Anthony Wayne - Major General Anthony Wayne to the Indians lyrics


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Anthony Wayne - Major General Anthony Wayne to the Indians lyrics

Grenville, 14th January 1794. To the Chiefs and warriors of the Delawares, Shawanees and Miami Nations or Tribes of Indians & all others whom it may concern. Brothers, I have received your verbal message sent by Stephen Young, George White Eyes and another warrior who were accompanied by Mr. Robert Wilson, as Your Interpreter. If peace is your object & the wish and desire of your hearts why did not you or some of the principal chiefs of your nation or Nations come forward and speak for yourselves? The Ears and Heart of the President of the United States (General Washington) are ever open to the voice of peace, & he has intrusted me his chief Warrior to listen to that welcome voice from whatever quarter it may come, provided it comes from proper authority and from the Heart. But as you have only sent a verbal Message by your Runners, and as the Delawares, Shawanees, Miamis and Wyandots have for a long time shut their Ears and hardened their hearts so as not to permit that good voice to enter or to be heard, altho often repeated at different times & by several paths & strongly & loudly re-echoed by the commissioners of Congress & by all the Chiefs of the Six Nations a**embled in Council at the Rapids of the Miamis of the Lake last Summer. It will be necessary that you give convincing & unequivocal proofs of your sincere wish & desire for peace by bringing & delivering up all & every of the American or White Prisoners now in your possession to the officer commanding at Fort Recovery, i. e. on the same ground where the action of the 4th of November 1791, took place & that on or before the next full moon which will be on the 14th of February i. e.--; in the course of thirty days from & after this date & immediately sending off Runers to call in & restrain all and every of your warriors from committing any Murders, Robberies or depredations, upon any of the Inhabitants or Citizens of the United States or upon any Escort, Party or Parties of Troops on their way to or from any of our Posts or Garrisons wheresoever or whatsoever. In the meantime the path shall be kept open so that you may have a free communication between your Town & Fort Recovery (the late field of Battle) the only path by which you can come always taking care to show a white Flag which my Warriors are ordered to pay particular respect & to receive you as Friends & to guard you safe from harm or danger both in coming to that place and from thence here, & in returning to your Towns. All foregoing conditions being punctually complied with upon your part I shall then be convinced of your peaceable dispositions & my heart & arms will be open to receive and meet you at this place on or before the 14th February the day above mentioned in order to fix and determine upon a proper time and place for holding a General Treaty. In the meantime it is to be well & perfectly understood that the progress of this army is not to be retarded or molested in its advancing but shall be permitted to move peaceably & quietly with all its aperatus, provisions and stores & every article & thing necessary for holding the Treaty. Thus will the door be opened for establishing a permanent and lasting peace founded upon former Treaties & on the solid basis of honor, equity & justice & to the mutual interest & satisfaction of all parties. And thus will the war hatchet be buried so deep that it can never again be found. From your Friend & Brother Anthony Wayne, Major General & Commander in Chief of the Army of the United States of America.