE INSPIRINGLY, MORE BEAUTIFULLY? Inasmuch as such a statement is indisputably true, should not "the combined efforts of mankind" be directed towards the establishment of an economic system and the pa**ing of laws, rules and regulations, controlling the conduct of men in their relationships with one another, in such a manner that no slightest hindrance or obstruction would even momentarily delay man's progress towards the goal of intelligent right thinking? NO CONDITION SHOULD BE PERMITTED TO EXIST WHICH WOULD FORCE US TO A LOWER LEVEL IN THE USE OF OUR THOUGHT FACULTIES THAN THAT OF WHICH WE ARE WORTHY. SURELY MEN ARE WORTHY OF THOUGHTS OTHER THAN JUST THOSE PERTAINING TO THE ACCUMULATION OF FOOD AND THE SATISFACTION OF THEIR ANIMAL DESIRES. We do not spend hours each day pumping air into warehouses, nor keep hundreds of thousands of men and women busy with bookkeeping entries to record the amount of air we have accumulated, and yet it is very apparent that no one on earth today has learned how to get along without air. But the reason we are not ceaselessly contemplating the importance of air, and morbidly concentrating our entire efforts upon its accumulation, is traceable to the fact that it exists in such limitless abundance that it is wholly unnecessary to waste either time or effort thinking about its accumulation,—other than to be sincerely grateful for the fact that it is free for our use, and does not require any struggle for us to each receive our individual share of it. SURELY NEITHER FOOD NOR CLOTHES ARE OF ANY GREATER IMPORTANCE OR ANY MORE ESSENTIAL TO OUR EXISTENCE THAN AIR! THEN WHY SHOULD IT BE, THAT WE HAVE ADVANCED NO FARTHER THAN THE SAVAGES OF ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND (100,000) YEARS AGO, WHOSE ENTIRE LIVES CONSISTED OF DEVISING WAYS AND MEANS OF GETTING FOOD;—SINCE—WITH OUR PRESENT DAY MACHINERY—THE EARTH COULD READILY BE MADE TO PRODUCE A HUNDRED TIMES MORE FOOD EACH YEAR THAN THE ENTIRE HUMAN RACE COULD POSSIBLY REQUIRE OR USE. Having been endowed with the priceless gift and faculty—"which enables us to think"—and thereby to exist on a slightly higher mental plane than the animals of the field,—"whose thought processes consist wholly of physical impulses and desires,"—why must we be forced to waste this precious gift in living lives of no greater usefulness than the swine in their pigpens? WHY MUST THE MAJORITY OF THE WORLD'S "THINKING CREATURES" BE FORCED BY A HANDFUL OF UTTERLY SELFISH HUMAN BEINGS, TO LEAVE NO MORE WORTHY RECORD OF THEIR EXISTENCE "THAN THE CAST-OFF PHYSICAL BODY" TO WHICH THEY HAVE BEEN COMPELLED TO DEVOTE THEIR ENTIRE THOUGHTS, EFFORTS AND LIVES—(TO FEED, CLOTHE, AND HOUSE IT)—AND YET, WHICH, WHEN THEY DIE, DOES NOT OF ITSELF LEAVE ANY GREATER OR MORE LASTING PROOF OF ITS VALUE, THAN THE PHYSICAL BODY OF EVEN THE LEAST INTELLIGENT OF GOD'S CREATURES? Surely there must be some more permanent proof,—"than just their cast-off physical bodies,"—that the people of each generation can leave in evidence of the fact that they possessed "the faculty of thought,"—even if such proof consisted only in larger and more beautiful parks, more inspiring poems, songs and paintings capable of raising the level of thought of our descendants slightly above that which we occupied! After all of men's thousands of years of endless struggles,—"out of complete and utter mental darkness and animalic desires,"—to a level upon which they have made such marvelous discoveries that,—if they would use them,—they would no longer need to give even "a pa**ing thought" to how they are going to get food or clothes or homes,—surely the people of this enlightened age are worthy of such discoveries! WHY SHOULDN'T WE MEASURE UP TO THE LIMITLESS POTENTIALITIES OF PROGRESS, STRETCHING ETERNALLY BEFORE OUR GAZE, AND CEASE THINKING ON A LEVEL WITH THE HERDS OF SWINE WHICH OCCUPY OUR PIGPENS? Surely,—even though we have made an art of such things,—we can occasionally raise our thoughts above food, or clothes,—what we are going to wear or how we are going to dress our hair,—the shape or design of our shoes—or the variety and preparation of our food,—and have time to give some slight thought to the discovery of what talents we may possess, and to their development, that we may leave some worthy evidence of having been thinking creatures,—when we finally pa** on beyond the gaze of our a**ociates. Why must we,—who call ourselves "The Children of God," and "Intelligent Thinking Beings,"—spend our entire lives working to feed and perpetuate an economic system which raises to its positions and offices of leadership, those men and women who have least advanced beyond the level of the lowest forms of animal life, and whose every impulse and ambition consists of the "swinish lusts of the flesh,"—an insane driving force which causes them to use all of their wealth and power and influence, solely for the accumulation of vast quantities of food, clothes and luxuries, which neither they nor their children, nor their "children's children," could possibly consume or use,—even with the most fully developed of depraved appetites,—during a period of thousands of years? Why do we raise those who are still no more than animals,—in their thinking processes,—to positions of leadership, and give them the power to keep the rest of us on a level of life where we are forced to waste our priceless natural talents and thought faculties upon ways and means of getting even "the barest necessities" of life? Why, when every boy or girl in every civilized nation on this globe, dreams of great accomplishments and goals worthy of intelligent creatures, must they be forced, even before they have attained to their maturity, to adjust their ambitions to studies and mental development unworthy of any creatures other than wolves or pigs? Why must they be forced to learn only those things which will enable them,—like wolves tearing at each other's throats, or pigs pushing other pigs aside with their snouts,—to express their priceless faculty of thought solely for the accumulation of food, clothes and material possessions, when our present-day machinery could produce a hundred times more of these things than the entire human race could possibly consume? WITH BUT A SMALL PERCENTAGE OF THE EARTHS INHABITANTS REQUIRED TO DEVOTE THEIR THOUGHTS AND EFFORTS,—(LARGELY IN A SUPERVISORY CAPACITY),—THE WORLD'S MARVELOUS INVENTIONS, "FULLY USED," COULD RESULT IN A PRODUCTION OF SUCH VAST QUANTITIES OF THE SO-CALLED NECESSITIES AND LUXURIES OF LIFE, THAT MEN WOULD NO LONGER BE OBLIGED TO GIVE ANY MORE THOUGHT TO THEIR ACCUMULATION, THAN THEY WOULD TO THE ACCUMULATION OR STORAGE OF THE AIR WE BREATHE. Is it not "barely possible" that man freed from the endless struggle for food,—(which would eternally keep him on a level with the lowest forms of animal life),—might possibly make discoveries, and produce results in the form of engineering and cultural attainments worthy of the creative quality of mentality with which he is indisputably endowed? With thousands of millions of men and women—all freed and enabled to release the creative qualities of their thoughts in grand and noble attainments- is it not possible,—(compared to the results of the few dozen men and women who now leave a record of outstanding accomplishments each century),—that the sum total attainments of the people,—"not just of each century, but of every generation,"—might be so startlingly grand, and gloriously beautiful, that there would shortly come to pa** the fulfillment of Christ Jesus' teachings, and men might learn that "The Kingdom of Heaven is not afar off," neither "up nor down,"—"East nor West"—"North nor South," "but here at hand," and ready at any time to be "fully expressed?" WHEN THE GREAT MASTER STATED,—"THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN IS WITHIN YOU,"—SURELY HE DID NOT MEAN THE BONES AND MEMBRANES, NOR THE BLOOD WHICH FLOWS THROUGH OUR BODIES; HE COULD ONLY HAVE MEANT "OUR CREATIVE FACULTY OF THOUGHT," AND THROUGH THE EXPRESSION OF WHICH, ENDLESS DISCOVERIES OF GLORIOUS BEAUTY WOULD BE ALWAYS AT HAND FOR US TO ENJOY. IS IT SACRILEGIOUS THEN TO THINK THAT MEN MIGHT EVEN OVERCOME "DEATH ITSELF," INASMUCH AS CHRIST JESUS RAISED THE DEAD AND REFERRED TO DEATH AS "AN ENEMY" WHICH WE WOULD EVENTUALLY DESTROY? Is it not possible that sickness and all of its causes would shortly be done away with, and that grief and human suffering would no longer be a concomitant of life, if men were no longer filled with the fear of poverty, and could unite their talents for purposes other than the mere accumulation of food? Men and women who are truly grateful that they possess the faculties of "thought,"—instead of merely an accumulation of the lower forms of animal instincts and desires,—should "combine" their talents, strength, and "entire resources,"—and if necessary, "dedicate their very lives" to the establishment of an economic system which will no longer invite into public office, any man or woman motivated by the slightest particle of selfish personal desire for wealth or power. IS IT NOT TIME THAT SUCH OF THE WORLD'S POPULATION AS ARE DESIROUS OF THE PRIVILEGES OF FREEDOM OF THOUGHT, SPEECH AND ACTION, FINALLY UNITE THEIR STRENGTH IN ONE GREAT BODY, ENCIRCLING THE ENTIRE EARTH, AND NO LONGER REQUEST, "BUT DEMAND," THE RIGHT TO LIVE AS INTELLIGENT CREATURES SHOULD LIVE, AND TO BE GRANTED THE BENEFITS OF THE INVENTIONS AND DEVELOPMENTS OF RECENT YEARS, THAT THEY MIGHT NO LONGER BE FORCED TO WASTE THEIR ENTIRE LIVES IN STRUGGLING FOR THOSE THINGS WHICH CAN,—TO A LARGE EXTENT,—BE PRODUCED BY NON-THINKING MACHINES? Recognizing the fact that there are hundreds of millions of industrious and intelligent clear-thinking men and women, who are fully aware of the availability of economic freedom and complete financial independence, would we be worthy of receiving such freedom, if we were unwilling to become acquainted with such people, and to a**ociate with them? Knowing that over two hundred million (200,000,000) intelligent and industrious men and women can receive the message contained in this bulletin within a matter of months,—as each one to whom it is given a**umes the responsibility of placing it in the hands of others,—and knowing that when said number of people have received this announcement, that information will then be placed in their hands which will enable them to form into "one vast united working force;"—knowing that when this world-wide organization has been fully formed, the buying power of its members will exceed one thousand million dollars ($1000,000,000.00) per day,—(based upon their actual cash expenditures at this time),—and knowing that with this buying power, such an organization, "equally-owned" and "equally-controlled" by each of its two hundred million (200,000,000) members, could vote into existence a system which would permanently outlaw—"not only war—but also poverty;"—KNOWING THESE THINGS, ARE WE SO "DULL OF MIND" AND "BROKEN OF SPIRIT," THAT WE HAVE NEITHER THE MENTAL ENERGY NOR PHYSICAL VITALITY LEFT, WITH WHICH TO RAISE OUR VOICES IN BEHALF OF SUCH A RESULT? The International Institute of Universal Research and Administration believes that the right-thinking, clear-minded men and women of the world, are awake to the potentialities and possibilities of "world-wide unity of action," not as a conglomeration of antagonistic movements, but as "a world-wide a**ociation of intelligent men and women" meeting on the common ground of identical aspirations and ideals of true brotherhood and freedom; and irrespective of race, color, cla**, or religious beliefs, willing to become part owners in a world-wide corporation capable of supplying their individual as well as their collective needs;—two hundred million (200,000,000) men and women willing to occupy positions with said corporation, in accordance with their individual talents and training, and willing, after expending of their respective abilities, to receive an equal share of the sum total products of their united labors. Just as thinking creatures make no complaint over the amount of air breathed by their fellow beings, nor have any desire to receive a greater abundance of air than another, so likewise should we be intelligent enough to realize that when the necessities and luxuries of life are produced in such large quantities that we could not even use "the smallest part" of our own share of them, we need hardly begrudge others the privileges of similar abundance.